FIRST REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ORDER MACROSTOMIDA IN AUSTRALIA (PLATYHELMINTHES, MACROSTOMIDAE) by RONALD SLUYS Institute of Taxonomic Zoology, University of Amsterdam, P.O. Box 20125, 1000 He Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (Manuscript accepted 6 January 1986) ABSTRACT The ho!otype was sectioned at intervals of 5 {tm; the SLUYS, R. 1986. First representative of the order Macroslomicla in paratypes at 8 {tm. All sections were stained in Mallory­ Australia (Plalyhelminlhes, Macrostomiclae). Rec. S. Ausl. Mus. Heidenhain. 19(18): 399-404. Etymology A new species of macrostomid flatworm is described, The specific epithet is from the Latin pala (= spade) Promacrostomum palum sp. nov., forming the third and refers to the shape of the hind end of the body. member of its genus and being the first representative of the order Macrostomida to be reported for Australia. Description External Features The preserved specimens measured 2.38-3.5 mm in INTRODUCTION length and 0.75-1 mm in diameter. In some specimens Macrostomid flatworms have been reported from all of sample AM W197775 the front end of the body was major parts of the world, except for Australia and New pointed, but in others and in specimens from SAM Zealand (cf. Ferguson 1939, Map 2; Ferguson 1954, V3973-75 it was broadly rounded (Figs 1,2). The hind Table I; Williams 1980, p. 52). The majority of the end of the body is of a peculiar shape. In preserved species within the family Macrostomidae belong to the specimens the posterior lateral margins give rise to a large genus Macrostomum O. Schmidt, 1848. The dorsally directed ridge at either side of the body; the present paper describes a new macrostomid species, posterior margin of the body shows a convex middle which was found in Australia. The species belongs to section (Figs 1, 2, 3). The preserved animals are devoid a genus which has a different and more complex female of pigment. Eyes were not visible in preserved copulatory apparatus than is the case in Macrostomum. specimens but only in animals cleared in clove oil. Recent literature on the Macrostomidae is rather Epidermis and Subepidermal Musculature scattered but the papers of Ferguson (1939-40, 1954) The height of the epidermal cells is about 11.5 JLm; still represent a useful introduction, whereas those of the cells are provided with numerous cilia which have Papi (1953), Luther (1960) and Young (1976) are some a length of about 9 JLm. Numerous and well-developed of the larger papers among more recent publications. packages of rhabdites pierce the body wall, whereas rhabdite-tracks ("Stabchenstrassen") are present at the front end. "Haftpapillen" are absent. A cyanophilous, SYSTEMATiC SECTION granular secretion is discharged through the ventral Family MACROSTOMIDAE Van Beneden, 1870 epidermis at the posterior tip of the body. The gland Genus Promacrostomum An-der-Lan, 1939 cells are situated in the parenchyma. Prornacrostomum palurn sp. novo The subepithelial musculature consists of outer Material Examined circular muscle fibres and inner longitudinal fibres. Holotype: South Australian Museum, Adelaide, Nervous System and Eyes V3973, Elizabeth Springs, South Australia (29°21.36 The brain lies just in front of the pharynx and is S, 136°46.30'E), 27.11.1983, coil. W. Zeidler, W. Ponder, closer to the ventral than to the dorsal body surface. sagittal sections on two slides. The two eyes are situated just on top of the brain. Paratypes: SAM, V3974, ibid., horizontal sections Alimentary System on one slide; SAM, V3975, ibid., transverse sections The thin epithelium lining the simple pharynx bears on one slide; Australian Museum, Sydney, WI97775-1, numerous well-developed cilia. Erythrophilous gland Elizabeth Springs, South Australia, 5.09.1983, colI. W. cells surround the pharynx where it communicates with Ponder, E. Hershler, D. Winn, sagittal sections on one the intestine. The intestinal cells are provided with long, slide; AM, WI97775-2, ibid., horizontal sections on one but not very conspicuous, cilia. The intestine is slide. underlain with a well-developed row of circular muscle 400 REC. S, AUST. MUS, 19 (18): 399-404 November, /986 1 3 lmm 4 6 5 fsv -------j~"'" le -+++-I"r--t-- in ov sv ivd -~~1\ ps -1----'...." FIGS 1-6. PromacroSlOmum pa/um sp, novo I. Dorsal view of preserved specimen from sample WI97775, 2, Dorsal-lateral view of preserved specimen from sample V3973-75. 3, Lateral view of the hind end of the body. 4. Sagittal reconstruction of holotype to show the position of the male and female copulatory organs and the intestine. 5. Horizontal section of V3974. 6. Horizontal reconstruction of the male copulatory organs of V3974. ORDER MACROSTOMIDA IN AUSTRALIA 401 fibres which is bounded by an outer row of longitudinal antrum and bursa may take place either via a fibres. The sac-shaped intestine extends backwards to considerable narrowing, as is the case, for example, in the male copulatory apparatus, and thus runs over the specimen WI97775-1 (Fig. 11) and V3975, or via a female copulatory system (Fig. 4). much wider opening (Fig. 10). The seminal bursa is Male Reproductive System lined with tall, vacuolated, cells, whereas its lumen may The two elongated testes are situated ventrally and contain sperm. The bursa communicates via a narrow shortly behind the pharynx, one follicle at either side ventral pore with the exterior. Female antrum and of the body (Fig. 5). The vasa deferentia open behind seminal bursa are surrounded by a well-developed layer the posterior tip of the intestine, into a large false of muscles. seminal vesicle (Fig. 6). The false seminal vesicle COMPARATIVE DISCUSSION communicates with the true seminal vesicle by means The genus Promacrostomum at present contains of a considerable, muscularized constriction. This true only three species, including the one described in this seminal vesicle lies partly underneath the false seminal paper. The type species P paradoxum was described vesicle; the former is an elongated sac which is provided from Lake Ohrid, Yugoslavia (An-der-Lan 1939). with a very thick muscular wall. A short and narrow On the basis of a description by Gieysztor (1931), intervesicular duct connects the true seminal vesicle Ferguson (1939-40) described the species Macrostomum with the rounded granular vesicle which receives the gieysz(ori which he showed to be different from M. granular secretion of glands that lie distributed in the gracile (Pereyslawzewa, 1892; Graff, 1905) to which the parenchyma. The wall of the granular vesicle is first-mentioned author had assigned the specimens provided with a thin layer of muscles. collected. Papi (1951a) transferred the species to the The proximal portion of the "chitinized" penis stylet genus Promacrostomum, but Ferguson (1954) erected is attached to the granular vesicle and consists of a the genus Axia for the species gieysztori. The new broad cone that runs parallel to the body surface and generic name Axia, however, has not been accepted which tapers into the much narrower distal section of since it is not used in recent literature. P gieysztori has the stylet. The distal section shows a pronounced bend been found in Spain and Italy; it is a thermophilic towards the ventral body surface (Fig. 7). Sagittal freshwater species (Ferguson 1939-40, 1954; Papi sections already suggested the presence of a lateral 195Ib). flexure in the very distal portion of the stylet. This P gieysztori has a distinct common oviduct which flexure did indeed show up in the transverse sections empties into a structure that possesses two openings (Fig. 8). No unequivocal information could be obtained to the exterior (cf. Papi 1951b, Fig. 54; Ferguson 1954, on the opening of the stylet. The sagittal sections Fig. 23). The anterior portion of this body is rather suggested that the tip was closed such that there was spacious and secretion of cement glands is discharged a subterminal opening. On the other hand, the into its ventral opening. The major part of this anterior horizontal sections suggested the presence of a terminal structure is lined with cells bearing long cilia. Because opening, whereas in the transverse sections the tip of of its shape, distinct ciliation, and the presence of the stylet could not be discerned. cement glands around its pore, I consider this anterior Female Reproductive System section of the female copulatory apparatus of P The ovaries lie directly behind the testes and are gieysz(ori to be homologous on the one hand with the situated ventrally; they are rather small (Fig. 5). The female antrum of Macrostomum species, and on the oviducts do not extend backwards but run directly other hand with the antrum of P pa/um. As a towards the mid-line of the ventral body region, where consequence, the most anterior pore in P gieysz(ori they unite into a short common oviduct. The latter corresponds with the female gonopore. opens into the female antrum. There is a free The second opening of the female reproductive connection between common oviduct and female system in P gieysztori lies posteriorly to the female antrum; a so-called ''Verschlussapparat'' is absent gonopore and leads into the narrower posterior portion (Figs 9, 10). of the female apparatus, of which the ventral section The female antrum is lined with more or less is lined with cells having long cilia. The dorsal portion cuboidal cells which bear long cilia. In specimen V3975 of this posterior part of the female apparatus is a large and thick mass of cells was attached to the connected to the dorsal portion of the female antrum dorsal surface of the antrum leaving at one place a by means of a curved duct. The non-ciliated lining of small opening for the common oviduct. Sperm were this wide duct varies in height and consists of a attached to the clump of cells (Fig.
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