Jens norskov is Letter from the the recipient of the President NACS Boudart award giuseppe Bellussi is Elections for the recipient of the Newsletter Director-at-Large Houdry award VOLUME XLVII, ISSU E 1 c. w. Jones is the w w w . n a c a t so c . O r g candidates for recipient of the Director-at-Large Emmett award Proposed Johannes2012 Eni aLercherwards amendments to the receives the tanabe By-laws Prize Bur well Lec ture ship Deadline club news 30 april 2013 club Officers 23rd naM Brochure Back to Index NACS Newsletter National Officers: President - Enrique Iglesia, University of California-Berkeley; Approval of Modifications of By-Laws and Director-at-Large Elections VICE-PRESIDENT - Bruce R. Cook,BP Products NA, Inc.; Secretary - Hong-Xin North American Catalysis Society Li, Zeolyst International; Treasurer - C. Y. Chen, Chevron Energy Technology Co.; Lead Trustee - John W. Byrne, BASF Catalysts LLC; Communications Director n the next few weeks, all mem- The mod i fi ca tions of the by- well over 1,500 mem bers. It was - Edrick Morales. bers of the North Amer i can laws that are sub mit ted for your founded in 1956 and its mis sion Club Representatives: Canada - Ajay Catal y sis Soci ety (NACS) will re- approval con sist of a series of includes the stew ard ship and sup- K. Dalai, University of Saskatch- I ceive a bal lot via elec tronic means. motions already approved by the port of NAM and logis ti cal sup port ewan; Chicago - Christopher L. Marshall, This bal lot will request your vote Board in the inter ven ing years and seed finan cial fund ing to the Argonne National Laboratory; Mexico for six of the eleven can di dates for local orga niz ing com mit tees. NACS - Jose Antonio de los Reyes, Universi- since the 2003 ver sion. The elec- dad Autonoma Metropolitana, Campus the posi tion of Director-at-Large tronic bal lot will include a detailed also pro vides joint fund ing for Iztapalapa; Michigan - Galen B Fisher, and also your vote regard ing mod- descrip tion of such changes as well Kokes awards, pre sented to stu- University of Michigan; New England i fi ca tions of the by-laws of the as a ratio nale for each one of them. dents to attend NAM, and finan cial - William C. (Curt) Conner, University Soci ety. I encour age you to exer cise These mate ri als were included in sup port for stu dents to attend the of Massachusetts; New York - Israel E. your vot ing rights within the spec i- reg u lar meet ings of the local clubs Wachs, Lehigh University; Pacific Coast the newsletter and posted into a - Alex Katz, University of California-Berke- fied vot ing period. sin gle doc u ment that shows an and societies. ley; Philadelphia - Anne M. Gaffney, IN- Directors-at-large (DAL) serve overview of the pro posed changes On behalf of the NACS lead- VISTA; Pittsburgh–Cleveland - Gotz Veser, four-year terms and are elected by fol lowed by the full text of the er ship and its gov ern ing board, I University of Pittsburgh; Organic Reac- the entire mem ber ship. Their new by-laws at http://wp2.nacatsoc. encour age you to vote and I look tions Catalysis Society - Christopher W. Jones, Georgia Institute of Technology; term will start dur ing the NAM23 in org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/ for ward to see ing you at NAM23 in Tri-State (Kentucky/Ohio/West Virginia) Louisville. Elected DAL rep re sent NACS_By-laws_2013-02.pdf. Louisville (June 2–7, 2013; www. - Uschi Graham, Topasol LLC; Southeast the entire mem ber ship by attend- nam23.org/). - Steven H. Overbury, Oak Ridge National ing annual NACS Board meet ings. Laboratory; Southwest - Kerry Dooley, The Board con sists of the NACS offi- Louisiana State University With regards, ; Western States -Will Medlin, University cers, one rep re sen ta tive from each of Colorado at Boulder. local or affil i ated soci ety, and the DAL. The bal lot will con cur rently Directors–at–Large: Bruce Gates, Univer- sity of California at Davis; Jingguang G. ask for your approval of mod i fi ca- Chen, University of Delaware; Robert Da- tions of the by-laws, includ ing one vis, University of Virginia; Stuart Soled, to increase the num ber of DAL from Enrique Igle sia Exxon Mobil Research and Engineering four to six; if the mod i fied by-laws Co. Pres i dent, North Amer i can Catal y- are not approved, the four DAL NACS con sists of 14 affil i ate lo- sis Soci ety Copyright © 2012 The North American can di dates with the largest vote cal clubs and soci eties in Canada, Catalysis Society count will serve. Mex ico, and the United States and Back to Index NACS Newsletter Jens Norskov named the recipient of the 2013 Professor Johannes Lercher Michel Boudart Award for the Advancement of receives the 2013 Tanabe Prize Catalysis in Acid-Base Catalysis e are pleased to model of tran si tion metal reac tiv ity and has used it to he 2013 Tan abe Prize for Acid-Base Catal y sis will be Wannounce that Prof. explain trends in adsorp tion ener gies and in the acti- Tawarded to Johannes A. Lercher, who receives the Jens K. Norskov of the va tion ener gies of ele men tary processes on tran si tion prize in recog ni tion of his sub stan tial con tri bu tions to the Depart ment of Chem i- metal cat a lysts in terms of vari a tions in the d-band cen ter field of acid-base catal y sis. cal Engi neer ing and the and other para me ters char ac ter iz ing the prop er ties of The award cer e mony will take place at the 7th Inter- SLAC National Accel er a tor sur face elec trons. Norskov has quan ti fied Brønsted- na tional Sym po sium on Acid-Base Catal y sis in Tokyo, Lab o ra tory at Stan ford Evans-Polanyi (BEP) rela tions and showed how they lead Japan May 12–15, 2013. Uni ver sity is the recip i ent to pre dic tive mod els that relate cat alytic reac tiv ity to Johannes A. Lercher stud ied Chem istry and received of the 2013 Michel Boudart adsorp tion ener gies of key rel e vant species. The meth ods his PhD at TU Wien. After a vis it ing lec ture ship at Yale, Award for the Advance- devel oped for use in het ero ge neous catal y sis have been he joined TU Wien as lec turer and later Assoc. Pro fes- ment catal y sis. The Award suc cess fully trans ferred into the area of elec tro catal y sis. sor. 1993 he was appointed Pro fes sor at the Uni ver sity is spon sored by the Hal dor Most recently, his research group has intro duced the first Twente, Depart ment of Chem i cal Tech nol ogy, and moved Top søe Com pany and is data base of sur face chem i cal prop er ties and devel oped in 1998 to his cur rent posi tion as Pro fes sor of Chem i cal admin is tered jointly by pub licly avail able soft ware to access and mine ther mo dy- Tech nol ogy at TU Munchen. Since 2011 he is also Direc- the NACS and the EFCATS. namic and cat alytic data on active sur faces, thus open ing tor of the Insti tute for Inte grated Catal y sis at the Pacific More infor ma tion on this award and the award process novel oppor tu ni ties for dis cov er ing trends and for design- North west National Laboratory. can be found in the Awards folder of the NACS home page ing new cat a lysts and cat alytic processes. He is exter nal mem ber of the Aus trian Acad emy of www.nacatsoc.org. Pro fes sor Norskov will present ple nary lec tures at Sci ences and Mem ber of the Acad e mia Europaea, and The Michel Boudart Award for the Advance ment the 2013 meet ings of the North Amer i can Catal y sis Soci- holds sev eral Hon orary Pro fes sor ships. He serves cur- catal y sis is given in recog ni tion of indi vid ual con tri bu- ety in Louisville and at the 2013 Europacat Meet ing in rently as Editor-in-Chief of the Jour nal of Catalysis. tions to the elu ci da tion of the mech a nism and active Lyon. Research is focussed on fun da men tal aspects of sites involved in cat alytic phe nom ena and to the devel- oxide and mol e c u lar sieve based sorp tion and catal y sis, op ment of new meth ods or con cepts that advance the Avelino Corma new routes to acti vate and func tion al ize hydro car bons, under stand ing and/or prac tice of het ero ge neous catal y- Pres i dent, Euro pean Fed er a tion of Catal y sis Soci eties decon struc tion and defunc tion al iza tion of bio mass, the sis. The Award selec tion process will empha size accom- mech a nis tic under stand ing of hydrotreat ing cat a lysts, plish ments and con tri bu tions pub lished within the five Enrique Igle sia and the in situ char ac ter i za tion of cat alytic processes.
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