Tha iqMakaHi In tfa'n M ef o f their appearance on the platform thia evening wUl be; Selectmen. Harry B. Benson, David Chambsrs, John i f u v * church school, the Forced to Remain Cloacd On Jansen. Clarence lAipler, Richard Hlhgliul iv k'k Sunday school and MarUa, aarles M. O^owd. Joaeph CofAooIidated Revenue Com­ Labor Day Holiday— Meet­ theMen’s Bible cUm wIU not re­ O. PeitvCIarenee K. Petersen, Har­ pany Gets Property from MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM sume sessions until Simday, Sep- ing to Be Held Tuesday Those Who Process Own Neai^r M Repobb’caii Con- old M. Reed, Mathlaa Spleae, Charles Main Street Cou, a Holding temper 18. Night. Stays, W. K. Straughan, Leland T. ABODTTOWN W ooft Firm. VOL. L V ., NO. 289 on Baga U.) m a n o i e s t e r ; c o n n ., Sa t u r d a y , Se p t e m b e r 6, i9s« (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE TUKKE CEN1 T ownsend Club No. 3 will hold Its Negathres and Prints In- Tax Collector: Sherwood O. Bow­ regular meeting this evening at Barbor shops In Manchester, un­ testanU Eipected at Cen­ der the state Uw governing the oloa- ers, Robert J. Boyce, Albert T. Jack- TTm JafiTe-Prodrove Inilldlng on ' • V M l>iroaa Mielety o f BnuunMi 8:00 at the T. M. C. A. son, Jashea TI. Johnston, Samuel Ing o f barber shojia, will net be open Main street has been sold by the diurch will hold lU first riled to Meet Neit Friday. ter Park Open Meetm^. Nelson, Jr., George H. WlUlaias. The losing side In the recent Sun­ on Monday. As a result of closing Main Street company to the Con­ OnTiringr Line In Spain’s Tragric W ar ]M1 msstlaff at tbs church Wednes- all day Monday there will be no otb Representative: David Chambers, r Bsptsmber 0 at 8 day school contest o f the Salvation WlUlam J. Shea. Mathias Bpless, solidated Revenue company of New LUTHER CONVENTION .1 er closing of the shops during next ' « ’ciock. The hoatssasB win bs HUs Army wlU entertain with a social WllUam J. Thornton. York City, according to a warran­ Mias Elizabeth J. Norton, o f 180 week. The regular monthly meet­ Nearly aU o f the candidatea tor LOYALIST FORCES FAIL ^ -Vtrlaa Larson, Miss Clara Und- Wednesday evening at 7:30, under In the event o f rain the meeting tee deed filed today with Town Main street, has announced that she ing of the local barbers was sched­ ReprexenUUyee, Tax Collector and ibnrg. Miss Hattie Peterson and the direction of Young People's Ser Is planning to form a Manchester will be cancelled. Clerk Samuel J. Turklngton. geant Major James Munale. A pro­ uled to be held Monday night, ^ t Selectmen are expected to bo. pr^- SiCrs. Sylvia Spang. camera club, open to anj enthusias­ because of the holiday the meeting A fter the first floor of the build­ gram with games and refreshments ent at the forum meeUng to held ing was .altered to give the W. T. OPENS HERE TODAY tic professional or amateur photog­ b t will be enjoyed. has been set for Tuesday evening of ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Conrow raphers here. Membership In the tota evening In Center Park at Grant company store the entire next week. At the meeting Tun^ay SEUCTMEN TO DISCUSS floor, the building was sold by Louis have moved from Russell street to club will be limited to those who the names o f those who intend to go 7:30 o'clock, Aaron Cook, chairman IN COUNTER AH ACK S their house at 883 Main street Because of school opening next process their own negatives and 9f the committee of the aponxorlng S. Jaffa, et al, to the Main Street to the convention of barbers to be company. Incorporated, at the tame Leapers of Hartford Dii* Convention Program week a new schedule of teaching prints. held Ip Stamford on the third Sun­ Young Republican club atated thle BUDGET ON S E P T .14 hours has been arranged for the W. It has been pointed out by Miss morning. time as a hiridlng concern for the Today Junior Maccabees win gather to­ day In September will be taken by property. P. A. music project Pupils not sure Norton that clubs have been organ­ the president. Sedrlck Straughan, preiSdiebt of 3 p. m. on—Registration of Attempt to Recaptore Irai -morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at when to come may Inquire of Mrs. The building Is subject to a 844,- trict Begin Three Days the Old Golf groiuids Instead of at ized In other cities at which mem­ Mattnew Mens Is the delegate the Young Republican club ./111 open Custom in Recent Tears Has delegates at Emanuel Lutheran Mrs. Markham Speeds Britton, 65 Park street any time bers compare prints,'bold contests 600 mortgage and leasee to the W. SuBset bin as planned. Games from the local association to tbs the meeting and will introduce Mloe T. Grant company and the Ideal church. But A re Driven Back Saturday, Sepi. S or Labor Day. It and obtain instruction In various Ekllth M. Wilson of Arch street, on Been to Invite New Nomi­ and outdoor sports and a hot dog state convention. Finance association, Ihc., which baa Sessions This Afternoon; 8 p. m.—Annual business meet­ will be necessary to drop from the lines of photographic work, depend­ active YRC worker, who will be nees lo Sit in On Session. ing and election of officers. roast will be In charge of Mrs. Eu­ list any pupils who do not report ing upon the Interests o f the club a suite of offices on the second floor. nice Durkin, Mrs. Bessie Farris and chairman of the meeting and will in­ I 7:00 p. m.—^Annual banquet at To New York Goal; Rebek Have AdvaniagQ this coming week. members. Some of the clubs hold troduce the speakers In alphabetical Banqnet in Masonic Tenh Masonic Temple. State Commander E. A. Rock. The monthly meetings and most of The selectmen wtU meet Monday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith and flrst~reg%lar meeting of A U Brown POLICE COURT order as the names will appear on them, Miss Norton said, hold annual the voting machines. night. Sept 14, to dlecuss a tenta­ daughter, Barbara, are spending Tomorrow of Superior Nmnbors ie Junior Court will take place Satur­ James T. Psscoe of Watkins public exhibitions of pfints and ex­ Felix Godlewski, 40, o f 448 North two weeks at Bay Ridge, N. J. pie Tonight; Sports Pro­ 10 a. m.— Morning worship and Safe Across Atlantic day afternoon, September 13, when Brothers will spend the Labor Day Candidates for Selectmen, Repro- tive budget for the year, prepared week-end at Nantucket. change and loan of exhlbltlona with Main street, charged with drunken sentatlvee and Tax Collector will be Holy Communion. - (rfflcers will be elected. other clubs. by Town Treaaurer George H. Wad­ 1 p. m.— Dinner at homes o f Today’s Battle. driving, was fined 8100 and costs by limited to 10-mlnute speeches, lliere dell. After consideration this month New York, Sept 8.—(AP)—A There are many amateur photog­ Judge Rajrmond A. Johnson In Po­ gram Monday. congregation., Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Chapman of Mrs. Lillian Matson, for the past will be no question period due to the the selectmen will offer the budget raphers In town, Miss Norton be­ lice Court this morning. lack of time. It Is expected that the 8:80 p. m.— District chorus re­ plane believed to be that of Mrs. Strickland street left today for Point ten years dental assistant In the to the annual town meeting early lieves, who will welcome the forma­ He was arrested on Hartford road meeting will be well attended as —TASTY SANDWICHES- hearsal at South Methodist Beryl Markham, flying the North O’ Woods and will spend two weeks office of Dr. John F. Barry, 935 next month. In recent years the Hendaye, France, Sept 8.—(AT) tion of such a group to share inter­ at 12:45 a. m. today by Policeman there Is considerable interest In the — BALLANTINE’S BEER— with a record-breaking attend­ church. Atlantic from England, was report­ at their cottage there. Main street, has concluded her emr board has Invited new Republican 5:30 p. m.—Refreshments .at —^Desperate government detardarw ployment and will leave soon to Join ests in the various subjects pertain­ Joseph A. Prentice whose attention race for all three offices. ance anticipated, the fortieth an­ ed by the (Canadian press to have ing to the hobby. Persons Interested noraineea to attend ita budget dis­ host church. ^ who staged a daring counter-attaelt her husband, Evald Matson, who re­ was called to the car by the manner Candidatea for other offices other PRINCESS GRILL nual convention of the Hartford passed over Renews, Newfoundland, in forming such a club are invited to cussion meetings, ,be«auBe the budg­ 7:30 p. m.— Inspirational serv­ ogalnot victorious rebels, ware . cently left the employ of Cheney In which It wan being operated. than those mentioned will be ihvlted et will be expended under the super­ 'Cor. Main and Pearl Streets today at 8:35 a. m., eastern stand­ attend an organization meeting to Through his attorney, William S. to present themselves on the plat- tHiatrict Luther League convenes ice at South Church. driven from the internatkmsl brld|(fl - Brothers to accept a position with a vision of the new board.
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