7246 NOTICES nated with petroleum products. The report did not dem- onstrate attainment of site-specific standards and was SPECIAL NOTICES disapproved by the DEP on December 7, 2020. WATER MANAGEMENT Northeast Region: Environmental Cleanup & Brown- FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT fields Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, SECTION 401 PA 18701-1915, 570-826-2511. PUBLIC NOTICE OF FINAL STATE WATER Contact: Eric Supey, Environmental Program Man- QUALITY CERTIFICATION FOR FERC ager. REGULATED PIPELINE PROJECT Sunoco 0363 5232, Storage Tank ID # 48-24150, 868 State Water Quality Certification Issued by the Nazareth Pike, Nazareth, PA 18064, Lower Nazareth Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Township, Northampton County. EnviroTrac, 176 Environmental Protection Pursuant to Section Thorn Hill Road, Warrendale, PA 15086, on behalf of 401 of the Clean Water Act for the FM 100 Project. Evergreen Resources, LLC, 2 Righter Parkway, Suite 120, Wilmington, DE 19803, has submitted a combined Reme- Regional Permit Coordination Office: 400 Market dial Action Plan and Remedial Action Completion Report Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101, Email: RA-EPREGIONAL concerning remediation of soil and groundwater contami- [email protected]. nated with gasoline. The report demonstrated attainment WQ0083219-002, National Fuel Gas Supply Corpo- of a combination of Site Specific and Statewide Health ration, 1100 State Street, Erie, PA 16512. FM 100 Standards and was approved by DEP on December 2, Project (Project), in Cameron, Clearfield, Clinton, Elk, 2020. McKean, and Potter Counties, Baltimore and Pitts- burgh Corps Districts. The proposed project involves Salisbury Township School District Bus Garage, modernization of a portion of the existing pipeline system, Storage Tank ID # 39-07828, 1700 Gaskill Avenue, Allen- and abandonment of aging infrastructure. The moderniza- town, PA 18103, Salisbury Township, Lehigh County. tion portion of the project starts in Sergeant Township, Aquaterra Technologies, 901 South Bolmar Street, Suite McKean County (Latitude: 41.70265°; Longitude: A, West Chester, PA 19382, on behalf of Salisbury Town- -78.500103°) and ends in Allegany Township, Potter ship School District, 1140 Salisbury Road, Allentown, PA County (Latitude: 41.886014°; Longitude: -77.950358°). 18103, has submitted a combined Remedial Action Plan The abandonment portion of the project starts in Huston and Remedial Action Completion Report concerning Township, Clearfield County (Latitude: 41.219814°; Longi- remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with tude: -78.559042°) and ends in Portage Township, Potter gasoline. The report demonstrated attainment of Site County (Latitude: 41.589831°; Longitude: -78.058392°). Specific Standards and was approved by DEP on Decem- ber 4, 2020. On July 18, 2019, Applicant filed an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) un- Southcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup & Brown- der Section 7 of the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C.A. § 717f) fields Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA seeking a certificate of public convenience and necessity 17110, 717-705-4705. to construct and operate its Project (FERC Docket No. CP19-491-000). The FERC Environmental Assessment for Contact: Cherie Campbell, Soil Scientist. the Project, which was issued on February 7, 2020, may be viewed on FERC’s website at www.ferc.gov (search Martin Paving, Storage Tank Facility ID # 36-61945, eLibrary; Docket Search; CP19-491-000). 531 East 28th Division Highway, Lititz, PA 17543, Eliza- beth Township, Lancaster County. Crawford Environ- On November 21, 2019, Applicant requested a state mental Services, LLC, 20 Cardinal Drive, Birdsboro, PA water quality certification (SWQC) from the Pennsylvania 19508, on behalf of Martin Paving, Inc., 531 East 28th Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP), as Division Highway, Lititz, PA 17543 submitted a Remedial required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act Action Plan concerning remediation of soil contaminated (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341), to ensure that the construction, with petroleum. The Remedial Action Plan was acceptable operation and maintenance of the Project will protect to meet the Nonresidential Statewide Health Standard water quality in Pennsylvania consistent with the re- and was approved by DEP on December 10, 2020. quirements of State law and the Clean Water Act. Applicant is proposing the installation and mainte- Northcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup & Brown- nance of an approximately 29.5-mile-long, 20-inch diam- fields Program, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, eter pipeline (Line YM58), a 0.4 mile 12-inch diameter Williamsport, PA 17701, 570-327-3636. pipeline (extension of existing Line KL), and a 1.4-mile- long 24-inch diameter pipeline loop (YM 224) and appur- Contact: Randy Farmerie, Environmental Program tenant facilities in various municipalities within Clinton Manager. County, McKean County and Potter County for the pur- pose of transportation of natural gas. Applicant is also Curwensville Tire, Storage Tank Facility ID proposing to abandon in place approximately 44.9 miles of # 17-71861, 222 Filbert Street, Curwensville, PA 16833, 12-inch diameter steel natural gas pipeline and appurte- Pike Township, Clearfield County. Tetra Tech, on behalf nant facilities in various municipalities within Cameron of Mr. John F. Tressler, Jr., 5817 Nittany Valley Road, County, Clearfield County, Elk County and Potter County. Lamar, PA 16848, submitted a Remedial Action Comple- The Project, as proposed, will require approximately 555.8 tion Report Addendum concerning remediation of soil acres of earth disturbance, and the following impacts to contaminated with unleaded gasoline. The Remedial Ac- streams, floodways, and wetlands: tion Completion Report demonstrated attainment of the Site-Specific Standard and was approved by DEP on Cameron County: 1.32 acres of floodway impacts to November 9, 2020. Driftwood Branch Sinnemahoning Creek (TSF, MF) and PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN, VOL. 50, NO. 51, DECEMBER 19, 2020 NOTICES 7247 Bennett Branch Sinnemahoning Creek (WWF, MF); 0.02 25 Pa. Code Chapter 92a (relating to NPDES permitting, acre of temporary impacts to PSS wetlands. monitoring and compliance), and all other applicable regulations. Clearfield County: 1.68 acres of floodway impacts to Bennett Branch Sinnemahoning Creek (CWF, MF), Tribu- 2. Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Man- taries to Bennett Branch Sinnemahoning Creek (CWF, agement—All projects proposing earth disturbance must MF), Laurel Run (HQ-CWF, MF); 0.22 acre of temporary implement best management practices (BMPs) to protect impacts to PEM and PSS wetlands. and maintain water quality pursuant to Pennsylvania’s Clean Streams Law (35 P.S. §§ 691.1—691.1001) and Elk County: 5 feet of temporary impacts Medix Run Storm Water Management Act (32 P.S. §§ 680.1—680.17), (HQ-CWF, MF) and a tributary to Medix Run (HQ-CWF, 25 Pa. Code Chapter 102 (relating to erosion and sedi- MF); 0.05 acre of floodway impacts; 0.11 acres of tempo- ment control), and all other applicable regulations. Appli- rary impacts to PEM wetlands. cant shall obtain and comply with an Erosion and McKean County: total of 1,062 feet of impacts to Sediment Control Permit(s) for earth disturbance associ- Tributaries to Wernway Hollow (HQ-CWF, MF), Tributary ated with the Project as provided in 25 Pa. Code § 102.5. to Browns Mill Hollow Run (HQ-CWF), Robbins Brook 3. Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permits— and tributaries thereof (HQ-CWF), Donley Fork (HQ- Applicant shall obtain and comply with a Water Obstruc- CWF), Potato Creek (TSF), tributaries to Potato Creek tion and Encroachment Permit(s) for the construction, (CWF), Coalbed Hollow (HQ-CWF), Bemis Hollow (HQ- operation and maintenance of all stream and wetland CWF) and tributaries thereof, Allegheny Portage Creek crossings associated with the Project pursuant to Penn- (CWF) and tributaries thereof, Allegheny River (CWF) sylvania’s Clean Streams Law, Dam Safety and Encroach- and tributaries thereof, Tributary to Benson Hollow ments Act (32 P.S. §§ 693.1—693.27), and Flood Plain (CWF), Coleman Creek (CWF) and tributaries thereof, Management Act (32 P.S. §§ 679.101—679.601), Tributary to Jordan Hollow (CWF), Tributaries to Red 25 Pa. Code Chapter 105 (relating to dam safety and Mill Brook (CWF), Tributaries to Irons Hollow (CWF), waterway management), 25 Pa. Code Chapter 106 (relat- Tributaries to Robbins Brook (HQ-CWF), Tributaries to ing to floodplain management), and all other applicable Walcott Brook (CWF), Tributary to Fishing Creek (CWF), regulations. Tributaries to Warner Brook (HQ-CWF); 21.113 acres of floodway impacts; 13.783 acres of temporary impacts to 4. Other Water Quality Requirements—Applicant shall PEM, PSS and PFO wetlands; and 1.744 acres of perma- obtain any other permits, authorizations or approvals nent impacts to PEM, PSS and PFO wetlands. required to construct, operate, and maintain the Project from any interstate or international agency as required Potter County: total 282 feet of impacts to Jordan by an interstate compact or international agreement that Hollow (CWF) and tributaries thereof, Ernst Hollow has established water quality standards applicable to (CWF), Sartwell Creek (CWF) and tributaries thereof, surface waters of this Commonwealth, including wet- Baker Hollow (CWF), Fishing Creek (CWF) and tributar- lands. ies thereof, East Branch Fishing Creek (HQ-CWF) and 5. Water Quality Monitoring—PADEP retains the right tributary thereof, Whitney
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