MASSACHUSETTS 28 Adar 11 5768 Vol. VI - Issue VII www.jvhri.org A ril 4 2008 Newhook blasts gender inequity in Jewish workplace Concrete steps offered to create a more Photo by Mary Karr gender-equal footing SOPHIE FREUD signs a copy of her book, Living in the BY SUE FISHKOFF Shadow of the Freud family, ]TA Staf!Writer at her March 25 lecture. SAN FRANCISCO OTA) Sophie Freud: - It's been 45 years since the U.S. Congress passed the Equal Pay Act, making it Living in the illegal to pay men more than women for the same job. shadow of fame It's been 44 years since Title Vl of the Civil Rights Act Sigmund's Photo by Sam Asinof barred employment discrimi­ PREPARING FOR PASSOVER nation on the basis of race or granddaughter This year, in Rhode Island, The Voice & Herald shares some traditional recipes from grandma, sex, and the Equal Employ­ the secrets to a great flour-less chocolate cake, and some new twists on old traditional dishes. ment Opportunity Commis- gives an intimate See PASSOVER, Page 22-31 glimpse ofthe See GENDER, Page 15 Freud family BYMARYKORR Showing solidarity with Sderot families [email protected] the city of Sderot. The sun is who fire Kassam rockets at people have merely seconds to Code Red sends find cover in one of the many DARTMOUTH, Mass. - shining, people are socializing Sderot from nearby Gaza. bomb shelters situated through­ Sophie Freud, 84, recalls the residents scurrying in a nearby cafe, and trucks It happens quite often that the out the area. The Hamas mili­ last time she saw her famous are driving by to shelters tants fire these rockets which grandfather, Sigmund Freud. running their JERUSALEM JOURNAL relative calm I described can cause significant property "He came through Paris. Bv DANIEL STIEGLITZ usual errands. above is broken damage, or worse, to achieve My mother and I went to [email protected] Unfortu- by a loudspeaker blaring a their primary objective of killing the train station. I felt sad as nately, this atmosphere is not LIKE previous articles, TzevaAdom (or "Code Red") Israeli civilians. And from time I looked up at him. I knew always the norm in Sderot. hich I've written which signals the imminent to time, they are successful. this was the last time I would That is because Sderot often om the comfort of attracts the unwanted atten­ descent of a Hamas rocket. So the citizens of Sderot go See FREUD, Page 9 Jerusalem, I write this one from tion ofHamas militants, Once this alarm sounds, about their daily lives, always on the lookout for signs that danger is just a few seconds away. You might be asking yourself, Day trading ·at JCDS why don't these people simply tion pie. Let's not put every­ pack up and move to a safer Students bullish thing in Hershey," teacher location? For several reasons, on Microsoft, Lisa Bergman advises this is not as practical or easy as two of the day traders. it may sound. Coca Cola Bergman was trained in First, to relocate to a new The Stock Market GameTM home further inside Israeli terri­ BvMARYKORR (SMG), and then spent several tory would mean having to give [email protected] classes introducing it to stu­ up their homes, jobs, businesses, dents who chose this elective. and community. PROVlDENCE - The The class meets twice a week And, though I'm no econo­ Stock Exchange at the for an hour. They work in mist, it's probably safe to assume Jewish Community Day teams, which have deep pock­ that the job opportunities will School was open for ets: a hypothetical $100,000 to significantly diminish when business, and students invest in an online portfolio. thousands of people suddenly in this elective course, The "game" is approved by the migrate to a new area of the "Money Madness," were New York Stock Exchange. country. buying and selling. Not only that, but the citi­ Photo by Mary Kort "Readjust your alloca- See INVEST, Page 9 RACHEL NASSAU, left, and Sophie Harlam check their portfolios zens also have to be realistic with Daniel Gamm a JCDS parent who coaches the class. See SOLIDARITY, Page 8 PAGE 2 Jewish Voice & Herald April 4, 2008 ti•1~~1&[i)~iiN A novelist envisions a Jewish nation 20 years before the first Zionist Congress In Daniel Deronda, One story is about a gentle­ seem so disconnected from one seeing the narcissism of Gwen­ causes others to become their woman, Gwendolyn Harleth, another that critics have sug­ dolyn. We see the ways Gwen­ best selves. W hen we learn of his George Eliot creates selfish and spoiled, who, when gested the two stories should dolyn has to change. origins, we feel it's not accidental her family loses its money, goes have been turned into two dif­ D aniel ties the stories together that he's a Jew; it's as if his moral the model for a against what she knows to be ferent novels. by the force of his beautiful soul, nature is associated with his righteous man right and falls into a loveless But no - Eliot is writing a dif­ his goodness. D aniel is a good havingJewish ancestors. With­ marriage to one of the great cold ferent form of the novel. The two man, who, in Victorian fash­ out having ever met them, he B Y J OHN }. CLAYTON villains of literature, Mallinger stories are analogous. They are ion, lives by his sense of duty. I seems to have sprung from the jc!ayton@english. umass. edu Grandcourt. mirrors each for the other. We can't think of any character in values and vision of his father H er rescue comes from D aniel; see in the loving virtue of the a novel that is so motivated by T M AY SEEM odd to she turns to him as a moral Jewish woman, Mira, a way of love, by concern fo r others. H e See RIGHTEOUS, PAGE 41 Italk in a column in a Jewish guide. newspaper about a great In the second story, folded into novel published not last week nor the first, D aniel saves a young last year but 133 Jewish woman from suicide and QUOTE OF THE WEEK: years ago. It may helps her find her life. As he CANDLE seem especially becomes interested in Jews and UGHTING TIMES "The Jewish community is a much more gender- odd since George Judaism, D aniel meets a deeply stratified community than any I know, much more Eliot (the nom de religious and passionately Z ionist For Greater than the U.S. military." plume of M arian intellectual, M ordecai, sick with RINNlelslud Evans) wasn't consumption, who sees in D aniel Jewish. Yet the Morlie Levin a fellow soul, someone who will, April4 8:55 novel is so deeply after Mordecai dies, carry on his SEE Page 1 about Jews, it work of bringing into being a April 11 7:0J so beautifully Jewish nation. describes and idealizes the moral At first D aniel, while caring April11 7:10 IN THIS ISSUE: essence of Judaism, that every deeply about the dying Jew, Jew should be encouraged to thinks M ordecai's plans fo r Israel at 18: A kaleidoscope of read it. him are Daniel shattered preconceptions. "How many characters have deluded. Deronda, But SEE Page 1 published been models of what a ultimately, in 1876, person should be, models D aniel is Eliot's begins ·I · last of righteousness? We are to fulfill 1. II COMING NEXT ISSUE: novel, these ..... writtw suspicious of righteousness. plans. about We believe in the anti-hero, D aniel's N ew York T imes columnist Nicholas Kristof five years tortured, self-destructive own past after is revealed visits Brown to talk about human rights. Middle­ characters." fairly early march on in the and four novel: years though he assumes the man before she died. Basically, Eliot who has raised him is his father, ROlLER tells two stories, both about Daniel is in fact a Jew. a young gentleman, Daniel These two stories of moral :JC. CLIMBING Deronda. redemption by the same rescuer lSER TAG Charting a Course for lrweslors in the Micro -Cap St.ockMarket investing fo r our clients, combining proprietary research, a network of professional s, a high ly skilled team and focu s. To learn more about how we can help yo u achieve your investment goals, call us at 401.588.5102. ~ ELIOT•ROSE AS Ill MANACtMlNl Gary S. Siperstein President www .eliotrose.com ti•1 ►•,1~,(•)~i••· Jewish Voice & Herald April 4, 2008 PAGE 3 Yom HaShoah service on April 13 to honor New Bedford's Abe Landau Drivingforce behind the OBSERVANCE IN history's first eyewitness," Churchville said. PROVIDENCE The process is time-intensive, because local Holocaust memorial, Here in Providence, Temple the transfer of the archival material needs Emanu-El will host a com­ to take place in real time, Churchville Landau is subject ofnew munity observance of Yorn explained. documentary HaShoah on Wednesday, Once the transfer is completed to April 30, at 7:30 p.m. in the digital media, it will enable the materials main sanctuary. About 300 to viewed in any number of formats. She Bv RICHARD As1NOF community members are hopes that the project will be completed by [email protected] expected to attend, which will the end of this year. NEW BEDFORD, M a- - For the late focus on the kindertransport, Churchville, whose mother worked Abraham Landau, the only survivor of the effort to rescue children as a librarian at the National Archives, his 95-member family from Poland, his from the Holocaust by trans­ spoke of the importance of digitizing and dream was to preserve his own Holocaust porting them to England.
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