' ¦ < I now producing the fhalmers Ms ha| been to mail* the car an outatandluf AROUND THE TOWN value. THE NEW HUDSON SEDAN "UiKtor price condition* that hay* LEXINGTONCAR prevailed for the past year, the valu« SPOUTMODELS C. W. Mlnker, Washington dis¬ of the Chalmers haa been very pro YET PRACTICAL, ' tributor for the Columbia six, gave LUXURIOUS nounced. an Informal dinner to the member* "But the new price puts It praotla ally In a claaa by Itaelf. It la tt* of his organization and several loweat price that haa ever beei HERETOREIN Washington business men Wednes¬ placed on a oar at all to be compare* day evening at his Fourteenth street with the Chalmera Six. showroom. The event marked the "The Chalmers haa been developed : completion of the first six months greatly in the past year and In ij of Mr. Winkers distributorship which- KaffiQKi)PP P-BRm4 six-cylinder pnnslbllltlee have bee* ASSERTSKEMP needless to say has been a profitable flKsli brought to new heights of perform one to him and the Columbia Six. BfiS Reduction Is Most anoe. Auburn Auto Pr«»id«nt Be¬ Those attending were: C. W. Mlnker, fc An.ted- Unhesitatingly Pre¬ Leary Says "This coupled with Its extraordln John B. Cochran, president of the Important in Rscent ary goof looks have won It an eves eves Rakish Cart Will Ba Franklin National Bank; Qeorite E. isopt, sents Program for widening circle of admirers. Standard. Sullivan, attorney; D. B. Oolver, W. 1923. Pries Changes. "The n<*w price makea it avaflabh Bond, Louis Hoover. William Loetcli, to a still greater number of peoplt Walter Blake. Harry Mlnker. Wil¬ "The announcement of the reduc¬ who appreciate * really fine alx-cylln That the aport design In motor liam Clark, George Noble. Raymond Official* of the" Lexington Motor tion In price of the Chalmers Six to der car." Sara la a Krahling. Edwrrd Roper, Robert Company here have authorised the la on* of the nioat taking permanent plica anouncement of series tl.186 Important amoni standard models la the opin¬ Helnrichs, Clinton Talbot, and M. SI, modal* at of the recent price changea aa It Real Necessities. Constrlstan. "lowar prices" with "higher quality." a n*w essential tools for a re ion of A. P. Kemp,, prealent and Frank B. eetabllahee low mark for flne The most r Ansted, factory presi¬ alx-cyllnder care, such aa the Chal¬ pair kit are jack, tire wrench, pump, general manager of the Auburn The appointment of the Tour.g I 'V 1> dent, characterise* the announce¬ mera haa always been," aaya H. B. hammer, pliers, roll of tape, sorswi Automobile 'Company, expressed In Automobile Co., Inc.. to represent + MStiEtm. ment In theae word*: "After fifteen Leary, Jr. driver, pocketknifc. tow rope, file, ol a recent statement to his dealers.. the Haynea here has been announced ¦« ¦»' **"&' / years of conscientious endeavor wa "The policy of the organization can and plenty of wire. the <k7* llMlillWW'TTlHWHwJiiAt'liaM^" unhesitatingly present our program "The sport car aatlaflea the de- by Haypes Automobile Company < '. v; f?re of a certain portion of the of Kokomo, Ind. Show rooms have - Vy' for ^92( aa an achievement second molar oar some¬ been at 1022 Connec¬ > only to the famous Ansted engine." buying public for formully opened " thing different," said Mr. Kemp. ticut avenue and late models of the / Ten body types are Included In the "In the past the manufacturers Haynea series of 76 and 56 are being ¦ft?* list of series 21 models. They are as have put out various kinds of shown. follows: Two-passenger roadster, freaks, but none of them have lived. Used car and service departments I II,OS; nvs-passenger touring car, The sport car,, however. Is not occupy the well-adapted building at A pending of richness and luxury with simp!lolly characterises the new Hudson xdsn which is .being (1,(91; seven-passenger touring oar, freakish, and It has a definite niche 1SI7 Fourteenth street northwest. shown by llw l^ambort-iiudkon Motor Company at 1X12 Connecticut avenue. The cAch work !. tireUwi | 1,795; five-passenger sport model, to fill. It la different, decidedly Capable service for owners of Haynea and bespeaks a painstaking attention to appointments and finish. 2.046; five-passenger California top, ¦mart, and has, In addition, all cars is available at this addreas and The new Hudson motor is said to be the top step of seven year's of development of the patented Super- (1.996; seven-passenger California the good qualtles of the standard used oars of Quality taken in trade Six principle. top, $3,096; five-passenger royal models. In designing the Auburn will be displayed here. oaach, (1,145; four-passenger coupe, sport car we have sacrificed none A material In the and of the and should be an ace with hi* new sedan, with two t reduction prices advantages disadvantages (2,846; five-passenger of the serviceability of our line, yet of Haynes cars has been announced. Maryland-made plan by Mr. Ullman connection. ^ taxi seats, (2,646; and four-passen have developed a car that appeals has made it a matter (or care¬ ger brougham, (2,(46. Your car needs m. the buyer who wants what he William Ullman who needs no in¬ who Capt. Eddie Rick.-nbacker visile*! Three of the above body types are good . » the calls a 'snappy' automobile. That troduction to the motorists of this ful study. Washington Thursday and apent Mount brand new additions to the Lexington It is an Ideal type Is shown by the section will talk before the Wash¬ day with Manager Manship of the line for 1922; the roadster, the royal "food" (fuel). Give- it test Increasing demand for It." ington Automotive Trade Associa¬ 8. If. Daniel who ha* lone been a Flunders-8mlth Company, local dis¬ coach and the brougham. of that tributor for the Rlckenbacker car. tion at the monthly meeting member of the sales staff of the In the roadster, the "sport motif" Motor and The and that 14. His . The future of the Rlckenbacker Fuel gum grease accumu¬ organization Monday, August has has been followed. It Is a snappy, Super get late on the rear axle may be easily subect will be the proposed gasoline Oldsmoblle flklen Company Jolnt-d looks bright to Eddie and particular¬ TIRE motor car with low, JOYFULor two-passenger removed with a clpth wet 41th kero¬ tax. the Stanley H. Horner sales organiza¬ ly in thla territory where Manship r*"y lines. more miles sene. A stiff brush will reach the This subject Is one of vital im¬ U going strong. power.more tion and will doubtlees go over the Kicken- Great emphasis Is laid on the royal grooves and corners. The cleaning portance to Washington motorists Recent reports that the coach which the factory claims sots . 111 be easier if the kerosene Is and to the trade and one may anticl- top for a Bulck. backer prices would be raised have .less carbon andN easier a a new mark for high-grade coach discussion of the "Dan" is said to be "go-getter" no said its builder. \ pate an interesting ground, DEPENDABILITY building at a low price. The seating and accommodations are ample for five starting. With '' * ll Blowouts, Delay people of average slse. A single wide ^ J ' i HAPPENINGS IN Labor, on door on each side gives sasy access. Greatly Misting All appotntements are worked out In Obtainable at your favorite filling station y Trips Now. splendid detail, but nothing has been V THE INDUSTRY of overdone for ostentation merely. \ the maximum In order to net The coach is offered as an an trip royal the pleasure out of automobile nwer to the <le ia essential to be able to keep going rapidly Increasing WE'RE SACRIFICING OUR During the first six months of it roand for a closed car that can be after once aaya Motor Coach 1922, the Hupp organization sold started, bought for a modest outlay and main¬ 80 pe.- cent more cars than during Work. Blow out* mean delay, labor tained and annoyance for every one con¬ without extravagance. the entire year 1921. June sale* The brougham follows the same were 116 per cent greater than cerned. They take all the fun and out of And strange ait general design as tb"e royal coach June J921 and July was entered joy motoring. but Is more elegant in every ^ with more sales booked than were it may aeem. tire troubles, when they fitting them- It offers cozy accommodations to n made during June, with no cancel¬ happen, uaually will manifest of four. A . Halves In the most out-of-the-way party trunk, »built Into USED CARS lations. the rear of the offers unusual body, if' . % places on the road, and at the most On June the Hudson organi¬ Inopportune moments. How to avoid touring facilities. 20, All series 22 models are equipped To Make Room for Fall Stock of New Cars zation held a celebratA>n to inark these. troubles is the problem. with cord tire*. the building of the 17*,000tb Hud .Tls said "a chain is no stronger MOTOR FUEL son car. Essex followed by turn¬ than its weakest link," and an auto¬ OIL VA. National Touring Car.Late model. ing our Its 76,000th car on June 22. mobile ia no better than its poorest VETERINARIES NEARLY COLUMBIA CO., ROSSLYN, 4 Condition Guaranteed.Sacrifice Price. tire. Automobile tires today are OUT OF BUSINESS IN N. Y. Phone West 1012 The Reo last month made so well that we almost com¬ .
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