6'\\ O\~ t~~'t'~ ~'ftt Nt~ .. · ai ornifA to~\t VOLUME LXXXIX NUMBER 11 PASAD~NA, CALIFORNIA F~ IDAY 8 JANUARY 1988 Bee man Institute Displacement by David Lipin the Los Angeles Times and the Star Thirty-eight students were relo- News. Caltech has received be­ cated to other homes last month so tween 40 and 50 responses from in­ construction could begin on the terested parties, of whom they new $35 million Beckman Institute. estimate only 10 to 15 will have the The Beckman Institute will be proper qualifications. a new facility for biochemistry Even though the houses are research or, more specifically, in- free, acquiring the proper qualifi­ terdisciplinary research on the in- cations is rather expensive. To be terface between biology and qualified, the party must have a chemistry. The Institute's first plot of land for the house, proper Director will be Professor of moving permits, a professional Chemistry Harry Gray. relocation contractor, and an ar- Dedication of the Beckman In- chitect/engineer to oversee any stitute is scheduled for October, necessary disassembling and reas­ ~989, ~o groundwork is beginning sembling of the house. The party unmedmtely. One ofthe first stages must also sign a contract releasing of construction will be to remove Caltech from any liability involved the houses which currently occupy with the transaction. Houses not re­ the land on which the Institute will moved by April 1st will, however, be built. A total of 16 houses will be demolished. have to be removed: 5 on Con- Two houses will remain on the stance, 5 on Wilson, 4 on Lura, block being cleared for the Insti­ and 2 on Michigan. tute. One of them is the Environ- Rather than demolish the mental Quality Lab, and the other houses, Caltech is offering them is the Tolman-Bacher House, for relocation free-of-charge. Ad- which will become the residence of vertisements have been placed in continued on page 2 If you had to drop AMa95, whom would you rather have sign your drop card? Assistant Dean Marda Collett, on left, arrives in Pasadena to guide and inspire the students of Caltech. Senior Class President Rich Arrieta listens in. Collett Found in Dean's Office by Stephen Lew have small student populations. Ifyou have some time, stop on Ifthe urge to stop by the Dean's On the honor system, "I've been by the Dean's office. "I'd like to office to have an add/drop card at schools that have honor meet as many students as possible," signed hasn't overcome you yet, systems... , but I am impressed by says Marda. For those of you you may not have noticed that there how enthusiastic everyone is ..." As wondering, Marda can sign your is a new face in the Assistant for Caltech, she likes it so far and add/drop cards and the various and Dean's office. With Jeanne Noda is intrigued by what Gary and sundry petitions just like Jeanne or on sabbatical until July 4th, Mar­ Jeanne have told her. "[Caltech] Gary. "You'll have to bear with me, da Collett ("pronounced like gives me an opportunity to work .. .1 just started on Monday." wallet") will be filling in as Assis­ with a new type of student." Her Marda has a husband, Tom, tant Dean. previous appointments had dealt whom she met at Dartmouth. Tom Marda Collett recently moved primarily with business and liberal is a Financial Analyst for Arco. to Southern California from the arts students. They live in Recondo Beach. East Coast where she held a posi­ tion as the Assistant Dean of Ad­ missions at Amos Tuck School of Business Administration of Dart­ Amazing Jeff Wants mouth College in New Hampshire. Though she will be here only temporarily, Marda is well New Blood qualified for the position. She by Jeff Tekanic questions. received her Master's Degree in Well kids, believe it or not, it is For those of you who are still Educational Administration from time for ASCIT elections again. interested, the schedule for Harvard and was the Assistant This time, however, instead ofjust nominations and elections is as Dean at Wheelock College in a single office or a recall up for follows: Boston. election, we are going to wipe the 1) Nominations for ASCIT Small institutions appeal to slate clean and replace everyone. President and Treasurer will open If a tree falls at Caltech during vacation, whom does Housing charge? Marda. She graduated from Colby, That is right, it's what you have Wed., Jan. 13 and close Tues., photos by Steve Lodge a small college in Maine. been waiting for. ..the '87-'88 Jan. 19. The election will be held Wheelock and Amos Tuck both ASCIT Board ofDirectors "Going Fri., Jan. 22 (that's correct, only out of Business" elections. two weeks from today). The For those of you who are un- nomination procedure consists of familiar with the procedure for turning in a signed statement to ASCIT general elections (and are Eric Scharin, ASCIT Secretary, Caltech Tele Garners Awards too lazy to look it up for yourself 1-53, and putting your name on the in the ASCIT by-laws in the little ASCIT election sign-up sheet on [CNB] - The Mechanical Universe, episode was chosen as the recipient plied physics at Caltech. Dr. t), here is a brief summary of what the Master's door. Those who have an introductory college-level of The Japan Prize, which is voodstein, who is the creator ofthe is going to happen: their act together can get a personal physics telecourse, has been presented by NHK-the Japan telecourse, adds that "The pro­ The elections for ASCIT Presi- statement published in the Tech in awarded a prestigious international Broadcasting Corporation. The grams are playing a significant role dent and Treasurer are held first, either the Jan. 15 or Jan. 22 issue award, and an episode of Beyond contest, held every two years, in the quiet revolution that's going with the general election two weeks if they submit them by Jan. 13 or the Mechanical Universe has been seeks to promote the advancement on in televised higher education." later. The offices on the general Jan. 20, respectively. honored with an audio-visual infor­ ofeducational broadcast program­ On a dozen occasions the TV ballot include ASCIT Vice- 2) Nominations for the general mation industry award. ming around the world as well as industry has honored The President/Board ofControl Chair- election will open Wed., Jan. 27 to foster greater cooperation Mechanical Universe, which was man, ASCIT Secretary, IHC and close Tues., Feb. 2. The elec­ Last month in Tokyo, one of among nations. It is also widely first broadcast in the fall of 1985, Chairman, Upperclass Director-at- tion will be held Feb. 5. These can­ the 52 programs in The Mechanical regarded as the only international and Beyond the Mechanical Large, Freshman Director-at- didates will also have the option of Universe series won the top prize competition established specifically Universe, which was first aired last Large, Director of Social Ac- submitting a statement to the Tech. in the 16th Japan Prize Interna­ for educational radio and television spring and will be rebroadcast on tivities, Athletic Chairman, Ac- They are due the Wed. before each tional Educational Program Con­ programming. Fridays at 6 pm on Channel 58 in tivities Chairman, Board of Con- Issue. test. Also this fall, an episode en­ "The honors for these two Los Angeles beginning February trol Secretary, and California Tech If anyone has any interest or titled "The Atom" was awarded the episodes underscore a growing ap­ 19. The programs, ~sponsored by Editors. A description of all these questions, contact me or stop by Silver Cindy award, an Association preciation for The Mechanical the Annenberg/CPB Project and offices, as well as the names of the one ofour weekly ASCIT meetings of Visual Communicators honor Universe and its successor, Beyond co-produced by Caltech and current officers, can be found in (Tues. nights, 10 pm, Master's of­ that is considered to be the Oscar the Mechanical Universe," says Southern California Consortium, the little t. Feel free to contact fice) and see the ASCIT political of its industry. David L. Goodstein, vice provost have been telecast on more than either myself (x6236) or any ofthe machine in action. Once again, "The Lorentz Transformation" and a professor of physics and ap- 100 stations across the country. ASCIT officers if you have any thank you for your support. 2THE CALIFORNIA TECH FRIDAY 8 JANUARY 1988 Beckman, cont. ASCIT Minutes from page 1 ASCIT minutes 10:05 PM Jan. 5, on Tues., Feb. 9. the Director of the Beckman In­ 1988. Installations are on Tues., Feb. stitute. 1. The ASCIT copier is for 16. The houses that need to be re­ anyone's use. The copicards still Interested undergraduates moved were until recently part of cost money though, so please place should sign up on the door of the the Caltech housing pool. There them into the spent card box next Master's Office and send a signed were 19 undergraduates, 18 gradu­ to the machine when they are ex­ nomination to Eric Scharin, ASCIT ates (not including 2 spouses and hausted and do not throw them Secretary, 1-53. 2 children), and one post-doc relo­ away. 3. ASCIT has big bucks - Thu cated to other housing at the end of 2. Nominations for ASCIT estimates over $20,000. Eric wants first term this year. president and treasurer open on a PA system for ASCIT, Thu sug­ All of the displaced people Wed., Jan.
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