Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 11-21-1947 The Ledger and Times, November 21, 1947 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, November 21, 1947" (1947). The Ledger & Times. 1647. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/1647 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. For 1847 1947 Selected As Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper of the WEATHER FORECAST wfully MINUS i at a 1. UDIT Kentucky and Tennessee- Mostly cloudy uith risine UREAU to- were op temperatures today and Alton, night uith some rain Saturay • IRCULATI after- and beginning in West por- tions tonight. were Miller fe re- YOUR PROGRESSIVE HOME NEWS- Nov. 21, 1947 MURRAY POPULATION - 5187 Vol. XIX; No. 136 PAPER FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY Murray, Kentucky, Friday Afternoon, Thurs- United Press al and raig. strip- .'h put MSC Thoroughbreds Open Basketball Tobacco Industry Demandr4" 4.ernment d Will aducah of Bob Season Against Anna, Illinois Nov. 25 Finance Exports To Europe arplus ,m the sclecto- Training School Colts Play Kirksey ' Resolutions Aiming to Save European Texas PRODUCE LIVESTOCK • Steely Tonight In Season's First Home Game Market To Be Presented To Congress cl. ST. LOUIS NATIONAL STOCK- at his Chicago produce: WASHINGTON, Nov. 21 UP)- ciation. Inc., ot which J. B. Hut- Murray Training School ws: The YARDS, Nov. 21 UP -USDA - de- son. Washington. is preselet t Poultry: Two cant. 31 trnucks The Southern tobacco industry •• for a play Kirksey in the first home Bradley Is Named Livestock: manded today that the government .1. B. Hutson, a former resident of steady; young hen turkeys 45. game of the current basketball sea- Hogs 11,000, salable 9.000; active. finance export of at least 50.000.000 Calloway County, was born at Cheese: Twins 42-42, 1-2; single texan- • son tonight at the Carr Health As Successor To Mostly, 25 to 50 higher than aver- pounds of surplus U.S. tobacco to Cherry corner near Murray. Be- if Sam daisies 43 3-4-44 1-4; Swiss 69-72. age Thursday. Tisp and bulk good Germany and provide .for ."ade- sides holding a position as presi- Building on the campus. Chief of Staff Butter: 367,541 lbs.; weak; 93 and choice 180 to 300 lbs. 22.50; quate tobacco shipments under the dent of the Tobacco Association, The Colts were defeated 40-27 in !monies score 81; 92 score 79; 90 score 75 moderate number early 25.25: 160 long-range European recovery pro- Inc., he was selected to represent Sedalia WASHINGTON. Nov. 21 (UP/- - their opening game against 1-2; 89 score 68 1-2. Carlots: 90 to 170 lbs. 24.50-25; 130 to 150 lbs. gram. the United States on the U.N. Se L DOG High School last_Wednesday night. Gen. Omar N. Bradley will suc- score 75 1-2; b9 score 68 1-2. 22 to 24.50; 100 to 120 lbs. 19 to These steps are required. indus- curdy Council. His brother. N. P. 21.50; bulk good sows 450 lbs. down try spokesmen said, to -improve Hutson, operates a whole feed busi- The MSC Thoroughbreos will, ceed Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower Eggs: 11,858 cases; steady; extras extras 2: 56-60: 3 and 4 24 to 25; over 450 lbs. mostly 23 wforale" in Germany, to step-up ness on Railroad Ave. in Murray. open the regulsr season against the as Army Chief of Staff. President 1: 60-62; 49-52: standards 1 and 2: 47-48; 3 to 23.75; stags 17.50 to.21. production throughout Europe t% The res..lutiohs asked: Anna., Ill.. Independents on No- Truman announced today. and 4: 45-46; current receipts 44-45; Cattle 2,700, salable 1,800; calves providing incentive goods, and to 1. That either Commodity Cred- Veterans Ad- • vember 25 in Muriay. They will Bradley. who is dirties 36 1-2-37 1-2; checks 35 1-2 1.000, all salable. Steers in light save the European market or U. S. it Corp. be authcrized to make - which will ministrator, will be succeeded by 36 1-2. supply and on131 small representa- tobacco. available immethateiy for shipment rainaee play a 21 game schedule to president of tion of butther yearlings and heif- request was contained in to Germany an initial supply of at Harlan Include such teams as Marshall, Carl R. Gray. Jr., vice The Chicago & Northwestern Rail- ers offered, these mainly medium three resolutions approved at a least 50,000.000 pounds of tobacco. ion on winner of last year's National In- the way Co. MARKETS to good from 17 to 25.50; opening meeting of representatives of 56 to- from its loan stocks or that funds It will Western tercollegiate tourney; trade on cows steady with canners bacco growers, warehousemen . and be made available for purchase of cres of Maj. Gen. Clifton B. Cates will Kentucky, champions of the KIAC At A Glance and cutters largely from 10 to 12 - the tobacco through increased ap- succeed .Gen. A. A. Vandegrift as dealers from eight states. The res- rodueed and SIAA; and Eastern Kentucky, cows areas. of. the Marine Corps. common and medium beef olutions were to be presented to a propriations hit occupied for 26 commandant - Calumet Farm's two-year-old colt. one of the strongest small teams in DERBY PROSPECT 13 to 16: odd head good upward group of congress men today by a The 50,006800 pounds would be Agent The President at a news confer- By United Pfess the nation. Citation, is being led to his stall at Hialeah by groom Jimmy from 16.50; bulls scarce and quot- "Steering Committee" ap- only a small portion of the sur- . - ence also announced that the re- Stocks higher in quiet trading. five-man have been wonting Knowles after arriving from the northland. The fleet-footed able steady. Good and choice industry. plus stocks held by the Commodity The Heeds signation of Gen. Robert Littlejohn Bonds irregular; U. S. Govern- pointed from the in the since early October in prepara- colt is the favorite in the Kentucky Derby winter. book. .,. vealers declined $2: lower grades resolutions were endorsed Credit Corp. on priee-support loans as War Assets Administrator will ments did not trade. The n the for this yek's schedule. Re- steady' to $2 off. Good and choice men from North Caro- to growers. tion be accepted as of Nov. 28. Curb stocks irregularly' higher. by tobacco Cal r:CS turning "lettermen include Johnny vealers 23-30; common and medium lina, Virginia, South Carolina. 2. That export import bank Bradley will return to the War Chicago stocks irregular. ser wig Reagan. Charlie Snow. Harry Mc- 13-22; culls held around 8-11' Georgia. Kentucky. Tennessee. In- roake funds available for assistance Department December 1 to take Silver unchanged in New York Rotarians Hear President Ralph nd will Prath, Rex Alexander, Jim Pearce, Sheep 1,700, salable 1,500: re- diana and West Virginia. spokes- in exporting U. S.-grOwn tobacco. advantage of some accumulated at 74 5-8 cents a fine 01111C.4. ich tile, Jim Frank, Odell Phillips. and ceipts mostly native lambs. Mar- men said. Up to now; spokesmen said, the to- leave and also to make a first hand Cotton futures higher. Woods On Need of Funds for College Harold Loughary from the 1946-47 ket steady to strong. Most good Industry spokesmen said govern- bacco trade has been unable to ar- survey of various army headquar- Grain in Chicago: Wheat, corn, squad. Kenneth Cain and Zadia native wooled lambs ment action was necessary to' in- of American- tobac- the country before re- oat and barley futures firm. and choice range financing ters around A. G. Gibs,11 was the hotjor guest Herresid are lettermen who will be to fit available funds, he 22.50-23; top 23; medium to , good sure the tobaesso industry co-extents throto,h- -the- E. placing Eisenhower. the Rotary Club Vtirtnt back from the. service. Clift Cav- at the meeting of 19.25-22: cull to medium throwouts European markets. Three-fourths port bank. The President said that Bradley Club said ender played for Murray in 1942 A. Carman To yesterday at the Woman's slaughter ewes 8 down; of all U.S. tobacco leaf export go be made for would not take over as Whereas the fund allocated now 15-17 Most 3. That provision coaching at actually House. Gibson is a past president of Britain stopped all pur- and is returning ajler de- is $325 000. a request will be made strictly good and choice quotable to Europe. "Supplying adequate quantities of chief of staff until Eisenhower the club and now lives in Nashville, direct Sedalia. Undergo Surgery of higher.. chases recently for lack of dollars. U.S. grown tobacco to meet Euro- parts to become president of Co- of John for a sum $579.0007 Some changes have been made Tenn. He was the guest Exports of all types of unmanufac- pean requirements in connection •it in lumbia University. in the pattern of play in early Hospital Conger. tured tobacco through September with the European recovery' pro- Thus Eisenhower was put into At Memphis Trio To rgavg workouts.
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