Public Document Pack To: Councillor Mary Maynard, Councillor Roger Butterworth, Councillor Rosemary Farmer, Councillor John Drake, Councillor Albert Pawle, Councillor Nigel Turnbull, Councillor Paul de Kort and Councillor Melanie Priggen. Thursday 3 September 2020 You are hereby summoned to the MEETING of the CORPORATE POLICY AND FINANCE COMMITTEE to be held on WEDNESDAY, 9 SEPTEMBER 2020 commencing at 7.30 pm. This meeting will be conducted virtually. To assist in the speedy and efficient dispatch of business, Members requiring further information on items included in the Agenda are requested to enquire prior to the meeting. Carl Cheevers Town Clerk In order to follow the Government guidelines on social distancing, this meeting will be held virtually. The meeting will be broadcast on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPwadgFhZ_UfrQGTyejST_g Our Standing Orders (rules that govern how we must operate) set out a process for public questions at our meetings. Public questions are subject to the following provisions: (a) A question must address a specific agenda item or be relevant to the activities, functions, powers or duties of the Council and in any case must be relevant to the delegated functions attributed to the meeting; (b) The asking of a question shall last for no more than three minutes; (c) A resident shall be allowed to speak on one occasion only at any meeting; or more at the discretion of the Chairman; (d) The total time allocated to public questions at any one meeting shall not exceed 15 minutes; at the discretion of the Chairman; (e) A resident wishing to ask a question must notify the Town Clerk of his or her intention to do so by no later than midday on the Friday preceding the meeting. If you wish to submit a public question for this meeting, you must notify Carl Cheevers, Town Clerk on [email protected] no later than 12 noon on Friday 4 September. When notifying the Town Clerk you should include details of your question so that it can be assessed against provision (a) above. If provision (a) is satisfied, you will be provided with the details of how you can join the virtual meeting. AGENDA Page No. 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are reminded to make any declarations of disclosable pecuniary and/or personal interests that they may have in relation to items on this Agenda. You should declare at this part of the meeting or when it becomes apparent your interest by stating: (a) the item you have the interest in (b) whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest and the nature of the interest, whereupon you will not participate in the discussion or vote on that matter, unless dispensation has been requested and granted (c) whether it is a personal interest and the nature of the interest Members are also reminded of their obligation to report any amendment to their Register of Interests to the Town Clerk as soon as it becomes apparent. 3. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT AND URGENT ITEMS 4. PUBLIC QUESTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDING ORDER 22 5. MINUTES 1 - 4 To confirm the Minutes of the Corporate Policy & Finance Committee meeting held on 11 March 2020 – circulated herewith. 6. MINUTES OF MEETINGS REFERRED TO CORPORATE POLICY AND FINANCE COMMITTEE None. 7. OFFICERS' REPORTS 7.1 FORWARD PLANNER AND RESOLUTION TRACKER 5 - 10 Report attached. 7.2 BUDGETARY CONTROL 2020/21 11 - 14 Report attached. 7.3 BUDGET 2021/22 - FIRST LOOK 15 - 22 Report attached. 7.4 MERIT AWARDS 23 - 26 Report attached. 7.5 APPROVAL OF ACCOUNTS - FUTURE TIMELINE 27 - 40 Report attached. 7.6 SPEED MANAGEMENT STRATEGY CONSULTATION 41 - 142 RESPONSE Report attached. 7.7 CITIZENS ADVICE UPDATE 143 - 152 Report attached. 7.8 SAFEGUARDING AND LONE WORKING POLICY 153 - 182 Report attached. 7.9 AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT AT TOWN HALL 183 - 186 Report attached. 7.10 LOCAL GOVERNMENT PAY AWARD 2020/21 187 - 188 Report attached. 8. EXEMPT BUSINESS To RESOLVE that: In view of the confidential nature of the following items, which relate to the business matters of other individuals and organisations, the public and accredited representatives of the press shall be excluded while they are discussed. This is in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, as amended by the Local Government Act 1972. Item: This page is intentionally left blank Public Document Pack Agenda Item 5 HARPENDEN TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CORPORATE POLICY AND FINANCE COMMITTEE HELD AT THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, TOWN HALL, LEYTON ROAD, HARPENDEN AL5 2LX ON WEDNESDAY, 11 MARCH 2020 AT 7.30PM Present: Councillor Roger Butterworth (Vice-Chair), Councillor Rosemary Farmer, Councillor John Drake, Councillor Albert Pawle, Councillor Nigel Turnbull, Councillor Paul de Kort and Councillor Melanie Priggen In Attendance: Carl Cheevers (Town Clerk) 1 Member of the Public Apologies: Councillor Mary Maynard (Chair) 29 APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Cllr Maynard (Cllr Butterworth substituted as Chair). The Committee RESOLVED to accept the apologies. 30 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None. 31 CHAIRMAN'S REPORT AND URGENT ITEMS None. 32 PUBLIC QUESTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDING ORDER 22 None. 33 MINUTES The Minutes of the Corporate Policy & Finance Committee meeting held on 8 January 2020 were duly accepted and signed as a correct record. Page 1 34 MINUTES OF MEETINGS REFERRED TO CORPORATE POLICY AND FINANCE COMMITTEE The Minutes of the Accounts & Risk Sub-Committee meeting held on 29 January 2020 were received. The Minutes of the Dementia Friendly Harpenden Working Party meeting held on 13 February 2020 were received. 35 OFFICERS' REPORTS 35.1 RESOLUTION TRACKER The Committee considered a report by the Town Clerk and the Central Services Officer. The Committee RESOLVED to: Note the Resolution Tracker attached at Appendix A and approve the removal of those resolutions marked complete. 35.2 BUDGETARY CONTROL 2019/20 The Committee considered a report by the Finance Manager. The Committee RESOLVED to: Note the report. 35.3 REVIEW OF SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS The Committee considered a report by the Town Clerk and the Projects and Community Manager. The Committee RESOLVED to: Note the report. 35.4 LITTERING - ACTION PLAN AND COMMUNICATIONS CAMPAIGN The Committee considered a report by the Town Clerk and discussed the options presented at paragraph 3.3. The Committee RESOLVED to: Take forward all of the options set out in paragraph 3.3 of the report. 35.5 COMMUNICATIONS AND ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY The Committee considered a report by the Town Clerk. The Committee RESOLVED to: (i) Agree the draft Strategy at Appendix A as the framework for the Council’s communications (ii) Agree the actions set out in paragraph 3.5. 35.6 FINANCIAL REGULATIONS REVIEW The Committee considered a report by the Finance Manager. The Committee RESOLVED to recommend to Council that: the amendments to Financial Regulations be adopted. Page 2 35.7 COMMUNITY GRANT FUND - APPLICATION AND MONITORING The Committee considered a report by the Town Clerk and Central Services Officer. The Committee RESOLVED to: (i) Note the monitoring information and feedback received on the Community Grant awarded to La Leche League Harpenden as set out in paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5 and attached at Appendix B. (ii) Not approve the application from the Harpenden Academy for a Community Grant of £500 as set out in paragraphs 3.1 to 3.3 and attached at Appendix A. 36 EXEMPT BUSINESS The Committee RESOLVED that: In view of the confidential nature of the following items, which relate to the business matters of other individuals and organisations, the public and accredited representatives of the press shall be excluded while they are discussed. This is in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, as amended by the Local Government Act 1972. Item: Transport and Movement Strategy 36.1 TRANSPORT AND MOVEMENT STRATEGY The Committee considered a report by the Town Clerk. The Committee RESOLVED to: Agree the recommendations subject to the small presentational amendments made in the discussion. The meeting closed at 9.22pm. Chairman ……………………………… Date ……………………………… Page 3 This page is intentionally left blank Page 4 Agenda Item 7.1 NON-CONFIDENTIAL Meeting Corporate Policy & Finance Date 9 September 2020 Report by Jane Juby – Democratic Services and Civic Officer Report title Forward Planner and Resolution Tracker 2020/21 Business Plan theme Run an effective, efficient, low-cost Council administration. 1. Purpose of the report 1.1 This report presents to the Corporate Policy & Finance Committee the Forward Planner and Resolution Tracker for 2020/21. 2. Recommendation 2.1 The Committee is asked to: 2.1.1 Note and approve, subject to any comments or amendments, the Forward Planner attached at Appendix A. 2.1.2 Note the Resolution Tracker attached at Appendix B and approve the removal of those resolutions marked complete. 3. Background information 3.1 The Forward Planner sets out the work programme for the Committee over the 2020/21 Municipal Year, enabling the Committee to ensure it considers all planned items of business at the appropriate time. 3.2 The Resolution Tracker sets out the actions resulting from resolutions made at previous meetings during the Municipal Year 2020/21 and confirms if these are ongoing or completed. It therefore provides the Committee with an update on progress against work programme items and projects. 4. Resource implications 4.1 None. Page 5 5. Other implications .Other Implications Comment Legal None Environment and biodiversity None Crime and Disorder
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