USOO8142823B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,142,823 B2 Shatkina et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 27, 2012 (54) NUTRACEUTICAL COMPOSITION (56) References Cited (76) Inventors: Rufina Shatkina, Orem, UT (US); Sam U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS D Gurevich, Orem, UT (US) 2009/0246231 A1* 10, 2009 Valencia et al. .............. 424/400 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this k cited. by examiner patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 213 days. Primary Examiner — Michael Meller (21) Appl. No.: 12/626,893 (57) ABSTRACT A nutraceutical Substance comprising Adamsonia digitata (22) Filed: Nov. 28, 2009 (Baobab), Borojoa patinoi (Borojo), Cyclanthera Pedata (Caigua) and Aframomum melegueta (Grains of Paradise). In (65) Prior Publication Data some embodiments, the whole fruit of these plants may be used. In other embodiments, roots bark, saps, roots or seeds US 2010/O136.064 A1 Jun. 3, 2010 from these plants may be used. The substance may be dried, Related U.S. Application Data powderized, and packaged for use directly, or processed into a pill or digestible capsule form. In other embodiments, the (60) Provisional application No. 61/119,501, filed on Dec. Substance may be used as brew, water extract, alcohol extract, 3, 2008. or pulp mixture. The Substance is intended for ingestion by a human user, and may be useful to promote well-being, pro (51) Int. Cl. vide nutritional value, and aid in preventative health manage AOIN 65/00 (2009.01) ment. Cosmeceutical and hair care formulations employing (52) U.S. C. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 424f725 these ingredients a also disclosed. (58) Field of Classification Search ........................ None See application file for complete search history. 1 Claim, 3 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Mar. 27, 2012 Sheet 1 of 3 US 8,142,823 B2 Figure 1 PREPARE DESIRED PORTIONS OF PLANTS (Step 1) DRY AND CRUSHEACH PLANT TO CREATE A POWDER (Step 2) MIX POWDERS FROM VARIOUS PLANTS IN DESIRED OUANTITIES TO CREATE A COMPOSITIONAL POWDER (Step 3) FORM SOLID PILLS PACKAGE POWDER ENCAPSULATE FROM POWDER (Step 4A POWDER (Step 4B) (Step 4C) END U.S. Patent Mar. 27, 2012 Sheet 2 of 3 US 8,142,823 B2 Figure 2 PREPARE DESIRED PORTIONS OF PLANTS (Step 1) COMBINE DESIRED PORTIONS OF PLANTS (Step 2) DRY AND CRUSH COMBINED PLANTS INTO A POWDER (Step 3) FORM SOLID PILLS PACKAGE POWDER ENCAPSULATE FROM POWDER (Step 4A POWDER (Step 4B) (Step 4C) END U.S. Patent Mar. 27, 2012 Sheet 3 of 3 US 8,142,823 B2 Figure 3A-C Fig. 3A Fig. 3B Fig. 3C US 8,142,823 B2 1. 2 NUTRACEUTICAL COMPOSITION tively, a combination of Baobab, Borojo, Caigua, and Grains of Paradise is formed and the combination is then powdered, RELATED APPLICATIONS According to one exemplary embodiment, the inherent excipient properties of Baobab are utilized to form a combi This application claims the priority benefit of provisional nation that requires no additional excipients. This would be application 61/119,501, “Nutraceutical Composition filed especially beneficial if an attempt to exclude any Substance Dec. 3, 2008. besides Baobab, Borojo, Caigua, and Grains of Paradise from the combination is desired. Alternatively, the combination BACKGROUND may include many Substances (beneficial or excipient in 10 nature) in addition to Baobab, Boroo, Caigua, and Grains of Nutraceutical compositions (e.g. foods or naturally occur Paradise, ring food Supplements intended for human ingestion, and While according to several embodiments the whole fruit of thought to have a beneficial effect on human health) are each of Baobab, Borojo, Caigua, and Grains of Paradise is commonly used for their preventative and medicinal quali used, it is also conceivable to exclude any portion orportions ties. Various nutraceuticals are recognized as providing relief 15 of one or more of the substances. It is also conceivable to from or preventing specific diseases and ailments. Such include additional portions of each of the plants beyond the nutraceuticals may comprise a single element, Such as broc fruit, Such as the bark, leaves, roots, saps, and other portions coli, which contains Sulphrophane commonly believed to of the plants, prevent cancer. Or, alternatively, may comprise of complex combinations of Substances resulting in a nutraceutical that BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS provides specific benefits. For obvious reasons there is a constant demand for any new composition that can provide FIG. 1 illustrates a flow chart of the formation of a nutra additional health benefits over existing Nutraceuticals. ceutical, according to one exemplary embodiment of the Often, a combination of several Substances results in unex present system and method. pected benefits due to the Synergistic nature of the Substances. 25 FIG. 2 illustrates an alternative method of forming a nutra For example, substance A may be known to provide benefit X ceutical, according to one exemplary embodiment of the and substance B may be known to provide benefit Y. While it present system and method. might be expected that a combination of A and B will result in FIG.3A-C show a nutraceutical in various forms including benefits X and Y, due to the synergistic nature of the combi powder, encapsulated powder, and pill form. nation, benefit Z may unexpectedly be present. When useful 30 synergistic properties are discovered in a combination of DETAILED DESCRIPTION substances, the developed nutraceuticals often offer valuable health benefits not found in other substances. Additionally, AS has been presented, a primary object of the present nutraceuticals derived from unknown or little-known sub system and method is to form a nutraceutical comprising of stances may offer health benefits previously unrecognized. 35 portions of Adamsonia digitata (Baobab), Borojoa patinoi (Borojo), Cyclanthera Pedata (Caigua), and Aframomum SUMMARY melegueta (Grains of Paradise). Each of these plants is known to have nutritional and medicinal value. However, the present One object of the present system and method is to provide system and method provides a novel manner of combining a nutraceutical composition comprising the novel combina 40 portions of the plants resulting in Synergistic health benefits tion of portions of Adamsonia digitata (Baobab), Boroioa otherwise unavailable. Furthermore, the present system and patinoi (Boroio), Cyclanthera Pedata (Caigua), and Aframo method provides a nutraceutical in a powder form, which mum melegueta (Grains of Paradise). One result of Such a allows a user to easily obtain the benefits thereof. combination is the holistic health benefits to be obtained from Without wishing to be bound by a particular theory, appli Such a combination. Furthermore, the synergistic combina 45 cants believe that the formulation described herein may tion of the Baobab, Borojo, Caigua, and Grains of Paradise potentially be useful as a dietary supplement for individuals offers many nutraceutical benefits not present by an indi suffering from diabetes, and other related medical problems, vidual fruit or currently available nutraceutical. Such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure, cardiovas According to one exemplary embodiment, the fruit of each cular disease, inflammatory diseases, obesity, stress related of these trees is used in its entirety, Additionally, according to 50 disorders, low energy, loss of libido, and impotence. another exemplary embodiment, the leaves and fiber of the Baobab (Adansonia digitata) is an African plant. Its fruit Baobab are also included in the nutraceutical. The Nutraceu has a high concentration of Vitamin C (300 mg/100 g). It is tical, according to anyone of the various embodiments also a good source of soluble fibers with prebiotic-like activ described in detail below, serves to promote well-being, pro ity invitro. Due to its prebiotic and probiotic activity, it is used vide nutritional value, and aid in preventative health manage 55 as an intestinal regulator in cases of gastric disorders (for both ment constipation and dysentery). It is also a good source of micro According to one exemplary embodiment of the present nutrients such as bio-flavonoids, and alpha-linolenic acid (an system and method, the combination of Baobab, Borojo, omega 3 fatty acid, which generally promotes cardiovascular Caigua, and Grains of Paradise is formed into a powder. The health), as well as carbohydrates such as glucose, fructose, powder can then be used in a variety of manners including, 60 saccarose, maltose, Soluble polysaccharides, and starch. being reconstituted with a beverage, sprinkled on foods, Such Baobab fruit is used in Africa for its anti-inflammatory, anal as cereals, Soups, yogurts, etc' taken in pill form or concen gesic, and antipyretic activity. trate, and/or combined with a variety of foods and other By contrast, Borojo (Boroja patinoi) is a South American Substances, plant. It contains a high percentage of fructose and glucose, as According to various embodiments, Baobab, Borojo, 65 well as high levels of both water-soluble B vitamins, amino Caigua, and Grains of Paradise are each individually pow acids, and protein. Is often used by the natives as their main dered and the various powders are then combined. Alterna Source of energy on long journeys through the jungle. It also US 8,142,823 B2 3 4 has a native reputation for possessing some medicinal prop can be dissolved in water for intake, crushed into a powder as erties, and is locally used as an aphrodisiac by both men and described above, or it can be swallowed. WOC. FIG. 2 illustrates a flow chart with a slightly different initial Caigua (Cyclanthera pedata) is another plant native to approach resulting in Substantially the same nutraceutical. South America. The cucumber-like fruits of this plant are 5 According to this method of creating the nutraceutical, the used in South America for their anti-inflammatory, hypogly desired portions of the plant are first prepared for combining cemic and hypocholesterolemic properties.
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