earlier. That such dire circumstanc- Acknowledgement Riebau, A.R.; Fox, D.G. 1999. Technically es have not occurred as yet, in our Advanced Smoke Estimation Tools The authors wish to thank the Joint (TASET): Needs Assessment and estimation, demonstrates the use- Fire Science Program for its finan- Feasibility Investigation. Joint Fire fulness of past smoke science, mod- Science Program. Washington, DC: cial and intellectual support of this eling and models, collegial relations USDA Forest Service, Wildlife, Fisheries, work under the JFSP project num- Watershed, and Air Research. 80 p. between all parties, and continuing ber 10-C-01-01. The Society of Research Administrators thoughtful attention to the issue. International (SRA). 2007. Joint Fire Science Program Smoke Management References and Air Quality Roundtables Research More information on the ques- Needs Assessment. Internal Joint Fire tionnaire and its results may be Bytnerowicz, A.; Arbaugh, M.J.; Anderson, Science Program Document. 18 pps. C.; Riebau, A.R. 2009. Integrating fire Thompson, G. P.; Pouliot, G. 2007. Wildland downloaded at <http://www.nine- research and air quality: Needs and rec- pointsouth.com.au>. Readers are Fire in the National Emissions Inventory: ommendations. In: Wildland Fires and Past Present and Future. Slide presenta- reminded that the questionnaire Air Pollution. Oxford, United Kingdom: tion. Available online at: <http://weather. was not a scientifically designed Elsevier. Developments in Environmental msfc.nasa.gov/conference/aq_presen- Science, Vol. 8: 585–602. survey and should approach its tations/Day%202%20afternoon%20 Riebau, A.R.; Fox, D. 2001. The new smoke pdf/Wildland_Fire_EI_PPF_NASA_ results with that understanding. management. International Journal of AQTeam_2007_TGP.pdf> (accessed June Wildland Fire. 10 (3–4): 415–427. 2010). How Big Was Dodge’s Escape Fire? Martin E. Alexander everal published accounts In a recent paper (part of a project Operations Safety Conference held exist of how smokejumper dealing with survival zones for in March 2010 in Portland, OR. Sforeman Wag Dodge survived wildland firefighters), Alexander the 1949 Mann Gulch Fire in and others (2009a) critically exam- For a copy of the paper, includ- northwestern Montana by setting ined the question of how big an ing an associated presenta- an “escape fire” in cured grass area was burned off before Dodge tion at, visit <http://fire.feric. fuels, the most notable among was overrun by the main advanc- ca/36702008/36702008.asp>. them being Norman Maclean’s ing fire front. They also addressed 1992 book Young Men and Fire. the issue of how tall the flames of References Two other smokejumpers sur- the advancing fire front were that Alexander, M.E.; Baxter, G.J.; Ackerman, vived by reaching a rockslide. initially met and ultimately swept M.Y. 2009a. Is a wellsite opening a Sadly, 12 smokejumpers and a around the area burned out by safety zone for a wildland firefighter or a survival zone or neither? In: Masters, local fireguard perished in their Dodge’s escape fire. R.E.; Galley, K.E.M.; Despain, D.G., eds. attempt to try and outrun the The ’88 Fires: Yellowstone and Beyond. rapidly spreading grass fire in The contents of the paper pre- Tall Timbers Miscellaneous Publication steep terrain. pared by Alexander and others No. 16. Tallahassee, FL: Tall Timbers Research Station: 110. (2009b) were first presented at the Alexander, M.E.; Ackerman, M.Y.; Baxter, 10th Wildland Fire Safety Summit G.J. 2009b. An analysis of Dodge’s sponsored by the International escape fire on the 1949 Mann Gulch Dr. Marty Alexander is an adjunct Fire in terms of a survival zone for professor of wildland fire science and Association of Wildland Fire held wildland firefighters. In: Proceedings management in the Department of in April 2009 in Phoenix, AZ, and, of 10th Wildland Fire Safety Summit; Renewable Resources and Alberta School again, as an invited presenta- 2009 April 27–30; Phoenix, AZ. of Forest Science and Management at Birmingham, AL: International the University of Alberta in Edmonton, tion at the Pacific Northwest Fire Association of Wildland Fire. 27 p. Alberta, Canada. CD-ROM. Fire Management Today 24 Fire today ManagementVolume 70 • No. 3 • 2010 FROM THE GROUND UP: WILDLAND FIRE FUELS ALSO INSIDE: • OpiniOns On Wildland Fire smOke • recruiting a diverse WOrkFOrce • trail cameras capture Fire BehaviOr • imprOving radiO discipline United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Fire Management today Volume 70 • No. 3 • 2010 On the Cover: cOntents Anchor Point: Looking to the Future ....................... .4 Tom Harbour Pitching Theories From the Duff Mound ..................... .5 Emily C. Garlough and Christopher R. Keyes Estimating Crown Fire Susceptibility for Project Planning ......... .8 David C. Powell Characterizing Hand-Piled Fuels ......................... .16 On the Cover: Clinton S. Wright, Paige C. Eagle, and Cameron S. Balog Duff mounds like these, formed in high-elevation ponderosa pine The Results of a Brief Web-Based Questionnaire on at the Meadow Smith old-growth Wildland Fire Smoke ............................... .19 restoration project on the Flathead National Forest, MT, often form at A.R. Riebau and D.G. Fox the base of mature trees. Prolonged smoldering in duff mounds can Firefighters Visit Seattle Schools: Recruiting Realizes Results .... .25 lead to decreased vigor, enhanced Renee Bodine susceptibility to bark beetle attack, and potentially tree death. Photo: A High-Quality Fuels Database of Photos and Information ....... .27 Christopher Keyes, University of Montana, Missoula. Clint S. Wright, Paige C. Eagle, and Diana L. Olson Modeling Post-Fire Soil Erosion .......................... .32 The USDA Forest Service’s Fire and Aviation Esther Godson and John D. Stednick Management Staff has adopted a logo reflecting three central principles of wildland Using Trail Cameras To Understand Fire Behavior ............. .37 fire management: Karen Ridenour and Rich Gray • Innovation: We will respect and value thinking minds, voices, and thoughts of Failure To Communicate: Improving Radio Discipline on the Fireline . .42 those that challenge the status quo while focusing on the greater good. Ken Frederick and Mike Tuominen • Execution: We will do what we say we will do. Achieving program objectives, improving diversity, and accomplishing targets are essential to our credibility. SHORT FEATURES • Discipline: What we do, we will do well. How Big Was Dodge’s Escape Fire? ...................... .24 Fiscal, managerial, and operational discipline are at the core of our ability to fulfill our mission. 2010 Photo Contest ................................. .47 Firefighter and public safety is our first priority. Volume 70 • No. 3 • 2010 3.
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