\LI T , Vjb, i ;-/ Cineinneti, Ohio; Fr~day, February 2, 1968' No. 26 Tickets. For Mead Lectilres ..". liM,ore.ea. H' d''Sj·.L~SSI., .' F"eet...-< II Cru~cialGame.~ Gr~atestNeed'Of Young; Comments -MargQret Mead Are Ava'ilab'le by Alter Peerless '\... that the U.S. was fighting an evil Even before the Bearcatsget enemy, but now-people can see "In the, past fifty years there a chance to recover from the'" for themselves that in' war both has been too much use of feet, sides kill and mutilate other peo- _ shell shock of two conference and not enough use' of heads," ple. road loses in a row, tihey baY~,to -said Dr: Margaret Mead, inter- Another reason this generation play 'the most 'Crucial' game' of nationally kn'own· anthropologist, is unhappy is because the num- in her lecture at the YMCA.'last bers involved are smaller. In the yea!,~at Louisville. Tuesday., . Wednesday n i gh t's Bradley World War II, the Americans had Dr. Mead .spoke on "College no sympathy for war victims. game goes down as' a wasted ef- Students' Disillusionment: Viet- They could not comprehend the fort. Looking strong at the begin- nam War and National Service." fact that six' .million Jews were· ningthe 'Cats faded in the final She said that this is not the first ' killed, or that an entire city was period when 'young people have wiped out. The horror of World minutes, missing several shots. , demonstrated for 'good causes. Jim Ard played welleonsidering War II was so great, America There have' been peace marches, could not react to it. his recent bout with pheumonia anti-draft movements" and race while Johnny Howard had his see- riots before this generation. The war in Vietnam, however, ond thirty point night in the last The unique aspect of this gen- is on a smaller scale. When six three games. But bad luck con- eration's.protest is that they are marines are 'killed, ft is easier to tinued to" be the 'Cat's worst protesting against all, the, people comprehend. As Dr. Mead stated, enemy. working for the-very things they "The Vietnam war number is small enough so we can respond '''0 Playing with less than, a .minute want.. The new left is protesting .~ to go in the game, the Beareats 'against the old liberals. humanly." The main target of the stu- had a 72-72 tie - and the 'ball, 1 Jmpact Of TV' but Ogletree's shot,rolled the rim Dr. Mead;gave several reasons dent protester is the draft. The and droppedout.Foster's despera- for the college students' disillu- draft system epitomizes the' fact tion shot at the buzzer also missed sionment. Television 'has had a that people cannot determine the mark and the 'Cats fell 74-72. tremendou's impact on, today's so- their' own futures or manage their own lives. TheAnglo-Amer- ~ . Th9' C;ts··i~'~~,i.~uis·Yille in ciety. Today we can turn on the television and watch our soldiers , ican culture places a high value 17,000seat-Freedon Hall, but a -MARGARET MEAD Delivers a lecture 0n"Coliege StudeJ\f's", on fairness, which the draft lacks. good number of seats, remain kill people. This is a great source Disillusionment: Vietnam War and National Service" at the YMCA (of disillusionment. During past The student protests the draft available for the Metro - JIFC mi- and his own exemption: If the last, Tuesday. ~ NR photo by STU LeVY wars the people have" been told gration. Tickets include' the jnis student is drafted, he objects to ride, seats at the game; a-nd a his life being .decided 'by 'the dance afterward for $7 at the draft board. If he .is deferred, he University Center ,desk. objects that some ¢an~~.cape in- , The "bird-hunting',' migration auction while qt~~,. " ..~~~ leaves UC Saturday afternoon, cording to Dr. IIl,'e p"'Smle!!li. and returns ,after the dance. lies in the. pracrfc suFthe 'lo~t:'·. board. While the local board had value during World -War II, Dr.", U'C Fo~mulates :..Mead_believes that it is now ob- solete. by Patrick J. Fox tijre, according ·to Herring, will that the Senate order the Budget Rat Race For Grades IMeet'T'he Press'. "give the President more execu- Board to provide more office As a result of educational de- The' Student. Senate, in its Jan- tive .authority' arid alleviate him A ":Meet.•.the Press" type, of equipment,' and -allocate five-hun- ferments" the c()llege ~~~<!!t~tis uary"31 meeting, amended its con- - from. legislative responsi~ilitY." dred dollars for the, Senate, transmuted in the public mind as forum is being 'planned which stitution to 'provide that the "Vice will allow for topicsofstu,dent ' "llopefully/' added Senator Her- Last Wednesd'aySenator Dennis a privileged person. ,Yet, most Presidenct shall be nominated ring, "the redevelopment will pro- Cleeter submitted his .'report 'on college students believe -they are interest to be .brought personally , and elected. in the same proced- mote the, organizing of campus before Administrative and Fac- that proposal, His report held underprivileged. The 'average, col- ! ures as the President, to 100 ef~ "political parties." It was decided that even though the by-laws of lege student feels caught up in a:, ulty officials,' for discussion. A fective for the coming elections." panel comprised of, reporters though., that statements concern- the Senate provided power over raj. race, for grades. He feels he from 'both radio station WFIB There was much debate led by ing the teaming of presidential the Budget Board, ip practice the must get grades just for grades' and the NEWS RECORD"will,lead Senators JOe Herring and Mark and 'vice-presidential candidates "Senate does not and fias not used sake. Dr. Mead attributes Jhe stu- 'the questioning of the officials on Painter concerning the statement be deleted from the afore-men- tlhis po~er.Cleeter also empha- dent's disillusionment to the such timely rsubjects as 'tuition' in the amendment. which read.. tioned, .passed amendment. sized that ,even; if the Senate did fact the the, educational system changes, parking problems, Union "Candidates for Presidenta'nd - senator 'Painter also led the exereisefhis power, it would not cannot deal with individuals. avtivities, campus committees, Vice-President shall run forelee- argum.entagainst'thaving the Vice- be in the democratic spirit, pro- In closing, Dr. Mead stated that etc. Any and all, students are in- tion as a team." President, nominated and elected' meted on campus, to "order" the student protesters are' disorgan- vited to question the participants. Mr. Painter established that with'tbe same procedure as the Budget Board to, supply them ' ized because they are not fighting The first discussion is tentatively there was not enough tiIne 'left President.. .asserting that ',there with vthe, materials; rather; the a specific evil. ~'They'are against scheduled for Tuesday, February for political teams to be formed would 'not be enough time allowed' Senate should request 'the SUIP- parents, teachers, and last year's . 6, from .1:00 to 2:00 p.m. "Meet !forthe coming election, while Mr. for such a move- and we should plies and funds." _executive committee. in their own the 'Press" 'is presently being Herring held that nominating and make the amendment effective in Mark Painter returned tJhat organization." formulated by four, students; electing of a presidentialteam is 1969: The, Senate' thou~t other- first the Senate did:" '~~:;r~~. I' " • ' -J Rick, Beck, Barb Solomon, Cam a first step in the redevelopment wise. - pow~r to "order" ',,'the".:.,'" ..•.~,~·'s~:'Z.e,ta,:Burning? · McCartney, and NR's Dave v of theUC Student Government. A Mr. Painter, in a January 8 Board; and second, _In the dem- ;:.." ; t- .' , , ' Altman, redevelopment, W1hich,in the fu- Student Senate meetings, proposed oeratie spirit," legislative braD~h-:i.;" ,by Patrick J. Fox es do order. and aUSlc,ate~~ir~~- W~s Jh~re a fire at the ZTA ~~~i~~~'W.:wi·:~<-U"'::: ..l""'i~:@~~*~~~~~ml.$wlU~l·~''inst~A'W@·i$:'M_~;~i~~~~~ own money, ' «,>, 't:~: .,:.:,4ous~? No one will tell. The facts • ' - '"~'" , m .MI\ Cleeter jstated- thaC:~cMr., a.r.~, t~oug~, that .~PlJroxiniateIY Hins h'OW 0" 'U''t '~t,,·h'e,rs In M Painter hadsuffic,~,"'Confused "fIve fire companies responded , ' ", ",'/ ' ",' ',' " "', ~~l'the issue,"'\an(r~~s~~ai~ln~~l~t~~ an .'a!:\.rmt~~n~~ in at ~fire , " \', . ',.' . " .' 'N that theSenateshoutd "request •.•.'. , box wlt~n the vlcmlty of the ZTA tt') m Several hats have been thrown m t,he ring for the offiee of m 't " . d ". the B ",'d 'to 't ' ,house on Wednesday' evening ft St' d t S t P .d t B T th bi t ' f d ' ith ".;.;.no or er e oar ac . ' , ~ u e~ ;na eH.re~I e~ "n u ~ l:e~s ~~!s~rro~.~ ~ W; ~~~ 'Th~~Qte was.then taken~~on"·.about 7:40 p.m. As the first fire drawa. ave, IDS aw WI nffo~,e e oa Ion scan Ia e or ~~~~~whether. to acce~'T Dennis Oleet:: crews .responded about a dozen "i'.......the top student government ,,0 we. " " ': ;.:;:.::~:~:~'c er, 'ss reporenort ~p-,'. 'Ii"kifl'". M'ar'k". ·ZTA's rushed from the" house Q m ' ~inshaw says that :'other co~mitments""preve~t him ~rom ~!llj Painter's Iproposa:f:-"'Qrn~t, 'The ~ jump'j~gw'it~glee andthe~ terror. f't N jJ.. N ~f.~running and he has decided to WIthdraw completely from direct @~~ Senate voted ~overwhelminglytto ~bout te,n firemen raced l~tO,the .!J">.., ~ election participation. This includes running for an office 'under ~!~j! accept the report., ';" house~lt~ hoses, only to find o~t % ~~~:the newly formed University Party.
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