05_067970_ch01.qxd 7/20/07 1:00 PM Page 1 PRACTICE OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE General Construction Documentation Environmental and Legal Project Administration COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL Part 1 05_067970_ch01.qxd 7/20/07 1:00 PM Page 2 05_067970_ch01.qxd 7/20/07 1:01 PM Page 3 Overview of the Profession 3 GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE PROFESSION WHAT IS LANDSCAPE In planning a site, landscape architects first con- vation and restoration is another important area where ARCHITECTURE? sider the nature and purpose of the project and the landscape architects are playing an increasingly funds available. They analyze the natural elements of important role. Landscape architecture encompasses the analysis, the site, such as the climate, soil, slope of the land, The 2004 American Society for Landscape Archi- planning, design, management, and stewardship of drainage, and vegetation; observe where sunlight falls tects (ASLA) Business Indicators Survey reveals that the natural and built environments. Types of projects on the site at different times of the day and examine landscape architecture firms are growing in size, include: residential, parks and recreation, monu- the site from various angles; and assess the effect of billing rates are increasing dramatically, and the client ments, urban design, streetscapes and public spaces, existing buildings, roads, walkways, and utilities on base for the profession continues to expand, most transportation corridors and facilities, gardens and the project. significantly in the public sector. arboreta, security design, hospitality and resorts, insti- After studying and analyzing the site, landscape ASLA commissioned the first business indicators tutional, academic campuses, therapeutic gardens, architects prepare a preliminary design. To accom- survey in 1997 and repeated it in 1999. This latest sur- historic preservation and restoration, reclamation, modate the needs of the client and other stakeholders vey is based on information gathered in 2004 from conservation, corporate and commercial, landscape in the project, as well as the conditions at the site, the more than 1,000 private sector landscape architecture art and earth sculpture, interior landscapes, and design frequently evolves based on input gathered at firms. Indicators include market sectors; project types; more. Landscape architects have advanced education meetings held during the design development phase. client types; billing rates; contract types; design com- and professional training and are licensed in 48 states These modifications from the preliminary design lead petition participation; marketing, spending and (as of June 2005). to the approval of the final design. They also take construction cost ratios; and profit margins. Of the Landscape architects plan and design traditional into account any local, state, or federal regulations, firms and organizations responding to the survey, 80 places such as parks, residential developments, cam- such as those providing barrier-free accessibility and percent are in the private sector, 16 percent are in the puses, gardens, cemeteries, commercial centers, those protecting wetlands or historic resources. public sector, and 4 percent represent academic insti- resorts, transportation facilities, corporate and institu- In preparing designs, computer-aided design (CAD) tutions. In the 2004 survey, most respondents have 21 tional centers, and waterfront developments. They has become an essential tool for most landscape archi- to 25 years of experience with an average salary of also design and plan the restoration of natural places tects. Many landscape architects also use video $80,273. The average salary for those with 0 to 5 years disturbed by humans, such as wetlands, stream corri- simulation to help clients envision the proposed ideas of experience is $41,803. Those with 36 to 40 years of dors, mined areas, and forested land. Having an and plans. For larger-scale site planning, landscape experience earn the highest average salary, at $97,564. appreciation for historic landscapes and cultural architects also use geographic information systems Demographic comparisons by gender between the resources enables landscape architects to undertake (GIS) technology, a computer mapping system. 1999 and 2004 ASLA surveys indicate there has been preservation planning projects for national, regional, Throughout all phases of the planning and design, no change in the private sector (24 percent women, and local historic sites and areas. landscape architects consult with other professionals 76 percent men). However, women now make up 34 Working with architects, city planners, civil engi- involved in the project. Once the design is complete, percent of public practitioners and 24 percent of pro- neers, and other professionals, landscape architects they prepare a proposal for the client. They produce fessionals in academia, increases of 4 percent in both play an important role in environmental protection by detailed plans of the site, including written reports, sectors since 1999. designing and implementing projects that respect both sketches, models, photographs, land-use studies, and Based on projections by the Department of Labor’s the needs of people and of our environment. cost estimates, and submit them for approval by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, employment of land- Professionals who can meet human needs by making client and by regulatory agencies. When the plans are scape architects is expected to grow faster than the wise use of our environmental resources are in approved, landscape architects prepare working average for all occupations through the year 2012. demand today and will continue to be so in the future. drawings showing all existing and proposed features. New construction is increasingly dependent upon A wide range of opportunities are open to land- They also outline in detail the methods of construc- compliance with environmental regulations, land-use scape architects today. They may work on a variety tion, itemize construction details, and draw up a list zoning, and water restrictions, spurring demand for of projects, such as the development and preserva- of necessary materials, including the written technical landscape architects to help plan sites and integrate tion of open spaces, recreation areas, wildlife refuges, specifications for the project. Finally, during the con- man-made structures with the natural environment in zoos, parks, golf courses, and transportation systems. struction implementation phase of the project, the the least disruptive way. Landscape architects are also Landscape architects also may work for many types landscape architect is often called upon, by the client, becoming increasingly involved in preserving and of organizations—from real estate development firms to monitor the installation of his or her design. restoring wetlands and other environmentally sensi- starting new projects to municipalities constructing air- Some landscape architects work on a variety of tive sites. Due to growth and geographic shifts in ports or parks—and they often are involved with the projects, while others specialize in a particular area, population, the expertise of landscape architects will development of a site from its conception. Working such as residential development, street and highway be highly sought after in the planning and develop- with architects, surveyors, and engineers, landscape beautification, waterfront improvement projects, parks ment of new residential, commercial, and other types architects help determine the best arrangement of and playgrounds, or shopping centers. Still others of construction. For the general public, their most roads and buildings. They also collaborate with envi- work in regional planning and resource management; important issues and concerns impacting their daily ronmental scientists, foresters, and other professionals feasibility, environmental impact, and cost studies; or lives and routines have a close relationship to a land- to find the best way to conserve or restore natural site construction. Increasingly, landscape architects scape architect’s area of practice and responsibility. resources. Once these decisions are made, landscape are becoming involved with projects in environmental Thus, the work of landscape architects will play an architects create detailed plans indicating new topog- remediation, such as preservation and restoration of increasingly important role in shaping the world’s raphy, vegetation, walkways, and other landscaping wetlands, as well as the restoration of degraded land, future by making a positive impact on health, eco- details, such as fountains and decorative features. such as mines or landfills. Historic landscape preser- nomic, social, and environmental issues. Leonard Hopper, FASLA and the American Society of Landscape Architects GENERAL 05_067970_ch01.qxd 7/20/07 1:01 PM Page 4 4 Overview of Construction Documentation CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION OVERVIEW OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION BACKGROUND: PURPOSE CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION family residential landscape could be documented VERSUS CONSTRUCTION entirely in three drawings, without a separate specifi- Construction documents have several purposes. They DOCUMENTATION cations book. In this case, all specifications may be communicate technical information necessary to (1) embedded directly in the drawings. The hardscape obtain bids for construction, (2) see the project To ensure design integrity, some landscape architects design could be integrated with
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