Technology and equipment of food production Розроблено спосiб виробництва плодоовочево- UDC [664.849:664.144]-044.337 го пастоподiбного напiвфабрикату на основi яблука DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2020.185684 сорту Антонiвка, гарбуза сорту мускатна Перлина та буряку сорту Бона. Спосiб вiдрiзняється проведенням концентрування в щадних температурних режимах IMPROVEMENT OF (50…55 °C) у роторному плiвковому апаратi до вмiсту 45 % сухих речовин протягом 1,25…2,0 хв. Встановлено ZEFIR PRODUCTION структурно-механiчнi характеристики пюре компо- нентiв сировини i купажованих концентрованих паст BY ADDITION OF за розробленим способом. Пiдтверджено змiцнення структури розробленої плодоовочевої пасти, оскiльки її THE DEVELOPED максимальна динамiчна в’язкiсть складає 283 Па∙с, що в 1,9 рази бiльше в порiвняннi з контролем (яблучною пастою). Це дозволило видiлити рацiональну компо- BLENDED FRUIT зицiю для проведення подальших дослiджень з вмiстом компонентiв у пастi: яблука – 60 %; гарбуз – 20 %; AND VEGETABLE буряк – 20 % (композицiя 1). Вона в порiвняннi з контр- олем має пiдвищений вмiст фiзiологiчно-функцiональ- PASTEINTO ITS них iнгредiєнтiв та володiє гарними органолептичними властивостями. RECIPE Пiдтверджено доцiльнiсть використання у рецеп- турному складi зефiру розробленої плодоовочевої пасти An. Zahorulko (композицiя 1) у кiлькостi 75 % замiни яблучного пюре. PhD, Senior Lecturer* Обраний зразок зефiру вiдрiзняється оригiнальними Е-mail: [email protected] органолептичними властивостями. При цьому забез- Al. Zagorulko печується зростання ефективної в’язкостi (ηеф, Па∙с) PhD, Associate Professor* зефiру з замiною 75 % яблучного пюре купажованою Е-mail: [email protected] пастою в порiвняннi контролем (зефiр без домiшок) з 391 до 782. Також спостерiгається змiцнення пластич- K. Kasabova PhD, Associate Professor** ної мiцностi (Pk) в залежностi вiд тривалостi: 75 % – 54,2 кПа (контрольний зразок – 47 кПа), що в цiлому є E-mail: [email protected] позитивним явищем з технологiчної точки зору. Це доз- N. Shmatchenko волить забезпечити споживачiв продуктами харчуван- PhD, Senior Lecturer** ня з фiзiологiчно-функцiональними iнгредiєнтами при- E-mail: [email protected] родного походження за умов частковоїабо повної замiни *Department of Processes, Devices and окремої сировини на купажовану плодоовочеву компо- Automation of Food Production*** зицiю, що забезпечить пiдвищення їх функцiональної дiї **Department of Technology of Bakery, Ключовi слова: плодоовочева паста, купажування,- Confectionary, Pasta and Food Concentrates*** структурно-механiчнi властивостi,фiзiологiчно-функ- ***Kharkiv State University цiональнi iнгредiєнти, пiноподiбна маса, структуро- of Food Technology and Trade утворення Klochkivska str., 333, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61051 Received date 20.09.2019 Copyright © 2020, An. Zahorulko, Al. Zagorulko, K. Kasabova, N. Shmatchenko Accepted date 29.11.2019 This is an open access article under the CC BY license Published date 24.04.2020 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0) 1. Introduction of heavy metals from the human body [1]. The growing de- mand for healthy nutrition is driving the development of the Today in the markets of many countries there is a short- food industry through the introduction of innovative tech- age of functional products with therapeutic and prophylactic nologies. One of the mechanisms for obtaining a balanced properties. Therefore, the primary task of the food industry diet is the production of functional products, in particular is to resolve this issue by expanding the range of products of confectionery with health-improving properties. Ensuring this group. The low consumption of physiologically function- the expansion of the assortment of “healthy foods” is possible al ingredients (PFI) can lead to an increase in a number of by partially or completely replacing individual raw materials diseases, especially in children. The natural source of these with a low content of physiologically functional components substances is fruit and vegetable raw materials, capable of with blended fruit and vegetable composition, which will providing the consumer with the necessary physiological provide an increase in their nutritional value [2]. Confirm- and nutrients to the maximum. Even a partial introduction ing the relevance of scientific and practical work on the pro- of fruit and vegetable raw materials into food products can duction of functional products by improving methods for the provide an increase in their functional action, for example, production of semi-finished fruit and vegetable products, as an increase in the content of pectin to promote the removal well as combined foods based on them. 39 Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 2/11 ( 104 ) 2020 2. Literaturereviewandproblemstatement tion as a whole is decisive, they determine the expediency of studying the rheological properties at all stages of production. In [3], studies are presented to evaluate the component The authors of [10] established the rheological proper- content of a portion of a person’s daily needs to determine ties of children’s vegetable purees at various temperatures the amount of health food in it in order to establish the nec- (5...65 °C). The range of shear rates (5...200 s-1) depending essary standards for ensuring a daily diet. But the question on the duration is established. The influence of pH, tem- of what percentage should occupy plant raw materials in perature, and glucose addition on the rheological behavior the diet has not been fully determined. This is due to the of vegetable purees (peach, papaya, and mango) was also diversity of the range of these raw materials, the difficulty established in [11], focusing on the need to determine the of creating generalized characteristics of its use in various structural and mechanical properties to obtain high-quality proportions and the advisability of research in this direction. functional products. An important role is also played by an increase in demand for Most of the zefirs on the market have a small nutritional quality food products of plant origin at an affordable cost. value, namely vitamins, dietary fiber and other nutrients This necessitates the preservation of the initial properties of necessary for nutrition. This indicates the feasibility of natural raw materials, the determination of its structure, nu- enriching confectionery with herbal supplements, bringing trient content and energy value, as well as the improvement pleasure to consumer cooperation, in particular to chil- of technological and hardware solutions for the production dren [13]. In [14], a method for the production of zefirs with of health food products have natural raw materials in their partial application of mashed potatoes from wild raw ma- composition [4]. Modern fruit-and-vegetable pasty semi-fin- terials (physalis, viburnum and thorns) was proposed. The ished products can fully meet the demand of consumer co- proposed replacement of apple puree with 5 % puree of vi l- operation in all respects by maximizing the preservation of burnum, 15 % puree of physalis and 10 % puree of thorns has their quality during technological operations [5]. The use of been found to have a healing effect compared to traditional fruit and vegetable pasty semi-finished foods in the diet will (on apple puree). The content of pectin and fiber, flavonols eliminate the seasonality of the population’s use of natural increases 3 times, flavonoids by 36 % and anthocyanins functional products. by 57 %. A comparison of the vitamin-mineral composition Now, in most cases, the processing of fruit and vegeta- of traditional zefirs and mashed potatoes with wild berries ble raw materials into paste-like semi-finished products is confirms in the latter an increase in the content of iron, po- carried out on domestic lines, in comparison with foreign tassium, phosphorus and ß-carotene. counterparts they have significant specific resource costs. The manufactured confectionery products most often con- At the same time, the conduct of heat exchange processes tain synthetic dyes and flavorings, the use of which leads does not correspond to the basic laws on stabilization of only to negative consequences, therefore the development of thermodynamic parameters, which leads to a decrease in the new types of natural herbal supplements with fruit and berry, quality of the products obtained. Obtaining high-quality vegetable and spicy aromatic raw materials (mashed potatoes, pasty semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness is pastes, concentrated juices, powders) with a high PFI content, provided by using modern resource-efficient heat and mass the use of which will increase the biological value of zefirs and transfer equipment with rational parameters during prelimi- give products high organoleptic quality indicators without the nary and main heat treatment [6]. use of additional dyes and flavorings [15]. Unresolved issues Today, the consciousness of a healthy diet at the consumer remain in the rational improvement of existing methods for is focused on the use of functional products [7], which have the production of functional products, blended is the ratio of a highPFI content and high quality. This necessitates the natural raw materials in the compositions and the proportion of improvement of methods and apparatus solutions for the their introduction into the formulation of the main product to production of functional products with the introduction of obtain original
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