DOCUMENT RESUME- ED 077 680 SE 016-090 TITLE-0 Directory of Environmental Organizations for Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and the Province of British Columbia, February 1973. INSTITUTION Environmental Protection Agency7.Seattle, gash. PUB DATE Feb 73 NOTE 58P AVAILABLE FROMEnvironmental Protection Agency, 1200 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101 (No price quoted) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 BC-33.29 DESCRIPTORS *Action Programs (Community); *Directories; . *Environment; Indexes (Locaters); *Organizations (Groups); Reference Materials; Regional Programs ABSTRACT Organiiations dedicated to protecting theenvironment through on-going, active programs are listed in thisdirectory. Prepared by Region 10 of the EnvironmentalProtection Agency to serve ,Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and the Provinceof British CoImAia, the volume isan update of a 1972 edition. Generally included are: the name of the organization;name, address, and telephone number of the person to contact for furtherinformation about the organization and its programs; number ofmembers as reported by the organization; and a brief statementon the goals and purposes pursued and the specific interests,programs, and activities of the organization. Additional lists enumerate professionalstaff members, northwest environmental defense centers, studentgroups, state and provincial environmental agencies, air pollutioncontrol agencies, and congressional delegates, all indigenousto the region. 03/4 U S DEPARTMENT OFNEALTI. Eel:Uttar. &NEI-PARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION /..*5 DOCVVE%* ..AS PEE%ULPQr DICED EXACTLY A. RECE,,,, Ex; cgcti. PEUSC4..0U ORGAZAT-C1-01U,-; At SIC + Pe %TS Ct .,E.% CUCP STATED DO '.O* P.ECESSAU'L`, SE V" Orr- Ctr.LAAT ONar., 41EPUE ED4c.t.7.0% Post-nay ort CY . --AND /11100.1. 46. #ofp Sr/47. 4; -r ___, o c zii, O A (5 11. 1.1111.; 000 47. .c ILPROIC' O tu of Environmental Organisations for Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and the Province of British Columbia Fobruary 1973 Office of Public Affairs Region 10 U. S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Sixth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101. CONTENTS preface '-\ Hi professional staff members 1 alaska 4 british columbia 8 idaho 10 °felon 14 washington 24- ,..... northwest environmental defense centers 38 student groups 401 stak and provincial environmental agencies 46 air pollution control agencies 50 congressional dekptes-.. - 54 -,, preface By all indications, the 1972 Directory of En- organization, if it was available to us. General- vironmental Organizations was well received 0P ly included are: and widely used. The requests for copies name of organization exceeded our expectations. By September, name, address, and telephone number of the supply of 2500 copies was exhausted. In the person to contact for further informa- view of this experience, we judge it a worth- tion about the organization and its while public service to issue a.-1973 Edition programs with updated information. Here it is. number of members, as reported to us by In preparing the 1973 Edition, we contacted the organization all organizations listed in the 1972' Edition, a brief statement on the goals and pur- and, in addition, those organizations which poses pursued and the specific interests,, had indicated an interest in being included in programs, and activities of the organi- the Directory. Therefore, some organizations zation have been added. But, we found that some Unfoffilnately, we are unable to include organizationsprincipally student organiza- some of the details found in the 1972 Edition tionswere no longer viable. on the Congressional and State delegations, The 1973 Edition lists those organizations particularly on committee assignments. At dedicated to protecting the environment the time of compilation of this 1973 Edition, through on-going, active programs. This ap- the Congress and State legislatures with proach is consistent with the basis for the memberships somewhat altered by Novem- listings in the 1972 Edition. Likewise, the ber's general election, had not yet convened. same type of information is given for each We decided not to delay issuance of the 1973 Editionuntilsuch information would be available. -For comments, suggestions, inquiries, or copies of this 1973 Edition, please contact us directly: Office of Public Affairs Region 10 U. S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Sixth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101 Telephone: 206/442-1203 professional staff members N 1 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE OF AMERICA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Pacific West Regional Governor: - Pacific Northwest Chapter Charles S. Collins (150 members) 322 Pacific Building Contact: Gerald J. Coutant Roseburg, Oregon 97470 4320 Barbara Lane (503) 673-7491 Missoula, Montana 59801 (906) 543-8582 Protect the complex of natural manmade elements as related partsmf the total en- NATIONAL WILDLIFE FEDERATION vironment. Sponsor conservation of natural, scenic and historic resources by proper high- Regional Executive: Phillip W. Schneider way development and control of billboards, 8755 S. W. Woodside Drive housing planning and urban development; Portland, Oregon 97225 advocate preservation of wilderness and (503) 292-2759 other areas of natural landscape, including natural areas within the city. Has an action 4,4Ncs, committee to keep advised of environmental issues and to notify the chapter and help or- 2IFZ ganize action in various localities. NATURE CONSERVANCY Northwest Regional Office Director: Jon Roush 1234 N. W. 25th Avenue FEDERATION OF FLY FISHERMEN Portland, Oregon 97210 Northwest Regional Council (503) 228-9561 - (1500 members) Chairman: Gordon Young 3805 - 46th Avenue S. W. Seattle, Washington 98116 (206) 932-0570 NORTHWEST STEELHEADERS COUNCIL OF TROUT UNLIMITED Zit (53 chapters, 5500 members) FRIENDS OF THE EARTH Western Regional Director: Charles Voss Northwest Coordinator: Dale Jones 3226 N. Lombard 1624 East McGraw Street Portland, Oregon 97217 Seattle, Washington 98102 (503) 285-0646 (206) 325-8761 Northwest Consultant: Dan R. Reece (Forest Practices and Stream Ecology) slitz 100 S. W. Market Street Portland, Oregon 97201 SIERRA CLUB (503) 224-6025 Northwest Representative Montana Representative: Ed Dobson Conservation Center P. 0. Box 882 4534-1/2 University Way, N.E. Billings, Montana 59103 Seattle, Washington 98105 (206) 632-6157 Rocky Mountain Representative: Boyd Norton Alaska Representative: Jack Hession Route 2, Box 437 2400 Barrow, Apt. 204 Evergreen, Colorado 80439 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (303) 674-3009 (907) 274-1293 1 _SOIL CONSERVATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA (14,000 members nationally) President: Darrell L. Gallup Room 345, 304 N. 8th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 THE WILDERNESS SOCIETY Western Regional Office Director of Field Services: Clifton R. Merritt 4260 East Evans Denver, Colorado 80222* (303) 758-2266 WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE Field Representative: William B.Morse 1617 N. E. Brazee Street Portland, Oregon 97212 alaska ALASKA CENTER FOR Kenai Peninsula Conservation Society THE ENVIRONMENT President: James Fisher ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL Box 563 INSTITUTE INC. Soldotna, Alaska 99669 Executive Director: James Kross TananaYukon Chapter President: Charles Konigsberg President: Larry Mayo 913 W. Sixth Avenue Box 80071 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 College, Alaska 99701 Achieve a balance between development and Secure the wise use of renewableand non- Preservation of natural and man-made re- renewable natural resources. Protectand pre- sources in Alaska. Aid the Alaskan citizenry serve the scenic, scientific, recreational, in broadening their understanding of environ- wildlife and wilderness values of Alaska. mental issues and in knowing what Con- action .6 trol pollution problems relatingto fish pro- take in order to resolvesome of them. Orga- cessing in Kodiak Harbor, pulp nize the existing and potential mill waste talents of those water disposal, and log dumping, waterpollu- interested in environmental affairsto cover tion problems in 'Southeastern each area. Develop environmental Alaska, air leadership pollution in Fairbanks and /anchorage,and among governmental officials, corporations, potential problems of oil spills in and private individuals. Prince William Sound. A ALASKA CONSERVATION SOCIETY = ALASKA WILDLIFE FEDERATION AND (seven chapters, 550 members in Alaska, 1100 total membership) SPORTSMAN'S COUNCIL (3700 members) President: Ernst W. Mueller Executive Director: A. W. Boddy Executive Secretary: Tina Stonorov 1700 Glacier Avenue Box 80192 , Juneau, Alaska 99801 College, Alaska 99701 -(907) 586-1885 (907) 452-2240 Oppose invasion of long-established wildlife Upper Cook Inlet Chapter refuges and other lands classified by State President: Rollin dal Piaz Box 3395 and Federal governments for specificuses. Protect Arctic Wildlife Refuge Anchorage, Alaska 99501 against land selections. Support amendment to land claims KodiakAleutian Chapter legislation fisheries of Alaska.' Encouragea President: Norm Holm survey and classification of all the estuarine Box 1691 areas throughout the State. Kodiak, Alaska 99615 A Sitka Conservation Society President: Jack Calvin gra Box 97 CORDOVA DISTRICT FISHERIES UNION (450 members) Sitka, Alaska 99835 Chairman: Knute Johnson Petersburg Conservation Society Executive Secretary: Mrs. DiAnn Smith President: Andy Mathisen P. 0. Box 939 Box 992 Cordova, Alaska 99574 Petersburg, Alaska 99833 (907) 424-3447 Tongass Conservation Society Maintain unpolluted waters in Prince William President: Malcolm Doiron Box 2282 Sound and the Copper River Delta in order to protect and maintain
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