Index Page numbers in boldface indicate a major discussion. Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations. A_______________________ Aaron at Philae, Apa, 1955 Ababius, Saint, 1, 2081 ‘Abadah ibn al-Samit, 1528 Abadion, Bishop of Antinoopolis, 1551 Abadir. See Ter and Erai, Saints Abadyus. See Dios, Saint Abamu of Tarnut, Saint, 1, 1551 Abamun of Tukh, Saint, 1-2, 1551 Abarkah. See Eucharistic wine Abba origin of term, 2-3 see also Proestos; specific name inverted Abba Maqarah. See Macarius II ‘Abbas Hilmi I Khedive, 1467,1636, 1692 ‘Abbas Hilmi II, Khedive, 1693, 1694, 1988 Abbasids compared with Umayyad administration, 2287 and Islamization, 937 Tulunid and Ikhshid rule, 2280-2281 Abbaton, 2, 1368, 1619 Abbot, 2-3 hegumenos and, 1216 provost and, 2024 see also Abba; specific names inverted ‘Abdallah, 3 ‘Abdallah Abu al-Su‘ud, 1993 ‘Abdallah ibn Musa, 3-4 ‘Abdallah ibn al-Tayyib, 6, 1777 Vol 1: pp. 1-316. Vol 2: pp. 317-662. Vol.3: pp. 663-1004 Vol 4: pp. 1005-1352. Vol 5: pp. 1353-1690. Vol 6: pp. 1391-2034. Vol 7: pp. 2035-2372 ‘Abdallah Nirqi, 4 evidence of Nubian liturgy at, 1817 example of Byzantine cross-in-square building at, 661 Nubian church art at, 1811-1812 ‘Abd al-‘Aziz, Sultan, 893 ‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn Marwan (Arab governor of Egypt), 85, 709, 1303 ‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn Sa‘d al-Din, 5 Abdelsayed, Father Gabriel, 1621 ‘Abd al-Malak, Saint, 840 ‘Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, Caliph, 239, 937 ‘Abd al-Malik ibn Musa ibn Nasir, Caliph, 1411 ‘Abd al-Masih (manuscript), 5 ‘Abd al-Masih,Yassa, 1911 doxologies studied by, 1728 ‘Abd al-Masih ibn Ishaq al-Kindi, 5 ‘Abd al-Masih al-Isra’ili al-Raqqi, 5-7 ‘Abd al-Masih, known as Ibn Nuh, 7 ‘Abd al-Masih Salib al-Masu‘di, 7, 14, 1461 on Dayr al-Jarnus, 813 on Dayr al-Khadim and Dayr al-Sanquriyyah, 814 on Dayr Sitt Dimyanah, 870, 871 and Iqladiyus Labib, 1302 and Isidhurus, 1307 on Jirjis al-Jawhari al-Khanani, 1334 on monastery of Pisentius, 757 ‘Abd al-Raziq, ‘Ali, 1996 ‘Abd al-Sayyid, Mikha’il, 1465, 1994 ‘Abduh, Muhammad, 1995 Abednego, 1092 Abfiyyah (martyr), 1552 Abgar, King of Edessa, 7-8, 1506 Abib. See Phib, Saint Abib (eleventh month of Coptic calendar), 439, 443 in Copto-Arabic Synaxarion, 2187-2189 Abib ibn Nasr, 8, 1775 Abilius, Saint and Patriarch, 8, 2081 dates of patriarchy, 1913 Vol 1: pp. 1-316. Vol 2: pp. 317-662. Vol.3: pp. 663-1004 Vol 4: pp. 1005-1352. Vol 5: pp. 1353-1690. Vol 6: pp. 1391-2034. Vol 7: pp. 2035-2372 Abishkhirun, Saint, 2036 Abiskharun al-Qallini al-Muqtadir, 752 Abi Sulayman Dawud ibn Abi al-Muna ibn Abi Fanah, 1691 Ablanathanalba (palindrome), 1500 Ablution, 8-9 basin and ewer for, 1469 Abnub monasteries at, 703, 714, 881, 1655 pilgrimages to, 1971 Abraam I, Saint and Bishop of Fayyum, 10, 845, 2081 pilgrimages to tomb of, 784 Abracas, Saint, 2081 Abraham (Old Testament patriarch) Archangels’ visits to, 1136, 1618 and circumcision practice, 1106 paintings of, 793-794, 793, 1660 sacrifice of Isaac. See Biblical subjects in Coptic art Testament of, 164, 165 Abraham, Saint and Patriarch, 10-11, 14, 321, 1534, 1593, 1999, 2081 and chrism consecration, 521 and Church of al-Mu‘allaqah (Old Cairo), 558 and condemnation of cheirotonia, 517 dates of patriarchy, 1916 and Ethiopian prelates, 1001-1002 and Fast of Jonah, 1094 patriarchal residence, 1912 Abraham I, Archbishop of Jerusalem, 1325 Abraham bar Kaili, Bishop, 1675 Abraham of Farshut, 11-12, 1518, 1656, 1679 Coptic accounts of, 1455 and monasteries at Farshtut, 1092-1093 and monastery of Apa Moses, 1680 and Pbow monastery, 1448, 2154 Abraham and George of Scetis, Saints, 12-13, 69, 2081, 2368 Abraham of Hermonthis, Bishop, 13, 779, 1639 archives of, 227 Vol 1: pp. 1-316. Vol 2: pp. 317-662. Vol.3: pp. 663-1004 Vol 4: pp. 1005-1352. Vol 5: pp. 1353-1690. Vol 6: pp. 1391-2034. Vol 7: pp. 2035-2372 correspondence of, 400-401 on defrocking of priests, 891 on excommunication grounds, 1079-1080 and mummification, 1697 on ordination, 564, 1844 portrait of, 402 Abraham and Isaac, depicted in Coptic art, 382-383 Abrahamites, 1533, 1534 Abraham of Luxor, Apa, icon of, 1277 Abraham of Minuf, Saint, 13-14, 1633, 2081 Abraham Persa, 14 Abraham of Phelbes. See John the Hegumenos Abraham of Qift, Bishop, 730 Abrahat. See Preht Abrakiyus. See Abracas, Saint Abrashit the magician (Coptic legend), 845 Abraxas, 14, 1500, 2173 Abrim al-Qibti, Anba, 14 Abrimus. See Primus Absaliyyah. See Music, Coptic, corpus and present practice Absalmudiyyah. See Music, Coptic, corpus and present practice Abshay, Saint, 719 Absolution, 15-17 penance and, 1932 of women in baptismal liturgy, 339 Abstinence, 17, 2308 see also Fasting Abu. See Apa; specific names inverted Abu al-‘Ala’ Fahd ibn Ibrahim, 17-18, 1098, 1202 Abu ‘Awn, Caliph, 1411-1412 Abu Bakr al-Akhram, 1098 Abu al-Barakat. See Ibn Kabar Abu al-Barakat ibn al-Mabatt, Shaykh, 1128 Abu al-Barakat Yuhanna ibn Abi Layth, 1097 Abu al-Fadl ibn Abi Sulayman, 1691, 1749 Abu al-Fadl ibn Ishaq ibn Abi Sahl ibn Abi Yusr Yuhanna ibn al- ‘Assal. See Fakr al-Dawlah Vol 1: pp. 1-316. Vol 2: pp. 317-662. Vol.3: pp. 663-1004 Vol 4: pp. 1005-1352. Vol 5: pp. 1353-1690. Vol 6: pp. 1391-2034. Vol 7: pp. 2035-2372 Abu al-Fadl ‘Isa ibn Nasturus, 18-19 Abu al-Fakhr ibn Azhar, 1535 Abu al-Fakhr al-Masihi, 19 Refutation of the Jews, 1779 Abu al-Faraj ‘Abdallah ibn Tayyib, 1089 Abu al-Faraj Ya‘qub ibn Killis, 1097 Abu al-Ghalib, 18 Abu Habib Mikha’il ibn Badir al-Damanhuri, 1573 Abu Hulayqah, 19, 1691, 2055 Abu Ishaq. See Mu’taman Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn al-‘Assal Abu Ishaq (ascetic), 1924 Abu Ishaq ibn Fadlallah, 19-20, 2075 Abu Ja‘far al-Mansur, Caliph, 1631, 1632 Abu Jirjah, 20 Abu al-Khayr al-Rashid ibn al-Tayyib, 20 Abu al-Majd ibn Abi Ghalib ibn Sawirus, 1391 Abu al-Majd ibn Yu’annis, 21-23 Abu al-Makarim, 23, 346 and Abti Salih the Armenian, 33 on ancient Alexandrian churches, 92 and Copts in Jerusalem, 1324 on Dayr Abu Qarqurah, 708-709 on Dayr Anba Antuniyus, 724 on Dayr Anba Bula, 741 on Dayr Asfal al-Ard, 783 on Dayr Ebifania, 800 on Dayr al-Maghtis, 818 on Dayr Matra, 837 on Ibyar, 833 on patriarchal election, 1911 works of, 33, 1462 Abu al-Mansur ibn Bulus, Shaykh, 848 Abu al-Mansur ibn Fath al-Dimyati, 2079 Abu Maqrufah. See Macrobius, Saint Abu Mina, 24-29, 1541 altars, 106, 107 ampullae from, 534, 537, 541 Vol 1: pp. 1-316. Vol 2: pp. 317-662. Vol.3: pp. 663-1004 Vol 4: pp. 1005-1352. Vol 5: pp. 1353-1690. Vol 6: pp. 1391-2034. Vol 7: pp. 2035-2372 and Bahij, 330 baptistery of Martyr Church, 197, 198 basilica, 263-264, 355 cathedral, 707 ceramics of. See Ceramics, Coptic church finished by Timothy II Aelurus, 2266 church in Hiw, 1242-1243 church started by Theophilus, Patriarch, 2248 and Coptic sculpture in stone, 2112 excavations, 1394 Great Basilica, 107, 198 lamps and ampullae collection (State Museum of Berlin), 2146 as laura of hermitages, 1224-1225 Martyr Church, 24-29, 25-28, 38, 94, 197 and Menas the Miracle Maker, 1590 monastic murals at, 1874 paintings of, 727 parekklesia addition, 1903 pilgrimages to, 24, 1550, 1969 settlement, 24-25 Tomb of the Martyr, 24 transept compared with church at Hawwariyyah, 1212 see also Dayr Abu Mina Abu Mina, Saint. See Menas the Miracle Maker, Saint Abu al-Misk Kafur, 1632 Abu al-Mufaddal ibn Amin al-Mulk, 29 Abu al-Muna (16th-century parish priest), 29 Abu al-Muna (17th-century deacon), 30 Abu al-Muna ibn Nasim al-Naqqash, 30 Abu Musa. See Dayr Abu Musa; Moses of Abydos; Moses the Black Abun, 30-31 and anointing Ethiopian emperor, 141 and eccage, 930 and Ethiopian prelates, 980, 999-1044, 1613 and Ethiopian Synaxarion, 2190-2191 Abuna Mina al-Baramusi. See Cyril VI, Pope Abuna Murqus of Matay. See Murqus of Matay Vol 1: pp. 1-316. Vol 2: pp. 317-662. Vol.3: pp. 663-1004 Vol 4: pp. 1005-1352. Vol 5: pp. 1353-1690. Vol 6: pp. 1391-2034. Vol 7: pp. 2035-2372 Abu Nasr ibn Harun ibn ‘Abd al-Masih, 31 Abuna Takla. See Takla, Abuna Abu Nofer (Nufar). See Onophrius, Saint Abu al-Qasim, Caliph, 1410 Abuqir (Canopus), 31 Franciscan church, 1123 Abu Rakwah, 1099 Abu Sa‘id ibn Abi Sulayman, 1749 Abu Sa‘id ibn Qurqah, 1097-1098 Abu Said ibn Sayyid al-Dar ibn Abi al-Fadl al-Masihi, 32 Abu Sa‘id ibn al-Zayyat, 1536 Abu Salih the Armenian, 33, 37, 38, 1462 on Abamun, 2 on administrative organization of Egypt, 934-936 on ‘Alwa, 110 on Antinoopolis, 144-145 on al-Bashmur, 349 on churches and monasteries of Victor Stratelates, Saint, 2307- 2308 on Dayr Abu Musa, 707 on Dayr al-‘Adawiyyah, 712 on Dayr al-‘Adhra (Samalut), 715 on Dayr al-Ahmar (Giza), 716-7 17 on Dayr Anba Abshay, 718-7 19 on Dayr Anba Bakhum, 729 on Dayr Anba Bishoi, 738 on Dayr Anba Hadra, 745 on Dayr Anba Sawirus, 761 on Dayr Anba Shinudah, 764 on Dayr al-‘Asal, 782 on Dayr Balujah, 788 on Dayr al-Hammam, 806 on Dayr al-Ikhwah, 808 on Dayr al-`Izam (Asyut), 809 on Dayr al-Malak Mikha’il (Qamulah), 827 on Dayr al-Maymun, 838 on Dayr al-Muharraqah, 841 Vol 1: pp.
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