,-X i' 4 .<*&«*.' V T 7 Recor£ d Pv4 Vol. XXIII, No.-40. Northville, Mich., Friday>_ ^ay 20, 1892. $1.00 per year, in advance. ^0E^ByatE rovromeE Cfreat Ball-3-ame. W. C. T. U. MaOs arrive aaq depart i> om the Kon ~ Ifc wa.*a too) day-last Friday out ville post-office a» aoiloWi, estj" tnwe, The aunual meeting ot -the Slate W -> \u^ ccoar when tlK^5.-aiue was culled at 2 o clock Q. T. IT., \iill convene m Detroit May Coins; South <3Ja m,i4ii>m ,7.15 p. mj there wa* eighteen b.-ll players, an Gcnf> .Noita, y, 0 a. m., 2 2(yp m. a 2-11» 27, in the Ph month Coogrega Mill, iFElrf i umpue awl at least 180 spectators cm tiooal ehuiih, eoi Ticmbull ave , and From South, Io 10 a. m , Z 50-p. m ^ 7,15 p. raa the grounds to take part and-w it! ess Piom:sortb.T3 lOp m«- r Baker st Th'» promises to be a very E S HOKTOX-, p St, j HAVE the sport. Tiie lady's irrand stands interesting and highly entena-Tiinir YOU were both comfortably filled,~tuscT meetxsg, ilia? Frances W'Jlard, pifcj AM EIillsfcD htTIERS. | standing room around the "back stop Letters leraaitim^ in the Post OfSe? dent dSthe Natioaal and "Worm's-W.- Maj 14,1»92 - _ '. SEEN? was at a premium. Ussipne Jaquess C. T. XT. aud iluirv T Lathrop, State Geo D. Freseh. - | Our new method of fram­ called thc:garue promptly, aa time and president WL'loe piesent and lend to 31is> A. liectei } ? took his place back of fhe-g:jtcher,aad the itfachons The celebiated ijd\er Adolph Kehrl. ing Pictures If not step i J Moole ~ lfanyuung was successtuily accom. [ Lake ^sonette w lU also be thei«-and H ilhtlm Rnigell. in our Gallery and IOOK pUshed it was the umpiring lu tact 11 tVe part jn tHe meeting The rail- Joseph &tepeu-on. there was not enou gh kickiugdone to-1 roads wsH offer reOoeed rates-to j-artits E. S HoKTOX.P.rMT. at our stock of Moulding s mj tue , „ , _. -^ Same real interesting, for n, of ten 0, more Tfcie ^,,^ ]s reached aad framed LiCtures. j it is anything a baseball crowd ad-jby Trucbull a-se atnJ Baker t.reet False Alarm. % I mires jits an occasional kick The-j^^ 150 Styles of Mould- Merchants have made somu <hanges m. j It is uutiue that I havesold. out TO • 14 then, team since a w eek a,j» L -Beat j Yp^jldnti for ^40,000. and I want it •- tags nowinStok. has been signed, tor the season's pitch­ L. O. T. M. drest'nctiy understood that I asi still" Think of it1 2s ew shades ing j.na MaiL Aniblii as tatcher. State- Cfcgamzer Viss Bina if "fVest doing business at the old stand. Turn .They did some \ecy commendable organized a hive of ls&y ^laC-^a-bee*; making souie \eiy fine dunimsr Suits to harmonize Tradi any woik, and many wa» College boy here. Friday night with, tweniy 'five now v%icn can j>e eoiored this fall, study. The new and who faued the air tour timss aud teok. uharferMembers" "She by-'aws ;<3var~ and voi oTali winter They are raarte mg thi? asixiliary zoe ths san_e jis in his seat li. C Yeikes, the lorruei of the hnest^-Ufttralia Wool, and color correct way of Framing. theliftT. it's and they al<=o ha.\e pitcher, •WiiTliolel-dow n hag. So Ztar iii~the Suit just as w ell as in the pieeeZ the insurance elaus*. The anx.i3ia.ry is We are up with the tim.es>. tne balance of tne season. Ed LaphaTii Come before the best are sold our and - X separate from the parent ordc* inas­ did some goad. wojk. at ls,t and might get your choice of 500 different styles* Prices consistently low much as 1¾ is governed entirely bj the liave done taoie if he. hai been ten or from .England, Scotland, i'rasiee aacl. ladies. They control"their own 3n»ur- and prompt attention in ¾ftfcen feet taller,_wneu set'eral wild, Gemiany ~anee busuw^s and Sn lhis resp«et it J^- U/If(f(El\ filling every order. throws srwept whizzing over his heart- Jias-notbrng whatever- to do -with the For the Ulae Stockings the same old "We imite your inspection. EOT 11 The following aae- the oattpry did service and did it welL officers of- tLe Northville hive Orr Websfer thr-o w ssome &« ful ci coked, P C—Mrs "A BLMcCollougJi, ballsand thecatchaug^of jonngDeBree BROWN & C0.% COIK_—Mx& "ttxa Benson was perfect Tlfe -College team has f\ ND now this is the moBth of .May, and next fa»Com—Mrs A_il Hitter- Northville, Mich engaged. Fred Slater ot the-Belle Bran eh. M olA.—MisaEna Bash > Lj^^Jies June, and as the weather begins league to play 1st and. Frtd ui n halfr % A-^&t M of A.—^Irs_ T.p.rT-J- ,nii3. warm up, my Salesmen warm up with it •in thafrbag He did wo-rk there, and Chap.—Mrs Ohas- Bristol. Another Tailor at the bit,"which Tvonld hav« done S. K. —Mrs Wai KmgsTCSlX. a* that makes more trouble for me, for they Shop in town over Teichner & t'o's ciedit to Dan - Btouthcrs a few jeaiN F K —Mrs V- Hosner Dry Good store 2\ew Goods, and a Iso -ago. "Its tetter to be lucky than to SeK-leaal—Mi&. Dr Pattsison.v 1 bom want bargains and lotsL-Jf them for their tepair work done on short notice hit a fin. bagei" says Hoy t Woodman. Picket—hlr^ Mad sou, Come and gn e me a call H> made Q< e big runs and ore base friends and customer? and both want this B Fii-Acr*. .hat. 'W oodmau can t hit the ball Formerly with J R Doelf* mueh, oi run \ery tast-j but gee whis Trout Fishing! jspace at the same time, consequently the onlyj- be-caa make scoie^ tnougn, aud that's bi~sso\ ort.NEik'tn.i iit. The new Extension way to settle it was to draw euts, which they what counts m a ball »anie The of me flnr^m. & It -tMiobigm r ^xcr^axj^s. follow lug 1^ the =core rrom Tra\erse City did, and "WILL the Dry Goods Man" was the HLKcttJJsis K E PI to ElkRipi<i=, l .\mnler c - 1 is tw ent\ amies long ilea', p 1 1 lod penetrates W fff winner, so here he goes Bang 'Te Smash with a legion \ix which Kna^p, If ~ 1 = Yeikes \\ 6, cf 1 ue two of the Biggest Bargains the Ladies of .Laphain, lb _ I 1 uumerois trout streams "\ th it hi%ti litke^ 1! t ,2b i 1 FldTPlIi iPv YtiU13t KiUi., Db 1 1 heietofoie oeen too "Do^LFti, lue 11 prchant tailor, ISTorthville have yet witnessed. First, he will i emote rrottti, ss. 0 1 Xbrthrille, Mioii B>a,r, rT 1 4 The hae passes througn •p^-ce on sale, Muchehs, ienifc, a* Williamsburg, Total II and Augehs, af or BICYCLES s-raus B. B H i: Dr. Bennett f "VTebstef, p •ie.ir to anj ol "We have secured the. agency •« hich tliere ire g<« <1 "Dr Bennett, specah^t of Detroit, iloiTB«.y, 2b „0 ititains that ha\e uilJbe ti the M iroaiosi House oa a r a for Northville and •ucinitj Lewis, 'i'l uc^t. oeeu h*hed 21, (jermaii, If to anv e^teur - lor the C elebrated Bic} cles -•later, lb ' U you would lather f 5 ^ ^ y> \V o idman, rf got irther oil manufactured by the West­ Knapp, cf >ou mil find a Free trip to rhitago and return. Witliee, ^fc iteamhoit running AS rite to ""Te-tern AIicli?-gau Collegej ern Wheel Works, of Chi­ L>eBree, t reguknlv lLom Of Lq<t.R*£.<3a foi jiifornjatioij. 1300 Yards of cago, ranging in jjt'ice from Elk Bapids through / Totals 14 20 ^20 to $135, and consisting aium,*1! \roor« Toich Ruer, pistti.e of 12 different styles. mouth o* Aapid Kner Business FlaFh.es. moini Prints Michigan's anterior ue^spipers and up the entire length of Toach Lake = We warrant e\ery wheel to should let ap on the free ad\ertiimg T)°3oa want help' Do you. <rant a si€- Into all these waters they are gi\mg Boston wool bu\er» *-^ nation^ Havr \oii a ^lonse to rent* be mechanically perfect. emptv Do 5 eu Tfaat to 3 cnT 1 "house Do you that every Lady knows to be worth 7c and 8c iSvery season for the p ist three years trout streams winttobu\ ox ^e1! an; tiiiriir' If so put & i' They are made from imported the sharp eastern buyer has sent cmt that are now ^ner in the I L«. 01 0 .regular price, and we shall close the entire lot seamless steel tubing, steel cueulars s*atmg that Michigan wool for the hrsttime made convenient TPOKKPNT - O^nce rooms over our store nas simply something awful, and that drop forgings, ball beanngs GEO DBHAVtv,, -*- in the old Jo'Om c^tand Jaam street (ney would probably not bu) it.it all General I\vs=enger AgcnC Inquire fff A W KeedorE L Rlggs 3Stf = all around,- and =there are no ihis--sekson, etc., etc.: The facts of the OR KENT^^iNice large house in stprtlt ¢^-/ 5 case are that ^Michigan farmers take pari, of village Iiiouire^this ' t "^32? better wheels made for the ~X TARB OF PAXSBS-" " office.
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