John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 3-8-1974 The aC rroll News- Vol. 56, No. 16 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 56, No. 16" (1974). The Carroll News. 506. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/506 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Happy Spring Break Go Classes Resume March 18 The l;arroll News Blue Streakers Volume LVI , No. 15 JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, OHIO 44118 March 8, 1974 Bio Problem Not Numbers; Study Points to Inflexibility Ry :\lJI( E :\l.\110:\EY dP:u1s t•omnwnted in the report. areas, and the lack of a concerted C'\ '\t-V~s J;diror "Student.~ at pre-sent." the re­ departmental effort at internnl JifJrt concludes. ":<N'm to fel'l that communication and counseling. l\l'lther th~ student-h·aC'h"r ratio whiiP some fat~ult.y are interested Dr. Donald Gavin, dPan of the nor a ;omewhat in<·n·nsl! in •·our:<c in them, this is not true of all." enrollment for biology courses have Students ;tlst> seem awarl' of some Graduate School and director of in­ stitutional planning, prepared the caused that dr.partm•'Jll's prohl••rn;; pcr~onal problems of staff mem­ in rf"gistralion and t•ourse r•ll'er• i><•r" which hav<' interfered with report of the academic deans in re­ ings, a rep<>rt from thl' academic "cffrctive instruction." sponding to a biology department deans C'Onclud••d TuPs.!11~·. report on problems, goals. sched­ . The rrport emphasized in its fi· uling:"Taculty, and enrollment. ~1r . "WhnteH'I' problems th£> dt•pnrt• nal para~TUph th::tt additional staff John G. Allep, Department chair­ mt•nt of hiolog)' m;t~ have, th(•y are "will not sol\'e th<' present prob­ not primarily du•· to large num­ J,•m;; of lark of planning, rffective man, cooperated with Gavin in ber!! of .~tudt•nt.s t·reating ex('I!RSivc cycling of courses, inflexibility of Tuesday's response. pressure on r•xisting :o.taif." the the st.atT in helping out in certain Changes in biology scheduling for fall of 1971 will include one less section of non-major biology Union Evaluation Committee (Bl 101) and perhaps a part-time professor to assist with scctionR of comparative anatomy, Allen said. Wants Senate Realignment Biology majors will receive no­ tice of the rotating cycle of stand­ Pl·c,.ident·l'lect .Jim Eardly prc­ formulate academic policies of the ard and elective course offerings in senU>d a proposal recC'ntly fol'mu­ unh·ersity, such as lhe cout·se­ order to better plan their curricu­ lated hy the student union e\'a)ua­ tt·acher ev:1luation. tion team which calls for a realign· lum. Allen pledges an effort in the Streaks Merit NCAA Honors ment or Lhe sf·nate. The president would obtain an department to inform students of nppointed assistant who would have future cour-se offerings and to cut JACK METZGER gives his oppone nt a lift in the PAC A senate compriSE'd oi 36 mrm­ no executin• powers, yet. would as­ down unnecessary pre-requisites to Championships. The Carroll grapplers went on to capture bers with IG t•lass offiCP!'S, 5 lH'na­ sist the prc•sident in allotting more electives. their eighth PAC title and 2nd place in NCAA Division Ill. tors from caC'h cla:;s, and 9 pt•oplc time to conla<"t students. lt iR gen­ on th,. b<•ard would constitute the erally felt that tht•rP 1s an increas· The dean's report calls for analy­ See related story page 7. realigned senate. ing need for the }>resident. to ~ sis of the e<'ology elective offer­ aware of the needs of thr student ings, in terms of student demand A fifth offict'r would join lht> four for these courses. union oflict'rs to a::>sumc the titll' of hodr. The ll·,•usut·<'r also rl'eei\'eS an Presidt•nt of th,. lntN OrgantZ<l­ as~istant. These ass1stants would Although the number of elec­ tional Council. 'l'his JWr:lon would be appoinu•d by the president and tive choices open for a biology ma­ New 'Streaking' Fad UJ>J>l'O\"ecl hy the SC'llate. jor has doubled in the last four \lthous:h Phil Eichner took [ nst, l't•alignment of director­ years, the report. states that " ... Catches Campus Men a ~ole on a letter to cenilUrl' ships and r::;tablishment. of a free Jt may be that content, instructor, t<•n -.enators at Tue<:da)'s and time offered, (for electives) are p1·r.ss to infol'm studt>nts was also Herds of naked mt'n charged the News went to press. l nion ~ennlt• :\let-lmg, he- did included in this proposal. among the problems" that the de­ across the quadrangle, drawing the Television camera crews and news not n•lt>a~t· I lw let tt•r. partment faces. campus polic~ to .i\Iurphy Hall th1·ee This evaluation tf'am has been paper coverage was expPrted for consecutive nights this week. ~t·t up to analr~e various fot·ms of Besides reaching conclusions on last night's "big streak," student. handle all non-union :tl'tivilit•s Student observers labeled this stud<'nt gov<'rnmPnt in ortler to dis­ the department's pro b I ems in sources said. such as mixt•rs. parlit•s, und films. strange phenomena streCtking, and covrr eff<'eti,•e alternatives of ef­ course offerings, the report. clari­ This would t•nnhlc lht· \'IJU>d l'l'PI'!'· reports from many Ohio colleges l\lutphy Hall residents packed ficient studt'nt gowrnment. The fied statistical difficulli<'S in a re­ ~E'ntntion in the St'lllltc• to hantllr> say it is the latest fnd. windows and doorways to ·watch l:iCOJIP of this investigation inclu<led port the Biology Department orig­ mon• pn·ssing important issues. Tuesday's and Wednesday's ac­ residents of the men's dormitories dt>fining lht• roles of the union of- inally compiled and submitted to tivities precrt>dl'd a massive streak­ pass by in scanty attire. :\lost coeds Tht• Jll'<>flOl'.'ll also hwludcd broari­ (Continued on Page 8) (Continued on Page 8) ing marathon last night, but after were not impressed. ening Uw viC't' pre!'icl,'nt's pm,·t•r. Along with his oth••l' tlutirs he would assunw the rol1• ur Chninnnn of the .\cadt•mir Conunittee to lwlp Hectic Spring: Dormitory Thefts, Fires Mount By :.\1 \HI \ '\ I•:XTEJT regularities in security. Residents ministration for further considera­ ,-ol\'ed if he is found negligent in Open Hearings for should not hesitate to call t.he tion. its cause. The dolla1· figure for t he New A & S Majors Campus "tcurity has lx>en kept guard house (4600) for any situa­ There ha\'e been fires which, in lirst )furphy fire is set at s:n32.25, busy this n!'ademic year by nu­ all dorms except Bernet, which Tlw Cunit•ulum Committee of tion they feel could be potentially while last month's fire will run merous reports of fire and thefts dangerous. have required the attention of the about $2000. Bec~mse the residents the .-\cadt•mic ~~·nat.:. ''ill hold optm in the campus dorm'tories. Xot University Heights Fire Depart­ he::trin~;; on 1\\o issue:-. .\larch h of the room invol\'ed in the Dolan only have thr number of these in­ Rae Grady, head resident of ment. Two major fires in :\Iurphy and :'ll:li'Ch 20 will be •lt·,·oted to the fire will be able to do most of the cidents im·rNt..~d ovrr past years, ~Iurphy, made the proposal of caused extensive structural dam­ repair work under University su­ ~;uhj<'Ct ui a Jll'uposed Bachdor of keeping the second set of main lob­ Liberal :;;tudit•,. dt•gr,.. •, Copies of but their frequency this srm<'stt>r age, while the other nine reported pervision, the t>iltimatE'd $150 cost by doors locked a.t all times in or­ tht• pt·opnsal can b•' obtnint-d from has t·ausNi t·om•ern among both fires ,,·ere more confined. will be considerably lower. st utlcnts and admmislration. der to kE'ep out outsiders; i.e. Gesu Although the major fires caused Dr. Bohinski (Ciwmi:;try). Rerilla stated that the Unh·ersity students, unwanted solicitors, etr. physical damage, it. was a minor ,\fareh 2i> nntl :'ti:Lrcll 27 will he 'l'he ircquency and pnttern of Her suggestion, unanimously sup­ fire in Pacelli which was poU>ntial­ will enforce present l'egulatlons more strictly and new policies may rlt•\ ott•tl to a proposal to t'stahlish tht>fts in :'llurphy lhll prom1Jted a ported by all residents present at ly the most dangerous in terms of be forthcoming with regard to fire a policy of gmnting t•ombinctl de· dorm mt>eting on Thursday, Feb. the meeting, included plans for a hu man safety. A candle set fire safety. grec:< for nre-nwdical and prt•-dt·ntnl 2t'. At this m~tmg )!r. Gab!' dorm phone to be installed in the to a rug while a resident was stutit'tlt.<: who gain adm~:<gion to pro­ Burn,-, chief or campus security, outer lobby so that visitors could asleep.
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