DURHAM COUNTY COUNCIL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Walworth Special School ‘Walworth School aims to significantly improve the quality of all our childrens lives’ Parent’s Brochure Issue No: 11 Date: September 2013 Revision Due: September 2014 Ref: JP/SH Approved by Governors: Sept 2013 1 Welcome to Walworth Special School www.walworth.durham.sch.uk e-mail:[email protected] Walworth School provides a safe and welcoming environment for pupils with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties between the ages of 4-11 years. We offer special needs learning opportunities for the whole of the Durham area. In the evenings we offer the 24 hour curriculum covering a wide range of activities, many aimed at developing social skills for up to 10 four night and flexible boarders; and provision for 5 extended day pupils. We provide specialist care and education for a maximum of 64 pupils. The school offers: . The full range of National Curriculum subjects and normal opportunities for entry into SAT’s at Key Stages 1 and 2; . A caring and supportive, yet stimulating, learning environment; . A commitment to high standards in all we do; . A curriculum which is specially adapted to address the various abilities and needs of pupils with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties; . Residential or extended day provision (through referral process); . An up-to-date computer network; . Good facilities in all curriculum areas; . Good sports facilities, including floodlit yard and football/basketball area, large field with running/cycling track and sports hall; . A wide range of structured play and free time facilities at breaks and lunch time periods; 2 . A wide range of recreational play activities for residential and extended day pupil’s i.e. mountain bikes, play stations, Nintendo Wii, Ipads/computers, swimming & outdoor activities. An emphasis on adapting teaching and learning to meet the individual needs of the pupils; . Small class group settings with higher than normal mainstream levels of adult support. I hope you will find this brochure useful in providing you with a picture of Walworth School. You can also visit our website www.walworth.durham.sch.uk The Staff and Governors firmly believe in working in partnership with parents and pupils as well as the LA to ensure success. To this end we operate an ‘open door’ policy and are ready to meet with parents at any time to discuss progress. We are constantly striving to make sure the children make the best possible progress in all areas of need. In order to raise standards we believe we must focus on, and value, all aspects of children’s development. We believe that a place at Walworth offers children an opportunity for a period of intensive multi-professional intervention to help overcome their difficulties. We have high aspirations and constantly discuss and evaluate whether any child is ready to return to the mainstream. The best way to find out what Walworth is really like is to visit us. Please telephone the school (01325 300194) to arrange a suitable appointment. 3 Useful Contact Information Visit www.durham.gov.uk – Education and Learning section to read about all aspects of Education and Special Educational Needs. Local Authority (DCC County Hall) – Tel: 03000 260000 Durham County Council County Hall DH1 5UL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. We report directly to parliament and we are independent and impartial. We inspect and regulate services, which care for children and young people and those providing education and skills for learners. For more information go to www.ofsted.gov.uk OFSTED – Tel: 0300 123 1231 Picadilly Gate Store Street Manchester M1 2WD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Response is a countrywide service that provides the first point of contact for anyone who has a concern about a child or a young person who lives in County Durham. For more information go to www.durham.gov.uk Initial Response Service – Tel: 0845 850 5010 Trimdon House Landreth Grove Trimdon Village TS29 6QH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walworth School Bluebell Way Newton Aycliffe Co. Durham DL5 7LP Our School Website – www.walworth.durham.sch.uk e-mail – [email protected] Designated Staff at Walworth School for Child Protection – Mr S Hope & Mrs P Coglan – Contact 01325 300194 Main School Telephone Number – Tel: 01325 300194 Direct Line Admin (Joanne Proud) – Tel: 01325 372240 Parent Support Advisor (Suzanne Todd) – Tel: 07584703802 Direct Line (Residential – Acorn) – Tel: 01325 372244 4 Celebrating Achievement Walworth School is proud of the achievements of the pupil and staff who work in it. Success comes in a variety of ways. SATs success is clearly important to a school like ours but pupils achieve so much more in the school. The range of activities on offer provides everyone with opportunities to succeed. The following is not an exhaustive list of our visits but does give an idea of what we have on offer: Educational Visits Dolphin Centre Darlington Preston Park Oak Leaf Leisure Centre Darlington Civic Theatre Newton Aycliffe Leisure Centre Sunderland Empire Theatre Newton Aycliffe Climbing Wall Darlington ABC Cinema Bishop Auckland Swimming Pool Teeside Park Cinema Shildon Athletics Stadium Metro Cinema Woodham School Swimming Pool Hamsterley Forest Durham Cathedral & Churches Golf Clubs Adventure Valley Restaurants Ten Pin bowling Forest School Boldon Environmental Centre Adventure Valley Other schools for sporting fixtures Physical Education A balance of games and gymnastics are taught throughout the school year. We believe the teaching of physical education has a high priority in this school as we believe the development of physical skills is essential in the all round development of children. We aim to: Encourage enjoyment, confidence and a sense of achievement. Promote physical development, fitness and an awareness of one’s own body and its capabilities. To further develop our Fitness Suite which has equipment suitable to our pupils needs. To continue with weekly swimming lessons at the local sports centre. 5 Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) The personal and Social Development of the pupils permeates all aspects of school life. It is promoted at all times and in connection with all activities. The school has a Racial Equality Policy and an Equal Opportunities policy, which reflects the aim of the school to give equal opportunity to all regardless of gender, race or religion and our approach to personal and social education supports these policies. Health, Safety and environmental education are also covered as part of subjects such as science, design technology, geography and P.E. Investing In The Future We are committed to building upon our success, continually improving the School to benefit pupils. To make sure that children at Walworth get the best. Staff are keen to develop their own skills and take part in regular training. Within the school we have a qualified Team Teach Instructor, qualified Forest School Co-ordinator’s. Staff also attend regular Child Protection training and First Aid training. GETTING READY FOR WALWORTH Moving from a mainstream primary school to a specialist EBD school brings many changes for all pupils: changes in transport, new school building, different teachers and friends, small group teaching, structured play activities and new school rules. At Walworth we work hard to make the change of schools as smooth as possible. We try to establish strong links with parents, any professionals involved and previous school to find out as much about them as possible, i.e. academic assessment, character, strengths, weaknesses; all to try to help your child during their first few days. This helps us to place them in the most appropriate tutor group and for the teacher to be able to plan your child’s work and targets although much of the target setting is adjusted once the child is settled into the school routine. We have various functions throughout the year for you to get to know the staff and although we have a yearly meeting for individual Annual Reviews you are encouraged to contact the school at any time to discuss your child’s progress. 6 KEEPING YOU INFORMED For your child to be successful at school it is vital that we all work together. We believe in keeping in contact to share achievements and raise any concerns as soon as they arise. Many children are given a home/school diary in which we write how the child has been during the school day and you in turn write how they have been at home. This is transferred between the school and home via the child daily. As always, if at any time you feel you need to talk to us about any aspect of your child’s progress or behaviour please contact the school, and likewise if the school has any concerns they will contact you directly. We also use a text messaging service called ‘Teachers 2 Parents’ to keep you up-to-date with events and send reminders. Our website address is www.walworth.durham.sch.uk You can find lots of information about Walworth School and we regularly upload letters to parents and newsletters each term. If there is any information you would like to find on our site please let us know and we can add this information to our website. REPORTS We will hold an Annual Review meeting once a year for your child individually where any professionals involved with your child and yourself will be invited to attend. At that meeting will be a member of the Senior Management Team, Class Teacher, and Residential Child Care Officer if your child is a residential pupil or accesses extended day facilities, yourselves and any professionals involved from outside agencies. This meeting enables all parties to read and discuss reports submitted regarding your child’s progress in terms of academic, behaviour, social, attendance etc.
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