rweas staf ukjversjty Li*braj«q ? > l Vx V 4 NOMINATIONS OF WALTER H. ANNENBER G, JAC OB D . ^ > • F BEAM, AND JOHN S. D. EISENHOWER Art 7 GOVERNMENT Storage HEARING BE FO RE TH E COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS UNITE D STATES SENATE NINE TY -FIRST CONGRESS FIRS T SESSION ON NOMINATIONS OF WALTER H. ANNENBERG TO BE AMBASSADOR TO GREAT BRITAIN, JACOB D. BEAM TO BE AMBASSADOR TO THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS, AND JOHN S. D. EISENH OWER TO BE AMBASSADOR TO BELGIUM MARCH 7, 1969 co — □ ~ ~ ~ □ Printed for the use of th e Committee on Foreign Relations U.S. GOV ERNMEN T PR IN TI NG OFFIC E 26-861 WA SHING TON : 196 9 * * - < Mr COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS J. W. F U L B R IG H T , Arkansas, Chairman JOHN SP ARKM AN, Alabam a GE O R G E D. A IK E N , Vermont MIKE M ANSF IE LD , Montana K A R L E. M UNDT, South Dakota A L B E R T GORE, Tennessee C LIF FO R D P. CASE , New Jersey F R A N K CH U RCH , Idaho JOHN SH ER MAN CO O PER, Kentu cky STU A R T SY M IN GTON, Missouri JOHN J. WILLIAM S, Delaware TH OM AS J. DODD, Connecticut JA CO B K. JA VI TS , New York CLA IB O R N E PE LL, Rhode Island GALE W. McG EE , Wyoming C ar l Mar cy , Chief of Staff A rthur M. K uhl , Chief Clerk (II) ir.». i . » u ri <i)p: . • z n a j o ; CONTENTS Sta tem ent of— P a 6 e Annenberg, Walter H., nominee to be Ambassador to Gre at Brita in.. 6 Beam, Jacob D., nominee to be Ambassador to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics--------------------------------------------------------------- 31 Eisenhower, Joh n S. D., nominee to be Ambassador to Belgium------- 35 Scott, Hon. Hugh, U.S. Senator from Pennsylvan ia----------------------- 1 Schweiker, Hon. Richard S., U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania--------- 3 Insertions for the record— Biographic sketch of Mr. Annenberg____________________________ 3 Article entitled, “Annenberg Lifts Some British Brows,” from the Washington Post, Feb ruary 24, 1969--------------------------------------- 9 Article entitled, “Senators Wary on Choice of Annenberg,” from the Washington Post, March 6, 1969-------------------------------------------- 10 Obituary entitled, “Musm anno, 71, Dies of Stroke in Pittsburg h,” from the Philadelphia Inquirer, October 13, 1968----------------------- 27 Biographic sketch of Mr. Beam________________________________ 29 Biographic sketch of Mr. Eisenhower___________________________ 35 (in) NOMINATIONS OF WALTER H. ANNENBERG, TO BE AMBASSADOR TO GREAT BRITAIN; JACOB D. BEAM, TO BE AMBASSADOR TO THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS; AND JOHN S. D. EISEN­ HOWER, TO BE AMBASSADOR TO BELGIUM F R ID A Y , M A R CH 7, 19 69 United States Senate, Committee on F oreign R elations, Washington, D.C. The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 a.m., in room 4221, New Senate Office Building, Senator J. W. Fulbright (chairman) pre­ siding. Present: Senators Fulbright, Sparkman, Symington, Pell, Aiken, Mundt, Case, and Javits. The C hairman. The committee will come to order. The hearing this morning is for the purpose of meeting with three nominees to be Ambassadors to Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and Belgium. In behalf of the committee I welcome Mr. Walter H. Annenberg, Mr. Jacob D. Beam, and Mr. John S. D. Eisenhower. It is my understanding that Senator Scott, accompanied by the junior Senator from Pennsylvania, Mr. Schweiker, would like to in­ troduce to the committee both Mr. Annenberg and Mr. Eisenhower; is tha t correct? Senator S cott. Th at is correct. The C hairman. You may proceed, please, sir. And Mr. Annenberg, come forward, please. STA TEM ENT OF HON. HU GH SCOTT, U.S. SENATOR FROM PENN SYLV AN IA Senator S cott. Mr. Chairman, both Senator Schweiker and I have a statement to make, and it is my privilege to begin these hearings by introducing to the committee one of the most distinguished citizens of Pennsylvania, whose services to our city and our State are not only well known within the Commonwealth, but very widely known in this country and abroad. Mr. Annenberg is president of Triangle Publications, Inc., which operates the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Philadelphia Daily News, TV Guide, Seventeen magazine, a number of television and radio stations, the New York Morning Telegraph, the Daily Racing Form, which is used by persons and associations concerned with thoroughbred racing. (D 2 Born in Milwaukee, Wis., and married to Leonore Annenberg—the name is a little difficult for me to say because she is so well known to all of us as Lee, a most charming and attractive lady indeed —he is president of the M. L. Annenberg Foundation and of the Annenberg Fund, both charitable organizations, president of the Philadelphia Inquirer Charities and founder of the Annenberg School of Communi­ cations, one of our graduate schools at the University of Pennsylvania which offers courses and degrees in the field of communications. He is the donor of the Annenberg Library at the masters house a t the Peddie School at Pikestown, N.J. N U M ER O U S HONORS His honors, recognitions, and degrees are quite numerous, and I am going to save the committee’s time by not going into detail but asking the committee’s permission to include a biography at the end of my statement. He is a founder and member of the board of trustees of the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships, and is a trustee or member of a number of institutions of education and foundations and a member of the board of directors of several companies, including the Girard Trust Bank, the Penn Central, the Campbell Soup Co. He is a former commander of the U.S. N aval Reserve; belongs to a number of organizations, fraternities, and groups of different cul­ tures and activities; is a member of a number of clubs and organiza­ tions, and of press societies, including the National Press, the Overseas Press, the American Society of Newspaper Editors, and the American Newspaper Publishers Association. His services have been recognized by a number of foreign countries attesting to his interest in inter­ national affairs. Mr. Annenberg is in fact an officer of the Legion d’Honneur of France, a Commander of the Order of the Crown of Italy, and a Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic and a Commander of the Order of the Lion of Finland. He holds our Com­ monwealth’s meritorious service medal which is a rare and valued award. He has had many other awards, recognitions, and a number of degrees from various colleges. To cite this is to give only a very short review of the manifold activities and the diverse character of Mr. Annenberg’s interests. Mrs. Annenberg, I may add, is a bachelor of arts graduate of Stan­ ford University, and she herself is a member of a number of boards and organizations, including the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Philadelphia Orchestra Association, the Academy of Music, the Palm Springs Desert Museum, and the Annenberg School of Communica­ tions, University of Pennsylvania, and the World Affairs Council. The designation by the President, with approval of the Secretary of State, of Mr. Annenberg to be our Ambassador to the Court of St. James is recognition of the importance of this post, of the desir­ ability of having it filled by a person of competence and a broad range of vision and intelligence, tact, and diplomatic skill. The spe­ cial relationship, which we still observe with our friends in the United Kingdom, will be definitely advanced by this appointment. So it is a pleasure to introduce and to offer for the committee’s approval the name of Mr. Annenberg. I yield at this point to my colleague, Senator Schweiker of Penn­ sylvania. 3 (The biographic sketch referred to follows:) W al te r H. Annenberg Position for which considered: Ambassador to Great Britain. Present position: President, Triangle Publications Inc. Office address: 400 No rth Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born: March 13, 1908, Milwaukee, Wis. Legal residence: Pennsylvania. Marital status: Married. Family: First wife, Veronica Dunkelm an; daughter, Wallis; second wife, Leonore Cohn. Home address: 312 Llanfair Road, Wynnewood, Pa. Education: The Peddie School; attended Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Honorary degrees, LL.D., La Salle College, University of Penn­ sylvania; LHD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; D. Journalism , Temple University; D. of Humane Letters, Penn sylvania Military College. Experience: Non-Government, 1928-42, 1942 to present. With family founded firms. President, Triangle Publications Inc., Philadelphia. [Publisher of Phila­ delphia Inquirer (editor, publisher), Philadelphia Daily News, Seventeen Maga­ zine, TV Guide, Morning Telegraph, Daily Racing Form, President Philadelphia Inq uirer Charities, Inc., M. L. Annenberg Foundation, Annenberg Fund]. Founder and President, Annenberg School of Communications, Graduate School Univer­ sity of Pennsylvania. Also, operates stations WFIL -TV and radio (Phil.), WN BF-TV and radio (Bingham ton), WF BG -TV and radio (Altoona-Johnstown), WNH C-TC and radio (New Haven -Hartford), WL YH -TV (Lebanon), KFR E, KR FM , K FRE- TV (Fresno). Military, 1950-66: U.S. Naval Reserve, commander. Director: Girard Trust Bank; Campbell Soup Co.; Pennsylvania. Trustee: Railroa d Company Dermatology Foundation ; Philadelphia Museum of A rt; United Fund Philadelphia Area. Trustee-at-large: Fou ndation for Independent Colleges, Inc. Founder, member of board of overseers: Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. Director and Trustee: Eisenhower Medical Center, Palm Desert, Calif. Advisory board of lay trustees: Villanova University founder and trustee : Eisenhower exchange fellowships.
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