JAMES GILMORE HARRISO Golf Course Architect CJtfL Either Contract or F e GOLF COURSE ARCHI ECT ",ber: Ameri(an Society of Golf (ourse Ar(hitects E G EE ,,"d CO SULTA T R. D. #3. BOl[ 372 Turtle Cre • Po. PLA S ISIO • SPECIFIC TlO S Phone - Volley 3225 Suburb of Pith burg formerly astern ale representative for Gary teel Product Corp., becomes th first ale mana er of this company, founded to upply priced power lawn mower to larg merchandisin operation de irin machine to retail under their own brand name. "Large merchandising firms r port incr asing enthusiasm on the HYPER-HUMUS IN part of th public for all type of r liable Us rs of power mowers both r el and rotary," Hyp r - Humu , stat d Ir, 0' eill. •"Phi specially ap- pr du t of th pli s to 1 " and 21" mower suitable for Hyp r - Humu u e by mall hom owners," he tated. Co., of N wton, N. J., will b in- ASE ALL FO GOLF RANGES t r st d in th announc m n t Fred Wright, 22 iddlese Rd., Water- that it is now town, Mas ., v teran noted amateur golfer, being old in a i marketing a ba eball pitching machine n w package. which wa ucce fully introduc d at hi Bag mad of own golf practice range at Medford, Ma s. sturdy, natural The machin pitche a ball at medium color kraft peed. Ball are batted into a canvas back pap r, coat d in- and th ntir d vice is nclo d in a sid with th af ty n t. Ball ar durable and have new synth tic a washabl cov r. The device is made for r sin, poly thy- indoor as well a outdoor use. The floor len, will pre- of th d vic is inclined so the balls roll serve this soil back into the machine. It is fully auto- conditioner for long periods. Th multiwall matic. Wright ay that revenue pIO- bag is moisture proof and greas proof duc d by th machm at a good golf range and te ts have shown that Hyper-Humus in tallation pays for it in a short tim remains moist in th bags, ther is prac- H '11 gladly end furth r details. tically no loss in weight ov r a long period, and xtr mely rough treatm nt causes no JACO SEN ACQUIRES RON NCO appr ciabl damag. Siz s of the bags will The Jacobs n anufacturing Co. of be 20, 50, 0 and 100 pounds. Bulk ship- Racin , Wis., ha purchas d th xclusiv ments are still available in truc'tload and manufacturing and sale right covering carload lots to large users of Hyp r-Humu . the principle products of Ronnco Products, Inc. of inneapoli, Minn., it has be n an- TORO APPOINT NEW SALES MANAGER nounced by E. A. Jacobsen, vic -pres, FOR BRAND MFG. CO. SUBSIDI RY and g n. mgr. of the company. Engineer- Appointment of John R. O'Neill as sales ing details, tools, dies, jigs, fixtures and manager for Brand Manufacturing Com- machinery us d in the manufactur of the pany, a Toro subsidiary, has been an- Ronnco 36-inch power scythe and the nounced by Robert W. Gibson, vice-pres. Ronnco I af mill are included in the and gen. sales mgr. of Toro Manufactur- transaction according to Jacobsen. All ing Corp., Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. O'Neill, machinery and mat rials involv d have 1949 E. 75th Street CHICAGO 49, ILLINOIS May, 1950 111 been transferred to the Jacobsen plant to the damaging effect of fingerprint alt. at Racine, where production will be start- I ust and corro ion giving a Iu tr to ed during the month of May. woods or irons, stainle st I and chrom A novel feature of this new addition to finishes. Penetrating action of ilicot pr - the broad Jacobsen line is the adaptabil- t cts leath r from cracking and drying and ity of the basic power unit to other uses, serves as a preservativ a well a p li h r probably the most important of which is for the leath r grip and golf bag. At- the leaf mill. This ingenious device picks tractively packaged in thermoplastic- up leaves, grinds them into small parti- sealed bags, in colorful "self-selling" di - cles, returning them to the soil with their play carton, this should b a live it. m for valuable humus and mineral ingredients. pr shop sales. According to Jacobsen, separate power driven leaf disposal units will be de- veloped for the park and cemetery mar- J950 STANDARD "GOLFBALL" WASHER ket, which will supply additional outlets HAS MANY NEW FEATURES for the products of the Racine plant in The new 1950 Standard "Golfball" what would otherwise be an off-season. washer, adv rtised in thi i sue, by th Also, a lawn mower attachment will be Standard Mfg. Co. of C dar Falls, Iowa, available and the addition of a snow incorporat s many feature not found in blower to the line is contemplated. Jacob- previous models. Among the impro e- sen dealers everywhere will be directly ments is a n w sealing m thod which not benefited by the availability of these new only forms a water tight seal but doubl s products, which will be added to the the water capacity Fingers on the ball present broad Jacobsen line of hand and impeller ar now shap d to turn the balls power lawn mowers. in all dir ctions as they are rotat d- The rubber scrubber strips and side rub- SILICOTE CADDIE CLOTH, ber plates are now s curely attach d to NEW PRO SHOP ITEM aluminum backs so that they cannot work Silicote Caddie Cloth is a new item pros loose or get out of position and can be will want to consider when adding new easily replaced when worn out. The com- items to their stock of accessories. It's the pany guarantees this n w "Ballwa her" newest addition to the Silicote line of sili- to give a full year of normal service on cone products, sometimes referred to as any golf course without adjustment or the "modern miracle", manufactured by r pairs. Standard Mfg. Co. also an- Silicote Corp., Oshkosh, Wis. The Silicote nounces that any "BaUwashers" previous- Caddie Cloth is soft, odorless and provides ly built, if returned to the plant, will be a thin, impermeable film to any surface, r built, incorporating all the new f atures, rendering the treated surface impervious without charg for labor, or material . C A Rates: Minimum insertion $4.00 for 20 words: additional words 20c: each. Bold face type. 25c. per word. Classified eels, reserved for help or services wanted and for sale of used equipment. Fir,l.cla ~ man looking for job a Pro or Pro-Gre n- keeper with good club, A good player with 8 fin r p- u tnt.ion a. in tru ctor. shop operator, golf promoter : nd mn inte nn nce u purvisor, P.G .. member with e • {'f'lIent credit rating. Highly 1'0 omm nded. Addres .\d 507, Co Golfdom. 112 ADVERTISERS GO F o 1 9 0 Acushnet Process Sales Co. 2nd Cover Justice, Dave W. 8 American Agric. Chemical Co., The 101 K1Og, Irvin 95 American Liquid Fertilizer Co., Inc., Th 102 Klearflax Lmen Looms 22 Arland 108 Kosar's Golf Development Laboratory 26 Ashland Rubber Door Mat Co. 103 86 Associated Chemists, Inc. 102 ~~~\1~In~~~~~~y,The 93 Balanced Golf Bag. Inc. 33 Lamkin L ather Company 51 Balmforth, Ltd., E. B. 87 Lane Company, Edwin W. 96 Ben & Son, Wilham P. 107 Langford, Wllliam B. 104 Brearley Company, The 83 Lewis Company, G. B. 10 Bredar & Co., B. H. 94 Linck Co., Inc., O. E. 23 Buckner Manufacturing Co. 6 Lotshaw Company, Andy 99 Burke Golf, Inc, 61 MacGregor Golf Company 48, 49 Carbid and Carbon Chemicals Division Mallinckrodt Chemical Works 13 Union Car bid and Carbon Corporation 9 anufacturer's Sp dalty Co., Inc. 31 Chamberlin etal Products . 89 McClain Brothers Company 100, 104 Champion Manufacturing Co. 32 McDonald & Son Golf Company 108 Chicago Wheel & fg. Compan 33 McGovern, J. B. 105 Clark, Inc., Charles F.. 65 Melflex Products Company 95 Club Equipment s Supply Co. 29 Merchants Tir Company 97 Columbia Chemical Co., Inc. 16 Michigan Peat. Inc. 101 Con olidated Industries, Inc. 18 MinH an Mats 105 Cue-Putt Manufacturing Co. 87 onroe Company, The 103 D. B. A. Products Company 32 Murdo Mfg. & Supply Co., The 102 Dargie Golf Company, Bert 103 Neumann s Co., R. 31 Davis, Inc., Gorge A. 23 Northern Golf Ball Company 93,96, 105 Dennis Company, artin 27 Old Orchard Turf Nurseries 104 Des Moines Glove & Mfg. Co. 69 Palm Beach Co. 88 Dow Chemical Company, The .. 19 Par-Inc. 92, 111 Dual Tred Mat Company 29 Par-Tube 98 Dunlop Tire & Rubber Corporation 85 Perry's Greens Spiker 4 duPont deNemours s ce.. Inc., E. 1. Phillip , F. C. 24 S me san Division 58, 59 Powers Regulator Co., The 12 Eastern Golf Company 99 Pro-Shu Company 30 Eaton Company, Charles A. 74, 75 Rhode Island Textile Co. 97 Ederer Company, R. J. 24 Roseman Mower Corporation 8 Farquhar Company, A. B. 11 Rowles Glov Company 98 Fawick Flexi-Grip Company 67 Royer Foundry & Machine Co. 14 Ferguson & Sons 20 Saratoga Laboratories, Inc. 20 Field s Flint Company 79 Schendel, A. C. 104 Fonken Manufacturing Co. 17 Scott s Sons Co., O.
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