10450 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 8 April 22, 2009 Commercial Motor Vehicle Advanced Safety and grade inclines and declines. However, the As individuals, we are learning to assess Technology Tax Act of 2009. This bill is an im- road is often used by drivers as a short-cut in our ‘‘footprint’’ and to recognize that the deci- portant step toward improving safety in the order to avoid congestion on 1–210 and 1–5. sions we make on a daily basis—the cars we commercial vehicle industry. It offers tax cred- With his brakes losing function on the decline drive, the foods we eat, the energy we con- its to incentivize businesses to implement into the City of La Can˜ada Flintridge, the driv- sume—must be measured against not only proven safety systems for their fleet. These er lost control of the truck and it plowed our own comfort, but also the sustainability of market-ready technologies will help reduce the through one of the main intersections in the our planet and its limited resources. It is a per- number of truck-related crashes, injuries and city, through a parking lot, and fortunately only sonal obligation that cannot be taken lightly; fatalities on our Nation’s roads. resulted in one injury. Earlier this month, on an ethos that firmly commits each of us to H.R. 2404 addresses a number of critical April 1, an eerily similar accident took place at passing the great inheritance we have been concerns. First, it identifies widely recognized exactly the same location, but the result was given to our children in a better form than it technologies that are proven to increase safe- tragically fatal. A driver was using the same was given to us. ty on our roads. Brake stroke monitoring, colli- Angeles Crest Highway short-cut. His brakes As communities, we must reconcile the sion warning, lane departure warning and ve- were seen smoking, indicating they had competing demands of economic development hicle stability systems are proven to reduce burned out on the steep grade of the road. He with those of responsible stewardship. It’s a collisions, rollovers and crashes resulting from hit a vehicle, killing Angel and Angelina Posca, particular challenge in high growth areas like brake failure. We know from the Federal Motor a father and his 12-year-old daughter; struck the one I represent. My district, the Research Carrier Safety Administration’s, FMCSA, 2006 several more vehicles seriously injuring a Triangle area of North Carolina, has been Large Truck Crash Causation Study that these dozen more individuals, three critically; and widely recognized as one of the best areas in are the most prevalent types of large truck crashed through a bookstore in a local shop- the country to live, work, raise a family, and crashes. ping center, causing significant property dam- start a business. It is the fastest growing Second, during these challenging economic age. While the investigation is ongoing, we metro region in the country, on track to double times, there is no better way to move busi- know that there was a GPS navigation device in population over the next 20 years, and the nesses in the right direction on increasing their in the cab of that truck. dramatic population expansion will bring sig- safety systems than to provide tax incentives, In the aftermath of these accidents, our nificant environmental challenges in tow. reducing their financial burdens. This is espe- local leaders in La Can˜ada Flintridge have We know that we must grow, and we em- cially important considering that 95 percent of been working tirelessly to find solutions that brace the economic opportunities that such all trucking companies have fewer than 20 will prevent this kind of accident from hap- growth presents. But how will we grow? To trucks, making almost the entire industry one pening again in our area and in any other maintain and improve our quality of life in the composed of small businesses. community across the country. I am very midst of robust expansion and development, Finally, this bill takes an appropriate long- pleased that CalTrans banned truck traffic on we need to undertake a coordinated regional term view of emerging safety systems tech- Angeles Crest Highway for 90 days and that planning effort that meets our infrastructure nology by allowing the FMCSA or the National they are now working with the city and the Los needs white preserving livability and sustain- Highway Traffic Safety Administration to add Angeles County Sheriff’s Department on miti- ability. We must promote not just growth, but qualified safety systems for this tax incentive, gation measures that will ensure this road re- smart growth. once they are proven to significantly enhance mains free of trucks. I also applaud California That is why I brought our colleague, Rep. the safety or security of drivers and vehicles. State Assemblyman Anthony Portantino and EARL BLUMENAUER, to the Triangle this week I strongly believe that GPS navigation devices State Senator Carol Liu for introducing State to help me host a summit on Smart Growth for trucks should be made eligible for this in- legislation to prohibit, with specified exemp- Development. He stands as an expert in our centive. In order to certify this technology as tions, truck traffic on the Angeles Crest High- body on sustainable development, and the a proven safety system, I have asked the way. I am honored to be working alongside summit brought together elected officials, busi- FMCSA to study the effectiveness of GPS our local leaders in pursuing all means nec- ness leaders, environmentalists, and commu- navigation devices for trucks and their ability essary to improve safety on our roads. Like nity activists for panel discussions on smart to improve safety for drivers and vehicles. In them, I am committed to seeing real-time in- growth principles and transportation infrastruc- addition, I have asked the Federal Highway formation provided to drivers through GPS ture. I look forward to working with Rep. BLU- Administration to ensure that any real-time in- navigation devices that can relay the kind of MENAUER and my other colleagues to develop formation programs implemented by the De- information drivers need to make the safest tools that will encourage smarter growth, more partment of Transportation include truck safety decisions on the road. responsible development, and greater livability as one of its major determinants of effective I strongly believe we must partner cutting- in communities across the country. real-time data collection and dissemination. edge safety systems with the kinds of incen- And as a nation, we need to pursue policies There are cutting edge technologies in the tives provided in this bill to improve truck safe- that promote responsible stewardship of the navigational device, mapping software and ty on our roads. I want to thank my colleagues earth here at home while providing respon- data collection industries that are available MIKE THOMPSON and GEOFF DAVIS for pro- sible leadership in the global arena. This Con- and deployed to fleets right now. However, viding the leadership they have on this issue gress has already begun working with the with so many small trucking companies and and am proud to join them in this effort. I en- Obama Administration to forge a new direction owner/operator small businesses, not all fleets courage all my colleagues to support this im- for energy policy that will emphasize renew- have access to these sophisticated systems. portant legislation. able fuels and energy efficiency. In addition, challenges remain in the industry f Through the American Recovery and Rein- with respect to timely and accurate data col- EARTH DAY 2009 vestment Act, we’ve made an unprecedented lection specific to trucks, including changing investment in public transportation and renew- road conditions or restrictions, as well as HON. DAVID E. PRICE able energy production that will spur energy grade inclines and declines. There is also a savings. This legislation will accelerate deploy- OF NORTH CAROLINA lack of information dissemination to drivers, ment of a new, smart power grid to make the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fleet managers and dispatch centers with no electricity grid more efficient and reliable. They real national framework for real-time data, es- Wednesday, April 22, 2009 will advance scientific research into battery pecially for interstate trucking needs. Unfortu- Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Madam technology and energy efficiency measures, nately, my district has seen the tragic con- Speaker, Earth Day 2009 marks the 39th year expand the national effort to weatherize sequences of these gaps first hand. in which we’ve set aside a day to reflect upon homes, and make a sizeable investment in al- Last September, a tractor trailer filled with our solemn responsibility to protect the envi- ternative energy research. over 75,000 pounds of onions was routed onto ronment from the adverse effects of human The recovery package addresses critical the Angeles Crest Highway in Southern Cali- activity and preserve it for future generations. transit needs as well, investing in buses, com- fornia, State Rte. 2, by a driver using a GPS Earth Day reminds us of our nation’s obliga- muter and light rail, and intercity passenger navigation device seeking the shortest route to tion to be good stewards of the planet—a re- rail, including Amtrak and high speed rail. his destination. The Angeles Crest Highway is sponsibility both moral and practical, personal Public transportation, beyond saving individual not suitable for tractor trailers due to its turns and collective. Americans both time and money, can also VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:28 Aug 10, 2011 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E22AP9.000 E22AP9 wreier-aviles on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with BOUND RECORD April 22, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol.
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