Polish Botanical Journal 56(1): 85–87, 2011 WESTERNMOST OCCURRENCE OF LATHYRUS LAEVIGATUS (FABACEAE) IN POLAND ZBIGNIEW SZELĄG Abstract. New localities of Lathyrus laevigatus (Waldst. & Kit.) Gren. have been found in the vicinity of Częstochowa on the Wyżyna Krakowsko-Częstochowska upland (the Polish Jura). This is the westernmost occurrence of the species in Poland, disjoined from its continuous geographical range of about 120 km. Key words: distribution, Lathyrus laevigatus, new disjunct localities, Poland Zbigniew Szeląg, Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Kopernika 31, 31-501 Kraków, Poland; e-mail: [email protected] The westernmost stations of Lathyrus laevigatus remains of this type in vicinity of Góra Gąszczyk (Waldst. & Kit.) Gren. known to date in Poland hill, discovering three more stations of L. laevi- are located in the Góry Świętokrzyskie Mts (Zając gatus: (1) Dębowa Góra hill, (2) Góra Kokocówka & Zając 2001a, b; Kucharzyk & Mitka 2008). In hill (both are within Częstochowa municipality) a popular nature guidebook by Cabała et al. (2007) and (3) Zielona Góra Reserve (located only 1.5 km a color photo of L. laevigatus was published, SE of the city limits). All these stations of L. laevi- with the proper Polish name of the plant, in the gatus were found in May 2008 and are in ATPOL chapter on vegetation of Góra Gąszczyk hill in grid square DE 85 (Fig. 1). the westernmost part of the Wyżyna Krakowsko- The population found on Góra Gąszczyk hill Częstochowska upland. Apparently the authors did comprises ca 30 individuals dispersed over 300 m2. not realize that this was a discovery, as the species Lathyrus laevigatus grows there together with is not mentioned in the text. Recently Urbisz (2008) listed L. laevigatus from the Wyżyna Krakowsko-Częstochowska upland in a synoptic table, but did not cite a precise locality nor the source of this information. As the habitat of the species he cited a community of the Betulo- Adenostyletea class. The subalpine communities from this class occur in Poland only in the higher parts of the Carpathians and Sudetes, while all of the L. laevigatus stations reported here are within the Tilio-Carpinetum association and accompanied by many thermophilous species (Table 1). In May 2008, I visited Góra Gąszczyk hill to- gether with Krzysztof Pierzgalski, who had taken that photo published in Cabała et al. (2007). We found the station of L. laevigatus. It is on a steep western slope facing an oxbow of the Warta River, Fig. 1. Distribution of Lathyrus laevigatus (Waldst. & Kit.) Gren. in the Tilio-Carpinetum forest association. Encour- in Poland: ▲ – new locality, ● – known localities (after Zając aged by this fi nd, I searched all the preserved forest & Zając 2001b). 86 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 56(1). 2011 Table 1. Phytocoenological spectrum of the Lathyrus laevigatus Table 1. Continued. stations: 1 – Góra Gąszczyk hill, 22 May 2010; 2 – Dębowa Góra hill, 17 May 2010; 3 – Góra Kokocówka hill, 17 May 2010; Relevé number 1 2 3 4 5 4 & 5 – Zielona Góra Reserve, 26 May 2010. Hepatica nobilis 212+2 Heracleum sphondylium ++ . + Relevé number 1 2 3 4 5 Hieracium murorum 1..++ Relevé area (m2) 200 400 200 400 400 Hieracium sabaudum +. .+ Slope NW NW NW N SE Hypericum montanum .+. Aspect (°) 401015305 Lamium galeobdelon +1+1+ Tree cover (%) 100 90 100 100 100 Lathyrus laevigatus 12+2+ Shrub cover (%) 30 75 50 50 10 Lathyrus niger +31 . 2 Herb cover (%) 90 90 90 100 100 Lathyrus vernus 1+++1 Lilium martagon +++++ A. Carpinus betulus 21232 Maianthemum bifolium .+.+. Fagus sylvatica 2.12. Melica nutans 221.1 Quercus robur +2113 Melica unifl ora ...21 Tilia cordata +. .+ Melittis melissophyllum .1+.1 Tilia platyphyllos .1.+. Mercurialis perennis ++223 B. Acer platanoides +.+1+ Milium effusum ++ . 1+ Acer pseudoplatanus ...1. Paris quadrifolia ...1 Carpinus betulus ++ . Phyteuma spicatum 1...1 Cornus sanguinea .+. .+ Poa nemoralis +. Corylus avellana +1+. Polygonatum multifl orum +++11 Crataegus laevigata .++.. Primula veris .++.+ Euonymus verrucosus 11+. Pulmonaria obscura 1.111 Fagus sylvatica 1+12+ Ranunculus nemorosus .+.+. Lonicera xylosteum .1... Sanicula europaea ...++ Tilia cordata +1+. Scrophularia nodosa .+. Tilia platyphyllos .+.+. Solidago virgaurea +..+ C. Acer platanoides +. .2 Stellaria holostea +2+. 1 Aegopodium podagraria +1 . 1 . Thalictrum aquilegiifolium .1+.. Acer platanoides +. .2 Trifolium alpestre .+. Agrimonia eupatoria .+. Vaccinium myrtillus 1.... Ajuga reptans .++.+ Veronica chamaedrys .++.1 Anemone nemorosa 111+1 Vicia sepium ...1. Aruncus sylvestris 1.... Vicia sylvatica .+. Asarum europaeum ++1+1 Vincetoxicum hirundinaria ..1.+ Betonica offi cinalis .+. Viola mirabilis .1.+. Bupleurum longifolium 1+.++ Viola reichenbachiana ++111 Calamagrostis arundinacea ++ . + Campanula persicifolia +++ . + Campanula rapunculoides +. .+. Aruncus sylvestris Kostel. and Bupleurum longi- Campanula trachelium .+. .+ folium L., both rare in the Polish lowlands. The Carex digitata +.++. population on Góra Kokocówka hill contains only Carex montana .+. 12 plants growing in a 200 m2 area. Thalictrum Carex pallidula .1..+ aquilegiifolium L., a species rare in the Wyżyna Cephalanthera damasonium ....+ Clinopodium vulgare .+. Krakowsko-Częstochowska upland (Urbisz 2004), Convallaria maialis +111+ occurs there as an accompanying species. The Festuca gigantea .+.+. most numerous population, 120–140 L. laevigatus Fragaria vesca ..+.+ plants, is located on Dębowa Góra hill. This place Galium odoratum ++12+ Galium schultesii +3 . 1 is rich in rare and protected plant species, such Galium vernum 1+1 1 as Bupleurum longifolium, Carex montana L., Geranium sylvaticum .+.++ C. pallidula Harmaja, Cephalanthera damaso- Hedera helix 2.1.1 nium (Mill.) Druce, Cimicifuga europaea Schip- Z. SZELĄG: WESTERNMOST OCCURRENCE OF LATHYRUS LAEVIGATUS IN POLAND 87 czinskij., Euphorbia dulcis L., Neottia nidus-avis REFERENCES (L.) L. C. Richard, Ranunculus nemorosus DC., Scorzonera humilis L., Senecio ovatus (G. Gaertn. ANONYMOUS 2006. Euro+Med PlantBase – the information et al.) Willd., Serratula tinctoria L., Thalictrum resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. [May aquilegiifolium and Trifolium rubens L. 2011]. http://ww2.bgbm.org/EuroPlusMed. Most surprising, however, was the discovery CABAŁA S., GĘBICKI C., PIERZGALSKI K. & ZYGMUNT J. 2007. Mirowski Przełom Warty. Ruch Inicjatyw Społeczno- of Lathyrus laevigatus in the Zielona Góra Re- Ekologicznych „Przytulia”, Kamienica Polska. serve, the fl ora and vegetation of which has been CELIŃSKI F. & WIKA S. 1975. Plant communities of the Zielona the subject of several detailed studies (Celiński Góra reserve near Częstochowa. Zesz. Przyr. 14–15: 45–64 & Wika 1975; Hereźniak 1975, 2002). This pop- (in Polish with English summary). ulation comprises ca 70 individuals growing in HEREŹNIAK J. 1975. A new locality of Melica unifl ora Retz. a few clusters spread over a 1000 m2 area. The in the forest communieties of northern part of the Wyżyna phytosociological characteristics of all four L. lae- Śląsko-Krakowska Upland. Fragm. Florist. Geobot. 21: vigatus stations are given in Table 1. 17–20 (in Polish with English summary). The general range of L. laevigatus covers HEREŹNIAK J. 2002. Rezerwaty przyrody ziemi częstochowskiej. two isolated areas: Eastern European, comprising Liga Ochrony Przyrody, Zarząd Okręgu w Częstochowie, Częstochowa. E Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, W Russia, Ukraine, NE Slovakia, Romania and Moldova; and Southern KUCHARZYK S. & MITKA J. 2008. Lathyrus laevigatus (Waldst. & Kit.) Gren. In: Z. MIREK & H. PIĘKOŚ-MIRKOWA (eds), European, including NE Italy, SE Austria and the Czerwona Księga Karpat Polskich. Rośliny naczyniowe, countries of former Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Croatia, pp. 238–239. Instytut Botaniki im. W Szafera, PAN, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo) Kraków. (Meusel et al. 1965; Kucharzyk & Mitka 2008). MARTINČIČ A., WRABER T., JOGAN N., RAVNIK V., PODOB- According to the Euro+Med database (Anonymous NIK A., TURK B. & VREŠ B. 1999. Mala fl ora Slovenije. Ključ za določanje praprotnic in semenk. Tehniška založba 2006), L. laevigatus subsp. laevigatus is limited to Slovenije, Ljubljana. the Eastern European part, while in Southern Eu- MEUSEL H., JÄGER E. & WEINERT E. 1965. Vergleichende rope only L. laevigatus subsp. occidentalis (Fisch. Chorologie der zentraleuropäischen Flora. 1. Gustav Fi- & C. A. Mey.) Breistr. occurs. scher Verlag, Jena. Martinčič et al. (1999) report both subspecies URBISZ A. 2004. Synopsis of the vascular plant fl ora of the from Slovenia. According to Marjan Niketić (pers. Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. Prace Naukowe Uniwersy- comm. 2011), L. laevigatus subsp. laevigatus grows tetu Śląskiego w Katowicach 2240: 1–285 (in Polish with in Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro and Ko- English summary). sovo, while in Croatia and Slovenia both subspecies URBISZ A. 2008. Diversity and distribution of vascular plants as basis for geobotanical regionalisation of the Kraków- occur, probably hybridizing. The precise pattern Częstochowa Upland. Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ślą- of occurrence of L. laevigatus s.l. over the area of skiego w Katowicach 2630: 1–136 (in Polish with English former Yugoslavia demands closer research. summary). ZAJĄC A. & ZAJĄC M. (eds) 2001a. Distribution atlas of vas- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. I am grateful to Professor Adam cular plants in Poland. Laboratory of Computer Chorology, Zając (Kraków) for making available to me an unpub- Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Kraków. lished map of the distribution of Lathyrus laevigatus in ZAJĄC A. & ZAJĄC M. 2001b. ATPOL – Database for distri- Poland from the ATPOL database, and to Dr. Marjan bution of vascular plants in Poland. Institute of Botany, Niketić (Belgrade) for detailed information on the oc- Jagiellonian University, Kraków. [May 2011]. http://www. currence of the species in former Yugoslavia. I thank ib.uj.edu.pl. the anonymous reviewer for helpful suggestions and improvements. Received 16 May 2011.
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