i0ianta VOL. XLVII. MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1905. NO. 24. ;,'!J': GRADUATING EXERCISES Senior Oratoricals, WILL BE RE-ELECTED. The class of 1005, Mason High fl GIFT Will 1)0 Ilolil nt Uiiyiinr Opurit II»UN«! School, will give iheir ora'toricals at Krln II. OikNtnrllii IN WIUIIIIIK: » I'liiuv TliiirNdiiy KVUIIIIIK', JIIIIU S2, the high school room on Monday und uf I'roiuliiuiive ia Iltlcli. (JOIIUKO THAT IS HARD LINEN SALE The cominenoeiiient exercises of tlie Tuesday evenings, June 19aud 20, com­ Adilttllvii. TO BEAT. classes of 1905,-Mason High school and mencing at eight o'clock. Following Wc want every careful and judicious buj'cr to visit oijr Ingham County Normal school will is the program; From llie Alma Journal. Linen Department duringf this sale. In Table Linens, Towels, i)e held at Rayner opera house Thurs­ MONDAY reVBNlNCl,.TUNKll),lfl05, Couspiclous among those who have Crashes, Napkins. Lunch Cloths and Pillow Shams, we are day evening, June 22, at 8 o'clock. rnvocftHoii, won a nume for themselves In Alma a K©02\K showing positive bargains in quality, worth and price that you Seven young men and six young ladies Music-"Evening Slnoiber" , college la Erie H. Casterliu, '07, Alma's will graduate from the High school .' UIKII ;-ieboal Orcliealra athletic director iu the Michigan Inter­ cannot fail to appreciate. Essay—•'Jlodurn OboiiUHlry" „.. FROM and nine young ladies will receive , Allen Donald Uowo collegiate Athletic assoclaliou. Mr. Li your own interests come and secure some of these Linen (liploinas from the normal school. Essay—"Tlie liilliionoe of Lllerauiro'' Casterliu came to Alma from Mason $1.00 TO $35.00 JSlliol V. Andrews Bargains. , Following is the program; Orallou—"Gieal Men of Amurlua" two years ago, aud soon after his en­ MiircU—li'roiii '•Iloblii lloou" JMKovm liobun Uulpli Glenn trance to college, he became prominent Wc have them in stoclc at UicliuHlrn, Vocal ijolo—"tilnsy Maiden J" Parker as a speaker and debater, winning luvociulou. Mias Crandall Miireli—Gloria Ijosq/ Oration—"KlnalTrlnmpli of Universal Peace" second in the I'lcul oratorical contest Table Linens Napkins OroliOHLru. J nil UN W. Cliaplu during his freshmun year. In the In- 75c Napliins for ....50c AdtlresH Prof. Dolns FiiM ISsaay-"MIe ill Japan" ICIHOA. llawn Longyear's Drug Store Soloutlou—From "Oiiriiion" tAtiUrs lersociely debate this spring he was ?5c Linens for ...10c Ijil.dO Nupldns for 75c Oration—"The Korco ot Uio Idiml" oOc Linens for 3!)c Or(;bn«t.rii, Wlimllred l.oulse Hall unanimously chosen by his team mates 1.25 Napkins for $1.00 l'roNOiil.iUlon ofSanlor Oup to Olaas nflOOD... 5!)o Linens for '15G MUHlo-"Brldal Oborus" J''. Jl, Cowen of the Zeta Sigma Literary society id ] 50 Napkins for.-:----; 1^5 riiHuH W (Jliiipln Hlglii:iuliool OlioruH and Orcbeatra A. C. MARTIN CO. HeHpoiiBe mill Aeooptuiico liorl 1.,, Kltoliun lead the discussion, and he acquilled 75c Linens for 59c 1 75 Napkins for 1,50 JienuUlcllon. $1 00 Linens for 75c Holeotlou—'•Tlio Mayor 01'ToUlo" Carl himself in the linul rebuttal iu such a 2 00 Napkins for 1 75 OroliOHlra. inauuer Ihai he will not soon be forgot­ Grain and Stock Brokers 1 25 Linens for..- 05c 2 25 Napkins for 1 90 Proaenlallon ot GraclnHlln« Olass to .School TUESDAY ICVKNINO, .1 UNK 20, 1905. ten in Alma. DETROIT. MICH. 1,50 Linens for ^lAQ Boaril .Slip:.. Fiillerioii Invocation. Oniclal Quotations on all Grains and 2 50 Napkins for 2 15 RoapouHuaml I'resonUilioii of Diploman Last fall Mr. Casterliu made the Uulii.s Kayinoml, Pros, ol Board Music—"TrlppliiB O'er ilie Hill" Wilson Stocks. 2.75 Napkins for 2 25 lllKli aoliool Oboriia football team as quarter and exhibited Linen Towels 3 00 Napkins for 2 50 Seloutlou—Prom "Urmliile" Jucobowsky Oration-"Coniinerclal Advanlat'e ofPanama remarkable generalship in running the Ollloo over Kiinirel'H ncp't Store. 3 50 Napkins for 2.75- Orcliealra. Canal" Todman U. Uawn lleferenco, Karnior«' Bank, Mason, Pro.sonlaUoii o( Normal OIns.s to Uo\iiily Orullon—"TuonKlils, Tbolr Power" team. When his name was mentioned hell I'liono No. 182. 25c Towels for.- lOo each 5.00 Napkins for 3.75 lioaril of U.KiimluorH Coiii'r A. G. WIIHOI\ OlUzona'rUonolOD l!oiiP(McUou. neryl A. Wilcox as a successor to Mr, Schenck as M. I. 65o HIKI 75C Towels for 50o eiioli OratlOM—"Elements of Success" A. A, director il was received with U. II. 1\IAIISH, Manager. , Marcli—From ' UMI Kealliur" UcKovcn Olande Hoborl Laxion $1.00 Towels for ' 75c each Lunch 61oths OrclieHlra. Vocal Solo—".Snminor" OliaminaUo hearty approval and he was almost 75e Lunch Cloths for 59c MiH. Pnllorlon, uuunimously elected toihaiortice. At Dog and Pony Sliow. , Kellogg—Young-. OraUon—"Object Les.sou Irom .lapan" his election it was decided to recom­ Pillow Shams $1.00 Lniich Clolhs for 75c ;. Qeorjie Andrew Tborburu Siebel Bros, dog and poney shows 1.25 Lunch Cloths for $1.00 The day written in the calendar as Orullon—"Ednoatlon of Women" mend him for the same poalllou agalu have between 75 and SO beautiful Shet­ 2.5cRhama for - 19o 1.50 Lunch Cloths for 1.25 June 8th was a poem from the iirst ; Kloreuco hucyiStiafor at the close of the year, and, as his land ponies wllh them,-and among OraUon—"Wlial For"aud "How l^oiiK" work has lieun so satisfactory, his re­ 5()c Sliarns (or.. .S5c 1.75 Lnucli Cloths lor 1 35 faint ray of light which waked the Frank McUoy Field the lot la "Sno-A' Cloud," the smallest; 75c Slmiua for 50c 2 25 Lunch Cloths for ........ 1.75 sleepy robin to song to the summer Vocal Solo—Soloctod U. li.SLoub'year election Is unanimously conceded. full grown Shetland in the world. A twilight made glad by the silver, half Huuedlctlon. During the recent meet of the associa­ Coney Island side show manager of­ inoou. It was sujh a day as Long­ . ANNOONOEMKNTS. tion, iield at ]M. A. C, Mr, Casterliu, fered Seibei Bros, un enormous sum fellow describes; Lastchupel exercise Friday morn­ with the assistance of tlie M, A, 0, for the little beauty last year but he Is "0 gift of God I 0 perfool day! ing, June 1(1. director, had nearly all the work of still with the show. He ia not only Wlieruon aliall no man worlc, bill play; Final meeting oftheS, C. A. June supervising the events and conducting the pet of everybody with the show, C. A. PARKHURST Wliorooii 111.1 onouBli for me, IS, at 3:80 |j. m. ut high school room. the ad'airs of the association, ttnd he according, to the advertising agent, but; Not to be doluKi bill to bel did it with credit and honor both to 1 hear Ibe wind iimoni! H'o Ireos Baccaluerute aermon at the Pre.iby- money-Aiouldn't ^ buy him. Snow I'liiyliit; celo.stlal Nynipboiilei'; teriuu church Sunday evening, June himself und the college he represented. Cloud, it Is said, is a clown by instinct, JiEWH IN Bit I El 1 Noo lliu bninoliea downward bent, Since the above arliclewas publish­ preference und training, and In addi­ Tan stockings at Brown's, * IjlKe IcuysoC some great Inmriimeul." 18, at 8:00 o'clock. Graduating exercises ot the class of ed we learn that Mr. Casterliu was le- tion lo lilsdlmiuullveslze, he is doubly Graduating exorcises at Rayner At three o'clock in the afternoon of 1905 and Normal School Class, June elected to the directorship. valuable because of his cleverness aa Ribbon sale at Mills', * opera house next Thursday evening, this day, at the lieautlful home of Mr. '2Z, at Rayner opera house 8;00 p. m. an actor. He leads tlie 50 pony mill-' and Mrs, I, J. Kelloyg, Mason, Michi­ tary drill, plays In the orchestra und ]\[aBOu has 430 cliiklreu of school age, The Hammell Cracker Cn's. plant at Address'by Delos Fall of Albion. Another sale in millinery at Mills', gan, Mr. E. R. Young, of Jackson, Saturday. June 17. Hats OSc. * directs the "Brute Operu Company," Mrs. Sarlea Drew has sold her farm Lansing was damaged iiy fire last Sun­ Michigan, aud Miss Mabel Kellogg, of whicli ure among the features of the uortheast of this city to Robert ]\Ittrlin, day. The loss is about $18,000. fully Mason, Michigan, were married by H. Our City Honored. performance. Besides, he does a rid­ insured. L, Stetson, LL, D,, of Kalainazoo, Scliool Notes ing uct,iu which he ia the rider aud Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Brown now oc­ Michigan, The full and very impres­ Last Thursday this city was honored Miss Crandall spent Sunday In Jack­ cupy R. C. Darl'a house, corner of Oak MoLiiLohie & DuBois are construct­ by a visit from tlie Mason party, who not the steed, und plays' the roll of sive Episcopal ring service was used. son. "General" In the Japanese-Russian und D streets, ing a cement walk in front of ibe The guests numbered aboulllfty. The liave recently been the guests of the Lydia Reeves place, corner of Ouk aud state ou the occuslon of the interment Miss Bolton of Philadelphia will be war act, which is given by Shetland Geo, A. Earle is iruiking prepara­ D streets. scheme of color in the decorations was a guest of Miss Benjamin Saturday. ponies. Snow Cloud is ouly six years pink and while. Great clusters of of the remains of Gov. Stevens T. tions to build a modern residence this Mason ia Capital Park at Detroit.
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