Illinois State University ISU ReD: Research and eData WGLT Program Guides Arts and Sciences Summer 7-1-1992 WGLT Program Guide, July, 1992 Illinois State University Follow this and additional works at: https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/wgltpg Recommended Citation Illinois State University, "WGLT Program Guide, July, 1992" (1992). WGLT Program Guides. 269. https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/wgltpg/269 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Arts and Sciences at ISU ReD: Research and eData. It has been accepted for inclusion in WGLT Program Guides by an authorized administrator of ISU ReD: Research and eData. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PROGRAM GUl □ E ► N .I OI ::, OI ., I .. ___ _J ' Non-Protit Org U S.Postage PAID WOLT 8910 Normal, Illinois llllnol• State Unlveralty Permit No, 1 Normal, IL 61761 POWEREO UP BY WGLT STAFF - General Manager: BRUCE BERGETHON Develo-pment Director: KATHRYN CARTER Operations Director: KEVIN L. CONLIN • News Director: MIKE McCURDY • Assistant News Director: RYAN BAAS Reporter: LISA LABUZ • Engineers· DAVE MULCAHEY & MARK Hill • Stalf Announcers: MARC BOON & LAURA K KENNEDY • STUDENT STAFF/ VOLUNTEERS - FRANK BLACK, JULIE DANOSKY, STEVE FAST, SUE HEISER. VIV1AN JORDAN, THOM JOYCE, SHANE LUITJENS, JOAN NETZBANDT, BRUCE OTTO, PHILIP PULLEY, TODD SIMPSON, MIKE STOCKUM, CHRIS STOWERS, JAMES WILLIAMS, TODD WINEBURNER and BECKY YAEGER PRINTED BY Commercial Printing Associates • DESIGNED BY Al Fleener of Osborn & Delong • Edited by Laura Kennedy It's like1, th1t bq th time qoa ue rea•i11 -I TOWN HALL MEETING EXAMINES CRITICAL ISSUES bis. W&LT llill be o,entln1 1 HI :c m ace relations. Repro­ to people of color. How are politicians ad­ the parents expecting too mt£h? rnsmltter at a nei1 and cnsldenblq ductive rights and dressing these issues? In the second The electoral process is the final topic UNDERWRITERS the status of women. hour of the show, TOWN HALL will delve to be covered on TOWN HALL on Sunday, trengtbened effectin ndiated power of Education. The elec­ into politics and people of color. Without November 1 at 7 PM. Among the ideas to toral process. All are "hot" issues, all are Jesse Jackson in the race, how will be discussed are: why don't more people $.DU mntts. I snq it's "likelf because the focus of a series of unique national Democrats court African-Americans and vote? Why are there moves to limit terms a T.klng center atage thla month In the WQLT town hall meetings airing here on WGLT. people of color? What are politicians say­ of office? Do the two major parties repre­ s Is n pnject on 11bich dozens of peaple This ambitious series from Pacifica Radio ing about Japanbashing and how does sent the will of most Americans? Underwriter Roater la THE ART COOP. ~ will air one Sunday a month, beginning this affect Asian-Americans? Host Lany Bensky is high~ respected --.n been 11arki11 for several qears. ud this month and running through The second program deals with by public radio listeners. During a live 0 The moat Important word which deacrlbea THE ,, November. Each program will be broad­ reproductive rights and the status of broadcast, he can skillfully balance points n hne been 1110, times ,~en it cast from a different city and focus on a women and is slated to air at 6 PM on of view from callers, the live audience, ART COOP"• reaaon for underwriting programming different issue. Sunday, August 16. TOWN HALL will sur­ and panel members. He also keeps the nied impassible that we could eur hold on WGLT I• commitment. llecauae of WGLT'• com­ ~ "TOWN HALL will use all the tech· vey the reproductive rights landscape and program's pace lively and provides insight­ 1nq C) niques available,· says TOWN HALL host the strategies the pro- and anti-choice ful commentary, based on his years in mitment to bringing you top-notch programming, q cert1intq of completion. I'll hl1eve Larry Bensky. 'We will use journalistic re­ Republicans have planned for the conven­ radio and print journalism. tb1t the ~roject's finished 1hen It is. 1nd porting, panels of experts, live studio aud~ tion. Also, v.tiat happens to poor women "PACIACA'S NATIONAL TOWN HALL THE ART COOP feel■ It'• n-ry to aupport 89.1 !:i ence and phone-ins to analyze the complex and young women around the country who MEETINGS put into the election what the FM to keep the high level of excellence on your u of this writing It's still a prospect. "' issues that are part of this election.· want abortions? In the second half of the politicians and other media leave out,· as­ ·we cannot be boxed in with single program TOWN HALL will study the status serts Bensky. ·we will try to come up with publlc radio atatlon. easy answers: echoes TOWN HALL's of women in the workplace. What progress the solutions and answers for a public "' award-winning producer Ginny Z. Berson. has been made in dealing with sexual ha­ that is.frustrated by a political system that According to manager Richard Schaad, THE ART "In TOWN HALL, we bring in diverse and rassment? What are the forces that keep will not let them be involved and a media intriguing points of view on each topic.· women's pay less than men, limit that is narrowing its opinions daily.· COOP -• WQLT •• ateward of broadcaatlng qual­ The TOWN HALL meetings will begin women's work to the "pink collar ghetto' Widen your own opinions by tuning Sunday, June 12 at 6 PM. This two-hour and create the "glass ceiling"? And what in to PACIFICA'$ NATIONAL TOWN HALL ity •• It pertain• to art ■nd Information. Richard live call-in show will focus on Race are the politicians offering? MEETINGS Sundays, July 12, August f-1• WGLT ahouldn't have to ahoulder thl• reapon• Relations. In the first hour, TOWN HALL Sunday,September 27 at 7 PM the 16, September 27 and November 1, will look at the U.S. economy, social pro­ focus will be on education. We'll seek out here on your station for news and infor­ alblllty alone, and ao THE ART COOP lenda a hand grams, the criminal justice system, and the real problems of education. Is it mation, WGLT. the destruction of cities - in relationship money? Are the teachers competent? ke with their underwriting aupport. "It'• Important to aupport WGLT,• -Y• Richard, "eapeclally ■t ■ time when declalona about publlc funding have become pofltlcally charged." NAT 'KING' COLE: IN EVERY WAY "Tho- of ua who work at THE ART COOP know at 'King' Cole holds a and was a seminal pianist whose music less singing from the late 3Os until his special place in the helped inspire the be-bop musicians of death in 1965. Included will be rare ex­ that the future of ■rt and our children•• cultural chapter one: genesis 1989. At that time, the average all been followed, it was the dead of hearts of Americans, the 1940s and 50s. cerpts from the Trio's radio transcriptions, processing time for non-commercial winter - not the best time to be Inheritance depend• on what we are wllllng to The idea of reaching beyond McLean and for many differ­ Join host Harry Belafonte and National c11d gems from Cole's own NBC-TV show. facilities modifications was a minimum clambering about on a 400 foot metal entm reasons. To some, he was an incom­ Public Radio in celebrating Cole's artistry Also featured will be the words of those County with the WGLT signal has been a commit to that heritage right now. WGLT ha• of 18 months. We were able to speed up tower. We applied for, and obtained, a parable balladeer, with 195Os hits like in a special two-hour presentation, NAT who knew him, and of musicians who still - .....-.the uars it's taken to 110,e to sustaining image for many years. Since the process somewhat by submitting a 1976, the station transmitter has six-month extension of ·our construction 'Mona Lisa," and ·unforgettable.· To oth­ 'KING' COLE: IN EVERY WAY. According to feel his influence - helping to define Nat proven y-r •ft- year that It I• our partn- In nour­ grant for federal matching funds in permit from the FCC. ers he was an elegant yet natural pres­ many sources, 1992 would have been his 'King' Cole's importance to American the carrot ntnt. I've often felt that I operated at 2300 watts, which allowed, January 1990. Even though the funds lahlng the rich cultural experience• that we want at best service to the county. Operating_ The pieces of the project began to ence on television, breaking ground for 75th birthday year. Though the exact year music and culture. were not granted, the project was other black entertainers. Cole was, and is, of his birth is debatable, DIBS ID at a higher power, though, is not as finally come together in early April of there can be no Don't miss NAT 'KING' COLE: In our llvea." in the middle of IAPOlis,ed approved by the FCC in September 1990 a cultural hero, but his presence simple as turning up the juice. Federal 1992. These included a $45,000 was felt dispute that the music of Nat 'King' Cole IN EVERY WAY, Sunday, July 5th from -only 13 months after it was submtted. perhaps most strongly in the jazz world. is worthy of tribute anytime. 2 - 4 PM right here on your station for la~rqnthiae novel bq Hnrqun or Rnfkn.
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