Southern Adventist University KnowledgeExchange@Southern Southern Accent - Student Newspaper University Archives & Publications 1986 Southern Accent August 1986 - April 1987 Southern College of Seventh-day Adventists Follow this and additional works at: https://knowledge.e.southern.edu/southern_accent Recommended Citation Southern College of Seventh-day Adventists, "Southern Accent August 1986 - April 1987" (1986). Southern Accent - Student Newspaper. 64. https://knowledge.e.southern.edu/southern_accent/64 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives & Publications at KnowledgeExchange@Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Southern Accent - Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of KnowledgeExchange@Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. First Time Survey The student Newspaper of Southern -College of Seventh-day Adventlsts Volume 42, Number 1 Welcome To Southern College 2/SOUTHERN ACCENT/Augus(28, 1986 Registration Extravaganza ***************************** Southern Accent I First Year Survey * ^ Are you here at Southern College for the first time? Take this simple survey to «§1 see if you can go directly to "seasoned-student status." Circle the correct letter for •^ each question. "Comp 101 stands for complicated problems in everyday life. a new type of burger served in the Campus Kitchen. a class in complex numbers. the newest in designer jeans. How do you spell relief? R-0-L-A-l-D-S T-A-C-O B-E-L-L E-A-S-T-G-A-T-E Reporters Chris McKee Why do they call it the "cafe"? Scott McClure Because people might confuse it with the gym. Because no one can spell "cafeteria." To distinguish it from COMP 101. Typesetters Wait till you see it and you won't have to ask. Danny Kwon Karia Peck What is the best way to get rid of roaches? Columnists Spread a few dirty socks around the room. Richard Moody Jimmy Wolcott * Use your handy-dandy roach-ridder dart gun/fly s Beth Mills Make them do your homework. •^ d Remind them of the "No * Pets" policy. What three foods work for you on campus? Greens, Bietz, Com. Bielz, Rice, Lamb. Wheat, Apple, Burger. d. Lamb, Millet, Raisin. Where is the best place to work on campus? Light changer in the gym. Missmg ID card detective for the computer center Sidewalk gum scraper. Reader for Underwater Basket Weaving 102. ***************************^* Augial2S, I9a6/S0UTHERNACCENT/3 !-,: ^^. , R| 1 *K "Take classes, me? Be real" i II ^^ Hr^ - W^ -1 Li K,;.,ji|||g Andy MHIer rounds the 6nal him. "I know I just saw her card. Dr. K attempts the paper shuffle, a tough i/S0VTHERNACCENT/Aiigusl2S. 1986 Speak Up What is your first impression of college? By Rhona Dalusong and John Dysinger JACKIE WEBB GAYLE MILLER { UNDERWOOD Fr., Undecided Fr., Accounting Birmingham, Ala. Kansas City, Kan. ' "I'm pretty e.xciied about I wonderful place here MICHELLE FULBRIGHT Fr.. Elementary Ed. Williston, Fla. Orlando, Fla. Just A Note S.A. Welcome Back Party Hi, and welcome to our show from Southern College. We've got alot of really big things planned tor you. The Somhern Accent slaft wishes to gite you the best paper possible this year. But that will take your help. We only know U you like or dislike something when you write to us. Sometimes we on the staff wonder it anybody out (here IS reading the Accen,. "Hawaiian HopefoDy, the contents Luau" justify the time you spend m readmg. Otherwise, there Is something wrong. This year, feel free to drop us a line, for print or in pnvate, and let us know if we are reaching you. Several projecu for the year are these: '""* "" '1" !'"i™- ^"""^ '"" "'"=""»" '" ™1>°™"' P»"» of al- legel™, lifeiVt '^H- Tins B not to say that It should dominate the paper, but more can be done to give II some "lime light". Saturday Night-8:45 Running 2 a Photo contest. Enough of you have expressed an interest in Ibis that "'""'"• '"'""' """ "" """""« '"«» '""^"^ i7tre pa'peTKu-r ""I" "ko like .0 run a short stor, contest. Agam, look for details Door In comin^g t'^^ op. Prizes «"'""!»"""' '" ',° !""! '" »'"i»" »« » "gular fealnre. this wil ThlstinLTonfocus on filM"line arts events m the greater Chattanooga area, as well as here in Vailey. _ _Happy Tli^ section will also try to have tips on great plac" to ea?! CRn-llhotographs, new columns, campus new5, calendar events, and many more Games and Mixers will ro.,a items „,„ ,he paper to give you what we hope will be a worthwhile paper. Please know ,n „i., if in any»rv wayw,v «» ,|,„ „3j|j „^,.^ ^ wonderful semester The Student Newspaper of Southern College of Seventh-day Adventlsts Care p.3 Luau Competition Volume p,5 42, Number 2 September 4, 1986 Hawaii, Soutliern College Style! 2/SOUTHERN ACCENT/September 4, 1986 Editorial Enrollment community colleges while financial By Charlene Spencer dif- ficulties and the lack of commitmei Compared to last year's count at the By Bretl Hadley parents and students enrollment is down the part of to ob- L beach, with the hot sand sifting beneath my feet and close of registration, There I was, walking on the Christian education students. The number taining a are keeping I ocean breeze blowing through my hair, watching the surf c this year by 113 the salty others away. endeavored presently enrolled is 1219. However, up t e beach engulfing mighty sand fortresses that small children had In related areas, where once the "late registration, nurses consortiums Nurs- greater will determine ing Division claimed a portion of I ! V academy extensions c distance I could make out the form of a female.. .but This and MaryElam, Direc- the student body, the Business Division I ordinary female. This was not your typical beach bunny. This was...a goddess. A; the final figure." said total 1350 now runs a close second with a 243-241 Records. "A final of \ she came towards me I could tell she was staring at my Tropicana drenched body. tor of anticipated." she said. ratio of students. She looked at me as if she had something to ask me. My name perhaps, students is compared to 1985 According to official records, interest free that night. With my eyes full of expectation I waits would say. On a larger scale, | lost in the Humanities Division has risen 2( The moment was tense and as she opened her mouth... ang. My alarm clock that emoUment records, the college has percent and specifically by 10 in final eiuollment percent ti is. I opened my eyes and reahty slapped me coldly the face, I was back at least 1 18 students. The the Communications Department CoUegedale. figure for 1985 was 1468 while the pro- The Honors Program has acquired 29 I What a change of life-style from being a life-guard at Myrtle Beach to being a pro- jected total for 1986 is 1350. Admissions new members bringing the membership I fessional college student again. Ron Barrow, Director of attributed this to 60. "This is the largest enrollment the But all things change and change happens to everyone. Change is a necessity and and Public Relations, j said that program has ever had." said Jerry Glad- should be expected to occur in ah parts of hfe. In some cases change is a good thing. decrease to three factors. He attend son, program director. Take my bed sheets for example, their screaming to be changed. We change clothes, more students are choosing to we change the radio station, we change our names, we even spend change. So what is all this leading up to? Nothing really, except that some people may be a Ultle frustrated over some of the changes that have been initiated here at our beloved in- stitution. The system that had become so comfortable to many of us has been Campus disrupted. Change does not come easy for anybody. When you are used to a system and com- fortable with the administrative expectations of you as a student and something hap- pens to change those expectations it can cause some controversy. Complaints But if we didn't change and we became complacent with ourselves we would never grow. Change causes us to stretch our potential and reach beyond what we have already attained. With change comes a challenge and with challenge comes growth. Southern All things change, change is a necessity to life. It should be expected and welcom- else filled in for her last ed as a chance to srow. year, and that recently somebody has Accent even changed the column's name and for- mula, but be not dismayed for all is not lost. Southern College students will still are not removed. These The Facts About cuts can be have the opportunity to voice their com- anything from corn starch to poisonous plaints and receive a sympathetic ear. local anesthetics. Reprinted from Because, back by popular demand, is the intese high "The more derives solely original formula— Classic Loril Crack the Listen Magazine from method by which it's used, Yes folks, Lori has returned to in- namely explains smoking," Dr. Arnold vestigate your problems, get to the bot- "Crack" {or "rock," as il is called on Washton, M. director of research for tom of the situation, and give you an the West Coast) is one of the newest and 800-COCAINE. "Smoking a drug sends honest, thoroughly researched answer. deadliest fads in [he U.S. today. It is a a high concentration of that drug direct- So, send me your gripes (you may wish ready-to-smoke form cocaine of that is ly to the brain in less than 10 seconds." to begin by booing the first paragraph of easily affordable by teenagers and has This is how crack gets its power, not from this column) and I will see what can be been called the ultimate high.
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