1 1 REVISION 1 2 3 Mössbauer spectroscopic study of natural eosphorite, [(Mn, Fe)AlPO4(OH)2H2O] 4 Antoine Van Alboom1,2,Valdirene Gonzaga de Resende1, Geraldo Magela da Costa3 and Eddy 5 De Grave1* 6 7 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Ghent, B-9000 Gent, Belgium 8 2Department of Industrial Technology and Construction, University of Ghent, B-9000 Gent, 9 Belgium 10 3Chemistry Department, Federal University of Ouro Preto, 35400-000, Ouro Preto (MG), 11 Brazil 12 13 14 * E-mail: [email protected] 15 16 17 18 2 19 Abstract 57 2+ 20 A Fe Mössbauer spectroscopic study of natural eosphorite, (Mn, Fe )AlPO4(OH)2H2O, is 21 reported. The Mössbauer spectra were collected at temperatures between 295 K and 4.2 K. At 22 temperatures exceeding 30 K, the Mössbauer spectra consist of a somewhat broadened 23 quadrupole doublet with a splitting of 1.73 mm/s at 295 K. From the spectrum recorded at 250 24 K in an external magnetic field of 60 kOe, it is derived that the sign of the principal 25 component of the electric field gradient (EFG) is negative and that the EFG’s asymmetry 26 parameter is large (~0.5). From these findings, it is concluded that the octahedral coordination 27 of the ferrous cations exhibits in first order a trigonal compression with a further lowering 28 from axial symmetry due to an additional distortion. The spectrum collected at 4.2 K shows 29 the existence of magnetic ordering. It was analysed in terms of the full hyperfine interaction 30 Hamiltonian, yielding a magnetic hyperfine field value of 146 kOe and EFG characteristics 31 that are fully in line with those obtained from the external-field spectrum. In the temperature 32 range from 10 to 30 K, the spectra indicate the occurrence of relaxation effects. They could be 33 satisfactorily described in terms of the Blume-Tjon (BT) model for electronic relaxation, 34 assuming a superposition of a slow- and a fast-relaxation component. The observed 35 temperature dependence of the isomer shift is adequately described by the Debye model for 36 the lattice vibrations. The characteristic Mössbauer temperature was found as (360 ± 20) K 37 and the zero-Kelvin intrinsic isomer shift as (1.480 ± 0.005) mm/s. The variation of the 38 quadrupole splitting with temperature is explained by the thermal population of the Fe2+ 39 electronic states within the T2g orbital triplet, which is split by the trigonal crystal field in a 40 singlet ground state and an upper doublet state, the latter being further split into two orbital 41 singlets by an additional distortion. The energies of these latter excited states with respect to 42 the ground state are calculated to be 280 ± 20 cm-1 and 970 ± 50 cm-1, respectively, based on a 5 43 point-charge calculation of the D level scheme. This calculation confirms the sign of the Vzz 3 44 component of the electric field gradient being negative as it is determined from the external 45 magnetic field measurement and from the magnetic spectrum acquired at 4.2 K. Iron 46 phosphates are widely spread minerals in the Earth’s crust and are expected to occur in soils 47 and rocks on Mars as well. Mössbauer spectroscopy as complimentary source of information 48 to the results of other analytical techniques, could therefore be useful to identify and 49 characterize the environmental Fe-bearing phosphates. 50 51 52 Keywords: eosphorite, Mössbauer spectroscopy, hyperfine parameters, temperature variation 53 54 4 55 INTRODUCTION 2+ 56 Eosphorite, ideally Mn AlPO4(OH)2.H2O, has orthorhombic symmetry with space 57 group Bbam (Hanson 1960, Huminicki and Hawthorne 2002). The structure is depicted in 58 Figure 1 and consists of alternating chains of Mn octahedra and Al octahedra that run parallel 59 to the c-axis. The strongly-distorted Mn octahedra share opposite O1-O2 edges, while the 60 more regular Al octahedra share opposite O3 corners occupied by H2O groups. The two types 61 of chains are linked to each other by sharing their O4 corners, thus forming parallel sheets 62 that are held together by P cations in a tetrahedral O4 coordination. Based on single-crystal X- 63 ray diffraction, Hoyos et al. (1993) concluded that the two aforementioned O4 sites are both 64 occupied by OH groups. However, a more recent structure refinement using neutron 65 diffraction data for a single-crystal of eosphorite has revealed that only one of the O4 sites is 66 occupied by OH, while the other is occupied by H2O (Gatta et al. 2013). Thus, the structure 67 can be considered as being composed of chains of MnO4(OH,H2O)2 and 68 AlO2(OH)2(OH,H20)2 octahedra. Eosphorite is isomorphous with childrenite, 69 FeAlPO4(OH)2.H2O, and the two mentioned minerals form the end members of a complete 70 solid-solution series. It is generally accepted in the literature that only Fe2+ is present in the 2+ 71 structure of iron-substituted eosphorite, (Mn,Fe)AlPO4(OH)2.H2O, and that these Fe cations 72 are found in the Mn octahedra. 73 Mössbauer spectra (MS) at room temperature (RT) of a number of iron-substituted 74 eosphorites with different Fe/Mn ratios have been presented by da Costa et al. (2005). These 75 authors found a relatively narrow ferrous doublet with constant isomer shift δFe of 1.25 mm/s 76 and quadrupole splittings ΔEQ in the range 1.70 to 1.74 mm/s. More recently, Dyar et al. 77 (2014) in a compilation of Mössbauer data on a large variety of phosphate minerals reported 78 for a childrenite-eosphorite solid solution with unspecified Fe/Mn ratio a single quadrupole 79 doublet with δFe = 1.25 mm/s and ΔEQ = 1.66 mm/s. As far as could be traced by the present 5 80 authors, no further Mössbauer data on childrenite-eosphorite solid solutions are available in 81 the literature. In the present contribution, MS acquired at many different temperatures in the 82 range between 4.2 K and 295 K for an eosphorite sample (RO-02, Fe/Mn ratio of 0.60) 83 studied earlier by da Costa et al. (2005) are presented and the temperature variations of the 84 isomer shift and the quadrupole interaction are discussed. 85 86 EXPERIMENTAL 87 The specimen of natural eosphorite was characterized by X-ray diffraction and 88 microprobe analysis. The unit-cell parameters were calculated as a = 10.429 Å, b = 13.474 Å 89 and c = 6.925 Å. Chemical analysis revealed the presence of 17.8 wt % MnO and 10.5 wt % 90 FeO in the sample. 91 MS were collected at selected temperatures between 4.2 K and 295 K using spectrometers 92 operating in constant acceleration mode with triangular reference signal. 57Co(Rh) sources 93 were used. A spectrum was acquired at ~250 K in a longitudinal external magnetic field of 60 94 kOe to determine the sign of the principal component Vzz of the electric field gradient (EFG) 95 and the EFG’s asymmetry parameter η. The counts were accumulated in 1024 channels. 96 Spectra were run until an off-resonance count rate of at least 106 per channel was reached. 97 The spectrometers were calibrated by collecting the RT spectrum of a reference metallic-iron 98 foil or a standard α-Fe2O3 powder, depending on the applied velocity range. Isomer shifts 99 quoted hereafter are referenced with respect to α-Fe at 295 K. 100 101 SPECTRA ANALYSES AND RESULTS 102 A typical Mössbauer spectrum of the eosphorite sample is reproduced in Figure 2 103 (RT). It has been fitted with a Lorentzian-shaped quadrupole doublet (solid line in Fig. 2), 104 yielding the isomer shift δFe and quadrupole splitting ΔEQ values that are characteristic of 6 105 Fe2+, i.e., 1.24 mm/s and 1.73 mm/s at 295 K, respectively. The relatively narrow line width, 106 i.e. Γ = 0.33 mm/s at RT, suggests that the Fe2+ cations are indeed substituting for Mn2+ at the 107 Mn octahedra only. The MS for all applied temperatures down to 40 K are similar. Adjusted 108 values of δFe and ΔEQ for selected temperatures are listed in Table 1. Consistently, no 109 indication of the presence of any Fe3+ was noticed. At the lower applied temperatures, a 110 slightly lower goodness-of-fit was reached using a model-independent distribution of 111 quadrupole splittings for the fittings (Vandenberghe et al. 1994), instead of using a single 112 quadrupole doublet. However, the values calculated for the maximum-probability quadrupole 113 splittings of the respective distributions were found to coincide, within experimental error 114 limits, with those of the quadrupole splittings adjusted by the single-doublet model. 115 It is well known that the quadrupole splitting ΔEQ as observed in a doublet spectrum is 116 given by the relation (Ingalls 1964): 1 117 Δ=ΔEE1 +η2 , (1) QQzz, 3 118 in which 119 ∆ | | (2) , 120 121 In Equation 2, e represents the proton charge, Q is the nuclear quadrupole moment and Vzz 122 (often denoted as eq) is the principal component of the electric field gradient (EFG) tensor, 123 being positive or negative depending on the local symmetry experienced by the probe 57Fe η= − 124 nuclei. VVVxx yy/ zz is the asymmetry parameter, being zero for axial symmetry. The 125 quantities Vii are the diagonal elements of the EFG tensor organized so that Vzz>Vxx≥Vyy. In 126 general, information about η and the sign of Vzz can be obtained from MS recorded for the 127 sample being subjected to a strong external magnetic field Hext at a temperature in the 128 paramagnetic regime.
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