UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI FAKULTETA ZA DRUŽBENE VEDE Koželj Rok Odnosi med ZDA in Irakom, 2003 - 2014 Relationship between USA and Iraq, 2003 - 2014 Magistrsko delo Ljubljana, 2015 1 UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI FAKULTETA ZA DRUŽBENE VEDE Koželj Rok Mentor: red. prof. dr. Bogomil Ferfila Somentor: red. prof. dr. Calvin Mouw Odnosi med ZDA in Irakom, 2003 - 2014 Relationship between USA and Iraq, 2003 - 2014 Ljubljana, 2015 2 Relationship between USA and Iraq, 2003 - 2014 United States of America invaded a highly complex social and historical reality, led by dictator Saddam Hussein with a harsh hand and cruel methods, when it occupied Iraq in 2003. After the occupation of the country, USA and partner countries were not able to ensure a peaceful transition towards democracy, which would have been possible only with the inclusion of all ethnical and religious communities in an inclusive dialogue, which would in turn bring to the creation of a new, adapted Constitutional and Institutional State order. The two biggest problems have been the exclusion of a consistent Arab-Sunni minority from the decision-making process and the definition of status of the Kurdistan Autonomous Region in the North of the country. After the initial consistent mistakes of the US, among which we can count the invasion itself and the consequent dismissal of the Iraqi military and civil-administrative infrastructure, which caused un-governance and chaos, the appropriate decision (in the given situation) of the US administration was to implement the "Surge" operation: this term indicated a change of strategy of the US, resulting in alliances between US Army and Sunni tribes, an increased military contingent and the deployment of the Army on the ground where really needed (in towns and villages). This vast operation contributed to the start of a more inclusive political dialogue and to better perspectives for the future of the unified Iraqi State in the years 2009-2010. After the partial and later complete withdrawal of the US Army, however, sectarianism, political fragmentation, tribal identity and clashes for power re-emerged. This brought the former PM Al Maliki to use harsher methods and to increase discrimination against the Sunni minority, which in turn led to an increased terroristic violence of the Sunni radical groups, eventually organised in a structured political project consisting in the creation of a transnational Islamic Caliphate denominated "Daesh". Given the deteriorated situation in Iraq and Syria, the only realistic possibility of the USA for fostering a sustainable peace and stability in the region is to create a wide coalition against Daesh, which should include at least Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, besides Iraq, USA and its partners, under the umbrella of the United Nations. Such a coalition should first seek for local, on-the-ground Sunni partners, which are opposing Daesh, and then intervene with ground troops against the extremists. Key words: Iraq, USA, Daesh, sectarianism, federalism, oil. 3 Odnosi med ZDA in Irakom, 2003 - 2014 Združene države Amerike so se z invazijo Iraka leta 2003 podale v zelo kompleksno družbeno in zgodovinsko resničnost, katero je diktator Sadam Husein vodil s trdo roko in krutimi metodami. Po okupaciji države, ZDA in partnerji niso bili sposobni zagotoviti mirne tranzicije v demokracijo, možne le z vključitvijo vseh etničnih in verskih skupnosti v enakopravni dialog, ki bi botroval kreaciji nove, adaptirane državne in ustavne ureditve. Največja problema sta bila, in ostajata še danes, emarginacija konsistentne arabsko-sunitske manjšine in definicija statusa kurdske avtonomne regije na severu države. Po začetnih velikih napah ZDA, med katere lahko štejemo invazijo samo in posledično razpustitev iraškega vojaškega in civilno-administrativnega kompleksa, ki je povzročila brezvladje in kaos, je bila še najboljša (v dani situaciji) odločitev ameriške administracije tista o operaciji "Surge": ta pojem je pomenil spremembo strategije ZDA v Iraku. Kot prvo, je s to obsežno operacijo okupacijska administracija poiskala in ustvarila zavezništva s sunitskimi plemeni proti sunitskim skrajnežem, nato je povečala vojaški kontingent in končno premaknila vojsko iz oddaljenih in zaščitenih vojašnic (kjer je bila brez pravega učinka) v mesta in vasi, kjer je bila zmožna jamčiti večjo varnost. Operacija je botrovala začetku bolj inkluzivnega političnega dialoga in boljšim perspektivam za prihodnost skupne iraške države v letih 2009 in 2010. Po delnem in nato popolnem umiku ameriških sil pa je ponovno prevladal sektarianizem, politična razdrobljenost, boj za oblast in nenazadnje plemenska pripadnost. To je pripeljalo takratnega premiera Al Maliki-ja do uporabe vse trše roke in stopnjevanja diskriminacije vse bolj nezadovoljne sunitske manjšine, kar je pripeljalo do vnovičnega povečanja terorističnega nasilja sunitskih skrajnežev, vse bolj organiziranih v strukturiran politični projekt ustanovitve transnacionalnega islamskega kalifata z imenom "Daesh". Glede na poslabšano situacijo v Siriji in Iraku, je edina realistična možnost ZDA za ustvarjanje trajnostne stabilnosti v regiji grajenje široke koalicije proti Daesh-u, ki naj bi obsegala vsaj Iran, Savdsko Arabijo in Turčijo, poleg Iraka ter ZDA in partnerjev, pod okriljem OZN. Taka koalicija naj bi poiskala lokalne, sunitske partnerje, ki so proti nadvladi Daesh-a, ter potem posegla z zemeljskimi vojaškimi silami proti ekstremistom. Ključne besede: Irak, ZDA, Daesh, sektarianizem, federalizem, nafta. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 The topic description ...................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Methodology .................................................................................................................................. 9 2 RECENT HISTORY..................................................................................................................... 11 3 U.S. MILITARY WITHDRAWAL AND POST-2011 POLICY .............................................. 19 3.1 Should U.S. Forces Have Remained Beyond 2011 ..................................................................... 19 3.2 President Obama Announces Decision on Full Withdrawal ........................................................ 20 3.3 Structure of the Post-Troop Relationship..................................................................................... 20 3.4 Office of Security Cooperation and Major Weapon Sales ........................................................... 21 3.5 Police Development Program ...................................................................................................... 22 3.6 2013: A revival of US Security Programs in Iraq? ...................................................................... 23 3.7 Regional Reinforcement Capability ............................................................................................. 24 3.8 Diplomatic and Economic Relationship ...................................................................................... 25 3.9 The State Department as the main Agency .................................................................................. 26 3.10 "No Sanctions" Impediments ..................................................................................................... 27 3.11 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................ 28 4 STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT BASED COOPERATION BETWEEN USA AND IRAQ ....................................................................................................................................... 29 4.1 Defense and Security ................................................................................................................... 29 4.2 Cultural and Educational Cooperation ................................................................................... 30 4.3 Energy Cooperation ................................................................................................................... 33 4.4 Law Enforcement and Judicial Cooperation ........................................................................... 35 4.5 Political and Diplomatic Cooperation ...................................................................................... 36 4.6 Services, Technology, Environment, and Transportation Cooperation ............................... 38 4.7 Trade and Finance Cooperation ............................................................................................... 40 5 STRATEGIC GOALS OF THE UNITED STATES IN IRAQ ................................................ 42 6 LATEST DEVELOPMENTS BEFORE ISIS BREAK-OUT ................................................... 44 6.1 Outcomes of PM Al-Maliki visit to Washington ......................................................................... 44 6.2 Conflicting priorities .................................................................................................................... 45 6.3 Regional player ............................................................................................................................ 46 6.4 Insurrection begins as 2013 ends ................................................................................................. 49 5 6.5 The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
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