GEDLIST Copyright by The American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, International (AHSGR). All rights reserved. Compiled August 1, 2018, from GEDCOMS submitted to The American Historical Society of Germans from Russia. International (AHSGR) Submit corrections to: [email protected] None of this data may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. For information about obtaining a copy of this data, contact The American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, International (AHSGR); www.ahsgr.org Click the back button on your browser to return to the GEDLIST home page. Birth/*Chr Date and Place not listed for living persons! Surname, Given | Birth or *Chr Date | Birth or *Chr Place | Death or *Burial Date | Death or *Burial Place C, Danette -B899 C, Edison -S1395 C, Edwin -S1395 C., Sarah -L303 1866 1895 Liberty Cemetery; Shelbyville, Indiana C.C.WEIS, -F224 CAALIM, Edward -K147 CABANISS, Michael -M-F170 Jan-64 CABEL, Conrad -O074 CABEL, Wendy -B483 CABINESS, Jane (Jincy) -G506 Abt 1775 CABLE, Alice Adelpa -S329 CABLE, Gordon -R210 CABLE, Louise Dinvee -C134 7-Feb-49 Winchester, Wolf Co, Kentucky CABLE, Robert -C134 Abt 1925 CABRALOFF, Armand -S850 Private CABRERA, Blaise -L277 1882 CABRERA, Marie-Rose -L277 29-Nov-12 Algiers, Algeria 27-Mar-54 Algiers, Algeria CACEK, Edward -C-C032 CACICIA, Charles -P-F027 22-Aug-08 Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon 22-May-69 Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon CACICIA, Jean Marie -P-F027 31-Jul-34 Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon CADD, Alvin E -P-U035 CADD, Patrica Gladys -P-U035 20-Sep-39 Camas, Washington CADDENHEAD, Doloras -L224 CADE, E S -S329 CADE, Eliza -S329 1869 31-Aug-01 Pearl, Pike, Illinois, United States CADE, Eva -H475 CADEY, Emma -W386 Abt 1830 Frank, Saratov, Volga, Russia , Russia CADIEOU, Joan -H402 CADIEOU, Joan -M-F170 CADLE, Galen Eugene -M-F170 17-Oct-46 Torrington, Wyoming CADLEY, Steve CADMAN, Leslie -W414 CADOLL, Ed -S690 CADOTTE, Jacqueline -H599 CADOTTE, Jacqueline -H599 CADOW, Zoe Amy -D193 CADRETT, John -P-S041 CADRIAN, Paul -P-F119 CADRIN, Paul -K047 CADVETTE, Ken E -D240 CADWALADER, Harry -C185 CADWALLADER, Albert Bruce -S329 10-Dec-10 21-Nov-83 CADWALLADER, Margaret -J117 CADWELL, Abigail -P-H042 26 Nov 1670 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut CADWELL, Edward -P-H042 1 Nov 1660 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut West Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut CADWELL, Elizabeth -P-H042 1 Dec 1672 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut CADWELL, Hannah -F224 18 Aug 1729 West Hartford, Ct 5 May 1796 West Hartford, Ct CADWELL, Hannah -P-H042 22 Aug 1677 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut CADWELL, Mary -F224 3 Sep 1732 West Hartford, Ct 25 Apr 1804 West Hartford, Ct CADWELL, Mary -P-H042 8 Jan 1659 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut 9 Nov 1736 CADWELL, Mathew -P-H042 5 Oct 1668 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut CADWELL, Matthew -F224 10 Jul 1725 West Hartford, Ct 11 Aug 1773 Hartford Co., Ct CADWELL, Mehitabel -P-H042 12 Jan 1679/1680 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut 17 Aug 1749 CADWELL, Samuel -P-H042 30 Apr 1675 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut CADWELL, Thomas -F224 CADWELL, Thomas -P-H042 Abt 1630 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut 9 Oct 1694 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut CADWELL, Thomas -P-H042 5 Dec 1662 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut CADWELL, William -P-H042 14 Jul 1665 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut CADY, Ernest -S690 CADY, Guilford -M-D196 19 Apr 1869 North Royalton, Ohio Abt 1940/1941 CADY, Joyce -P-H149 Abt 1930 CADY, Mildred Jeanette -M-D196 12-Feb-02 Barberton, Ohio 20-May-79 Portland, Multnomah, Oregon CADY, Roxie Ann -W097 CAESAR, Catherine Ann -F034 22-Mar-63 CAESAR, Gordon Moritz -F034 6-Mar-14 CAESARE, Ann -P-L023 13-Oct-35 Gary, Indiana CAESARE, Ann -S176 CAETTA, Katherine -C-W360 CAFFALL, Curtis -R312 CAFFERTY, Ellis -K165 CAFOUREK, Kim -H387 CAHILL, Cheryl April -B188 11-Apr-44 Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas CAHILL, Helen A -L461 1899 1993 CAHILL, Mary -P-C020 CAHILL, Murrill -P-R178 CAHILL, Sean Patrick -W722 CAHOON, Evalyn E -P-Y015 CAHOON, Irene -P-T082 CAHOON, Mathew -P304 CAHOY, Benjamin A -P-C020 CAHOY, Elmer -S1165 16-Dec-28 CAHOY, Robert -P-C020 4-Aug-48 , Nebraska CAHOY, William -P-C020 21-Jan-47 , Nebraska CAIL, Diane -P-N045 CAIL, Larry -S1437 CAIL, Mark -S1437 1967 CAIL, Michele -S1437 2-Sep-65 CAILLAU, George -P-B359 CAILLE, Claude -H599 CAILLE, Claude -H599 CAILLE, Marie Jeanne -H599 Abt 1654 St-Nicholas-des-Champs, Paris, I'le de France, France 12 Mar 1734* Champlain, Champlain, Quebec* CAILLE, Marie Jeanne -H599 Abt 1654 St-Nicholas-des-Champs, Paris, I'le de France, France 12 Mar 1734* Champlain, Champlain, Quebec* CAIME, Elizabeth -P-S413 CAIME, Jacob -P-S413 CAIN, Andrew Stanton -T143 12-Nov-73 Prosser, Washington CAIN, Barbara Conti -P-D027 1-Feb-61 Seattle, King, Washington CAIN, Betty -P-D089 CAIN, Dorothy -R122 CAIN, Fred -S329 CAIN, Grace Juanita -P-W137 4-Nov-10 Offerle, Edwards, Kansas CAIN, Iva Luella -S329 20 Jan 1868 Bunkerhill, Miami, Indiana, United States CAIN, John Fletcher -S329 17 Jan 1831 Blackforn, Montgomery, Virginia, United States 18-Jan-19 Bunkerhill, Miami, Indiana, United States CAIN, Joseph Newton -P-W137 CAIN, Kimberly Kay -H436 4-Apr-83 CAIN, Krissy Ann -H436 2-Sep-78 CAIN, Lucille -M-G188 CAIN, Mabel -R316 CAIN, Marvin -P-S421 CAIN, Nancy -S329 10 Dec 1863 CAIN, Suzanne -N090 15-Dec-63 Bridgeton, New Jersey CAIN, Tommy -H436 20-Dec-54 CAIN, Wilbur Carl -N127 CAIRD, Delbert -M-D153 CAIRE, Emilo -S622 CAIRE, Natasha Marie -S622 Oct-88 CAIRNS, Mary -L225 1825 1915 CAISTER, Susan Carol -C-B378 CAITO, Shannon Renee -D009 13-Jul-68 San Diego, , California, USA CAITO, Shannon Renee -D009 13-Jul-68 San Diego, , California, USA CAKE, Carol -U-W185 CAKE, Grace Anna -P-N045 CALABRIA, Mark -P-B283 CALAHAN, Berthilda -S329 27 Jun 1830 , Montgomery, Kentucky, United States 18 Feb 1872 Barry, Pike, Illinois, United States CALAHAN, Janelle -H402 CALAHAN, Janelle -M-F170 CALASCIBETTA, Danette Marie -C-A123 30-Jul-64 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States CALBI, Domenick Anthony -P-S145 CALDAWALDER, Webster Paul -B483 CALDEIRA, Winona -P-W175 CALDER, Barbara -K287 5-Jun-51 , , , Canada CALDER, Jennifer Melanie -B483 14-Aug-73 Heidelburg, Baden/Wuerttemberg, Germany CALDER, John Fagan -P-D157 CALDER, John -P-N031 CALDER, John -P-P083 CALDER, Kenneth Martin -B483 20-Dec-46 Keyser, Mineral, Wv CALDER, Leonard Ian -P-P083 21-Jul-39 Tuberose, Saskatchewan, Canada CALDER, Oral Calder -M-F170 Abt 1916 CALDER, Sally Ann -P-D157 3-Mar-38 Frederick, Wisconsin CALDERBANK, Mary -L211 CALDERWOOD, Robert J -P-C107 CALDWELL, Bert -S329 CALDWELL, Brandon Michael Williams -P-P083 17-Dec-85 Sacramento, Sacramento, California CALDWELL, -C-D041 CALDWELL, David -G055 CALDWELL, Dollie Augusta -M-H143 10-Sep-07 Aberdeen, , Washington 25-Oct-65 Raymond, , Washington CALDWELL, Dona Jean -P-C042 CALDWELL, Donna Jean -B475 CALDWELL, Fern -P-B526 CALDWELL, Grace Dorothy -P-P083 CALDWELL, Harry -D193 CALDWELL, Harry -P-H042 CALDWELL, Iola -K148 CALDWELL, Jean Lucille -G196 7-Feb-20 , Oklahoma CALDWELL, Jerry -K259 CALDWELL, Jerry -K259 CALDWELL, Kristen Marie -M455 Private CALDWELL, Margaret Aileen -G055 27-Apr-26 Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, United States CALDWELL, Margret -S815 18-Feb-47 CALDWELL, Mary Kay -P-J030 CALDWELL, Michael Thomas -P-P083 6-Jan-64 , Washington Dc CALDWELL, Mildred -P-D027 CALDWELL, Nell -J082 CALDWELL, Pearl -P-H042 CALDWELL, Ralph R -R061 CALDWELL, Regina -D193 CALDWELL, Roland -C-B442 CALDWELL, Sandra Ann -G179 8-Jan-61 CALDWELL, Sharron -P-C078 CALDWELL, Shirley M -M346 CALDWELL, Vinson -M234 CALDWELL, Virginia Fern -P-N115 CALE, Mildred June -P-B377 17-Jul-15 Herington, Kansas CALE, William Henry -P-B377 CALES, Ray -P-W203 CALFAS, John Thomas -K258 CALFOT, Andrew -P-D111 CALHOON, Cyril Ernest -G251 CALHOON, Edith Marie -D193 CALHOON, Ross Adam -D193 CALHOUN, Annaliese Claire -D226 15-Aug-83 CALHOUN, B F -S329 CALHOUN, Bill -P-D133 CALHOUN, Cathy S1426 10-May-67 Bethesda, Maryland CALHOUN, Cheryl Fay -P-B194 CALHOUN, Elizabeth -S329 CALHOUN, Greer Elisabeth -D226 8-Aug-86 CALHOUN, Hattie I -S329 CALHOUN, Jesse Sweet -P-T047 28 Feb 1836 CALHOUN, Kaysha -B431 CALHOUN, Marian -P-T047 4 Nov 1835 , Ohio 26-Feb-26 Smoky Hill, Ellis, Kansas CALHOUN, Mary Margaret -J077 CALHOUN, Nancy J -M120 CALHOUN, Roy -P-W137 CALHOUN, -S690 CALHOUN, Scott -D226 7-Dec-57 CALHOUN, Walter -S1426 19-Sep-34 Long Beach, California CALICOAT, Thelma Jean -P-S653 CALING, Erna -P-S282 CALKIN, Joel P -P-S416 CALKIN, Lloyd -P-T091 CALKIN, Neva Maurine -P-S416 6-Nov Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska CALKINS, Anna -H436 CALKINS, Cecil -L287 CALKINS, Dana Lynne -C189 18-May-61 Denver, Denver, CO CALKINS, Jerry Douglas -C266 CALKINS, Judge Harold -S778 CALKINS, Kenneth W -P-U001 CALKINS, Kenneth Wayne -C189 6-Sep-26 Evans, Weld, CO CALKINS, Levain Earl -S1383 1920 1975 CALKINS, Marie -P-D165 Abt 1864 CALKINS, -P-D165 CALL, Barbara Ann -W158 15-Jan-42 1980 CALL, Brandon Chase -P-C137 30-Mar-83 Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska CALL, Carly Jo -C183 17-Feb-88 Yakima, Yakima, Washington CALL, Casey Krug -C183 27-Feb-91 Yakima, Yakima, Washington CALL, Charles Justice -P-C137 CALL, Charles Lyle -C183 10-May-24 Afton, Lincoln, Wyoming 4-Feb-88 Tucson, Pima, Arizona CALL, Christian Joseph -C183 CALL, Danielle Elise -C183 11-May-81 PROVO, Utah, Utah CALL, Douglas -C183 3-Sep-49 CALL, Douglas Helen -E094 1-Jan-21 Bountiful, Davis, Utah 17-Feb-81 Oroville, California CALL, Emily Elizabeth -C183 23-Feb-83 PROVO, Utah, Utah CALL, Francis
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