Maaison College Library Harrisonburg, Virginia 'But Officer, I Have Had Enough to Drink ••• By SUSAN LYNN BESS to be misleading, since three The first portion of the exp- given the same quantity of Other factors stemming Eight Madison College out of four subjects improved eriment consisted of testing alcohol at specified time in- from the survey included the students recently were given their driving. It must be noted each subject's driving ability tervals. fact that although the subjects a "legitimate" reason to co- that because of a limited num- through the use of simulators. A police sergeant was on were asked not to communi- nsume alcoholic beverages on ber of subjects involved, all Each subject was then instru- hand to administer breatha- cate while driving, they often campus. results were based primarily cted not to eat for approximat- lyzer tests and other tests did make comments. The The drinking was part of on the raw data examined by ely 18 hours before the final to measure the subject's agi- majority of the retested sub- a survey conducted June 27- the researcher. testing was to take place. lity. jects found it difficult to re- 28 by Phyllis Travlsano, a Miss Travlsano also said The following day the subj- Such tests Included walking main at a constant rate of graduate student In the phys- that "while three out of four ects wee divided Into four gr- a straight line and picking up speed and most had more ical education department, w- drivers did Improve, this was oups, composed of one male pennies from the floor while difficulty in controlling bre- bo was measuring the effect primarily due to the fact that and one female, and each was the subject controlled his bal- aking situations. different alcoholic beverages the subjects knew why they given a different type of alco- ance. After approximately There was no correlation had on driving. Terry Wes- were being retested, and that holic beverage,beer, whiskey, two hours of drinking, the four found between the type of al- sel and Frank Moxle helped they had been drinking, so each or one of two types of wine, subjects nearest the legal po- coholic beverage consummed supervise the experiment. one simply concentrated more each with different alcohol int of Intoxication were retest- The results of the study seem on their driving." content. The groups were all ed. (Continued on Page 2) IrrrXr / SGA in the Summer One-Girl Operation By LESLIE COOKE ering on the telephone, atte- nate both last summer and du- There are no meetings of nding meetings and sifting th- ring the past academic year, student government scheduled rough correspondence, the Avra was recomended to her during the summer, and none one-woman operation manni- present position by incoming are anticipated says Summer ng SGA business seems to ha- SGA President Carol Lempe. Student Government President ve suffered little Idleness. In this aspect, Ms. Kaslow Avra Kaslow. Although many of President was aware of college opera- All members of the newly- Kaslow's duties require more tions, policies, and procedu- elected 1974-75 Student .Gov- patience than experience or res before her appointment ernment Association (SGA) E- expertise,'Avra possesses bo- last May by the Dean of Stu- xecutlve Council are off camp- th. dent Services, Dr. Fay Reu- us now, and with only two sen- On the basis of her Invo- bush. ators here, meetings seem of lvement with the student se- (Continued on Page 2) "little point," Avra explaned. Nevertheless, she empha- sized, if a group of students were to direct attention to Avra Kaslow a particularly pressing need, MANNING HER POST Is Summer SGA President Avra a special committee of con- Kaslow, whose varied duties require 'more patience cerned individuals could be than experience.' (FIELDS PHOTO) ^ convenied to attend the issue. Meanwhile, between conf- 'My Kind of Music'- New Sound at WQPO By ELMORE LOCKLEY and community leaders, and for the station. Drake, Inc. I can turn on the FM radio gathering ideas for the station. selects the music according to and listen to "my kind of mu- Sutton is also the weather- Its wide listener appeal, and sic" all night. This lsacom- nun for the WSVA channel 3 the placement of music Is det- ment that can be heard nowa- six o'clock news. "I really ermined by its value and qua- days around Harrisonburg. enjoy both jobs, but the ra- lity for good listening music, The new FM station Is WQPO dio station takes up most of Sutton said. 101, and "my kind of music" my time," Sutton said. WQPO could rearrange Dr- Is Rock, which the station pl- The station shares vari- akes' selection or placement ays seven days a week for 24 ous services with WSVA TV, of music, Sutton said, In order hours, WQPO was created such as computers, news lmf- to fit in with the station's rock June 7, out of the concept of ormition, accountants and bu- music format. providing progressive rock ilding facilities. Through Drake Enterprise, for Harrisonburg and the sur- WQPO operates on a com- WQPO has available more than rounding area. puterized system, that cont- 1,700 gold hit records dating Bill Sutton is manager of rols every aspect of the sta- back to 1W3. These "oldies, the new rock station. He is tions programming. but goodies" songs make up assisted by seven staff mem- This system provides good close to 60 per cent of the ov- bers who work on a part-time quality stero sound, limits erall music selection. The basis. The station has no disc personnel and unnecessary rest is current rock hits. jokey because all programm- talk on the air, according to The station is still in its ing is prerecorded. Sutton. development stage and a few Bill Sutton Sutton's day begins at 7 a.m. Drake and Chenault Ent- technical problems are still and he works until late evening erprise, Inc., of Los Angeles, being worked on. The sound CHATTING WITH A BREEZE reporter Is Bill Sutton, often up to 12 hours a day, sell- Calif, provides the m isic se- manager of WQPO-FM, Harrlsonburg's new 24-hour ing ads, meeting with buisness lections on reel to reel tapes (Continued on Page 4) rock station. (STAFF PHOTO) Page 2, THE BREEZE, Wednesday, July 24, 1974 PBS Review: Programs for Students • •• Published Semi-weekly by the Student Body of Madiwn College. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY ^—*^ "T " ■ .^ STROYSCTnnVC ThingsTh(ncr< Worth Keep- By FRANK BROWN lls: About Love. A puppet National Educational^Advertising Services, Inc. troupe presents a variety pro- ing. Entertalnement apd out of 8:30 HOLLYWOOD TELEVI- class learning Is available, to gram on the theme of love, In- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF cluding aSaklplayet.poemsby SION THEATRE The Stand- STAFF anyone Interested by the Pub- Andy Fields Susan Bess Sir Walter Raleigh and Crist- wells: About Love". lic Broadcasting System (PB- Frank Brown ina RossetU, and the last act 9:30 SPECIAL OF THE WEEK S). This week's programs are BUSINESS MANAGER John Mongle of "Canaille.'' Playhouse New York On The likely to offer something of 40's: The Great Radio Come- Richard Frey Sandy Morgan Interest to students and facul- 10:00 MUSIC OF THE PEO- dians. ty alike. PBS Is broadcast PLE An Ear For Bluegrass. SUNDAY ADVISOR locally by WVPT Channel 51. Performances by BilLMonroe and the Bluegrass Boys pro- 9:00 MASTERPIECE THEA- Alan Neckowitz WEDNESDAY TRE The Edwardians "Co- 8:30 BOBOQUIVARI Odetta. vide a partial answer to why nan Doyle". The creator of Features veteran entertainer outdoor bluegrass festivals h- Sherlock Holmes takes up the Odetta who was one of the most ave grown remarkable, in pop- case of a man imprisoned for prominent names of the folk ularity. * Summer SGA a crime he says he did not music renaissance of the early THURSDAY 9:00 The Old Maid And The commit. (Continued from Page 1) office have been among the ch- 1960's. ores unceremoniously attend- 9*0 HOLLYWOOD TELEVIS- Thief. A comic opera about MONDAY This summer, as a stu- 8:00 SPECIALOF THE WEEK ed by the student president ION THEATRE The Standwe- a spinster who takes a hand- dent representative 'to the some young hippie Into her Playhouse New York On The National Governance Comm- Avra has also been active in 40's: Particular Men. A dra- home and robs the church and ittee, a body which has been the organization of the new the liquor store to keep him In ma about a atomic physicist commissioned by the presi- student magazine, the "Nut- ■.v.y.f.w W.J paanni :■«;:■ spending money. who faces up to the moral dent to study all existing com- shell," which is scheuled for STARTS TONTTE 10:00 BOBOQUIVARI Sir responsibility of bis work, at mutes and commissions of the distribution during fall regi- the cost of his reputation and stration. 7:00 & 9:05 Douglas Quintet. A mini- college, Avra has become es- concert of Texas blues, coun- his career. pecially sensitive to SGA's The magazine is completely try/western, and cajunto, a TUESDAY posture within the col leg* st- student-produced and written, 8:00 MAN BUILDS, MAN DE- fo^m of Mexican folk music. ructure. and "will Include information FRIDAY \ STROYS The Keeping Of The on social organizations, SGA, aifsn" Green. Considers thePropos- An unpretentiously quiet EASTWOOD 9:00 MASTERPIECE THEA- sports, the library, campus TRE The Edwardians "Mr. ition that London parks may and active tone has marked lifestyles- any kind of perti- THUNDERBOLT have contributed to the city's the Kaslow administration to and LJGHTFOOTl Rolls & Mr.
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