796 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS January 25, 2005 force can suppress it. All the political lead- ment and have lost credibility with the Sikh THE INTRODUCTION OF THE NA- ers in Punjab are recognizing it. Punjab’s Nation. Otherwise they would behave like a TIVE HAWAIIAN GOVERNMENT Chief Minister, Captain Amarinder Singh, real Jathedar, Jathedar Gurdev Singh REORGANIZATION ACT OF 2005 was declared a hero of the Sikh Nation for Kaunke, rather than like Indian government asserting Punjab’s sovereignty and pre- puppet Jathedar Aroor Singh, who gave a serving Punjab’s natural resource, its river Siropa to General Dyer for the massacre of HON. NEIL ABERCROMBIE water, for the use of Punjab farmers by can- Sikhs and others at Jalianawa Bagh. These OF HAWAII celling Punjab’s water agreements. As re- institutions will remain under the control of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cently as December 7, former Member of Par- the Indian regime until we free the Sikh Tuesday, January 25, 2005 liament Simranjit Singh Mann again re- homeland, Punjab, Khalistan, from Indian verted to public support of Khalistan. He occupation and oppression and sever our re- Mr. ABERCROMBIE. Mr. Speaker, I am pledged that his party will lead a peaceful lations with the New Delhi government. proud today to introduce the Native Hawaiian movement to liberate Khalistan. Obviously, Mr. Mann is aware of the rising support of The Sikhs in Punjab have suffered enor- Government Reorganization Act, also known our cause. Mann joins Sardar Atinder Pal mous repression at the hands of the Indian as the Akaka Bill. This legislation is supported Singh, Sardar D.S. Gill of the International regime in the last 25 years. Over 50,000 Sikh by the Hawaii State Legislature, Governor Human Rights Organization, and other Sikh youth were picked up from their houses, tor- Linda Lingle, numerous Native Hawaiian orga- leaders in Punjab in supporting freedom for tured, murdered in police custody, then se- nizations and a variety of other ethnic and Na- Khalistan openly. Jagjit Singh, President of cretly cremated as ‘‘unidentified bodies.’’ tive American groups. This bill represents an- Dal Khalsa, was quoted in the Deccan Herald Their remains were never even given to their other step in the reconciliation process be- as saying that ‘‘the Indian government can families! More than a quarter of a million tween Native Hawaiians and the U.S. federal never suppress the movement. Sikh aspira- Sikhs have been murdered at the hands of tions can only be met when they have a sepa- government. the Indian government. Another 52,268 are On January 17, 1893, the government of the rate state.’’ There is no other choice for the being held as political prisoners. Some have Kingdom of Hawaii was overthrown by a group Sikh nation but a sovereign, independent been in illegal custody since 1984! Even now, Khalistan. Every Sikh leader must come out the capital of Punjab, Chandigarh, has not of American citizens, who acted with the sup- openly for Khalistan. We salute those Sikh been handed over to Punjab, but remains a port of U.S. Minister John Stephens and a leaders in Punjab who have done so and urge Union Territory. How can Sikhs have any contingent of U.S. Marines from the USS Bos- more Sikh leaders to join the cause. freedom living under a government that ton. One hundred years later, a resolution ex- Any organization that sincerely supports would do these things? tending an apology on behalf of the United Khalistan deserves the support of the Sikh Nation. However, the Sikh Nation needs Sikhs will never get any justice from States to Native Hawaiians for the illegal over- leadership that is honest, sincere, consistent, Delhi. The leaders in Delhi are only inter- throw of the Native Hawaiian government and and dedicated to the cause of Sikh freedom. ested in imposing Hindu sovereignty over all calling for a reconciliation of the relationship Leaders like Dr. Jagjit Singh Chohan, the minorities to advance their own careers between the United States and Native Hawai- Harchand Singh Longowal, Didar Bains, and their own power. Ever since independ- ians was enacted into law. Ganga Singh Dhillon, the Akali Dal leader- ence, India has mistreated the Sikh Nation, This measure continues the reconciliation ship, and others who were complicit in the starting with Patel’s memo labelling Sikhs process by establishing a procedure through attack on the Golden Temple cannot be ‘‘a criminal tribe.’’ What a shame for Home which a Native Hawaiian governing entity trusted by the Sikh Nation. The evidence Minister Patel and the Indian government to could achieve federal recognition if it chooses against them is clear in Chakravyuh: Web of issue this memorandum when the Sikh Na- Indian Secularism. The Sikh Nation cannot to do so. This recognition would extend the tion gave over 80 percent of the sacrifices to policy of self-governance and self determina- believe that these leaders will not betray the free India. cause of Khalistan, just as they betrayed the tion currently extended to American Indians Sikh Nation in 1984. We must be careful if we How can Sikhs continue to live in such a and Alaska Natives. It also protects existing are to continue to move the cause of freedom country? There is no place for Sikhs in sup- Native Hawaiian programs and begins to ad- for Khalistan forward in 2005 as we did in posedly secular, supposedly democratic dress the claims of the Native Hawaiian peo- 2004. India. Let us work to make certain that 2005 is the Sikh Nation’s most blessed year by ple. This bill does not authorize Native Hawai- The Akali Dal conspired with the Indian ians to conduct gaming. government in 1984 to invade the Golden making sure it is the year that we shake our- Temple to murder Sant Bhindranwale and selves loose from the yoke of Indian oppres- This legislation is critical to the future of the 20,000 other Sikhs during June 1984 in Pun- sion and liberate our homeland, Khalistan, State of Hawaii. Most importantly, Native Ha- jab. If Sikhs will not even protect the sanc- so that all Sikhs may live lives of prosperity, waiians deserve the right to decide their future tity of the Golden Temple, how can the Sikh freedom, and dignity. and chart their own destiny. It is time their in- Nation survive as a nation? herent rights are restored. The Akali Dal has lost all its credibility. f I urge my colleagues to resolve these long- The Badal government was so corrupt openly standing issues with the Native Hawaiians and and no Akali leader would come forward and REINTRODUCTION OF CENSUS support this legislation. tell Badal and his wife to stop this unparallelled corruption. DIRECTOR LEGISLATION f The Council of Khalistan has stood strong- RIM OF THE VALLEY CORRIDOR ly and consistently for liberating our home- STUDY ACT land, Khalistan, from Indian occupation. For HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY over 18 years we have led this fight while others were trying to divert the resources OF NEW YORK HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF and the attention of the Sikh Nation away IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA from the issue of freedom in a sovereign, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES independent Khalistan. Yet Khalistan is the Tuesday, January 25, 2005 only way that Sikhs will be able to live in Tuesday, January 25, 2005 freedom, peace, prosperity, and dignity. It is Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, today, I intro- time to start a Shantmai Morcha to liberate Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to re- duce legislation that establishes a 5-year term introduce the Rim of the Valley Corridor Study Khalistan from Indian occupation. of office for the Director of the Census Bu- Never forget that the Akal Takht Sahib Act, directing the Secretary of the Interior to and Darbar Sahib are under the control of reau. By establishing a fixed term of office, study the feasibility of expanding the Santa the Indian government, the same Indian gov- this legislation would lessen the role that poli- Monica Mountains National Recreation Area to ernment that has murdered over a quarter of tics plays at the Census Bureau, an agency include the mountains and canyons in South- a million Sikhs in the past twenty years. which should be grounded in the science of ern California that are part of the Rim of the The Jathedar of the Akal Takht and the counting our Nation. Other agencies charged Valley Corridor, as designated by the State of head granthi of Darbar Sahib toe the line with developing critically important statistical that the Indian government tells them. They California. are not appointed by the Khalsa Panth. The information, including the Bureau of Labor Sta- The Interior Department study would exam- SGPC, which appoints them, does not rep- tistics, have a fixed term for their directors. ine the suitability of expanding the Santa resent the Sikh Nation anymore. They have This policy ensures the most accurate, non- Monica Mountains National Recreation Area to become the puppets of the Indian govern- partisan data possible. include this corridor, which contains areas of VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:46 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00203 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK1\SSN-OUT\CR25JA05.DAT CR25JA05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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