We Gather to Worship God Thanksgiving and Communion Christ has died; Christ is risen, Christ will come again. The pastor continues the thanksgiving, concluding: In The United Methodist Church, we practice an open table. Christ our Lord CHIMING OF THE HOUR invites to his table 1) all who love him, 2) earnestly repent of their sins, and All honor and glory is yours, Almighty God, now and forever. Amen. 3) seek to live in peace with one another. If you can respond to that invitation, you are welcome at the table regardless of whether or not you are a member of THE LORD’S PRAYER ANNOUNCEMENTS Laura-Allen Kerlin, Associate Pastor this church or even this denomination. We will receive by intinction – receiving Hymnal No. 895 (unison) Please sign the fellowship pad and then pass it to your neighbor. the bread and dipping it lightly in the cup. Please come to one of the communion Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. stations as guided by our ushers. In recognition of those with food allergies, the Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. *PASSING THE PEACE OF CHRIST communion station closest to the choir has gluten, wheat, dairy and corn free Give us this day our daily bread. communion wafers and cup. And forgive us our trespasses, *PROCESSIONAL as we forgive those who trespass against us. Hymnal No. 92 For the Beauty of the Earth PRESENTATION OF THE BREADS And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever. Amen. *GREETING (Leader/People) Michael A. Turner, Senior Pastor PRAYER OF CONFESSION AND PARDON (unison) The Lord be with you. Merciful God, SHARING OF THE BREAD AND CUP And also with you. we confess that we have not loved you with our whole heart. Communion Anthem: I Will Rise arr. Craig Courtney and Lynda Hasseler This is the day that the Lord has made. We have failed to be an obedient church. Janet Allison, Julie Eddy, and Kami Turner, soloists Let us rejoice and be glad in it! We have not done your will, we have broken your law, Tommy Bryan and Tom Dolamore, percussion we have rebelled against your love, *OPENING PRAYER we have not loved our neighbors, * PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION (unison) we have not heard the cry of the needy. Almighty God, we thank you that in your great love *GLORIA, GLORIA Forgive us, we pray. you have fed us with the spiritual food and drink Hymnal No. 72 Free us for joyful obedience, through Jesus Christ our Lord. of the Body and Blood of your Son Jesus Christ, and have given us a foretaste of your heavenly banquet. All pray in Silence Grant that this Sacrament may be to us a comfort in affliction, Hear the good news: and a pledge of our inheritance in that kingdom Christ died for us while we were sinners; where there is no death, neither sorrow nor crying, that proves God’s love toward us. but the fullness of joy with all your saints; In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven! through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen. In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven. Glory to God. Amen. We Are Sent Into the World *THE GREAT THANKSGIVING (Leader/People) *CLOSING HYMN / EXTENDING THE TABLE OFFERING We Listen For God’s Word The Lord be with you. Hymnal No. 733 Marching to Zion And also with you. Parents: Please be reminded that K4 and K5 children will remain in the Lift up your hearts. *BENEDICTION service today since it is communion Sunday. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. *POSTLUDE SCRIPTURE LESSON: Revelation 7: 9-17 It is right to give our thanks and praise. *Indicates Congregation Standing The pastor gives thanks appropriate to the occasion, concluding: SERMON “Heavenly Banquet” Extending The Table Offering Today: Harvest Hope Food Bank Did you know: Harvest Hope is the lead disaster food bank in South Carolina. Harvest Laura-Allen Kerlin, Associate Pastor And so, with your people on earth and all the company of Hope distributed over 28 million pounds of food in 2016. Using volunteers helps Harvest heaven we praise your name and join their unending hymn: (singing) hope keep their staffing costs low. Our next service date is Saturday, Oct 21st. Volunteer We Respond to God’s Love by visiting our website at: www.advent-umc.org/about/announcements. Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, Heaven and earth are full of your glory! October 8th - Advent UMC Charge Conference *HYMN OF RESPONSE Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest! 3:00 pm - Mauldin United Methodist Church Hymnal No. 437 This Is My Song Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Advent Town Halls Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest! THE OFFERING These town halls are for everyone to see and offer feedback on the preliminary Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest! Offertory Forever King! Dan Forrest building plans. Town halls will be located in the worship space of the Christian Life Center. The pastor continues the thanksgiving, concluding: *THE DOXOLOGY October 11th at 6:00 pm October 15th at 3:00 pm October 16th at 6:30 pm Hymnal No. 95 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; And so, in remembrance of these your mighty acts in Jesus Christ, praise Him, all creatures here below; we offer ourselves in praise and thanksgiving After the town halls are completed, there will be a Church Conference on October praise Him above, ye heavenly host; as a holy and living sacrifice, in union with Christ’s offering for us, 22nd at 6:30 pm in the worship space of the Christian Life Center for members of praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. as we proclaim the mystery of faith: (singing twice) the church to vote on the preliminary plans. Serving Today at 8:30 Coming Up at Acolyte John Poleto Crossbearer Hannah Brusch Ushers Jim and Matthew Anderson, Don Plemons, JC Reid Serving Today at 11:15 Acolyte Caroline Charles Crossbearer Lucy Charles Ushers Rowdy Barefoot, Chip Felkel, Rob Jones and Ken Moore Share your Story! Offering Stewards Norman Seidel and Paul Shaw We are asking for you to share your stories of how God has impacted your life, your Trustee of the Week Fred Dantzler families, Advent UMC, and your community by sending your story to [email protected]. We will share some of these stories with the Advent family to celebrate and reflect on Children’s Corner all of the ways God is at work in our lives and at Advent UMC. TODAY - Rhythms of Grace Service October 9th - United Methodist Women Painting 3:00 pm - Dining Room of the Christian Life Center Party 6:30 - 9:30 pm - Dining Room of the Christian Life Center All women of Advent are invited to join us for a UMW Painting Looking Ahead: Party. October 22nd - Trunk or Treat Come hear an inspiring testimony, paint with a trained instructor step-by-step, and 2:00 - 4:00 pm - Parking Lot located in front of The Advent have a great time with friends old and new! You won’t believe what you can create House Games, face painting, and more! with just a little assistance! We are looking for individuals and LifeGroups to participate in To learn more and To Register for this event, visit our website at: Trunk-or-Treat. To sign-up or register your group, please visit: https://advent-umc.org/united-methodist-women-painting-party/ http://advent-umc.org/event/trunk-or-treat/ October 12th - Caregiver Support Group For questions, please contact Anne Shelton at [email protected]. 2:00 pm - The Pearl at Five Forks For more information, please visit our website at https://advent-umc.org/event/ caregiver-support-group-4/ or contact Brenda Burnham at 864-238-5071 or [email protected]. October 12th - Free Spirit Senior Ministry Octoberfest 6:00 pm - Home of Verla and Gerald Saunders (207 White Pine Drive in Simpson- Student Ministry News ville) It’s that time of the year for our annual Octoberfest. Verla and Gerald Saunders have TODAY - Elevate graciously invited us to their home again to enjoy bratwurst, sauerkraut , German 5:45 - 7:45 pm - Multipurpose Room of the Education Building, potato salad, etc. Cost will be $7.50 per person as all food will be provided. Room E119 True North series continues with “Markers Along the Way” Since their place can be tricky to find, let us know when you reply if you will be meet- ing at the church at 5:15 pm on October 12th to carpool. Please respond by Wednesday, October 11th at noon so definite plans can be made. October 1, 2017 October 22nd- Skate with Elevate Contact people this month are Carl and LaRue Hallman, who can be reached at 864- 5:30 - 7:00 pm - Roller Skating is Free! 254-9465 or at [email protected]. Golden Skate in Simpsonville, SC Traditional Service Blanket Drive for Triune Mercy Center The Gleaner’s Sunday School Class is sponsoring a BLANKET DRIVE for Triune Mercy Center, and you can help by donating a warm blanket! There will be a large Welcome Guests box at the Dining Room entrance of the Christian Life Center that will October 27-29 - Collision Fall Retreat For High School allow you to drop off your donation/blanket on the 8th and 15th of We are so glad you are here and hope you experience the warmth of both Students October.
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