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Itcl '.-j tl*\$J .... ...& $dl[-Luf!L'' ( Poll: Some results are expected; others are more surprising FROM 1 tage. center, has raised two daughters in Newport Beach we were go- in the 11 years she's lived in ing to buy, but because of the to be on commissions and task Woodbridge Village. Even when (Irvine) schools we ditched it," they played on their own, she she said. forces, gaining university knowl- reran ranking: 1 edge and expertise you don't said, she always felt that thev When the family arrived in W-24. 7 nere-e. Irvine her son, who had attended find in a lot of communities." I I iranspoctatkn: 2 the assistant city manager said. "Tbere are mimming pools a private kindergarten in Pensa- and lakes that have lifeguards," cola, Fla., had to repeat that ;Fhe city has been a leader in Caronna said. "As long as grade at Turtle Rock Elemen- innovative social programs. It there's a lifeguard on duty, you tary School. "Even in a private runs a busing program for the can send the munchkins down to school," she recalled, "they handicapped, offers child care in tkg pool. So they can be indepen- were so far behmd." its civic center and has the dent within their own commu- The shinmg star of the lrvine arongest human rights law in nity." Unified School District isn't a the county. The law bans Lrvine didn't ,have the lowest kindergarten, though, but Uni- discrimination based on sex, crime rate; Yorba Linda did. versity High School. It had 26 race, age, disability, religion, But hepleced well above National Merit Scholarship sexual orientation or marital Santa Ana,whlchhadthe high xrmfists last year, more status. est crime rate. Figures released than any other public school in Now, in a novel approach t~ by state Rtgziu_ cf crii I the nation. bout 97 percent of the homeiess probiem, a gnrup Statistics lam year showed that its students continue their edu- of city and university officials in 1987. Yorba Linda had two cation after graduation. are discussing housing homeless crimes for every 100 people; Irvine also ranlied first in the families on UCI property. Irvine had four; Santa Ana bad educatid level of residents, Irvine also came in as a top have friends that can walk over. nine. with the typical resident having family town, third after Seal We're within a stone's throw of Inine ranked eecoad in enter- a college background. It came in Beach and Laguna Beach, be- the boys' and girls' dub, and tainment, which included the second, after North Tustin, in cause of its schools, low crime they can play on a hardwood number of movie and live the- the category of prestige, which rate and number of parks per basketball court. We have a aters per capita, and wmdin I -su& housing costs and the capita. dozen tennis axuts within thme transportation, which measured or'fm blocks. Tbem's a lagoon sociwconomic level of residents. "Our kids have a neighbor- freeway access and promirnity ., you mgasamgin." Brady said he believes the hood street, probably with as to John Wayne Airport. 1- -. , "town-gown relationship" in- strong an identity as the one I Jo Aan Caronna, 40, owner of has two freeways, tbe Santa Ada! voiving UCI and Irvine Valley grew up on," Price said. "TIE The Collection, a dothing shop (1-5) and- Diego (141, run- ; College gives the ci*an advan- kids can walk to scboohThey in Tbe hiarketplaa apPPlne ,-seepo~y3; Pkking a home If they could 1Ne anyvJhereinthe county, Orange County res)c)enls are most lkely to want a home in Newport Beach. The top 10 cholces Included a varfety of cornmnmes-scatteredmrougfiolltfh8 county Poll: Analysis of communities '' offers some surprising-results down their cars in their front In response to the puMic cri- yards or in their driveways," tique, The Irvine Co, had the , , is rated on 14 factors ..1 By Wd)yn federal aone standard. South I The Register- Coast Air Quality We- he Register's analysis ment District, A& ~uali?y . j of Orange County com- Data 1987. Reiti estimated fig- T munities measured 14 ures based on data from Ana- factors adapted from the Rand heim, Costa Mesa, El Toro, McNally Places Rated Alma- Los Alamitos and La Habra. Other pollution loca- nac that influence how people - . pick a place to live. Factors tions of Superfund sites or ranged from the crime rate to toxic dumps, areas that had to the number of parks and be evacuated during the 1980s stores in a city. or areas within the Sad Onofre nuclear power plant's emer- Orange County residents ' were polled on how important _gency evacuation zow. all those factors are when fig- Socioeconomic - me uring out where to move, and dian honsehold income and the results were weighted ac- education level of residents. cordingly. For example, the Register marketing informa- poll revealed that low crime tion from Rezide, ZIP Code was most important, so a Encyclopedia and Claritas city's crime rate counted Corp., 1988 more than, say, the weather. W Convenience - distance Residents also were asked from the center of each city where in Orange County they to: would prefer to live, though The county's two major those results were not factored employment centers. These into the rankings. were mapped with the aid of Housing costs did not play a Gmbb & Ellis, Coldwell part in the overall ratings be- Banker and Newport Econom- cause the analysis was de- ics. They consist largely of signed to produce a "wish parts of Anaheim, Santa Aoa, list" of places where county Costa Mesa and Me. residents would most like to Recreational and cultural live. amenities. The nearest beach As a result, any bias in the and regional shopping center, survey~wouldtend to favor Orange County Perfo more &fluent towns. Arts Center, South a%ep Source material for the ertory Theatre, Anaheim Sta- project, which began in sum- dium, Anaheim Convention mer 1988, was the most recent Center, Orange County Fair- information available. grounds. Pacific. The following sources were Amphitheatre, Irvine Mead- used: ows Amphitheatre, Little Sai- Housing - average sell- gon, Las Angeles Cwnty. J ing price for a single-family 6 Transportation - num- home. TRW Real Estate Mar- ber of freeways, Amtrak sta- ket Information, prices as of tions and municipal June 1988. trwrtation systems in a Crime -number of city, and access to John cases of homicide, rape, rob Wayne Airport. bery, aggravated assault, bur- Shopping - number of glary, motor vehicle theft, supermarkets, drug stores and larceny and arson per 10,000 hardware stores per capita. residents. FBI Crime Index, 6 Pksan4 recreation - 1987, released June 1988; state number of public parks and Department of Finance Popu- swimping pools, tennis courts lation of California Cities, and golf courses. January 1988. Entertainment - num- ' 8 Schls-California ber of restaurants, movie the-. Assessment Program, third- aters, live theaters, museums, grade test scores; Scholastic . colleges and universities. -. Aptitude Test, 12th-grade After the data were col- scores (1W); and pupil- lected, the Register conducted teacher ratios (W-88)for Or- a pdU to see what factors were ange County school districts.

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