H ightstown Gazette. 98th YEAR—NUMBER ii HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1946 PRICE—FIVE CENTS John B. Braun Agriculture President Florida Laborer in Jail Engaged to Wed June Lowest Succumbs at 54; Traffic Fatality For Carrying Revolver Postmaster Here Month of Year I Funeral services for John B. Braun As Disturbances Continue j June, with 40 deaths, had the lowest i traffic fatality record of any month Jr., local postmaster, were held Satur­ j^Clarksburg for failing to appear be- day morning at 8:30 o'clock from his A 24-year-old Negro from Jackson­ this year, according to Motor Vehicle fore Recorder Hampton on a com­ j Commissioner Arthur W. Magee who home, 211 Summit Street. Requiem ville, Fla., and employed on the Rodak I today attributed the downward trend, high mass was celebrated in St. A n­ farm near Allentown is in Mercer plaint made by Essie Mae Jackson. (in large measure, to safety drives by thony’s Church at 9:30. Interment was County Jail without bail awaiting grand Essie was the loser as she put up the 'the press and a stiffened enforcement in St. John's Cemetary, Allentown jury action on a charge of carrying a bond money after making the com­ iby police and the courts. under the direction of William S. Hey- i concealed weapon in a car. plaint against Britton for fighting. I “Aroused by the terrible consequen­ er. The Negro, Lonnie Harris, was ar­ Ishmel Holt of Hasting, Florida and ces of accidents as pictured in the Mr. Braun, who was 54 years old raigned before Recorder Franklin K. laborer on the Earl Applegate farm, 'press, jolted by a per cent increase died suddenly of a heart attack at his Hampton Monday night and was also 100 paid a $20 penalty for creating a dis­ I in arrests and heavier penalties im- home last Wednesday evening. He given a 30 day jail sentences in the turbance in the store of 0 . T. Fenton i posed by many of the courts, driven was the husband of the late Mary county bastille for driving a truck on Main street. Holt claimed he sent j today appear to be increasingly safety Jane Maloney Braun who died re­ without a license and taking a vehicle a watch to be repaired to the local I conscious,” said the Commissioner. cently. owned by Willie Walker, contractor on jeweler and came in to pick it up. | I “The low June fatality rate is an indi- I’ostniaster since 1913, Mr. Braun the same farm, witliout his permission. Testimony showed there was no watch' ! cation of what can be accomplished was also active in the Democratic par­ Def&ultg Two Fines left and Holt paid for the trouble. Iwhen all forces pull together toward ty in Mercer County for many years. Harris was handed a $5 fine for hav Thirty-day jail sentnee went to Peter jthe common goal. The press, the en- He had served as borough councilman mg no license and $100 assessment for|K>Ilins of Smithville, Georgia in de- jforcement agencies and the public all and was a member of the ration board. Clement B. Lewis laking the car and went to jail in de-i fault of fine after beinp arrested by Bess H. Antonowsky deserve praise for this fine record," He was a member of Trenton Council fault of the fines. A companion of il'obce on the Vahlsing Company prop- Lewis, Riverton, Burlington County In June of 1915 there were 41 deaths 355, Knights of Columbus, and the Harris, Willie Power, 33 of Pompano, |erty on Mercer street. The same terra Mr. and Mrs. Morris Antonowsky of fruit grower, reently elected president Cranbury announces the engagement of in the State and 57 in June, 1941, the Holy Name and St. Vincent de Paul Fla., was given a fine for riding in went to Henry Brooks for being drunk of the State Board of Agriculture. A their daughter Bess Hasia Antonowsky Commissioner declared. Societies of St. Anthony’s Church of prominent apple grower, Lewis is a the vehicle and creating a disturbance, j on the Vahlsing ground. to Henry Tankonow, .son of Mrs. Tan- Reporting......__________ for the first___ six ____months,_ here. member of the board of directors of The two men were taken into cus-i^ , » ___ ____j ya Tankonow and the late David Tan-i the Commissioner said there were 342 Surviving are two daughters, Miss the National Apple Institute, and is tody by Trooper Charles Criiley of i Lranbury Man Assessed konow o f New York City. j traffic deaths, or 85 more than last Caroline M. Braun and Lieutenant pre.sidcnl of the Jersey Fruit Coopera­ the state police barracks and S gt C ecil' __ , ___ lyear. In 1941 there were 401 deaths Mary H. Braun, stationed at Augusta, tive Association, Inc., the New Jersey Daley of the local police department; f L o r L e a v i n g U O g iat the end of the first six nK)nths. G a.; four sons, Captain John W . Agricultural Society, and the New Jer­ shortly before 5 o’clock Monday after-1 * rp Following is a comparative six Braun, stationed at Greensboro, N. C., sey Fruit Institute. Lewis succeeds noon in Dawes Court. Police had r e - 1 1 OWn, Driving A w a y Residents Enjoy ;months record of fatalities by coun- Private Bernard V. Braun with the James 1). Holman, Wliitesville cran­ ceived a call from Walker that his severe reprimand and heavy fine i ties: Army in Rome, Italy; Cadet Mid­ berry grower. truck had been taken and it was iden­ were liandcd out to Mathew George of shipman William P. Braun, stationed tified by the license number. j COUNTY 1946 1945 1941 Princeton road, Cranbury Monday af­ Cool Weekend; in South America and Joseph F. Braun Acting on a tip police discovered a ! A t la n t ic __ _ 24 ternoon when appearing before Recor­ of here; two brothers, Peter P. Braun loaded .32 calibre revolver hidden in a ; Bergen ______ 42 der Franklin K. Hampton on a dis­ of New York City and Alphonsus J. Town Meeting suitcase in the truck. Harris admitted j Burlington___ 18 orderly charge. George was penalized Little Humidity Braun of Grant Avenue and three sis­ the weapon belonged to him. They also Camden ______ 26 ters, Mrs. Furman Rochford of Lan­ found in his possession 17 miscellane­ $25. I Cape May ___ 4 George stopped his vehicle on Acad­ caster, Pa., Mrs. John Dooley of Is Scheduled ous cartridges including three of .45 Residents enjoyed one of the best _ 14 emy street and let out a three months Mount Vernon, New Hampshire and calibre, one long and short, two .38 weekends o f the year witli the weather j Essex _______ 49 old brown and white puppy and pro­ Mrs. Fred Bums of Hightstown. and 10 .32 calibre shells. Harris was ceeded to drive away. An observant fair and cool and the temperature stay-; G lou cester----- 8 At University taken to the county jail Tuesday. 29 resident reported the incident to local ing in the low 80's with only ..... 10 Disturbances Continue police and George was hailed before traces o f humidty. On Sunday the mer- j^ercer 18 Pastor Formerly One of the country’s oldest and most For the third week in a row this was the court. cury climbed to a high of 86 degrees, Middlesex 41 famous discussion programs, “ America’s but one of a series of disturbances that Recorder Hampton said a number of but dropped to 70 in the early evening Monmouth 22 Town Meeting,” will be presented under demanded the attention of the town law similar incidents involving cats and Located in Town M o r ris ____ 20 the auspices of Rutgers University force which was supplemented by the dogs have occurred in town, but this to giev sleepers a comfortable night Ocean 4 Thursday evening, August 8, it was an­ addition of Howard Lewellan. Six po was the first time it had been reported July as a whole was a wet month ac- Passaic _______ 22 nounced today. Dies at Camden lice officers were on duty both Friday ito authorities. In reprimanding George, | wording to a report submitted today by Salem ________ 7 “ Is the Veteran Getting a Square and Saturday night patrolling th e’ Hampton said this would not be toF jWeather Observer James S o m e r se t_____ 9 .X>eid hi Education’^ i l l h^_the_topjc_to town. crated here because it involved taxpay- j puckering. During the four day period Sussex ________ 3 Services For TTiT Rev. CharlffS D. (liscussed by four hatTonally TcTiown Ike Ij'avis I “HeorgiT and TTiolfTlirTOTnoney tn getting knwe dogs off the ite^nhm TJulv 20 and ending Jtrty 23 _________TJnTon , 28 W hitton, president of tlie W est Jersey authorities, according to Wallace S. Williams of Miami,.... - Fla., both migrant street and back to their ovimers. jthere was 5.78 inches of rain. This iSjWarren .. 3 Grove Camp Meetings Association were Moreland, assistant to the president at laborers paid $10 fines and $3 costs for X only one and a half inches off the 7.41 held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Rutgers and chairman of the Town threatening to strike Liger Johnson of Civil bervice iests high for the entire month of June. The i 342 237 401 the Bethel Methodist Church, Camden.
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