University of Dayton eCommons The nivU ersity of Dayton Magazine Marketing and Communications 5-1-1948 The niU versity of Dayton Alumnus, May 1948 University of Dayton Magazine Follow this and additional works at: http://ecommons.udayton.edu/dayton_mag Recommended Citation University of Dayton Magazine, "The nivU ersity of Dayton Alumnus, May 1948" (1948). The University of Dayton Magazine. 101. http://ecommons.udayton.edu/dayton_mag/101 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Marketing and Communications at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The University of Dayton Magazine by an authorized administrator of eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. I ~ (' VERY REV. JOHN A. ELBERT, S.M. APPOINTED PROVINCIAL MAY • 1948 BECKER ELECTED TO GOP POST ESTABLISHED 1929 Vol. XIV May, 194 8 No. 5 Mary Shay '44 ......... ... .. .. .... .. .. ....... ............ Ed~tor Patricia Shroder . .. ... .. ............................. Ass't. Edztor William J. Guensche, Jr., '47 ...... .. ...... .............. Sports Editor "Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, at Dayton, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879." Issued Monthly-October through June SUBSCRIPTION- Per Year, including Membership in the Alumni Associa­ tion, $5.00. Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni Association of the University of Dayton." For wills and other bequests, the legal title of the corporation is "The Uni­ versity of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio." EDWIN S. BECKER Mr. Edwin S. Becker, a 1943 grad­ uate of the Univer ity of Dayton, was recently elected vice-president of the state organization of Ohio Leaguf( Sorosis Activities 2, 7 of Republican Clubs at Cleveland. Becker is the son of former Com­ Commencement . 3, 4 mon Pl eas Judge Edwin G. Becker, member of the Board of Education in S.M. Administrative Appointments . 5 Cincinnati. Attorney Edwin S. Becker is a graduate of St. Xavier High Sports . 6, 7 School, and the University of Cincin­ nati Law School. H e is a veteran of Class Notes .. .. ...... .. ........ .. .. ............ ....... 5, 7, 8 the second World War, a member of the H amilton County Republican Veterans' Club in addition to the THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON Young Men's Republican Club, which nominated him for the post. -OFFICERS- Attorney Edwin S. Becker is affili­ ated with his father in the law firm President. .. ............. ELMER J. WrLL, '3 7, Dayton, Ohio of Becker and Loeb, Cincinnati. Vice-President ...... ......... ..... R. C. BROWN, '34, New York, N.Y. Treasurer ....... ........... ......... JoHN PADLEY, '40, Dayton, Ohio ( T erms expire H omecoming, 1948) SOROSIS PLANS TEA Secretary .... ... .... ....... .. .. MARY SHAY, '44, (Appointive office) FOR '48 ALUMNAE Sorosis- the alumnae association - DIRECTORS- of the University of Dayton - held Terms expire Homecoming, 1948- DR. JoHN D ucHAK, '31, D ayton their second meeting on Thursday, ADAM WESTERKAMP, '31 , Cincinnati May 6th at 8 :00 p. m., in the Student Terms expire Homecoming, 1949- F. G. BELA NICH, '27, Cleveland Union building on the campus. FRANK MARSHALL, '31 , Sidney, Ohio The meeting was highlighted by Terms expire Homecoming, 1950-JosEPH HoLLE NKAMP, '41 , Dayton the election of officers, nominated CHARLES WHALEN, JR., '42, payton and elected by more than forty mem­ bers present. Results were as follow : ALUMNI MEMBERS President Rose G. Rothberg, '40 Vice-president Martha M . Lansdowne, '41 - BOARD OF ATHLETIC CONTROL- Secretary Patricia 0. Zink, '44 Treasurer Virginia L. Hoyer, '39 Terms expire January, 1948- RoBERT M . PAYNE, '22, Dayton Historian and Lours J. TscHuDI, '34, Dayton Publicity Mary Cotterman, '46 Terms expire January, 19 ~ 1-9-MARTIN KuNTZ, '12, Dayton Following the elections other mat­ .J. ELLIS MAYL, '08, Dayton ters of importance were discussed. T erms expire January, 1950-GEORGE KRAMER, '25, Dayton (Continued on fJag e 7) CHARLES WHALEN, JR., '42, Dayton 2 to U ESCO Meeting in Pari and 180 DEGREES TO BE CONFERRED Mexico City. AT 98TH COMMENCEMENT The honorary degree, Doctor of Law , was conferred on Monsignor H ochwalt by Mt. Mary College, Mil­ waukee, Wisconsin in 1947. In o­ vember of that year, he was appointed Domestic Prelate with the title of Right Reverend Monsignor by His H olines , Pope Piu XII. The hon­ orary degree, Doctor of Law , was also conferred on Mon ignor Hoch­ walt by St. Mary' College, San Fran­ cisco, California, on April 1st, 1948. At the present time, Monsignor Hochwalt is in Washington, D. C., erving a Director of the Educational Division of the ational Catholic Welfare Conference. This division serves as a clearing house of informa­ tion concerning Catholic education and a an advisory agency in the de­ velopment of Catholic chool and the Catholic school sy tern. T.E .D. Adams Photo BACCALAUREATE REV . CHAS . l. COLLIN S, S.M., MSGR . F. G. HOCHWALT SPEAKER Commencement exerci es for the Athenaeum, the T eachers College, Reverend Father Charle L. Col­ Univer ity of Dayton class of 1948 Cincinnati, and Director of the Cath­ lin , Vice-pre ident, and Dean of will be held Saturday, June 5, at 2 :30 olic Youth Organization of the Arch­ Admissions, served as the Bacca­ p.m. in the Auditorium of the Na­ diocese of Cincinnati. laureate speaker for the 180 graduate tional Cas h Register Company. One For many years Mon ignor Hoch­ of the University of Dayton. hundred and seventy-three bachelor walt has been intere ted in the edu­ Father Collins was born in Phila­ degrees and seven rn a ter of arts de­ cational programs for the youth of delphia, Pa., in 1905. He received his grees will be conferred with the presi­ the nation, and has engaged in many elementary education in Philadelphia, dent, Father George J. Renneker, activities for the advancement of edu­ and was graduated from We t Phila­ S.M., pre iding. cational programs. In June 1944 he delphia High School. H e entered Mt. Baccalaureate services will take was appointed Director of the De­ St. John in 1921 , received hi Bache­ place Sunday, May 30, at 10 a.m. in partment of Education of the Na­ lor of Art degree from the University the Immaculate Conception Chapel tional Catholic Welfare Conference. of Dayton in 1925. From U.D. he on the campus. Also in that year he was named Sec­ went to Fordham University, New retary General of the ational Cath­ York City, where he received hi PhD SPEAKER olic Educational Association. Since in Experimental Psychology. Right Reverend Mon ignor Fred­ December, 1944, Mon ignor Hoch­ Father Collins spent five years at erick G. H ochwalt, Washington, D .C., walt has erved as Director of the Fribourg niversity, Fribourg, Switz­ will be the commencement peaker. Commission on American Citizenship erland where he studied philosophy Monsignor Hochwalt wa born in of the Catholic U niversity of America. and theology from 1931 to 1936. Dayton, Ohio in 1909. H e obtained Among the committees of which Upon returning to the U nited his elementary education at Holy Monsignor Hochwalt is now a mem­ States, he taught at H amilton Cath­ Trinity Parochial School in this city, ber are the following : Committee on olic High School, H amilton, 0., Cha­ after which he attended the Univer­ Religion and Education, Problems minade High School, Dayton, 0., and sity of Dayton Preparatory School, and Policies, and International Edu­ Cathedral Latin High School, Cleve­ and the University of Dayton, from cation and Cultural Relations of the land, 0. which he received hi A.B. degree in American Council on Education ; H e was elected to serve as a mem­ 1931. Federal Radio Education Commit­ ber of the Executive Board of the H e wa ordained in 1935, follow­ tee; Presidential Commi sion on ational College Association, 1946- ing his tudie in philo ophy at St. Higher Education ; Citizens Federal 1947; he i a member of the Board of Gregory Seminary in Cincinnati, and Committee on Education of the U.S. Directors of the Dayton Guidance theology at Mt. St. Mary of the West Office of Education ; Educational Center and Mental Hygiene Associa­ Seminary. Committee of the Catholic Associa­ tion. When the Dayton Guidance As­ Monsignor Hochwalt studied for tion for the International Peace; the sociation was fo rmed, in conjunction his rn a ters and doctorate degree at Commission on Educational Organi­ with the National Guidance Centers, the Catholic University of America, zations of National Conferences of Father Collins was sent to City Col­ where he majored in educational ad­ Christians and Jews; U. S. Educa­ lege, ew York City, to erve a a ministration. From 1940 to 1944 he tional Mission to Japan, 1946 ; U. S. member of the group in formulating served as chaplain of the Newman Commission for UNESCO-Execu­ the plans for the center. H e is al o Club at the University of Cincinnati. tive Committee, Legislative Sub-com­ a member of the Board of Directors H e also served as a professor at the mittee, Advisor to U. S. Delegation ( Continued on page 4) 3 BRO. KOHLES ADDRESSES NEWS STAFF EMANUEL CHOSEN AS CONTEST FIGURE Victor Emanuel, 191 5 graduate of the University of Dayton, and former resident of this city, was recently hon­ ored by the Dayton and Montgomery County Builders Association. Mr. Emanuel was selected as the "Cancer M ys tery Man" in a contest sponsored for the Cancer Drive in this area. Mr. Emanuel is reknown as a fin­ ancier, his most recent acquisition be­ ing the purchasing of the controlling interest of the Crosley Corporation. The Dayton contest opened April 17 with a few clues as to the "M ys tery Man's" identity, and each day a new clue was added to the list until the closing day, April 23rd.
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