The Daily Register VOL. 99 NO. 142 SHREWSBURY, N. J. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1976 15 CENTS Experts hope shift in wind will prevent damage by oil BOSTON (AP) - Marine experts are hoping still afloat But divers opened hatches yesterday to tanker safety "as soon as Congress rrcomme* that an expected wind shift will keep a 100-mile let sea water into the bulk A Coast Guard spokes Magnuson is chairman of the Senate Commerce long carpet of heavy oil from encroaching on the man said the bow will probably sink in the first Committee rich fishing grounds of Georges Bank. But that's heavy weather. He said the Coast Guard wanted "We've got to have more itnngent regu- all they can do — hope. to prevent the wreck from causing any othrr acci- lation." he said. "We've got lo establish some Forecasters said the wind would reverse from dents. rules of the gime on Habilil) southeasterly to northwesterly today and could The middle section of the (40-foot vessel has He said the Coast Guard has been too lenient hold off the oil slick, which It spreading from the settled to the bottom, and the stern n firmly in enforcing American 'restrictions on foreign vrs- tanker Argo Merchant, wrecked on the shoals off grounded in the sandy shoals with only Its lop- selt Nantucket Island. most parts visible The ownership of the Argo Merchant has not The U.S. Coast Guard said winds will almost Meanwhile, the ship's captain. George Papado- yet been settled The Coast Guard, identified certainly keep the oil from any U.S. shore, and poulos. was giving depositions on the circum- Throes Shipping. Inc. of Liberia, a subsidiary of they predicted that if It comes ashore anywhere, it stances of the grounding He and the ship s owners Amershlp. Inc . of New York, as the owner might be across the Atlantic. are being sued for 1120 million by Cape Cod fish Amership. with offices in New York, is not "In a few months. If it sticks together, it ermen for anticipated damages to fishing grounds listed at a corporation in New York state Persons might come ashore somewhere - Iceland. Great answering calls from reporters at Amrrship's of- Britlan, who knows?" said Coast Guard Capl ' Fishermen from New Bedford have reported fices refused lo answer questions. Lynn Heln. hauling up dead, oil-soaked birds in their nets, and A spokesman for the government of Liberia — The spill, which began shortly after the vessel bird clean up stations have been set up on N'antu- where the Argo Merchant Is registered - said Its ran aground Dec. IS, has develped Into one of his- cket, Martha's Vineyard and Cape Cod investigation of the wreck will not begin until Feb- tory's worst. Nearly the entire cargo - 7 6 million But the Coast Guard said only 17 birds - five ruary gallons of No ( industrial oil - is coating the of them dead- were brought to station! on Santu- Massachusetts Gov Michael S Dukakis, ocean. ckel yesterday. claiming the slate could suffer a $211-million loss The Coast Guard said water samples taken The Massachusetts Institute of Technology IT in the fishing and tourism industries, has asked yesterday five miles Irom the ship in the thickest ported yesterday that the vessel had been in\ol\ed President Ford to declare Massachusetts a federal part of the spill, showed that almost all the oil was in 21 accidents since it was built in Germam in disaster area, making those affected by the MHH concentrated within a few feel of the surface, and IH3. three more than had been known earlier - eligible for federal aid that little or none was found at a depth of 150 feel In Seattle. Sen Warren G Nagnuson. l>- Ford is awaiting a complete damage report The bow section of the Argo Merchant was Wash, said he will open congressional hearings on before deciding on the request MMostsMtMoU** Zars blamed for vote suit WONDER OP CHRISTMAS — The miracle of Christmas, which comes but once a year, renews in the world the love, peace, and |oy which character- By BEN VAN VLIET made in a prepared state- voting to warrant a new elec- ized that scene at a stabfe in Bethlehem nearly 2000 years ago. Reflecting ment, concerned the recent tion upon the Nativity with the eternal wonder of childhood Is Vlckl LaCrone, RED BANK - Mayor Dan- decision by Superior Court After four days of testi- six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William LaCrone of Orlando, Fla. iel J. O'Hern says Paul and Judge Louis R. Atkins uphol- mony. Judge Atkins this week They are formerly of Atlantic Highlands, where they are spending the ho- Rita Zar, 1S2 Spring St.. were ding the election of Red Bank invalidated a total of 21 votes lidays with Vickl's grandmother, Mrs. Stanley H. West, 55 3rd Ave. primarily responsible for the Councilmen Robert Marks The judge ordered I he per- unsuccessful court challenge and Frank J McKenna. sons who cast the ballots lo to the reelection of borough declare how they voted, and The two Democratic candi- Democratic Councilmen the votes were then deducted dates narrowly defeated Re- Frank J. McKenna and Rob- from the vote totals publicans William S. Ander- Mood of Christmas: ert Marks. The net result was that Mr son and John Mulheren. In addition, the mayor, a Marks ended up being certi- Democrat, charged that Mr The Republicans first filed fied the winner by nine votes and Mrs. Zar had persuaded for a recount in an attempt to "What the public hai not Solemnity, joy, fun Red Bank Republicans to overcome the 15-vote victory- understood about this case." challenge the election despite margin of Mr. Marks over said Mr. o'llern. "Is that the By JIM OSTROFF towns everywhere are un- Freehold Area. Freehold reluctance on the part of GOP Mr. Mulheren case was instigated by Paul der the spell of the season. Township.and Jersey Shore leaders After the recount upheld and Rita Zar who for reasons It creeps up slowly, fighting Broad St. in Red Bank is Medical Mr. and Mrs. Zar are regu- the election, attorney William known only to- themselves Its way through bone-chilling typical, its trees decked in Tomorrow. James Randi of lar observers at most borough F Dowd filed a suit on behalf have Instigated challenges to cold, the drab skies of De- blazing bulbs; its store win- Rumson, known worldwide as meetings and frequently have of the Republican Party both the general election and cember. The gaily colored dows strewn with tinsel The "The Amazing Randi." will criticized borough actions. charging that there were suf- the recent school referendum lights appear in window upon sound of jingle bells from a perform his hocus-pocus mag- Mr. O'Hern's charges. ficient Irregularities In the See O'Hera, page 2 Daateli O'Hera Pail Zar window, bringing warmth to Salvation Army volunteer ic at 1 p.m. for children at families and communities in pierces the air for blocks Riverview Hospital. Red the long winter nights and around. Bank short days. Joining in the spirit of car- Mary Sabia. a long-time Children laugh and parents ing, the Garden State Park- volunteer at Monmouth Me- laugh with them at the sight way Authority will be offering dical Center. Long Branch, of a portly, red-suited elf travel-weary drivers free cof- has made certain that Christ- Legendary Virginia remembered For a short period, the fee and cookies at eight res- mas will be memorable for world seems miraculously taurants along the 173 mile Yuletide babies. Each infant By CAROL JACOBSON principal in PS. 31 on the people who lived there She "She personified love." poverty was through educa transformed into a carnival of long road from 9 p.m. today Lower East Side in New always looked and smelled he said "she used to walk tion My father got a high who goes home from the hos- school diploma' because of candy, cookies, gifts and until 9 a.m. tomorrow pital tomorrow will he RUMSON - Yes Santa, York during the mid-30s so clean She was always from school for seven or there was a Virginia - the her She used lo take chimney-watchers And more Candy and gifts and caroll- swaddled in an oversized when he was in the second smiling and made you feel eight blocks lo the subway, seriously, into a pageant of ing by scouts and volunteers Virginia of the celebrated grade like nothing was ever going but she never walked a people to enrol at night Christmas stocking made by school because they were old truths and renewed faijh. are the fare this weekend at New York Sun editorial on For the first half of that lo hurt you." straight line She used to Ms. Sabia. Santa's authenticity. afraid lo go alone She'd Christmas is a magic time area hospitals such as Bay- Lke a magnet, the holdiav semester, the stately teach- Mrs Douglas was with visit the homes and check up on people who were ill give her pay check to those for everyone. shore Community.Holmdel. season also serves to draw And she did represent er, then about 48 years old. the New York school sys- love and generosity and de- that needed it" people close together from tutored him al a desk next tem for 4i years before she "Although Jewish people votion not only at Christ- Mrs Douglas, whose fa- near and far.
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