§ 22.1009 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition) 477.650 480.650 § 22.1013 Effective radiated power lim- 477.675 480.675 itations. 477.700 480.700 The effective radiated power (ERP) of 477.725 480.725 transmitters in the Offshore Radio- 477.750 480.750 telephone Service must not exceed the 477.775 480.775 limits in this section. 477.800 480.800 (a) Maximum power. The ERP of 477.825 480.825 transmitters in this service must not 477.850 480.850 exceed 1000 Watts under any cir- 477.875 480.875 cumstances. 477.900 480.900 (b) Mobile transmitters. The ERP of 477.925 480.925 mobile transmitters must not exceed 477.950 480.950 100 Watts. The ERP of mobile trans- 477.975 480.975 mitters, when located within 32 kilo- [59 FR 59507, Nov. 17, 1994; 60 FR 9891, Feb. 22, meters (20 miles) of the 4.8 kilometer (3 1995] mile) limit, must not exceed 25 Watts. The ERP of airborne mobile stations § 22.1009 Transmitter locations. must not exceed 1 Watt. (c) Protection for TV Reception. The The rules in this section establish ERP limitations in this paragraph are limitations on the locations from intended to reduce the likelihood that which stations in the Offshore Radio- interference to television reception telephone Service may transmit. from offshore radiotelephone oper- (a) All stations. Offshore stations ations will occur. must not transmit from locations out- (1) Co-channel protection. The ERP of side the boundaries of the appropriate offshore stations must not exceed the zones specified in § 22.1007. Offshore sta- limits in Table I–1 of this section. The tions must not transmit from locations limits depend upon the height above within 241 kilometers (150 miles) of any mean sea level of the offshore trans- full-service television station that mitting antenna and the distance be- transmits on the TV channel con- tween the antenna location of the off- taining the channel on which the off- shore transmitter and the antenna lo- shore station transmits. cation of the main transmitter of the (b) Airborne subscriber stations. Air- nearest full-service television station borne subscriber stations must not that transmits on the TV channel con- taining the channel on which the off- transmit from altitudes exceeding 305 shore station transmits. meters (1000 feet) above mean sea level. (2) Adjacent channel protection. The Airborne mobile stations in Zone A ERP of offshore stations located within must not transmit from locations with- 128.8 kilometers (80 miles) of the main in 129 kilometers (80 miles) of Lake transmitter antenna of a full service Charles, Louisiana. Airborne mobile TV station that transmits on a TV stations in Zone B must not transmit channel adjacent to the TV channel from locations within 129 kilometers which contains the channel on which (80 miles) of Lafayette, Louisiana. Air- the offshore station transmits must borne mobile stations in Zone C must not exceed the limits in the Table I–2 not transmit from locations within 129 of § 22.1015. The limits depend upon the kilometers (80 miles) of Corpus Christi height above mean sea level of the off- or locations within 129 kilometers (80 shore transmitting antenna and the miles) of Houston, Texas. distance between the location of the offshore transmitter and the 4.8 kilo- § 22.1011 Antenna height limitations. meter (3 mile) limit. The antenna height of offshore sta- TABLE I–1—MAXIMUM ERP (WATTS) tions must not exceed 61 meters (200 feet) above mean sea level. The an- 30 me- 45 me- 61 me- ters ters ters tenna height of offshore surface mobile Distance (100 (150 (200 stations must not exceed 10 meters (30 feet) feet) feet) feet) above the waterline. 338 km (210 mi) ........................ 1000 1000 1000 120 VerDate Mar<15>2010 10:59 Nov 14, 2011 Jkt 223203 PO 00000 Frm 00130 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V2.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 Federal Communications Commission § 22.1037 TABLE I–1—MAXIMUM ERP (WATTS)— § 22.1031 Temporary fixed stations. Continued The FCC may, upon proper applica- 30 me- 45 me- 61 me- tion therefor, authorize the construc- ters ters ters tion and operation of temporary fixed Distance (100 (150 (200 feet) feet) feet) stations in the Offshore Radio- telephone service to be used only when 330 km (205 mi) ........................ 1000 900 800 the service of permanent fixed stations 2 km (200 mi) ............................ 800 710 630 is disrupted by storms or emergencies 314 km (195 mi) ........................ 590 520 450 306 km (190 mi) ........................ 450 400 330 or is otherwise unavailable. 298 km (185 mi) ........................ 320 280 240 (a) Six month limitation. If it is nec- 290 km (180 mi) ........................ 250 210 175 essary for a temporary fixed station to 282 km (175 mi) ........................ 180 150 130 remain at the same location for more 274 km (170 mi) ........................ 175 110 100 266 km (165 mi) ........................ 95 80 70 than six months, the licensee of that 258 km (160 mi) ........................ 65 55 50 station must apply for authorization to 249 km (155 mi) ........................ 50 40 35 operate the station at the specific loca- 241 km (150 mi) ........................ 35 30 25 tion at least 30 days before the end of the six month period. § 22.1015 Repeater operation. (b) International communications. Communications between the United Offshore central stations may be used States and Mexico must not be carried as repeater stations provided that the using a temporary fixed station with- licensee is able to maintain control of out prior authorization from the FCC. the station, and in particular, to turn Licensees desiring to carry such com- the transmitter off, regardless of munications should apply sufficiently whether associated subscriber stations in advance to allow for the time nec- are transmitting at the time. essary to coordinate with Canada or TABLE I–2—MAXIMUM ERP (WATTS) Mexico. 30 me- 61 me- § 22.1035 Construction period. ters ters Distance from the 4.8 km (3 mi) limit (100 (200 The construction period (see § 22.142) feet) feet) for offshore stations is 18 months. 6.4 km (4 mi) ............................................. 25 6 § 22.1037 Application requirements for 8.0 km (5 mi) ............................................. 40 10 9.7 km (6 mi) ............................................. 65 15 offshore stations. 11.3 km (7 mi) ........................................... 100 25 Applications for new Offshore Radio- 12.9 km (8 mi) ........................................... 150 35 telephone Service stations must con- 14.5 km (9 mi) ........................................... 215 50 16.1 km (10 mi) ......................................... 295 70 tain an exhibit showing that: 17.7 km (11 mi) ......................................... 400 100 (a) The applicant has notified all li- 19.3 km (12 mi) ......................................... 530 130 censees of offshore stations located 20.9 km (13 mi) ......................................... 685 170 within 321.8 kilometers (200 miles) of 22.5 km (14 mi) ......................................... 870 215 24.1 km (15 mi) ......................................... 1000 270 the proposed offshore station, by pro- 25.7 km (16 mi) ......................................... 1000 415 viding the following data, at least 30 27.4 km (17 mi) ......................................... 1000 505 days before filing the application: 29.0 km (18 mi) ......................................... 1000 610 (1) The name, business address, chan- 30.6 km (19 mi) ......................................... 1000 730 nel coordinator, and telephone number 32.2 km (20 mi) ......................................... 1000 865 33.8 km (21 mi) ......................................... 1000 1000 of the applicant; (2) The location and geographical co- ordinates of the proposed station; § 22.1025 Permissible communications. (3) The channel and type of emission; Offshore central stations must com- (4) The height and type of antenna; municate only with subscriber stations (5) The bearing of the main lobe of (fixed, temporary-fixed, mobile and air- the antenna; and, borne). Offshore subscriber stations (6) The effective radiated power. must normally communicate only with (b) The proposed station will not and through offshore central stations. interfere with the primary ORS chan- Stations in the Offshore Radio- nels by compliance with the following telephone Service may communicate separations: through relay stations authorized in (1) Co-channel to a distance of 241.4 this service. kilometers (150 miles). 121 VerDate Mar<15>2010 10:59 Nov 14, 2011 Jkt 223203 PO 00000 Frm 00131 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V2.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150.
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