BALLADS JAZZ/BIG BAND FUNK/MOTOWN, 70's/80's ROCK TOP 40 DANCE: 90's - CURRENT A ThousAnd YEArs- ChrisHnA Perri At Last- Etta James Ain't No MountAin High Enough- Marvin GAyE & TAmmi TErrEAll Right Now- Rod StEwArt 24k Magic- Bruno Mars All of Me- John Legend A Wink & A Smile- Harry Connick, JR. Ain't Too Proud To BEg- ThE TemptAHons AmEricAn Girl- Tom PeYy ApAchE- SugAr Hill Gang AmAZEd- Lonestar Blue Bossa- Kenny Dorham All Night Long- LionEl RichiE All SummEr Long- Kid Rock Bad Guy- Billie Eilish Because You LovEd Me- CElinE Dion Come Away With Me- Nora Jones Bad Girls- Donna SummEr Brown EyEd Girl- Van Morrison BlurrEd Lines- Robin Thicke & Pharrell Bless the BrokEn RoAd- RascAl FlAYs Don't Know Why- Nora Jones BEst Of My LovE- ThE EmoHons Don't Stop BeliEving- JournEy Boom Boom Pow- BlAck EyEd PEAs Can't Help Falling In LovE- Elvis PrEslEy Dream A Little Dream of Me- Ella FitzgeraldBoogiE OogiE OogiE- A TAstE of HonEy HArd to HAndlE- BlAck Crowes Bust A MovE- Young MC Could Not Ask For MorE- Edwin McCAin Everything- Michael Buble Brick HousE- ThE CommodorEs Lights- Journey Cake By The Ocean- DNCE CrAZy- PAtsy ClinE Fly Me to the Moon- Frank Sinatra Build Me Up BuYErcup- ThE FoundAHons Livin' On A PrAyEr- Bon Jovi CaliforniA Girls- Katy PErry CrAZy Love- VAn Morrison In the Mood- Glenn Miller BusHn' LoosE- Chuck Brown Lose Your LovE- Ou^ield CAll Me MaybE- CArly RaE JEpsEn ForEvEr Young- Rod StEwArt It Had to be You- Harry Connick, JR. CAn't TAkE My EyEs Off of You- FrAnkiE Valli Pour SomE SugAr On Me- DEf LEppArd Can't Hold Us- MacklEmorE From This MomEnt- ShAniA TwAin L.O.V.E.- Natalie Cole Cut the Cake- AverAge White BAnd SaHsfacHon- The Rolling StonEs CAn't FEEl My FAcE- ThE WEEknd HavE You EvEr BeEn In LovE- CEline Dion MoondAncE- VAn Morrisson DAncE to thE Music- Sly & thE Family StonE SeparAtE WAys- JournEy Can't Stop The FeEling- JusHn TimbErlAkE HavE I Told You Lately- Rod StEwart MeditAHon- Marcus AurElius DAncing QuEEn- ABBA Shook Me All Night Long- ACDC Closer- NEyo I Can't TakE My EyEs Off Of You- FrAnkiE VAlli Misty- EllA FitZgErAld DAncing in thE StrEEts- MarthA & The Vandellas SomE Kind of WondErful- GrAnd Funk Come On Eileen- SAve Ferris I Could Not Ask For MorE- Edwin McCAin My Funny VAlEnHnE- ChEt BAkEr Disco Inferno- The TrAmmps SummEr of 69- Bryan AdAms CounHng StArs- One Republic I Hope You Dance- LEAnn Womack RoutE 66- NAt King ColE Get Down Tonight- KC & The Sunshine Band SwEEt HomE AlAbAmA- Lynyrd SkynyrdCrAZy- GnArls BArklEy I LovEd Her First- HEArtlAnd SAvE thE LAst DAncE- MichAEl BublE GivE It To Me BAby- Rick JAmEs Two PrincEs- Spin Doctors CrAZy In Love- BeyoncE I'll AlwAys LovE My MamA- ThE IntrudErs Song for My FAthEr- HorAcE SilvEr How SwEEt it Is- JamEs TAylor WAlk This WAy- Aerosmith DJ Got Us FAlling in LovE- Usher I'll Be TherE- MariAh CArEy & TrEy LorEnZ SummErHmE- EllA FitZgErAld I Wanna DancE with SomEbody- Whitney Houston WhAt's Going On- Four Non Blondes Don't Stop The PArty- Pitbull If I Ain't Got You- AliciA KEys SummEr Wind- FrAnk SinAtrA I Want You Back- Jackson 5 DyAmite- TAio CruZ In My DAughtEr's EyEs- MarHnA McBridE TAkE thE "A" TrAin- DukE Ellington I Will SurvivE- Gloria GAynor FinEssE- Bruno Mars Into the MysHc- VAn Morrison ThAt’s AmorE- DEAn MarHn I Wish- StEvie Wonder FirEbAll- Pitbull In Your EyEs- PetEr GAbriEl ThE Girl From IpAnEmA- Antonio CArlos Jobi It TakEs Two- Rob Base SPECIALTY MUSIC ForgEt You- CEE Lo GrEEn Isn't She LovEly- StEvie Wonder ThE WAy You Look Tonight- FrAnk SinatrA Kiss- PrincE Auld LAng ZynE Gegn Jiggy With It- Will Smith Just the WAy You ArE- Bruno Mars UnforgEYable- Natalie & Nat King ColE Ladies Night- Kool & The Gang ChicAgo MedlEy GEt Lucky- DAh Punk Just The WAy You ArE- Billy JoEl Last DancE- Donna SummEr EAglEs Fight Song Good as Hell- LiZZo Let's StAy TogEthEr- Al GrEEn Let's GroovE Tonight- Earth, Wind and FirE HorA MedlEy Happy- PharrEll Lucky- ColbiE CAillAt & JAson MrAZ LovE NEvEr FElt So Good- MichAEl jackson MummErs March MedlEy Havana- Camila Cabelo MakE You FEEl My LovE- AdElE LovE Train- O'Jays PAtrioHc MedlEy Hot N Cold- KAty Perry Marry You- Bruno Mars MorE TodAy ThAn YEstErdAy- SpirAl Staircase Rocky ThEmE Song I Don't LikE It, I LovE It- Jason DErulo My Wish- RascAl FlAYs My First, My LAst, My EvErything- Barry WhitE I LikE It LikE That- BlAckout All-StArs Overjoyed- StEvie Wonder My Girl- ThE TEmptAHons I'vE Got A FEEling- BlAck EyEd PEAs PerfEct- Ed SheEran Oh WhAt A Night (DEc 1963)- ThE Four Seasons Jump Around- HousE of Pain Say You Won't LEt Go- JAmEs Arthur Pick Up ThE PiEcEs- AvErAgE WhitE BAnd Just Dance- Lady GagA SomEone LikE You- VAn Morrison PlAy ThAt Funky Music- Wild ChErry LEt Me ClEAr My ThroAt- DJ Cool SomEwherE OvEr thE Rainbow- Judy GArlAnd PYT- MichAEl JAckson Let's Get It StartEd- BlAck EyEd PEAs StAnd By Me- Ben E. King REmEmbEr ThE TimE- MichAEl JAckson Let's Get Loud- Jennifer LopEZ Sunday Morning- Maroon 5 RESPECT- ArEthA FrAnlin LikE A PrAyEr- MadonnA SwEEt PEA- Amos LEE Rhythm of thE Night- DE BArgE LockEd Out of HeAvEn- Bruno Mars Thinking Out Loud- Ed SheEran SEptEmbEr- EArth, Wind, And FirE Low- Flo RidA Through the YeArs- KEnny RogErs ShAkE Your Body Down- MichAEl JAckson Mo MonEy Mo ProblEms- Notorious BIG Unchained Melody- RightEous BrothErs Shout- The Isley Brothers Motown Philly- Boys II Men UnforgEYable- Nat King Cole & Natalie Cole Signed, Sealed, DElivErEd- StEvie WondEr MovEs LikE JAggEr- Maroon 5 WhAt A WondErful World- Louis Armstrong Sing A Song- EArth, Wind, And FirE Mr. BrightsidE- ThE Killers WhAt You Won't Do For Love- Bobby Caldwel Sir DukE- StEvie Wonder Mr. SAxobEAt- AlExAndrA StAn When I FAll In LovE- Nat King Cole Sugar Pie Honey Bunch- Four Tops My PrErogAHvE- Bobby Brown Wind BenEAth My Wings- BEYE MidlEr SupesHHon- StEvie Wonder No Diggity- BlackstrEEt WondErful Tonight- Eric ClApton SwEEt CArolinE- NEil DiAmond Nothin' Holdin' Me BAck- ShAwn MendE You ArE So BeauHful- Joe CockEr Turn thE BEAt Around- GloriA EstEfAn Onlyl Girl in the World- RihAnnA You ArE thE BEst Thing- Ray LAMontAgnE WAlkin' on SunshinE- KAtrinA & ThE WavEs PArty Rock AnthEm- LMFAO You MakE It EAsy- JAson AldEAn WE ArE FAmily- SistEr SlEdgE PlEAse Don't Stop The Music- RihAnnA You're SHl The One- Shania Twain We Don't HAvE To TAkE Our ClothEs Off- Jermaine StEwart Poison- BEll Biv DaBoE Your Song- Elton John/Ellie Goulding WE WAnt ThE Funk- PArliAmEnt PokEr FAcE- LAdy GAgA WhitE LinEs- GrAnd MastEr FlAsh Put Your HAnds Up- FAt Man Scoop You Can't Hurry Love- The Supremes RaisE Your GlAss- Pink You MakE Me FEEl LikE DAncin'- BEE Gees RappEr's DElight- Sugar Hill Gang You'rE ThE OnE For Me- D TrAin RathEr BE- ClEAn Bandit (JEss Glynne) You Should Be Dancin'- Bee Gees SantEria- SublimE Shut Up And DAncE- WAlk thE Moon Single Ladies- BeyoncE Smooth- Santana StAy- AlEssiA CArA SuckEr- Jonas Brothers SugAr- Maroon 5 Suit & Tie- JusHn TimberlakE ThAt's WhAt I LikE- Bruno Mars This Is How WE Do It- MontEll JordAn This Is WhAt You Came For- RihAnnA Timber- Kesha & Pitbull TrEAsurE- Bruno Mars Truth Hurts- LiZZo Uptown Funk- Bruno Mars VAlEriE- Amy WinEhousE/Bruno Mars WannAbE- SpicE Girls WAnt To WAnt Me- JAson DErulo WE Found LovE- RihAnnA.
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