The weather Inside today Partly cloudy with a few showers, high In 70s. Partly cloudy tonight with Area news..........8 Editorial ...........s iianrljPHtpr Supning Jipralb Business............. 3 Obituaries .........10 low near 60. Variable cloudiness Sun­ day with a few afternoon showers. High SIXTEEN PAGES “ Tfce Bright One'' Churches ...........6 Sr. Citizens ........ 7 in 70s. National weather forecast map TWO SECTIONS Classified ... 13-16 Sports............11-12 on Page 14. Comics...............9 Week-Review ... 2 WEEKEND INSIDE MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1976- VOL. XCV, No. 298 PH ICE 1 RETEEN CENTS Dear Abby......... 9 Wings ................. 4 News African peace shuttle summary > Compiled from in second round United Press International PRETORIA, South Africa (U P D - where the loudest noise is the chir­ “The United States, which Secretary of state Henry A. ping of birds. throughout its history has stood for Kissinger said today he came to After the 214 hour talks he ad­ dignity, equality and respect between southern Africa to avert a race war dressed the U.S. Embassy staff at the races, in its own interests and in State which could have "profound im­ the Burgerspark hotel, his base for the interest of southern Africa, HARTFORD—The father of the plications for international the three-day visit. He said South decided to take an initiative....It did late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stability.” Africa “holds the key” to peace in so because the dangers of conflagra­ has suggested a new con­ the region, and added; tion in southern Africa were real.” gressional investigation of his Kissinger held a second round of “What has brought me here was a “We hope that progress is being son’s murder will be futile. talks with South African Prime culmination of historical tragedies in made on subjects that have a long 65 “They’ll never find out who did Minister John Vorster at Libertas, southern Africa that bear within legacy and are extremely painful to it,” he said Friday after being a the premier’s hilltop residence sur­ them the seeds of great com­ deal with for alt parties,” Kissinger ibile rounded by lush flower gardens call luncheon guest of Gov. Ella T. plications. said. “I hope we can feei a step -828- Grasso at the executive mansion. forward has been taken.” “ War between the race,” HARTFORD —Until something Kissinger said, “if it once started, seps is done about polluted New York New quakes hit Italy would have the profoundest im­ % Ided plications for international stability ther and New Jersey air drifting into overlooking Lake Nemi in the Aiban ROME (UPI) — More shocks were on a globai scale.” er 5 Connecticut, officials say they felt in earthquake-devastated Friuli Hills. will hold up almost $21.4 billion in The shock, with a Mercalli rating Kissinger, aithough he was today and mild tremors rocked an speaking in the South African capital, federal funds targeted for those Alban Hills town near the summer of 3 to 4, caused no harm in Genzano Vi 66 two cities. Environmental Com­ indirectly condemned the country's residence of Pope Paui VI. and was not even felt 4.5 miles away missioner Joseph N. Gill said in Castel Gandolfo where Pope Paul policy of institutionalized segrega­ Four shocks measuring between 4 tion. Friday the difference in air pollu­ and 5 on the 12-degree Mercalli scale is spending the final days of an an­ tion standards between the states nual working vacation. His listeners included Americans caused no new casualties or damage and South Africans. Some 30 of them was responsible for the problem. Seismologist Rodolfo Console of in the Alpine foothills of Friuli, were black. He told them: It is a long way down where nearly 1,000 died in an the Monteporzio Geophysical Obser­ Regional vatory said the shock in Genzano, 19 “We have had occasion to say that Bill McGuire, 50, of the Diving Devils high diver show is all earthquake May 6 and another 13 in a as far as the United States is con­ 67 miles southeast of Rome, posed no smiles as he dives toward a flaming pool of water 100 feet below PROVIDENCE, R. I. -Gov. second shock earlier this week. cerned, the concept of human dignity danger for the capital’s 3.5 million in­ Philip W. Noel pulled into the lead Four hundred miles to the south, must have universal application. We to open the Baltimore City Fair Friday. The fair, the only one of over Richard Lorber in the U. S. the second tremor in two days oc­ habitants. He said moderate shocks its type in the nation runs through Sunday. (UPI photo) have been reported through the cen­ cannot agree with any concept that is Senate Democratic primary early curred at 7:04 a.m. (1;04 a.m. EDT) based on the separation of the today. The unofficial latest count 3t Genzano, a wine-growing town turies in the extinct volcanoes of the Alban Hills. races.” — still incomplete — show Noel Kissinger drew a roar of laughter ahead by 73 votes when the count when he said, “secretaries of state Candidates prepare stopped at 2 a.m. It was to resume Man killed in auto crash come and go. It is the only thing that again this morning with aabout 1,- keeps up the morale of my 800 more absentee votes and shut- Gary Miner, 27, of South Rd., turing Co., police said. associates.” But he indicated that for first debate in bailots to be counted. Eliington died this morning, the ap­ He was pronounced dead on the U.S. foreign poiicy, together with its parent victim of an auto accident at scene by the medical examiner. Dr. impiications for raciai justice, “does By ROBERT KAYLOR he was closing the gap on Carter and BOSTON —The first full week of 2:02 a.m. on E. Main St. in Rockvilie. Haroid Shapiro. not fluctuate with political cam­ I'nilcd I’rvRH Inli-rniitional that ""We have the momentum.” school in Boston under the third Miner was driving a pickup truck The White-Gibson-Small Funeral paigns. It cannot be altered every President Ford and Democratic The President told the Republican year of a court-ordered east on E. Main St. when he drove off Home, 65 Elm St., Rockville, is in four or eight years.” nominee Jimmy Carter both took a women the Mississippi riverboat desegregation plan ended without the side of the road and struck a utili­ charge of arrangements which were “1 have taiked to so many different weekend break from their normai start of a southern tour next Satur­ major incident Friday. Some ty pole opposite the Albi Manufac­ incomplete late this morning. ieaders that 1 am beginning to lose campaign ritbai to prepare for their day will ^ an example of a “very, scuffles were reported, but there my voice,” Kissinger said hoarsely. first nationally televised confronta­ very fast" six weeks of campaigning were no serious incidents of The Kissinger-Vorster talks were tion Thursday. to come and added; ""I would much violence in the schools. Citywide held against a background of violence Carter returned to Plains, Ga. rather be a fast finisher than an early attendance was 77.6 per cent of Machinists idle TWA in which eight blacks, including six after winding up the second week of starter.” protected enrollment, normal tor schoolchildren, were shot dead by his fall campaign on familiar ground Carter was joined Friday in Gulf­ Friday, officials said. By United Press International TWA personnel immediately began police Friday during anti-Kissinger in the Deep South, where he praised port. Miss., by Sens. John Stennis and Picket lines began springing up at calling passengers booked on the air- demonstrations in a biack township officials for “ending the long preoc­ James Eastland, both of whom have National airports across the nation early iines' flights to inform them they near Johannesburg, according to cupation with the racial issue" voted against civil rights legislation. today following a strike oy 12,000 witnesses. Ford, in keeping with his campaign "The racial issue is one that I, WASHINGTON -A civilian wouid be booked on other airlines. machinists against Trans World TWA carries about 40,000 The two men's discussions Friday strategy of spending most of his time Sens. Stennis and Eastland and deep-sea salvage company has Airlines. and Saturday have iasted a total of at the White House in his role as chief others and millions of Southern peo­ been hired by the Navy in its race passengers daily on more than 400 The strike, which immediately domestic and 40 overseas flights. seven hours. executive, piayed host Friday to a ple have faced successfully and with to beat the ^v iet Union to an F14 grounded all 'TWA flights, was caiied group from the League of Republican courage.” he said. Tomcat jet fighter that plunged at midnight Friday when Women. He toid them poiis showed ""New relationships between white from the deck of the aircraft negotiations between the nation’s and black citizens, with equality of carrier USS John F. Kennedy off third largest commerical carrier and opportunity and the integrated socie­ the coast of Scotland. An attempt the International Association of Carr given three life terms ty we now enjoy, has liberated the to raise the $20 miilion plane from Machinists reached an impasse. South as well as the rest of the 1,900 feet of water will begin next No new taiks have been scheduled, MIAMI (UPI) — In a move paroie application which might be nation," Carter said. week.
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