FIRST AMERICAN OPEN CHAM PION ( See P. 257) , I - I --• - ( P1WIO by Art Zeller) • • .:. UNl'l'ED STATES .:. Volume XX N umber 12 December, 1965 EDITOR: J. F. Reinhardt CONTENTS CHESS FEDERATION U.S. Championship .. .......... .............................. .. ... .. .... ..................... .. ... 255 PRESIDENT Benko Wins First American Open .............................. .......................... 257 Lt. Col. E. B. Edmondson Ba it or Booty, by Robert Byrne ............................................................ 258 VICE·PRESIDENT David Hoffmann Gomes· by USCF Members, by John W. Col li ns ...... _............................. 260 REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS Chess Life Here & There ............................................................... ..... 262 NEW ENGLAND Stanley King Har old Dond.1. 1ndex of Players, 1965 ... .. .. ...................... ..... ..... ... .... .. ...... .... ... .... ......... 267 Ell Bourdon EASTIiRN Donald Sc hult~ Tournament Life .... ... ..... ...................................... ......... ................ ......... 2 6 9 Lewis E. Wood Rober t L aBe lle MID-ATLANTIC William Bragg Eu l Clary Edward D. Strehle * SOUTHERN Dr. Robert Froemil:e * * Peter Lahde Carroll M. Crull GREAT LAKIS Norbert lbtthew. THERE'S A USCF TOURNAMENT Donald W. Hildina: Dr. HaTYeY McClellan NORTH CIENTIltAL Robert Lerner IN AREA- John o.neu YOUR Ken R,yk ken SOUTHWESTERN W. W. Crew Kenneth Smith SEE THE "TOURNAMENT LIFE" LISTINGS! l'ark Bishop PACIFIC K enneth Jon es Gordon Barrett Col. Paul L . W ebb SECRETARY * * * Marshall Rohland JUNIORS NATIONAL CHAIRMEN and OFFICERS U your rating is 2100 or higher and you shall not havc reached your 21st ARMED FORCES CHESS.•.• MM . .. _ _ .Robert Karch birthday before J uly 1, 1966, send your name and address to Lt. Col. E. B. BUSINESS MANAGER-• •_ • ........ J . F . ReJnhardt Edmondson, President U.S. Cbess Federation, 210 Britton Way, Mather AFB, COLLEGE CH. S5.•••••• •___ _ _. __ Pau.l. C. .10. California. The objective: a possible 12-player U.S. J unior Closed Championshi p IN DUSTRIAL CHI!SS......... ..8tanley W. D. XlIII INTERNATIONAL A FFAIRS. • ___.haac Kubdan with expenses paid. Women'l lntern.Uonal. ......... M • .Kathryn Slater JUNIOR c;:HESS ... ............................... Robert. Erkes MASTERS AF FAIRS .......... .. ...... ........Rober t Byrne MEMBERSHIP .............................. .. Donald Schultz MEMBERSHIP IECRETARy..... .. .. ..... Greta Fuchs JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION NA nOHAl OPEN ........................Herman Estrad a HOMINATIONS .............. Dr. Alex Janushkowaky USC .. ill • non.proflt democratic or,aointlon, the otficlal e-overnlne- body and FIDE unlt for PRESIDENTIAL ASSISTANT... .... ... Fred Cramer che... 10 the USA. Anyone loterested In advanclne- Amerlcan chess is el!glhle tor membership. RATINGS & PAIRINGS ................Al'p ad E. Elo RATINC STATISTICIAN ........ _.. Wm. Golchber, Me ",be nhlp, Indudlne- CHESS LlFE .5Ubscrlpl1on, eligibility l or USCF·raUn" and all TAX DEDUCTIBllITY ............ _ ... ..H.rold Dondls prlvllep,: 1 yr .: $.00; 2. yrs..; $9.50; 3 )'l'I.: $13.50; Sultalnlne-: ' 10.00 (becoming tlCe Membership TOURNAMENT AOM .... _ .. Geor' e KoltaDow&k1 alter 10 p aym ents); LlCe: $100.00. F. mily Membeu hip (t wo or more family members . t same TOURNAMENT RUllii 5._ M ._..... .Jame. Sherwin . ddu ... only one CHESS LU'E subacrlpUon): rates .s a bove for tlrst famlly member, plul TREASURER ...... _ .... _ ............. _ ... _ .. MIIlon au.kln U. S. CHAMPIONSHIP.. _ .......... M.urlce Kuper followlni' for each additional member: I yr.: $2 .50; 2. yr&.: $4.75; 3 yrs.: '/1.75. WOMEN' S CHI ........ _ ....................... Eva Aronson CHi'S LIFE II publWled monthly by USCF and entered as Be<:ond·class matter at East Dubuque, llllnois. N on·memher l -yr. subscrtptlon: $4.00 (S5 .00 out5lde USA); lIna:le COpy: 40t (SO ~ WORLD CHESS FEDERATION out.lde USA). Chlnge of addre,,: Allow four weekS notice; please ,Ive UI both the new addreSJI (F.I.D.E.) Ind the old .ddreu, Includini" thc numberl .nd d ates on the top line of your ltencll. Fred Cramer Vice-President, Zone 5 (U.S.A.) Address all cODUDunlcstlonl, and make all checks payable to: -------- UNITIiD STATES CHESS FEDERATION, 80 &:aSI 111h Sirut, NEW YOIlK 3, N. Y. 254 CHESS LIFE ROUND BY ROUND Round 1 u.s. Flsch .. r ...... _... ..... _._.1 Addison _. ..... _._... _.. 1 R_ li mo .......... _.. _1 Evans ........................ 0 On Sunday. December 12, the United States Chess Championship sot under way Bls(Uler ........__ .. _.. ..1 Byr ne ........................1 in the Terrace Room of the Henry Hudson Hotel in New York City. On hand to llurg.. r _. ............. _... 1 SuW"s .......... __.... _.. 0 defend the title which he had last won with a se nsational score of 11-0 was Grand­ Ru hevsky .... .. .•.•..•... 1 Be nko ..... ............... 1 master Rob<!rt J. Fischer, now practicall y a veteran at the age of 22. The other Saldy ................ .. ... .....0 Zuckerma n ...... .. ...... 1 players, in order of their USCF r atings, were Samuel Reshcvsky, Pal Benko, Larry Round 2 Evans, William Addison , Robert Byr ne, Dr. Anthony Saidy, Nicholas Rossolimo, Fischer .. ............... ..... 1 Suttle, .. ......... .......... .0 Arthur Bisguier, Bernard Zucke rman, Duncan Suttles, and Dr. Karl Burger. Benko ............ _. ..... ....1 Bu rger .... .. ...... .......... 0 P lay began shortly after 2 p.m., following the introduction of t he players and Zuckerman _.. ........ _1 Re l he ~s ky .. .............. /. Byrne .. __ .................. 1 S;ro ldy .......................... 0 brief addresses by ) 1. J . Kasper, Chairman or the U.S. Championship Committee and Uossollmo ................ 1 Lt . Col. E. B. Edmondson, President of the United Stales Chess Federation. Add l.$On ........ _. ..... .... 1 Evans ........................ 0 Fischer's string of U.S. Championship victories was broken in the very first r oun d, though this result was not known until a few days later when his adjourned Round 3 game with William Addison ended in a draw. Fischer, with a somewhat superior Eva ns ................ ... ..... 0 Fische r ... ... ... ... ..... .. ... 1 Blsltuler .......... ..... .... 0 Addison ...... .............. 1 endga me, tried hard fo r a wi n but finally had to concede the haU·point when Addison Sllldy ............ .. ...... .. .... 1 Rouollmo ... ........... .. 0 defended with great accuracy. Res he vsky ................1 By rne .. ...................... 1 The biggest surprise of t h.e early rounds was the three straight losses of Burge r ........... ........ ... 1 Zuek.. rman .... _.. __. .1 Grandmaster Larry Evans. He was defeatcd by Rossolimo, Addison and Fischer, Suttles .. .. _. ..... _........ 0 ~nko ........ _.... _..... _1 before beating Bisguier in Round 4. Round 4 ....bch .. r __. .... _. ... _..•. 1 llenko ._... .................. 0 OAUENF ELD DEFENSE Zuckerma n .............. 1 Suttles ...... ........ ..... ...0 SAIDY Z:UCKERMAH Byrne .... ............. ...... .1 llurger ... ......... .. ... ..... 1 FISCHER WINS! 30. HxBch Rouolimo ................1 Rt'$hevsk y .... ..........1 .... Addison .. .. ....... ........ 1 Saldy ...... .... ... .. ..... .. 0 In spite of losing to Robert Byrne ,•.• ,..Qa. '1. K·Q2 K•••·R2 and Samuel Reshevsky in consecutive ,. N.QB, ,..Q. 32. N·K2 •••• Evan 9 .............. ... .......1 B1sgulcr .. ................ 0 rounds, U.S. Champion Robert J. •• N·.3 B-H2 33. A/ S-Rl R.KRI ,. a ' NS N-KS 3• . R·QBl K ·N3 Round 5 Fischer retained his title by scoring •• ,. ••• 3S. A_BS . ·H5 BI. gule r ....................0 F ische r .................... " 1 8lk-2'f.E , fi nishi ng a lull point ahead ,. ••• P.K 3 36. N·B3 ••• s.Jdy ._ ... _. ..... _._. __ .. 0 Evans _........ __ .... __. .. 1 of Reshevsky and Byrne who tied for •• ... , ••• 37. RXAeh K •• Ru h e~ s k y .... _._... _.. 1 Ad dIson .... _._. __ ._ ... 0 •• Q·K 3ch K ·Bl st. ,..oS 8 u rger ....... ... _.. ........0 Rossoll mo .............. _1 second and third. 10. Q. 1I4 11-113 39. NxQP .'"... Suttles ............... ......... 0 Byrn e ........................1 The other scores: Willi am Addison 11. P-KR. P·B3 .0. K ·a3 K-N3 B~nk o ......... ...............0 Zuekerma n .... .......... 1 and Ber nard Zuckerman (6lk); Nico­ U . p·K3 "·Kllt3 .1. N·N4 .... (6); 13. N·II' B.K3 . 2. R·QS R.aleh Round 6 las Rossolimo Pal Benko, La rry 14. B-Q] 43. K .Q4 R·K8I ~"'1sc h e r ...................._ 1 Zucke r man ..............0 Evans, Dr. Anthony Sa id y (5); Arthur 15. O·OOO ...K·N2 ' • • . R-Q6 8 yr ne ...............•..•.•.•• 0 Ben ko ... ............. ........ 1 Bisguier and Dr. Karl Burger (3); Dun· U . " ·KN4 Q-QNl 4S . N ·QS K'"·1I2 Ro.&OUmo ... .__ ._... _1 Suttles ........ ........... ... 1 can Sultles (2'h). 17. QIIt ·Nl B·K2 46 . K x " 1I·86ch Addison ___ .... __ .... _ 1 Bu rger _.... .. _... ... ......0 QxQ 11. QAxQ • 7. K-Q3 Evi ns ._.. _. .. _._ ...... _0 Reshevsky ........... _... 1 1'. N_K2 N ·Bl 41. Ax8 •••.. , Bls,uler _.................. l Said)' .............. * .......... 1 20. N ·8. ..... .,. K·K • K. K l 21 . N ·KS ... , SO . 1It · 1IIS " ·Al ROUND ONE 22. " ·NS H·K5 51 . K-'" ,. .... Round 7 I I 2". "xN ... 52 . K.Nl K ·II, Sl ldy ............. ....... ...... 0 Fischer ....... ..............1 24. P·AS R,.x " 53. R-QS Reshevsky ............... .1 U1 Sfuler .... ................ 0 NIMZO . INDIAN 25. Rx " B·K2 54. R.o6ch K•••·K. Bur, er ................ ......0 Evans ............. .. ........... 1 ADDISON FISCHER 2'. R/ 5·Nl " ·KN4 5S. R.N6 K·KS Suttles
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