Available online at http://www.ajol.info/index.php/njbas/index ISSN 0794-5698 Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science (December, 2017), 25(2): 01-05 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/njbas.v25i2.1 An Assessment of Crop Farmer Households’ Perceptions of Climate Change and Coping Strategies in Kano State, Nigeria H. A. Yusuf Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Faculty of Agriculture, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Article Research Full Length [[email protected]; [email protected]; : +2347068300505] ABSTRACT The study assessed crop farmer households’ perceptions of climate change and coping strategies in Kano State of Nigeria. Data for this study were obtained by the use of structured questionnaire and household head was used as the sampling unit. A total sample size of 407 crop farmer households were selected through simple random sampling and it represent 20% of the sample frame of 2036. Descriptive statistics such as percentage and mean scores were used to analyse the data collected for the study. Perception of farm household was judged by the mean scores derived from the 5-point Likert items. The study revealed that decrease in crop production (mean score M = 5) was the major perceived climate change effect on their crop production. This was followed by decrease in food availability (M=4.25), decrease soil fertility (M=3.86) and increase pest and disease infestation (M=3.79). The average mean score of the farmer’s perception of climate change on crop production was 3.93. This implies that the respondents in the study area agreed that climate change lead to decrease in crop production. The major coping strategy adopted by farmers in the study area was changing crop variety which was indicated by about 80% of the respondents. Other coping strategies include crop rotation (about 41%), mixed cropping and shifting cultivation constituting about 34% respectively. Based on these findings, it is recommended that crop farmers in the study area should be encouraged to use farm level adaptation measures. This can be achieved through developing appropriate farm-level climate adaptation technologies by research institutes and disseminating them to farmers at the appropriate time. Since most respondents used different varieties of crops to cope with climate change effects in the study area, agricultural organizations and research institute should put more effort in developing new varieties of crop that will suit the climatic conditions of the farmers and farmers should have direct link with the research institutes or seed companies in order to have access to the new seed varieties. Keywords: Perception, coping strategies, crop farmer, household, climate change. INTRODUCTION our planet today Ozor, 2009. Perception is the The intergovernmental panel on climate change process of attaining awareness or understanding IPCC defined climate change as statistically of sensory information. According to Ofuoku significant variations that persist for an extended 2011, man views his environment from the way period, typically decades or longer. It includes he feels about it in his interaction with it. shifts in the frequency and magnitude of sporadic Depending on how he perceives and interprets weather events as well as the rise in global mean the environment, he reacts to secure his comfort surface temperature. Changes in climate are and future. attributed directly or indirectly to human activities and alter the composition of the global Farmers’ perception of their environment is a atmosphere IPCC, 2007. Climate change can factor of climate change. Hence, adaption to also be defined as any change in climate over climate change requires that farmers must first time, whether due to natural variability or as a notice that the climate has change and then result of human activity and is widely recognized identify useful adaptation and implement them as the most serious environmental threat facing Maddison, 2006. Building up resilience to 1 Yusuf: An Assessment of Crop Farmer Households’ Perceptions of Climate Change………………….. increasing climate variability is the most State consists of two agro-ecological zones significant climate challenge facing all countries namely, Northern Guinea Savannah and the including Nigeria. Countries need to factor Sudan Savannah. The southern part of the state climate risks and climate change adaptation into is in the Northern Guinea Savannah, which has their developing planning, and consider the range an annual rainfall of 600-1,200mm. The central of interventions that increase their resilience to and northern parts are in the Sudan Savannah, climate change (Eboh, 2009). with annual rainfall of 300-600mm (Kano State Government, 2012). In Nigeria, non-governmental organizations like Nigerian Environmental Study/Action Team The State comprises of 44 Local Government (NEST) and Greenwatch Initiative working in Areas, with population of 9,383,682 people based partnership with Building Nigeria Response to on 2006 census figure (NPC, 2006). The Climate Change (BNRCC) project have taken projected population in 2017 with national growth adaptation measures such as livelihood rate of 3.2% is 10,160,312. The predominant diversification strategies, improved access to ethnic groups are Hausa and Fulani. Agriculture water, ecosystem rehabilitation and other is the major employer of labour in the state with adaptation measures to reduce the negative many citizens involved in farming, animal effect of climate change on the livelihood of husbandry, and fishery (Kano State Government, vulnerable people (BNRCC, 2009). The major 2012). challenge here is that the adaptation measures mentioned cannot meet large population of Sampling Procedure and Sample Size people and most of the strategies require literacy A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to and very costly. Despite efforts made by Nigeria select the respondents for this study. In the first to adapt and mitigate climate change risk, it is still stage, the state was divided into two based on elementary especially when compared with the agro- ecological zones i.e. Northern Guinea disaster caused by climate change. Savannah (NGS) and Sudan Savannah (SS). In the second stage, three Local Government Areas Therefore this research seeks to investigate the (LGAs) were selected through simple random perceptions and actual coping strategies at the sampling (names in the hat) from the agro- farm level adopted by farmers in the study area ecological zones. Doguwa LGA was selected and make possible suggestions to improve on from Northern Guinea Savannah while Minjibir them. Also, information from this study would be and Shanono LGAs were selected from Sudan useful to policy makers on climate change. Thus, Savannah zone. This selection of only one LGA the research would describe perceptions of from NGS was because the Sudan Savannah farmer households on climate change effect on covers larger area (twice) of land than the their crop production, and identify the coping Northern Guinea Savannah. The third stage strategies adopted by farm households in the involved simple random selection of three villages study area. from each LGA. They are: Makarfai, Unguwar Rufai, and Falgore Dilmari from Doguwa LGA; MATERIALS AND METHODS Dumawa, Giginyu and Tsakuwa from Minjibir Description of the Study Area LGA and Kauyen Kuka, Unguwar Gabas and The study was carried out in Kano State which is Badumawa from Shanono LGA. The villages had in the North-Western part of Nigeria. The State a population of 2,036 farm households based on lies between latitude 120 37' North, 90 33' South data collected from Kano Agricultural and Rural and longitude 90 29' East and 70 43' West. It is Development Authority (KNARDA, 2013). In the bounded by Katsina State to the north-west, and final stage 20% of the sample frame was selected Bauchi and Kaduna State to the south. Kano 2 Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science (December, 2017), 25(2): 01-05 randomly to obtain a total sample size of 407 decreases food availability (M=4.25) suggest that farm households. respondents agreed that climate change has effect on their crop production. While increase in Data collection and Analytical Techniques stunted growth (M=3.25) indicated neutral Primary data were used for this study. The data response and it is the least effect perceived by were collected by the researcher with the help of the respondents (Table 1). trained enumerators. Structured questionnaires were administered to selected household heads The average mean score of the farmer’s (sampling unit) in the study area. Descriptive perception was 3.93. This implies that the statistics such as mean, tables, percentages, respondents in the study area perceived climate frequency distribution, and range were used to change led to decrease crop production. These achieve objectives of the study. findings agree with that of Ofuoku (2011), Abraham et al. (2012) and Farauta et al. (2011) Likert scale that farmers perceived reduction in crop Likert scale consists of a collection of statements production, increase in pest and disease about attitudinal objects. For each statement, infestation, decrease food availability, decrease respondents have to indicate the degree to which in soil fertility and increase in cost of food crops they agree or disagree with its content. This was as common effects of climate change on crop used to measure the level of agreement of the production. Climate change is a serious threat to respondents in order to achieve objective i. The agriculture and food security especially the rural different effects of climate change on their crop communities which majorly rely on agriculture to production were placed on a 5-point Likert items meet their subsistence needs. Shah and Ameta where 5 = strongly agree, 4 = agree, 3 = neutral, (2008) argued that climate change is directly 2 = disagree, and 1= strongly disagree. linked to reduced soil productivity and high Perceptions of the respondents on the effects of incidence of pests and diseases. This is also climate change on their crop production were directly linked to reduced performance of crop judged by the mean scores derived from the 5- production.
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