8 0 0 2 G N I R P S ISSUE NO. 11 MARCH - MAY 2008 INSIDE E YOUR NAKED VOICE – E R SOUNDING FROM THE SOURCE F By Chloe Goodchild was suddenly able to hear refuge initially and then my myself and everyone around teacher for life and it has con- me as one unified voice. All tinued to be the teacher of this Simple Divinity: my self consciousness , all my work. I’d been searching for a neurotic obsession with my much freer way of sounding Discourses with the personal identity along with that could satisfy the hunger Dreamer Volume 1. What do you love about all its dramas, disappeared for of all my longing to express your voice? By Author Nigel Taylor several months and I found myself. The Naked Voice, Page X I love to ask this question be- myself in an ever deepening sound and song can be a ***************** cause it invites such a wide field of listening. The identi- means of exploring one’s own spectrum of responses. What fication with my ordinary self awareness and music as a A Holiday with a Difference voice? Which of the many mind was severed in such a metaphor for life rather than Aphrodite Soul voices inside me are you talk- way as to ‘dislocate’ and free as a vehicle for entertainment ing about anyway? My speak- my attention from a ME cen- or performance. Journeys in Spain ing voice, my singing voice, tred reality to a BEING cen- Both ancient wisdom and the with Lainey Ennis my inner voice, my outer tred Reality. latest advances in science Page X voice? How can I answer This experience was a great agree that every particle of ***************** these questions when I don’t blessing, as it brought about a matter, every phenomenon we Sheela na gigs even think I’ve got a voice. profound healing of a child- experience, is a form of reso- By Dr. Maureen Concannon, Whose voice am I anyway? hood wound. Following an nance or vibration. The voice M.A., Dip. Psych., Ph.D. unsuccessful surgical opera- is a direct expression of this The voice I’m asking about is Page X your Naked Voice. This is tion on my tonsils when I was vibratory nature, an immedi- the real voice inside you. For 4 years old, the trauma of this ate way to connect with the ***************** myself, the Naked Voice is experience closed down my resonance that is all life. Breast Cancer my true sound. It’s the sound hearing for several years. So There is nothing more per- Prevention & Healing that is free of self conscious- at that time as a little child I sonal, more tied to your iden- Talk with Heather Wolfe at ness and fear. It’s the authen- had to learn how to listen and tity, than your voice. It is a the RDS Mar. 15, 16, 17. tic sound, free of effort and to communicate. with great primal means of expression ***************** the desire to impress or con- difficulty and yet at the same and something true about you trol anyone. This Naked time this shocking childhood that precedes rational thought Practical Tips for Life Voice is a sound that is the experience was inevitably the and conceptuality. Yet many See pages 9 to 12 sound of your true nature, it is very training that I needed for people it seems, don’t love your Self Aware sound. the work that we are now do- their voice, poor voice, we When you are speaking ing with the Naked Voice. speak so harshly of it, yet it ‘naked’ you are entirely at When I was in that deafness rarely answers back. And home with yourself. experience my main solace many of us spend our lives trying to avoid or ignore its The name Naked Voice hap- came from an inner sound, a calling. There’s usually pened upon me in 1990 after sound inside myself and this something wrong with it, like years of struggling with the was my reference, so when how it sounds on the tape re- “who am I” questions of my hearing came back around the corder, or even more so when existence. In that moment I age of seven, music and sound Brandon Bays it tries to sing! and song became my great Page X The 16th Irish International Mind *Body* Spirit & Healing Arts Festival March Sat.15th to Sun.17th 2008 Natural Connections Issue No. 11 Page 2 Hello Everyone, By now we are all well on our way into a New Year. A sense of a fresh start, cupboards de- cluttered, new ideas and positive visions for another year. But not everyone is on an upbeat note. Some are coming to terms with another year dealing with The Journey is a testament to the power of healing that lies illness, bills to be paid without any sign of finances improving and others another year or first year within you. without a loved one. And so many other circum- stances that would pull on the heartstrings were the Journey Intensive Weekend Workshop stories told. We are however in an age where there is more self READERS OFFER €250 help available than ever before as well as qualified Cork, Sat 19 & Sun 20 April 2008 therapists of every kind to assist anyone who chooses, in their personal process and self healing. Dublin, Sat 27 & Sun 28 September 2008 The Journey can: As the saying goes, ‘horses for courses’. Whatever you are drawn to is what your intuition is leading you to at this time and there is something in the therapy, train- Help clear old cell memories & emotional baggage ing or workshop for you. We all need different things at different times. Be kind to which have held you back from experiencing your yourself a little more this year and enjoy the fruits……. highest potential. This edition has many great ads, write-ups of various kinds and the centre pages Give you step-by-step tools to awaken your aware- are now and will be over the next year, dedicated to anything that can be useful to ness to the potential within. keep and use eg. recipes, self healing exercises, tips for life and better health. If you have something that works for you and you would like to contribute email me Facilitate healing on all levels. the details and we will do our best to fit in all those contributions that seem suit- Open you into your own Joy & Freedom, & will allow able for Natural Connections. you to experience true fulfilment in your life. This quarter sees the launch of our initial website. Log onto: www.natural-connections.com Introductory Talks Wishing each of you a happy, healthy and fulfilling 2008. Dublin, Cork & Various Locations Love & Light, Dublin 23 February & 29 March Tailor-made Journey Process Available For all Details contact Accredited Practitioners Adrienne Small, Clonmel, 087 979 4258 Anne Daly, Wicklow, 086 363 9361 Kathleen Fay, Louth, 087 214 3656 RECYCLE, REUSE, Rosa McCormack, Dublin, 087 632 3297 PLEASE PASS ON YOUR COPY OF NATURAL CON- Terrie Young, Cork, 086 1967481 NECTIONS TO A FRIEND WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED www.thejourney.com Natural Connections Advertising Quarterly: March 1st, June 1st, September 1st, December 1st 2008 Advertising Rates: Approx. sizes & Fees ( 2,000 to 4,000 copies distributed nationwide & hundreds more by email networking.) 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We S also reserve the right to edit (cut short ) articles if they do not fit and we will do our best to seek your approval beforehand depending on time of edit. Natural Connections Issue No.
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