. S;UN AM) NEW HERALD, TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1920. .19 JOW iTtisgara adjolnlUff I REAL "ESTATO AT AUCTION. TlZAh ESTATE AT AUCTION. similar, home At s for I alreet, recently to A. 2. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTIO. REAL ESTATB AT AUCTION. SALES Bydney traniferrif the DOWNTOWN Breeso and others. JA. Realty Corporation, nro Alkus, Zel-m- er rAST0R AUCTION TO Uclhesda N, IJnico cold 69 West & Abert composing the firm of i Nlnety.fourth street,v a thrco ttory Appell & Co. Stanley Wolfson and I. PEATDRE MARKET dwcljlng, 20x100.8, iia u rice wertheim were associated ai Tn brokers In the sale. ESTABLISH VALUES 4 Bnlaree Corumnnlty Work. At 8 o'clock in tho Brooklyn .,.T.cn,arse 11,0 immunity work In tho Ileal Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Little Italy" section of East Harlem street, Brooklyn, tho Jere Johnson, Jr, TO-DA- Estates Part With Long Hold Haarlem flouse, nt 311 to 315 East Company, auctlor.jers, wlH offer for the 141 rarcols SclioauIc(l to Bo 116lh streat, has purchased tho twenty estate of Bridget Furey fqur properties Y to Business foot building In Day Properties nt 309. "adjoining. Increaa- - tho Ridge section of Brooklyn Sold To-da- y in tho Hotel .. to 77 and two In tho Rugby section. Occupancy. n5. ntnw feet. An nddltlon Firms for will bo built oif tho property Just ac- Henry Shapiro & Co. negotiated the Astor Ballroom. quired. lease upper In 200 Broad- '" of the floors ' i way for the Iouls 1C Liggett Company Broadway-Joh- O'CLOCK Other Hnrlcin to the n Corpora- AT 11 AVIilto & Sons sold for Transactions. Street Wni. A At 11 o'clock this mornlnc the estate James If, C'rulkshanU resold to Meyer tion, reported Sunday. Maurice Werthelm has been appointed of Henry Actor will offer 141 parcels of . o ---' .. - j . - n. I . I. Jtuderman 2U West 128th street, a agent Lexington I three story duelling, 16.8x100. through tor 356 avenue, 306 real estate at publla auction. The prop Hie story bulldlmr. 22.9. East Forty-fourt- h 131 East, Fif- l-- HoWcn, four n. Levers. street erty Is part of the old Eden farm, now 48 Sixty-fourt- h 109 Duano street. The concern Shaw & Co. sold Mrs. tieth street East street 491 at for J. F. Phayno 447 463 Lexing- the Times Square section. The sale, ESTATE to Lexington avenue and ASTOR TRUST Mrs. Iteglna Daxlger 105 HENRY hju occupied 201 Duano utreet, corner East 121st ton avenue. which will be conducted by J. Clarence the street, a three story dwelling, 15x100. Washington street, adjolnlwj. for the held Jacob Lederer sold U East 111th Davlcs and Joseph P. Day, Is to bo nail fllicen "u street, a flvo story tho HoUl'Astor. bo continued recently resold to C. V. Smithi''ii7& Co. flat, 27x100.11. BROOKLYN HOUSES at It will r'' through Davis & until the parcel Is disposed of. U.ni.ncv. I'. Wlllla Holden ot 9T Davis. last I. Max Shllbet 208 Tho Henry estate sale Is re- PUBLIC AUCTION absolutely without any Is the, owner of record of sold and 210 West IN BRISK DEMAND Astor MUST BE SOLD AT nervation Wsrreu street, 111th streets a six story apartmont plete with features, one ot the most Im- 1)0 Duano street house, 50x100.11. portant of which, considering the exist- Investors and Homcseekera ing la offering of Operator Iliiya riottiiRe. housing situation, the price properties bring, Other Manhattan Sales. nlncty-thrc- o three sind four story dwell- or protection, no matter what the H. old for Make the Market. sub- wminm Whltlnr &'Co. The nine story ings, sixty of which are to bo sold c, Coleato et al. tho six etory npartment. 86x100, nt ject to expiring early dates. I JftmM ICO Went V.trhf v.CAVArttt. i i I. leases at street, 21.7x105.10; Jeromo Rlkcr cold for the BIranda thirty-thre- o SbullJInK 10 Oold also sold through In tho case of the remaining (45th - the Wood, Dolson Company Realty Company to Mrs. A. Welnsteln AT THE HOTEL ASTOR, Broadway and 45th Street Street Entrance) 111 flVO HO' UWIIUIHH UHtWHJ- III IIIU dwelling houses, the sites only are for I. Randolph Jacobs to Mr. four story apartment, 85x135, - 650 rear, ut 211 l'eurl street, 21.10x122.2, to a Meyer at to be sold, subject to ground leases, ex- who represents Twenty-fir- st Ncw-klr-k These properties havo a group of tenants In lh East street, . comer piring on various dates between May 1, Harry Aronson. structure. avenue, Brooklyn; also similar large o" property In the seller's family for over forty 1920, and May 1, 1921, somo with re- We know, from previous experience, that such a amount been KnY.i fn- building, Twenty-fir- st Edward C. ir.' Vntrl - troth. 50x128, at 323 East newal privileges. " erlno V. Collins street, corner of Rcgont place, 111 fH Aronson a few days ago Acquired tho flvo story apartment. for Theso ground leases to tenants 'were m tvo west urgiitiotu st. Goldstein cj; Phillips to the Throop Real-t- y the block front in Oold street, from John made In accordance with tho famous as will fee offered at this sale, car not be sold Duross Cotnnnnv nnl.i far th n.. Company; npartment. 42x100, at 259 policy, land to I'latt street. Among hie moro recent "Astor" which was to lease Ilulldlntr, ot Loan and Trust Company thj five story Brooklyn avenue for Mrs. B. Hers to to tenants who would erect buildings purchases Is the I'ottcr the N. Beck; of Nassau and Heekman streets ufuiuimm i it) iiignm av. also four story flat 25x100, at thereon, and to glvo the eald tenants the junction 245 & unless at a tremendous sacrifice in value vnrk IIow. which ho also acnulred jonn tsruion ot Lyndhurst,' N. J., sold Martense street to Blanksteln prlvllego of renewing their leases at In- tho four fitnrv .hiillillnc-- M. n Feursteln; also 121 Hooper street, two through the samo broilers. .te.i.a a creased rentals, the tenants meanwhile St. Mark's pl'ace, ndjolnln, tho 'north- family three story dwelling, for Mrs. F. naylng all taxes and expenses. This AVIIIIuni Street Alteration. east corner of Second av. ' Silverman to Mrs. E. Sanders, and 1021 policy has been followed for 125 years, Ocean avenue, five story npartment 4 Ox on which ONLY OPPORTUNITY EVER GIVEN THE PUBLIC ' which will cost 1150,000 J. Clarenco Davlcs sold to an out of and has been the foundation THIS IS THE Alterations town Investor the 115, for Blanksteln & Feursteln to S. has beon erected tho great wealth of to ho made to the eight story loft Mlquelon, a six story arc apartment. Diamond. I tho Astor family. Pursuing this policy buildings at 120 William street and 79 2xl00. at 206 and 208 West Ninety-nint- h st. Realty Associates sold In Brooklyn, consistently, the Astors invariably nave TO BUY THE BEST LOCATED PROPERTIES John street, hy the No. 36 Mnldcn lane, Thomas Crawfnnl ami T.? 1? 250x100.2, vacant, In tho south side of obtained not only an adequate revenue Inc., Dlniund Uwlght, president, from It Thnn... sold for tho Mncy estate flvo Flfty.flrst street, 250 feet east of Elev- from their holdings, but also havo bene- designs by Duller & Itodmuu, architects, tho story of uparwnrni, 29X1UU.11, enth avenue, through Eugene Kramaroff fited from the increase In tho value vho filed plans yesterday. The prop- at 223 East Investment or Speculation, Ninety-sixt- to 10S tho for h st. Solomon Agress; also King street, land. IN THE HEART OF NEW YORK erly, which forniB nn "L" around tho two story dwelling. 25x100, to Edward Another feature of the sale Is the offer- corner of these thoroughfares, Ely Mornn nnd Joseph Bager resold northeast 124 MR Knnt Boll, and 63 Felix street, n thre,e ing ot tho sites upon which the Astor, and . Nlnotv.flrtib.y illHV HUut mn ui.i St las a frontage ot 25 feet In each street BUou and Moroeoo have beon FOR-WHATEVE- R story apartment, 40x100. story dwelling, 20.2x70, to Granville theatres PRICE THEY CHOOSE TO PAY. and a depth of 105 feet. It was acquired Wiltshire through "Louis Arnold. erected. In addition there are thirty-eig- ht Dwlght & May, ly Hllles last from tho Iltiyera lu the Bronx. Mclstcr Builders, Inc., sold 738 Union tenement houses, with and without Broadway - John Street Corporation, street, stores; sovon factory bulldinss and six Emcfbe Kcalty Comnany. Brooklyn, a three story dwelling, WELL INTO THE NIGHT. which in turn obtained It from the Lchn Inc.. sold tn 16.8x100; also to a Mr. Daadamo 619 vacant lots to bo knocked down to the THE SALE WILL LAST ALL DAY AND Kink Corporation. Two additional Leo Lovlnson tho two story stables, 76x highest bidders. asWslasWsans I lBSx lrregtilar, Baltic street a four story flat 20x100. stories are to ha added and tho whole In tho cast sldo of Jerome Charles Partridge sold the two story With but few exceptions the 141 par- av., 172 feet north be- structure remodelled for office use. The of Fordham road. two family dwelling 'nt 12 Kenmqro cels to be sold are variously located SwlKht-Hllle- s CG CS Tho plot was Forty-flft- Fifth-secon- d Iiulldlng, at and recently sold by Joseph I place, Brooklyn, for James Shaw. tween West h and West like Jjilden lane, was purchased by-th- Gov- Day at auction for tho of IrVter Hud- J You ivill never another chance it.
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