21904 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 17 November 13, 2006 This is a fitting conclusion to an amazing life. Now healthy, John is working to make REMEMBERING FRANK LAMBERT season. Congratulations to Kelly Gray, Stuart others aware of the importance of organ dona- Holden, Dwayne De Rosario and Brian Ching tion. He works as a volunteer for the Gift of HON. FRANK R. WOLF who successfully converted from the penalty Life Donor Program, an organization that OF VIRGINIA spot in the shootout. Brian Ching was recog- matches donors with patients, Today about IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nized as the match’s Most Valuable Player. 90,000 people in the United States are await- Monday, November 13, 2006 This is the Dynamo’s first season in Hous- ing an organ transplant. Making the decision ton, and they have surely made a warm wel- Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, last week Loudoun to be an organ donor can save lives. come for themselves. The team is lead by County in Virginia’s 10th District lost a loyal 2005 Major League Soccer Coach of the Year, I want to thank John for all that he has public servant. Frank Lambert, a former Dominic Kinnear. Let me acknowledge Dy- done. He was given a second chance at life Loudoun County supervisor, passed away on namo investor/operator Philip Anschutz for the and selflessly used it to help others in need. Wednesday, November 8, at the age of 77. time and commitment he has given to U.S. John’s story proves that one person can make I was honored to call Frank Lambert a friend soccer and the city of Houston. I also con- a difference in the world. His volunteer efforts and to work with him on issues of importance to Loudoun County when he served on the gratulate the players and their families for have given hope to cancer patients, and he making the transition (from San Jose) to Board of Supervisors during the 1980’s. has made our community, and our Nation, a Mr. Speaker, I submit for the RECORD an Houston. For the players and their families to better place. obituary from the Leesburg Today newspaper pick up and come to Houston, Texas and do of November 10 which describes the public what they’ve done this year is impressive. We f service of Frank Lambert. We send our condo- welcome you with open arms, and we remain lences to his wife Ruby and all his family. devoted to your success. Also, a big thank TRIBUTE TO JAMES AND JUSTINE [From Leesburg Today, Nov. 10, 2006] you and congratulations to Oliver Luck and the DAVIS entire Dynamo management team family. FORMER SUPERVISOR FRANK LAMBERT DIES The team was created on December 15, (By Margaret Morton) 2005 when the San Jose Earthquakes were HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH A longtime Waterford area resident, Frank relocated, allegedly due to San Jose’s failure Lambert, 77, died early Wednesday morning OF CALIFORNIA at Inova Loudoun Hospital’s Cornwall Street to secure a soccer-specific stadium. Even campus in Leesburg. though all of San Jose’s players and coaches IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Colleagues and friends were surprised by moved to Houston, the team’s name, logo, the news of Lambert’s death. Attorney Steve history and statistics were not transferred. Monday, November 13, 2006 Stockman, who served with Lambert on the The name ‘‘Dynamo’’ refers to Houston’s in- county board when Republicans were a rare dustrial economy and is an allusion to the var- Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I would breed in Loudoun, knew he had been ill, suf- ious Eastern European soccer teams who are like to take this opportunity to congratulate fering from pneumonia, but he said Wednes- called ‘‘Dynamo’’, most notably Dynamo Dres- James and Justine Davis on the celebration of day he had visited him in his home north of their 70th year of marriage. James and Justine Waterford less than a month ago. ‘‘He den, FC Dynamo Kyiv and FC Dynamo Mos- seemed strong,’’ Stockman said. cow. Although unrelated, there was a previous Davis were married January 3, 1937 at St. The two Republicans served on the board professional soccer team called the Houston John’s Rectory in Fresno, California. of supervisors together from January 1984 to Dynamos that played in the old United Soccer James Davis was born in Madera in 1914 December 1987, along with Jim Brownell and League in 1984. The team colors are orange, Andrew Byrd, with Lambert representing the on the same property that he lives on today. Catoctin District. white, and black. He is the son of James L. and Gertrude Davis, The Houston Dynamo play their home ‘‘He was a very nice man, the epitome of a both long time Madera residents. James was Virginia gentleman,’’ Stockman recalled. He matches at Robertson Stadium—a 33,000- described his former colleague as being seat sports stadium located on the University the Madera County Agricultural Commissioner from 1964 until his retirement in 1976. He ‘‘very, very astute, with a brilliant mind.’’ of Houston campus in southeast Houston. A Despite a bit of occasional acerbity, ‘‘when three-year lease was signed to play at the sta- started working for the agricultural department he had to,’’ Lambert did not try to force his dium while plans for a soccer-specific stadium in 1949. James also farmed cotton, alfalfa, opinions on others. ‘‘He would lay it out and are finalized. and cattle on his home ranch. give a brilliant analysis,’’ Stockman said. Stockman, who was some years younger This is the Dynamo’s first championship in Justine Nicolini was born on a farm in Fres- this league, though several of their players than Lambert, said he was also very friendly. no in 1912 on property that is now adjacent to ‘‘I learned a lot from him,’’ he recalled, de- won titles with the team’s previous incarnation, the Fresno Convention Center. She is the scribing Lambert as almost ‘‘Reaganesque’’ the San Jose Earthquakes. daughter of Jose Nicolini, from Italy, and Rosa in his warmth and ability to communicate, My heartiest congratulations, and I look for- Ylarraz Nicolini, from Spain. She worked for with a big deep baritone voice. ward to many more celebrations with Houston His political philosophy was ‘‘very conserv- Dynamo in Houston, Texas. Gottschalks Department Store before marriage ative,’’ according to Stockman. After both I look forward to a community-based cele- and held various office positions in Madera had left elective office Lambert and former bration in heir home stadium in the 18th Con- after moving to Madera. Leesburg mayor and Leesburg District Su- gressional district at Robertson Stadium. James and Justine met on a blind date ar- pervisor Frank Raffo, a staunch Democrat, did a weekly radio talk show and Brownell f ranged by friends. The Davis’s have one recalled Wednesday the two had some ‘‘heat- A TRIBUTE TO JOHN BROWNE daughter, Patricia Sunia, two grandchildren, ed exchanges.’’ and three great grandchildren. James and ‘‘He was very principled, very true to his HON. ROBERT E. ANDREWS Justine live in the same house that they cause,’’ Brownell said of his former col- moved into after their marriage. Following re- league. ‘‘If ever there were a loyal and faith- OF NEW JERSEY ful Republican, he was it,’’ he said. Describ- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tirement, James and Justine traveled exten- ing Lambert as ‘‘very, very conservative,’’ sively throughout the United States, Canada, Monday, November 13, 2006 Brownell, whose support for moderation Europe, Mexico, Caribbean, Australia, and often put him at odds with GOP stalwarts, Mr. ANDREWS. Mr. Speaker, today, I am Great Britain. said that looking back, however, ‘‘Frank was proud to honor John Browne, a courageous probably right about a lot of things.’’ cancer survivor and citizen from the great Their devotion to one another is a model for After Democrat Betsey Brown defeated state of New Jersey. After winning his battle all married couples to follow. As evidence of Lambert as part of the 1987 slow-growth with cancer, Mr. Browne tirelessly worked to this devotion, James and Justine have always movement, he left active politics, although he remained an ardent Republican, according bring hope to others afflicted with this terrible agreed to not go to sleep angry. They have al- ways maintained a strong love for one another to Brownell. He also continued in public disease. He is truly an inspiration to others service as a member of the Loudoun County and it is my privilege to honor him today. and can often be seen holding hands to this Library Board and currently as a member of Diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, John day. I wish James and Justine Davis contin- the Loudoun County Animal Control Advi- Browne needed a liver transplant to save his ued health and happiness in their marriage. sory Board. VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:37 May 19, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00082 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR13NO06.DAT BR13NO06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD November 13, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 17 21905 Winston ‘‘Win’’ Porter was chairman of the Director Antonio Maria Costa sounded similar Secondly, governments are in denial. Too Loudoun Republican Party when Lambert alarm bells on the massive increase in co- many governments—particularly in rich was on the board of supervisors. He echoed caine flow to Europe from Colombia and the countries—fail to invest political capital to the opinions of Lambert’s colleagues, calling prevent and treat drug abuse.
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