-THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF MERCYHURST COLLEGE SINCE 1929 Cross-Country Haunted houses and competes for Halloween treats GLIAC title page 3 page 8 Vol. 74 No. 6 Mercyhurst College 501 E. 38th St Erie, Pa. 16546 October 25,2000 Autumn at the 'Hurst MSG to hold student! forum Christopher. She added that many issues raised By Sara Seidle at past forums were never further addressed, Merciad writer but steps are being taken to correct this. "We will definitely be following up and holding . Students will once again have the chance to people accountable," said Christopher. gripe to administration about all those little "I hope that someone mentions the tardiness things, and not so little things, about of the handbook policy and how it relates to Mercyhurst that just do notfseem right. the judicial review system. I want to know how Mercyhurst student government will hold the they will handle people who broke rules that first student forum of the year Thursday, Oct. they were not aware of," said Christopher. "I 26 in the student union Great Room from 8- don't think its fair that those kids should be 10 p . m . punished for something they didn't know According to Lindsey Christopher, about." Mercyhurst student government secretary, Christopher said she expects many of the turnout for forums, has been low in the past. same issues to be raised again this year as last "You have most of the people with control on year, such as parking and the alcohol policy. campus right i n front of you. People don't take The transition of the tennis courts into a pic- advantage of that," said Christopher. 'If stu- nic area is another issue Christopher antici- dents aren't taking an active part in things, they pates will be brought up by students. have no right t o complain." yThe two-hour forum will begin with written Panel members for the forum will be Will- questions submitted to the panel by students. iam Garvey, president of the college; Catherine Upon entering the Great Room, students will Anderson, dean of student development; Tho- be given the opportunity to write their ques- mas Billingsley, executive vice president of ts on a piece of paper aird«sfObmTt^hein to j administration; Joseph GoWer, vice president) the mediator who will then read them to the for academic affairs; Rodger Gregorich, dean panel. "If q u e s t i o n s are worded inappropriately of public safety; Ken Sidun, director of secu- or disrespectfully, we can't read them," said rity services; Tyrone Moore, associate vice Christopher. After the initial question is an- president of administration; William swered by the panel, the floor is open for stu- Kerbusch, director of p h y s i c a l plant; Kathleen dents to comment o r further question the topic. Annie Sitter/Merciad Photographer Noce, director of academic computing; Laura According to Christopher, student govern- With the days getting shorter and temperatures colder, autumn has arrived on Zirkle, dean of residence life. ment plans to hold two more forums during the Mercyhurst College campus&Oct. 29 marks the beginning of daylight "The rec center renovations and three days the year, one during the winter term and an- savings time meaning even shorter days and colder temperatures are ahead. for finals were both forum initiated,'* said other during spring term. Governance jtask force does away with college senate . By Stacy Norris groups who will make the decisions for the full-time faculty member will be on the dean of Mercy h u r s t - N o r t h East. The college Merciad writer school: student government, a faculty senate Senate, and elections will be held for officer council, in case MSG and the faculty senate and college council. Each of these will be positions. cannot come to agreement on issues, will L In an effort to show that old dogs really can able to discuss decisions and plans among The third major body of the new plan, the assume the role of mediator. | learn new tricks, Mercyhurst is planning to themselves and report directly to the college council, will be made up of the So far, there is not final approval on the abandon its 25-year-old senate governing president of the college. presidents and vice presidents of both MSG proposed changes. The plan is in the hands j system for a new, more inclusive structure. 44What the task force discovered is that and the faculty senate, plus two people of the executive committee of the board of This new plan will make the college more none of the people being represented, appointed.by each group, and four specific sj trustees who will review it and make any governable and will give students and whether faculty or students, felt that the administrators: the academic dean, the i necessary changes. The vote on the plan faculty a stronger voice for their opinions senate was doing a good enough job executive vice president of administration, will be Dec .6. If approved, the new gover- and ideas, according to governance task representing them," said Sullivan."Issues the director of finance and the executive nance system will be in place by fall 52001. force chairperson Dr. Kevin Sullivan. that now only get discussed in the college It all began at the end of the 1998-99 senate will be discussed by both MSG and school year. While the Senate was reviewing the faculty senate. Proposed Model the first draft of the strategic plan, they Under the n e w plan, Mercyhurst Student began pondering a new plan for the govern- Government and faculty will both have a President of College ing body of the school. Soon after. Presi- stronger role in the governing of the school. dent Garvey appointed a task force to MSG is the only portion of the new investigate a new and better method of governance plan that will remain unchanged, governance for the college. since it met the five goals of a governing acuity Senate I "*| Over the 1999-2000 school year, three body; effectiveness, communication, AH stwJent subc&mmiOcim \4UJacutfy subcom m ittxrex | Student Activities members each from the college senate, representation, discussion and debate and Faculty Development , CQOMfcuuonal Revision jurisdictional responsibility. Faculty Affairs Coram iuee Budget and Finance Mercyhurst Student Government (MSG), Insurance/ Benefits JO Publicity Committee faculty policies committee, administration There has also been overwhelming support Faculty Research and Profess Newsletter Committee Handbook Committee Security Committee | and the board of trustees became the from the faculty for the new governing plan. New Faculty Commit toe i | Facilities and Res. Lil A d m interna o r Evaluation Committee Alcohol Committee The faculty senate is a big change from the Rank and Tenure All catlegc subcommittee governance commission task force, meeting I Academic Policies Committee once a month to discuss their ideas. By the role that the faculty currently plays in Campus Computing; I i n governance of the college. Tentatively, Library Committee which Senate or MSG end of the year, they had come up with the Campus Lite j chooae to report plan for this change in policies. Sullivan stated that membership in the Academic Planning and The new plan calls for three distinct Faculty Senate will be based on status; every ^TT t Ci V PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD OCTOBER 25. 2000 ELECTION! N E W S — What factor will decidevyour vote in the Voter apathy on the rise upcoming election? | refuse to educate themselves on the issues and * » By Zack Venable tfl I think morals are very important "I'm not voting. m M\ Merciad writer on the politicians who fail to clearly and suc- -Kim Russo, junior, cinctly demonstrate their platform. -Justin Mclntyre, sophomore, mathematics major elem./early childhood education "I'm not voting this year. I don't care much No matter what the cause of student voter for politics or politicians. Besides, what dif- apathy, one thing is for certain, it is on the rise. "Leadership ability and an understand- ference can one vote make?" The 1988 and 1992 elections also saw de- "G.W. is hot. But, really, I support his ing of what people want." fft- Sound familiar? It appears that more and creased amounts of voter participation. The stance on education. Accountability is % \ -Seth Pokoj, junior, more college students between the ages of 18 1996 elections saw a substantial drop in voter the key to success for our schools." £ accounting and finance major and 25 are adopting this carefree approach participation as compared to previous years. -Kristen McCaskey, junior, toward voting in the national election. Why is The voter participation rate in America to- biology education major "I base my vote on the amount of money this? :M | day is less than 50 percent. Voting-age college they give to education." wm students are part of this population. One reason may be students* perception of Experience, experience, experience." -Beth Ann Bauer, junior, government and politics. Many feel that With November just around the corner, stu- family ecology major dents, need to get informed and get to the polls. -Travis Lindahl, graduate student, today's political system is overrun with dis- organizational leadership honest, self-centered politicians. Today's me- There is an abundance of information avail- ACHonesty , that's what decides my vote." dia has done a fine job of showing the dark able on the candidates on the Internet, in the side of politics. For example, the media had a newspapers and on television. If one believes -Amy Patton, junior, field day with Watergate, the Iran-Contra scan- that government is crooked then vote for some- sportsmedicine major dal and the Monica Lewinsky affair.
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