No. 145 Spring 2010 €4.00 Stg£3.00 Gaelic Scotland and the Wars of Independence 2 C. Troadec: We’ll Build Breizh! Osian Jones, Language Campaigner, Jailed 20 Year Strategy for Irish Language 2010-2030 Radyo an Gernewegva a grevha an taves kewsys Ancient Cornish Sites Cleaned Up £100M VAT Bombshell for Mannin Celtic League at Llywelyn III Cilmeri Commemoration 2009 ALBA: AN COMANN CEILTEACH BREIZH: AR C’HEVRE KELTIEK CYMRU: YR UNDEB CELTAIDD ÉIRE: AN CONRADH CEILTEACH KERNOW: AN KESUNYANS KELTEK MANNIN: YN COMMEEYS CELTIAGH 1. Juan Perón 2. Malcolm X 3. Lexa Doig Alba 4. Jerry Rawlings (former dictator of Ghana) 5. Mikhail Lermontov 6. Immanuel Kant Tilleadh-Dhachaigh ‘09 7. Edvard Grieg 8. Empress Eugénie de Montijo Ma bhiodh tu ann an Alba am bliadhna seo, The Scottish Diaspora is much more (wife of Napoleon III) bidh thu gu math eòlach air “Homecoming diverse than Scottish society is, or indeed Scotland”. Tha cuid ag ràdh gur e may ever be, as this image hopefully 9. Mrs Rita Marley caitheamh-airgid, cuid eile ag ràdh gur e proves. 10. Lech Walesa From left to right - dìreach rud gòrach, cuid eile a’ gearain nach 11. Oscar Hammerstein eil sinn a’ ruigsinn Seumaca, Pacastan agus mar sin air adhart. Fuirich mionaid! 12. Barack Obama Seumaica is Pacastan? Uill, ma leughadh tu leabhar-fòn ann an Kingston, tha na sloinnidhean gu math Albannach! Nuair a tha na daoine seo a’ bruidhinn mu Pacastan, tha iad a’ ciallachadh na coimhearsnachd Phacastanach ann an Alba, agus na ceangailtean aca ris na teaghlaichean aca. Sin rud caran eadar-dhealaichte. Uill, ‘s mise cynic, agus tha mi a’ crèidsinn gu bheil an urram air Aimearaga-a-Tuath, Àstrailia 7c air sgàth gur iad dùthchannan beartach, agus tha airgead gu leòr aig na teaghlaichean Albannach airson ticead- phleana. Leis an fhirinn innse, ged a bheil ginealachd Albannach gu leòr aig na Seumacanaich, is bochd iad, agus a bharrachd, thàinig an ceangail eadar Seumaica agus Alba tro tràilleachd. Tha a’ mhorchuid dhen Phacastanach ann an Alba a’ faireachdainn Albannach, ach carson a bhiodh Pacastanaich nach robh riamh ann an Alba a’ faireachdainn Albannach? Dè tha ann an Albannach? Feumar aideachadh gu bheil na h-Albannach sgaoilte gu tur eadar-dhealaichte ris a cheile. Tha sinnsearan Albannach aig George W. Bush is Bill Clinton, chan eil sin annasach. Ach dè mu dheidhinn Colin Powell is Barack Obama?! Neo Juan Perón? Tha 100,000+ “Argentiños Escoces” ann! aig na Breatannaich. A-reir scotsitalian.com, dheidhinn Rogers and Hammerstein? Ged a An cuala tu mu dheidhinn Carlos Javier tha buaidh aca fhathast an Eadailt-a-Tuath: bha sloinneadh “WASP” air Rogers, se MacAllister? Cò aig a fios? Agus tha Oscar Hammerstein aig a bha seanmhathair sloinneadh Albannach aig sgriobhadair “Gurro, the small town in Northern Italy, Albannach. Neo dè mu dheidhinn Calum ainmeil Ruiseanach, Mikhail Learmont, neo which many considered to have been the MacLabhrainn? Malcolm MacLaren, le falt Lermontov. Agus rugadh is thogadh am final resting place for the [Gardes Écossais] ruadh air is seacaid den clò Hearadh... feallsanaiche “Albannach” as ainmeile, air of France following Battle of Pavia in stiuriche den Sex Pistols? Chan eil oirthir Baltach, ann an Königsburg neo 1525...The Lost Clan as it is locally referred sinnsearan Albannach sam bith aige! Ach se Kalingrad. Se Immanuel Kant a bh’air. Ri to has left a lasting legacy on the town, they Griogarach a bha ann an Edvard Grieg, neo taobh Pruisia-an-Ear, ‘s iomadh Albannach rested here following the defeat of the “Greig” mar a chanas iad san ear-thuath. Is sa bha anns a’ Phòlainn – a-rèir cuid, se French and consoled the grieving widows iomadh daoine ann an Reggae Uallas (Wallace) a tha ann an Mgr Walesa. whose husbands had died in the nearby Seumaicanach aig a bheil sinnsearan Chan eil sin buileach cinnteach, ach tha battle... The local museum even houses a Albannach cuideachd. ainmean mar Kobron (Cockburn), relic of Tartan material worn there around Makalienski (MacGhill-Eain/MacLean), the 18th century. Recently one local Coltach ri Mgr Hammerstein, is ann à Alba Machlejd (MacLeod/MacLeòid) agus appeared fully clad in kilt and complete with a bha sinnsearan aig Tommy Hilfigger is Szalmerz (Chalmers) soilleir dhuinn. Anns bagpipes in Italy’s version of the reality TV David Duchovny. Bho àm gu àm, cuiridh na 1600an, bha 50,000 Albannaich anns a programme, Big Brother.” “Fox Mulder” feileadh air, nuair a thèid e gu Phòlainn. Cha robh iad a-mhain sna Alba. Agus tha Hilfigger ag ràdh gur e ball Meadhan Aoisean. Bha na Gardes Écossais An toil leat ceòl? Tha roghainn farsaing dhen Siol Raibeirt – Raibeart Burns. Se aig a’ Fhraing nas aosda na Scots Guards againn san “Diaspora” fhèin. Dè mu cinneal mòr a tha ann – thug e mòran 2 Carn bhramaran. Ròsan dearga gu dearbh. Agus sa Fhraing, Bana-iompaire Eugénie de Gaelic Scotland Montijo, bean Napoleon III – bha ainm fada oirre bho thus - María Eugenia Ignacia and the Wars of Independence Augustina de Palafox Portocarrero de Guzmán y Kirkpatrick. Kirkpatrick – Cill Phàdraig mar a chanas iad an seo – bit of a Part II of III giveaway, nach e. Sa Chomann Eadar- Cheilteach fhèin, tha “Moffatt” (Am Magh Robert the Bruce had no claim through Fada) agus “Lockerbie” againne – a-reir primogeniture. His claim was based on coltais bha ceangailtean eadar Eilean something more Celtic – tanistry Mhanainn agus Siorrachd Dhùn Phrìs aig (tanaistearachd). This was a form of elective aon àm. kingship in mediaeval Gaeldom, also paralleled amongst the Welsh princes. Clàrachadh sa Bheurla: James VI (I of England) abolished tanistry 2009 was “Homecoming Scotland”, in Scotland. Unlike Ireland, Scottish tanistry financed by the Scottish Government to adopted the Pictish custom of matrilinear boost tourism amongst those of Scottish succession – Bruce’s claim was via his ancestry. Critics complained that it was mother. In modern Ireland, tánaiste means pointless, or even racist. Some pointed to deputy prime minister. the fact that North America had been targeted, but not Jamaica, which has Kings and High Kings plenty of people of Scottish ancestry. Like Ireland, early medieval Scotland had However, this was actually quite sensible, kings (rìghrean), and high kings (àrd- not because Jamaica is a mainly “black” rìghrean). It is likely that Edward I was country, but because it is sadly a poor Background aware of this, exploited it, and perhaps even country and its citizens do not have much In 1286, Scotland fell into chaos, with the saw himself as high king. The notion of high money to spend on tourism. Besides, the death of Alexander III. His heir, the infant and low kings, persisted amongst Highland legacy of slavery is not a pleasant one. Margaret, Maid of Norway, died before th (Countless well-known Jamaican reggae setting foot on Scottish soil – or being clans into the mid-18 century. The artists are of Scottish descent.) Like the crowned. 13 Competitors claimed the struggles of Clann Dòmhnall and Siol Swiss, Scots soldiers could once be found throne, amongst them Robert the Bruce, and Dhiarmaid (Clan Campbell) are well known all over Europe, and that has left a legacy John Balliol. William Wallace did not, in the English-speaking world. Both these too. There are at least twenty million although as “Guardian of Scotland” he clans backed Bruce in his darkest hour, and people of Scottish ancestry outside became effective national leader at one gained in power as he did. In the Wars of Scotland, including a few in every other point. Since Margaret had married Malcolm Independence, at least, the Caimbeulaich Celtic country– our very own Messrs Canmore, there had been regular attempts to were not the villains. Moffatt and Lockerbie for example– but it undermine Scotland’s Gaelic culture. Many other families traditionally claimed is perfectly reasonable to point out that the high kingship; some more obviously people of Scottish ancestry aren’t all William Wallace Gaelic than the 13 Competitors. Amongst white, and some of them don’t even speak these were the Clann Dòmhnall (Clan English. Due to the frequency of Macs and First a word about the Wallace, perhaps one of the least Gaelic of the major figures Donald), the Lords of the Isles, and also similar names, it is not uncommon for Clann Griogair (the MacGregors) whose Scottish descendants to think that they are in the Wars of Independence. Blind Harry says he wore an “Erse mantle” in Biggar, motto is “Is rioghail mo dhream” (royal is of Irish origin (Johnny Cash’s family fell my tribe) to this very day. into this trap, until he found out his family but there is little else to go on. Perhaps we originated in Fife.) One of the highlights can use the old Scottish legal verdict of Two powerful sub-royal families in the of the Gathering (the main Homecoming “guilty not proven”. He probably picked 13th century were those of Galloway and event) was in fact, a Maori dance some up in his travels throughout Scotland. Moray, at opposite ends of the country. demonstration. And this is it - Donald Perhaps he spoke Brythonic. Braveheart is Early on, they called themselves “kings”, Trump may have family in the Isle of inaccurate in the extreme, but it’s worth later “lords”. The Galloway line maintained Lewis, but so it seems does President mentioning that Mel Gibson’s character can its claim through John Balliol, and was a Obama. Even entire communities in Italy be heard shouting “Alba gu bràth!” in the rival of the Bruces. They had long and Poland come from Scottish origins. film.
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