The DETROIT POSTAL WORKER DETROIT DISTRICT AREA LOCal AMERICAN POSTal WORKERS UNION June, 2017 2011 POSTAL PRESS ASSOCIATION AWARD WINNER The Voice of the President . National President’s Conference up in Representative Moolenaar’s office. Our National Union recognized each of the It was a very long couple of days with the Michigan delegates of APWU officers who From The other Presidents. In some cases we had to split participated in the legislative rally in Wash- into different groups to be able to make all of ington. We all worked very hard representing President our appointments. None the less, we accom- our members even though we had to face a plished our mission of meeting with each of snow storm which shut down the city. Our their offices’ and their staff members to make motto . .“through rain show sleet . .” we it clear to them that Postal Employees are sure delivered the message. Keith Combs, Sr. hardworking, dedicated and trusted Federal The Postal Service Reform Act of 2017, HR President workers who make sacrifices with their fami- 756, that our National APWU has asked us all lies and friends to service the people of this to support was approved and “marked-up.” A country, and that we must do all that we can mark-up is a process where a congressional to make sure they have a decent, financially committee can consider and amend a bill be- On March 15, 2017 I had the ability to spend sound post office to secure a comfortable re- fore advancing it to the House of Representa- 5 days in Washington D.C. for the National tirement for each of them and their families. tive or Senate. President Conference. I was extreme- The National APWU recognizing ly impressed with the other Michigan the need to set the Postal Service on President’s that accompanied me, and I sound financial footing, is the reason would like to say thank you to them all, the Union as well as other Unions have Michigan Postal Workers Union/FMAL rallied in support of H.R. 756. The fa- President Mike Mize, 480/481 President vorable vote to move the bill out the Roscoe Woods, Western Michigan Area Oversight Committee is one of several Local President Amy Puhalski and Tra- steps in a lengthy legislative process. verse City Local Vice President Ron Kr- It is believed the bill will help to solve umrie and his grandson Kayden. the disastrous pre-funding mandate The two days on the Capital Hill was caused by the 2006 Postal Account- very long, however it was very reward- ability and Enhancement Act (PAEA), ing as the Michigan Presidents worked while at the same time treating our re- extremely hard to overcome bad weath- tirees fairly. The bill would also allow er and a difficult schedule. Here is how the Postal Service to modestly raise we accomplished the mission. postage rates immediately by one-cent, Saturday: APWU National Officers generating roughly an additional one gave their reports and addressed the billion dollars in annual revenue. Conference attendees. Judy Beard, our National Legislative Director, updated THE CURRENT STATE us on HR 760 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 OF REVERTING BIDS p.m. It is important that our membership Sunday: Discussion on the National is aware of what Management is try- President’s Conference, and our agen- ing to accomplish regarding job rever- da while in Washington, DC from 9:00 sions. The Detroit District, and frankly a.m. until 5:00 p.m. nationwide, the USPS has began an- Monday: 9:15 a.m. we met in Rep- other attack on our jobs. At the begin- resentative Brenda Lawrence’s office. ning of this year, Management started At 10:00 a.m., we met with Represen- their assault on the Clerk Craft when tative John Conyers’ staff. 11:00 a.m. they began reverting Clerk Craft jobs. we were in Representative Walberg’s of- To date, there have been over 100 jobs fice, 12 noon, we met in Representative reverted. These are jobs that our mem- Upton’s office, ending up in Represen- bers could have bid on or could have tative Bergman’s office the remainder been promoted to. The jobs should of the day. have been posted on eReassign. The Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. we met in Sena- jobs could have become residual, al- tor Debbie Stabenow’s office, at 8:30 lowing our Postal Support Employees we went over to Senator Peter’s office. (PSEs) to be converted into. 10:00 a.m. we visited Senator Trott’s, We have seen this behavior before, 11:00 a.m. Representative Huizenga’s and the time to protect your job is not office, 12:00 p.m. in Representative after management devises a plan to Levin’s office. At 12:30 we went to Rep- take it. Currently our Stewards and Of- resentative Mitchell’s office and then ficers are filing grievances to protect went to Representative Debbie Dingell’s Your President with other union officers working on our jobs, but we need your help. The office. At the end of the day we ended post office congressional issues in Washington. continued on page 2 Page 2 DETROIT POSTAL WORKER June, 2017 DETROIT Associate The Importance Of Being On DISTRICT ARE A LOCAL AMERICA N POSTAL WORKERS UNION Editor’s Detroit District Area Local Report Union Officials The Right Operation Number Keith Combs ............................ Page 1 President Danny Sawicki tion 084. The other ten employees why do we need to fill these re- Associate stay on the 2nd floor and run the verted jobs when the mail is being Patrick Chornoby .....................Page 3 mail. Now, let’s say five employ- processed with the employees we Executive Vice-President Editor ees move to the right operation, have now?” There is the problem, Tamika Johnson-Smith whether it be 099, 092 or the other since many employees were not Secretary/Treasurer proper operation numbers we are on the right Operation Number, We all know the Post Office is a supposed to be on when we are the numbers are showing mail is John Merritt ..............................Page 4 Clerk Craft Director big business. Their job is to make running the machines, depending being processed on the machines as much money as possible, with what machines, what mail, what with less employees that were ac- Sterling Bouier .........................Page 3 as less employees and overhead as floor we are working on. Now, the tually working the machines. Maintenance Craft Director possible. other five employees working on Bottom line, if you are not on the Rico Cameron ..........................Page 4 I will give you some facts to set the machines don’t make a move right Operation Number, those are MVS Craft Director this article up. and stay on the prep operation lost hours that are supposed to be There is close to being one hun- 084. counted into the construction of Debbie Wingler ........................Page 5 NDC Facility Director dred reverted jobs in the plants and Now the day is over. We worked our assignments. The post office offices covered by the Detroit Dis- all the mail. The reports at the can and will use these numbers and Regina “Gina” Favors ..............Page 7 trict Area Local. end of the day come out. We got hours against us when they try to Director of Legislation A reverted job is a job not being all the mail out, and the reports revert, abolish jobs, or even try to Darrell Clark ..............................Page 5 filled when an employee retires, show that all the mail was pro- excess us. Director of Organization dies, separates, or for other reasons. cessed with only five employees! If management tries to move you Kathy Carter ..............................Page 7 This is a continuing, concerning You say but there were ten em- to a different Operation Number Director of Human Relations trend that has been going on at the ployees on the machine. Guess that you are supposed to be on, ask Post Office for a while. what, the reports don’t say that, for a steward. That is fraud, and it Tony Friday The DDAL is filing the proper they say only five employees were must be addressed. Assist. Clerk Craft Director grievances to get those jobs filled, on the machines, because only So, if you are instructed to move Keith Fletcher but we know the grievance process five employees were on the right to another unit or working different Assist. Maint. Craft Director takes a long time and these griev- Operation Numbers. mail, please make the proper Op- ances may be going all the way to Now this goes on at all floors, and eration Move. Every little move can Albert Lewis Assistant MVS Craft Director arbitration. maybe a year or so down the road make a big difference. You may say, what is your point we finally get to arbitration trying If you don’t know what the prop- Roz York Recording Secretary and what does that have to do with to get those reverted jobs back. er Operational Numbers are, ask being on the right operation? The post office has all these re- your steward, or go to the union of- Al Fouche Let’s use the PARS (Postal Au- ports and numbers saying we got fice, we have a list of the proper Op- Retirees’ President tomated Redirection System) unit the mail out with x number of em- eration Numbers. Danny Sawicki .........................Page 2 at the GWY as an example. Let’s ployees working the machines x This is very important fellow Associate Editor say twelve employees come in at number of hours.
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