[NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED] Response to Request for Information Reference FOI 003363 Date 15 March 2019 Private Hire Operators Licensed in Wolverhampton Request: Please could you provide a list (name / address / licence number / start-expiry date of licence of all Private Hire Operators licensed by the council in an excel spreadsheet. Could you provide the number of drivers and vehicles registered to each operator. In response to your above questions, please see attached information. Sensitivity: RESTRICTED# Address Name Licence No. Commence Expiry Vehicles Drivers 2a Raynor Parade Raynor Road Heath Wednesfield Radio Cars PHOP44 12/03/2016 11/03/2021 195 208 TownWolverhampton WV10 9QY Bilston Radio Cars 1 Wood Street Bilston Wolverhampton WV14 0BQ PHOP47 18/07/2018 17/07/2019 24 22 Unit D, Devonshire House Ettingshall ABC Countdown Cars PHOP54 01/10/2018 30/09/2019 269 339 Road Ettingshall Wolverhampton WV2 2JT City Cars Lanesfield Drive Wolverhampton West City Cars PHOP60 01/02/2019 31/01/2020 42 63 Midlands WV4 6LE 126 Highfields Bradley Cars PHOP78 08/12/2017 07/12/2022 2 4 Road Bradley Wolverhampton WV14 0LH 52 Retreat Street Wolverhampton West Go Carz PHOP76 11/02/2017 10/02/2022 780 966 Midlands WV3 0JF 18 Virginia Drive Wolverhampton West Penn Cars PHOP52 26/03/2016 25/03/2021 5 20 Midlands WV4 5PS Vulcan House Oxford Street Industrial Park Vulcan Black Country Travel PHOP75 16/07/2018 15/07/2019 2 1 Road Wolverhampton WV14 7LF 2A Raynor Parade Raynor 652's Private Hire Ltd. PHOP92 04/04/2017 03/04/2022 37 46 Road Wolverhampton West Midlands WV10 9QY Unit 5 Short Street Bilston Wolverhampton West Street Cars PHOP82 25/07/2016 24/07/2021 116 163 Midlands WV14 6AF Unit D Devonshire House Ettingshall Galaxy Sutton Top Rank Choice Cars PHOP89 17/02/2017 16/02/2022 95 173 Road Wolverhampton WV2 2JT Office 28 28 Cleveland 247 Carz PHOP91 21/03/2018 20/03/2023 388 395 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3HT Unit 10 B East Park Trading Estate Hickman Skyways Cars PHOP187 11/04/2018 10/04/2019 3 3 Avenue Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 2XF Sensitivity: RESTRICTED# 6 Walsall Street Bilston Wolverhampton West Local Carz PHOP188 12/04/2018 11/04/2019 5 8 Midlands WV14 0AT Suite 13AYork Chambers 33 York Wintax Cars PHOP172 13/04/2018 12/04/2019 3 2 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3RN Suite 3 York Chambers 33 York National Cars PHOP189 18/04/2018 17/04/2019 1 1 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3RN 26 Broad Street City Centre Wolverhampton West Aero Cars PHOP167 25/04/2018 24/04/2019 5 12 Midlands WV1 1HP Unit 15 The Workspace All Saints Top Quality Radio Cars PHOP190 27/04/2018 26/04/2019 0 0 Road Wolverhampton West Midlands WV2 1EL 2A Raynor Road Wolverhampton West A Cars PHOP191 17/05/2018 16/05/2019 8 18 Midlands WV10 9QY 6 Walsall Street Bilston Wolverhampton West Aylestone Kings PHOP192 01/06/2018 31/05/2019 26 21 Midlands WV14 0AT 2A Raynor Road Wolverhampton West Kirby Cars PHOP193 07/06/2018 06/06/2019 11 12 Midlands WV10 9QY Office 28 28 Cleveland Kingsway Cars PHOP197 13/07/2018 12/07/2019 39 22 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3HT Part Ground FloorUnit 2 St Davids Court Union Uber PHOP94 11/05/2017 10/05/2022 3057 5130 Street Wolverhampton WV1 3JE Unit D Devonshire House Ettingshall County Cars (2003) Limited T/A County Cars Road Ettingshall Wolverhampton West PHOP196 13/07/2018 12/07/2019 4 7 Midlands WV2 2JT Sensitivity: RESTRICTED# 6 Walsall Street Bilston Wolverhampton West West Brom Cars PHOP199 16/07/2018 15/07/2019 3 5 Midlands WV14 0AT Office 28 28 Cleveland Arrow Cars PHOP201 20/07/2018 19/07/2019 2 3 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3HT Powis Travel 35 Sandon Road Wolverhampton WV10 6EL PHOP203 30/07/2018 29/07/2019 1 1 50 Broadmoor Road Wolverhampton West Arora Travels PHOP202 26/07/2018 25/07/2019 1 1 Midlands WV14 0RP Office 113 Sunbeam Studios Sunbeam Ola PHOP194 03/07/2018 02/07/2019 0 1 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV2 4PF 6 Walsall Street Bilston Wolverhampton West D.G. Cars, Western, Z Cars PHOP200 11/08/2018 10/08/2019 81 84 Midlands WV14 0AT Office 28 28 Cleveland AK Manor Cars PHOP183 20/07/2018 19/07/2019 56 53 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3HT Office 27 Office 28 28 Cleveland 1-2-1 Carz PHOP198 13/07/2018 12/07/2019 9 14 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3HT Suite 13AYork Chambers 33 York Goodwins/Olympic PHOP159 02/08/2018 01/08/2019 13 8 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3RN Suite 13AYork Chambers 33 York Oldham Premier Cars PHOP204 03/08/2018 02/08/2019 14 14 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3RN Unit D Devonshire House Ettingshall Crown Cars Road Ettingshall Wolverhampton West PHOP205 08/08/2018 07/08/2019 11 5 Midlands WV2 2JT Office 10 York Chambers 33 York Fairmont Executive Chauffeurs PHOP207 02/10/2018 01/10/2019 0 0 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3RN Sensitivity: RESTRICTED# Office 28 28 Cleveland Supercabs PHOP209 11/10/2018 10/10/2019 1 1 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3HT 2A Raynor Road Wolverhampton West Club Cars PHOP210 11/10/2018 10/10/2019 84 76 Midlands WV10 9QY Office 28 28 Cleveland Cas Cars PHOP208 08/10/2018 07/10/2019 4 3 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3HT 2A Raynor Road Wolverhampton West Boro Cars PHOP206 12/10/2018 11/10/2019 44 45 Midlands WV10 9QY Ground FloorKings House St Johns Club PHOP211 19/10/2018 18/10/2019 15 16 Square Wolverhampton West Midlands WV2 4DT 2A Raynor Road Wolverhampton West People Express PHOP212 26/10/2018 25/10/2019 3 6 Midlands WV10 9QU Suite 7 3rd FloorSaturn Court Spring A1 Elite Cars PHOP213 30/10/2018 29/10/2019 2 1 Road Wolverhampton West Midlands WV4 6JX Unit D Devonshire House Ettingshall XL & ANDY'S CARS Road Ettingshall Wolverhampton West PHOP214 14/11/2018 13/11/2019 1 6 Midlands WV2 2JT Office 28 28 Cleveland Monti Cars PHOP215 21/11/2018 20/11/2019 0 1 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3HT Kings House St Johns UR CARZ PHOP216 29/11/2018 28/11/2019 0 1 Square Wolverhampton West Midlands WV2 4DT Office 28 28 Cleveland Millennium Cars PHOP217 12/12/2018 11/12/2019 3 3 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3HT Ground FloorKings House St Johns Tryp PHOP218 17/12/2018 16/12/2019 1 4 Square Wolverhampton West Midlands WV2 4DT Sensitivity: RESTRICTED# 2B Dale Street Bilston Wolverhampton West Ablewell Cars PHOP219 18/12/2018 17/12/2019 1 2 Midlands WV14 7JY ABC Countdown Taxis Unit D Devonshire House Ettingshall ABC Cars PHOP220 19/12/2018 18/12/2019 41 19 Road Ettingshall Wolverhampton West Midlands WV2 2JT 45 Lichfield Road Wolverhampton West Blueline Red And White Cars PHOP221 10/01/2019 09/01/2020 0 2 Midlands WV11 1TW Office 28 28 Cleveland New Moon Cars PHOP223 14/01/2019 13/01/2020 0 10 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3HT Office 28 28 Cleveland Central Cars PHOP222 11/01/2019 10/01/2020 1 3 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3HT Kings House St Johns HALO Cars PHOP226 11/02/2019 10/02/2020 1 0 Square Wolverhampton West Midlands WV2 4DT Office 28 28 Cleveland One 4 You Services PHOP227 31/01/2019 30/01/2020 0 0 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3HT 26 Broad Street City Centre Wolverhampton West Roseville PHOP224 15/01/2019 14/01/2020 0 0 Midlands WV1 1HP 2A Raynor Road Wolverhampton West S & D Cars PHOP228 31/01/2019 30/01/2020 3 2 Midlands WV10 9QY Kings House St Johns Local Cars PHOP229 06/02/2019 05/02/2020 0 2 Square Wolverhampton West Midlands WV2 4DT 2A Raynor Road Wolverhampton West Smart Ride Private Hire PHOP230 25/02/2019 24/02/2020 1 0 Midlands WV10 9QY 2A Raynor Road Wolverhampton West Pal Cars PHOP231 25/02/2019 24/02/2020 3 3 Midlands WV10 9QY Sensitivity: RESTRICTED# Unit D Devonshire House Ettingshall Landflight Road Ettingshall Wolverhampton West PHOP232 04/03/2019 03/03/2020 4 0 Midlands WV2 2JT Unit D Devonshire House Ettingshall RTS Road Ettingshall Wolverhampton West PHOP88 03/02/2019 02/02/2020 1 1 Midlands WV2 2JT Studio 121 Sunbeam Studios Sunbeam ICars PHOP101 01/08/2018 31/07/2019 11 16 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV2 4PF 6 Walsall Street Bilston Wolverhampton West Village/Pinfold Cars PHOP233 05/03/2019 04/03/2020 1 1 Midlands WV14 0AT Office 28 28 Cleveland Swift Fox Cars PHOP234 05/03/2019 04/03/2020 0 0 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3HT Office 28 28 Cleveland Brookline PHOP235 08/03/2019 07/03/2020 0 2 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3HT 6 Walsall Street Bilston Wolverhampton West Haslam Cars PHOP236 08/03/2019 07/03/2020 0 1 Midlands WV14 0AT Office 28 28 Cleveland AAA PHOP237 12/03/2019 11/03/2020 0 0 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3HT Office 28 28 Cleveland Roundabout Cars PHOP238 12/03/2019 11/03/2020 0 0 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3HT Suite 13AYork Chambers 33 York Crown Falcon PHOP100 01/08/2017 31/07/2022 49 71 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3RN 2A Raynor Parade Raynor Castle Cars Birmingham PHOP104 18/08/2017 17/08/2022 69 34 Road Wolverhampton West Midlands WV10 9QY Sensitivity: RESTRICTED# ABC Countdown Taxis Unit D Devonshire House Ettingshall I Can Park And Ride PHOP102 04/07/2017 03/07/2022 0 3 Road Ettingshall Wolverhampton West Midlands WV2 2JT ABC Countdown Taxis Unit D Devonshire House Ettingshall Embassy Cars PHOP105 12/09/2017 11/09/2022 37 53 Road Ettingshall Wolverhampton West Midlands WV2 2JT Suite 9 York Chambers 33 York Central And Status Cars PHOP93 13/04/2018 12/04/2019 41 39 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3RN Office 5AYork Chambers 33 York Central Executive PHOP106 12/10/2018 11/10/2019 6 5 Street Wolverhampton West Midlands WV1 3RN St Davids Court Union Shrewsbury Cars PHOP110 15/09/2018 14/09/2019 5 6 Street Wolverhampton
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