July 11th, 2021 A.D. – VII Sunday after Pentecost Gregorian Latin liturgy Until 1969, the various Catholic liturgies were all of apostolic origin. The Gregorian Latin liturgy, celebrated in this church, fol- lows the tradition of Saint Peter, the first Pope, and has never undergone any essen- tial change till the present time. Every ges- ture, every word has been weighed and measured with the assistance of the Holy Ghost for the greatest glory of God and the salvation of souls. Welcome Visitors! We thank you for coming. Whether you are just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a spiritual home, are returning to the Hospitality practice of Catholic faith or are interested in finding out more about the Catholic “Let the charity of the brotherhood abide Church; we are happy to have you here, as in you and hospitality do not forget; for by you are. this some, being not aware of it, have enter- Please take time to read this bulletin, to tained angels.” (Heb. 13, 1-2) meet with the priest after Mass and to so- “Wherefore receive one another, as Christ cialize. also hath received you unto the honor of Enter the Holy Temple of the Good Lord God.” (Rom. 15, 7) to worship Him. Pax vobis! Peace be with you! 4580 SW 65th Ave., Davie, FL 33314 (407) 872-1007 Websites: sspxflorida.com | sspx.org - E-mail: [email protected] Fr. Marc Vernoy- Prior; Fr. Samuel Fabula - Chaplain Mark your Calendars There will not be Mass in Davie on August 13th and 14th. **** Today’s Second Collection will be taken up for the building fund. **** There is altar server practice every Saturday after the 10:00 AM Mass. If you are interested in learning to serve please contact Rick Aragon @ (954) 594-5107. **** Are your last wishes going to be honored? Consider these questions: In what church will your funeral take place? What will be the liturgy? Who will make the correct moral decisions for you if you not be able to do so? Did you wish to bequeath to your church? Do not leave your final arrangements to strangers! Make a Last Will, appoint an Attorney and make your final desires known! If you have specific questions, please contact your church or priest. **** St. John Gualbert was attracted to the vanities of the world. God used a painful incident to open his eyes. Hugo, his only brother, was murdered and St. John resolved to avenge his death. On a Good Friday he met his brother’s killer in a place where there was no escape. St. John drew his sword and would have killed him on the spot, but the man threw himself on his knees begging him by the passion of Jesus Christ to spare his life. St. John was touched at the words, embraced him, entered a church and prayed with many tears for the pardon of his sins. St John entered the Order of St. Benedict, founded the Order of Valleombrosa, founded several monasteries, reformed others; and succeeded in eradicating the vice of simony from the area where he lived. He died on July 12, 1073. He was canonized by Pope Celestine III in 1193. **** St. Bonaventure, known as " the seraphic doctor," was born at Bagnoregio, Italy, in 1221. He received the name of Bonaventure in consequence of an exclamation of St. Francis of Assisi, when, in response to the pleading of the child's mother, the saint prayed for John's recovery from a dangerous illness, and, foreseeing the future greatness of the little John, cried out "O Buona ventura" (O good fortune!). St. Bonaventure died in 1274 and was canonized by Pope Sixtus IV on April 14th, 1282. **** St. Henry II was German King and Holy Roman Emperor. Born on May 6th, 973 and died in his palace of Grona on July 13th, 1024. Willingly he performed pious practices, and he also strengthened the Church of Germany. With all his learning and piety, St. Henry was an eminently sober man, endowed with sound, practical common sense. During his lifetime, St. Henry II became an oblate of the Benedictine Order, and today is venerated within the Order as the patron saint of all oblates, along with St. Frances of Rome. St. Henry II was canonized in July 1147 by Pope Eugenius III. “The LORD is in his Holy Temple; let all the earth keep silence before Him.” (Hab. 2, 20) ON CONFORMITY TO THE WILL OF GOD. by St. Alphonsus Liguori (1) “As the Father hath given me commandment, so do I.” John 14:31. JESUS CHRIST was given to us, by God, as a savior and as a master. Hence he came on earth principally to teach us, not only by his words but also by his own example, how we are to love God our supreme good: hence, as we read in this days Gospel, he said to his disciples: “That the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father hath given me commandment, so do I.” To show the world the love I bear to the Father, I will execute all his commands. In another place he said: “I came down from heaven not to do my own will, but the will of him that sent me." (John 6:38) Devout souls, if you love God and desire to become saints, you must seek his will, and wish what he wishes. St. Paul tells us, that the divine love is poured into our souls by means of the Holy Ghost. “The charity of God is poured into our hearts by the Holy Ghost, who is given to us.” (Romans 5:5) If, then, we wish for the gift of divine love, we must constantly be- seech the Holy Ghost to make us know and do the will of God. Let us continually im- plore his light to know, and his strength to fulfil the divine will. Many wish to love God, but they, at the same time, wish to follow their own, and not his will. Hence I shall show today, in the first point, that our sanctification consists entirely in conformity to the will of God; and in the second, I shall show how, and in what, we should in practice conform ourselves to the divine will. First Point Our sanctification consists entirely in conformity to the will of God. The month of July is dedicated to the Precious Blood. The feast of the Precious Blood of our Lord was instituted in 1849 by Pius IX, but the de- votion is as old as Christianity. The early Fathers say that the Church was born from the pierced side of Christ, and that the sacraments were brought forth through His Blood. To receive Holy Communion : - The most important requirement is to have a - You must be a baptized Catholic, having made great desire to receive the Body, the Blood, the a good confession since the last committed mor- Soul and the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. tal sin - if any - in order to hopefully be in the You can humbly approach the Communion rail at state of Grace. any time after the Communion of the priest. - You must believe in the doctrine of Transub- Then, open your mouth wide and extend smooth- stantiation. “For anyone who eats and drinks without ly and horizontally your tongue. discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon him- There is no special order, so that nobody should self” (1 Cor. 11:29). feel compelled to follow a general movement. - You must observe one hour of Eucharistic fast Do not judge your neighbor who abstains from (except water and medicine. However, we advise to abstain receiving Holy Communion, as there is no obliga- from food and alcohol for three hours and one hour for tion to receive it daily. However, “Live in a manner other liquid before Holy Communion). to be able to receive communion every day!” (St. Augus- - One must not be a public sinner (public adulter- tine) er, concubine, public homosexual), or excommunicated, In this Church, the faculty to absolve sins is di- or interdicted. rectly granted to the priests by the Holy Father. “I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship.” Rm 12:1 Out of respect for Our Lord Jesus Christ and for For gentlemen and lads: Neither shorts, T- the edification of our neighbor, we beg all to ap- shirts nor sneakers meet the norms of modesty. pear in Church decent in deportment and modest For ladies and girls: Neither shorts, slacks, in dress. sleeveless, short nor low-cut dresses meet the norms of modesty. However, no one has the right to question others, Furthermore, according to apostolic custom or especially visitors. It belongs to the parish priest Church law, gentlemen are bareheaded in church; alone to instruct the laity when they repeatedly and ladies are requested to cover their heads. dress or deport below expectation. Thank you for your charity. Mass Times and Feasts from July 11th to July 19th Date Time Devotion Chapel Feast Day 7:00 am Holy Mass Davie 9:00 am Holy Mass Davie Sunday, 11th VII SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 11:00 am Holy Mass Davie 12:00 pm Holy Mass W Palm Bch St. John Gualbert, Abbot Monday, 12th ——— ——— ——— Sts. Nabor & Felix, Martyrs (Comm.) Tuesday, 13th ——— ——— ——— FERIA Wednesday, 14th ——— ——— ——— St. Bonaventure, Bp., conf. & doctor Thursday, 15th ——— ——— ——— St. Henry, Emperor & confessor FERIA Friday, 16th 6:30 pm Holy Mass Davie Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Comm.) Sábados de Nuestra Señora Saturday, 17th 10:00 am Holy Mass Davie St.
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