Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariatof the UnitedNations Recueil des Traitis Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris ou classis et inscrits au rjpertoire au Secritariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies Copyright © United Nations 2001 All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America Copyright © Nations Unies 2001 Tous droits r6servds Imprim6 aux Etats-Unis d'Am6rique Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations VOLUME 1963 Recueil des Traits Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris ou classes et inscrits au rjpertoire au Secritariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies United Nations * Nations Unies New York, 2001 Treaties and internationalagreements registeredor filed and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations VOLUME 1963 1997 I. Nos. 33533-33545 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Treaties and internationalagreements registeredfrom 23 January 1997 to 6 February1997 Page No. 33533. France and Mauritania: Convention on the movement and stay of persons (with exchange of notes). Signed at N ouakchott on 1 October 1992 ........................................................................... 3 No. 33534. France and Tunisia: Cooperation Agreement relating to the training of experts in the field of military - history and of Army Museology. Signed at Tunis on 18 January 1993 ............. 23 No. 33535. France and Slovenia: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on the succession to treaties signed between France and the former Yugoslavia (with annexes). Paris and Ljubljana, 25 M ay 1994 .............................................................................................25 No. 33536. France and Kyrgyzstan: Treaty of understanding, friendship and cooperation. Signed at Paris on 3 June 1994 ..............................................................................................................................39 No. 33537. France and United States of America: Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal eva- sion with respect to taxes on income and capital (with exchange of notes). Signed at Paris on 31 A ugust 1994 .......................................................................... 67 No. 33538. France and Croatia: Agreement on the readmission of persons in irregular situation. Signed at Zagreb on 27 January 1995 .................................................................................................... 203 Vol 1963 Traits et accords internationaux enregistris ou classe's et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies VOLUME 1963 1997 I. N s 33533-33545 TABLE DES MATItRES I Traitiset accords internationaux enregistrisdu 23janvier 1997 au 6fivrier 1997 Pages NO 33533. France et Mauritanie: Convention relative Ala circulation et au sdjour des personnes (avec 6change de notes). Signte ANouakchott le Ier octobre 1992 .................................................. 3 NO33534. France et Tunisie : Accord de cooptration portant sur la formation de sptcialistes dans le domaine de 'histoire militaire et de la musdologie des Armtes. Sign6 b Tunis le 18 janvier 1993 ..............................................................................................................................23 NO 33535. France et Slovinie : tchange de notes constituant un accord sur la succession aux traitts signds entre la France et 1'ex-Yougoslavie (avec annexes). Paris et Ljubljana, 25 mai 1994 ...... 25 NO 33536. France et Kirghizistan : Traitd d'entente, d'amiti6 et de coopdration. Sign6 AParis le 3 juin 1994 ................. 39 N0 33537. France et ktats-Unis d'Amkrique: Convention en vue d'6viter les doubles impositions et de prdvenir 1'6vasion et la fraude fiscales en mati~re d'imp6ts sur le revenu et sur la fortune (avec 6change de notes). Signte h Paris le 31 aoft 1994 ................................................ 67 NO 33538. France et Croatie : Accord relatif la rtadmission des personnes en situation irrtgulire. Sign6 A Zagreb le 27 janvier 1995 .......................................................................................... 203 Vol. 1963 VI United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1997 Page No. 33539. United Nations and Nepal: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning the ninth United Nations Meeting on Peace and Disarmament in the Asia-Pacific Region, en- titled "Nuclear Disarmament in the post-CTBT (Comprehensive Nuclear- Test-Ban Treaty) Era", to be held in Kathmandu from 24 to 26 February 1997. New York, 9 and 23 January 1997 ........................................................................... 223 No. 33540. International Fund for Agricultural Development and Philippines: Loan Agreement-CordilleraHighlandAgricultural Resource ManagementProj- ect (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guaran- tee Agreements of the Fund dated 19 September 1986). Signed at Rome on 6 M arch 1996 ..............................................................................................................225 No. 33541. International Fund for Agricultural Development and Philippines: Loan Agreement-Rural Micro-enterprise Finance Project (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements of the Fund dated 19 September 1986). Signed at Manila on 8 May 1996 .................... 227 No. 33542. Brazil and Canada: Memorandum of understanding on environmental and sustainable development consultations and cooperation. Signed at Brasilia on 26 November 1996 ........ 229 No. 33543. Guatemala and El Salvador: Agreement on free trade and economic integration. Signed at Guatemala City on 17 M arch 1992 ............................................................................................................ 243 Protocol to the above-mentioned Agreement. Signed at Guatemala City on 17 M arch 1992 ............................................................................................................243 No. 33544. Lithuania and Poland: Agreement on cooperation and mutual assistance in customs matters. Signed at Vilnius on 30 January 1995 ....................................................................................... 257 No. 33545. Multilateral: Convention on nuclear safety. Concluded at Vienna on 20 September 1994 ............ 293 ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, subsequent agreements, etc., con- cerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariatof the United Nations No. 4739. Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. Done at New York, on 10 June 1958: A ccession by M auritania .................................................................................................. 418 Vol. 1963 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis Pages N0 33539. Organisation des Nations Unies et Nipal: lchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif Ala neuvi~me Reunion de l'Orga- nisation des Nations Unies sur la paix et le d6sarmement dans la Region de l'Asie et du Pacifique, intitulde <<Dsarmement nucl6aire dans l'ire post6- rieure au Trait6 d'interdiction complete des essais nucl6aires >>,devant avoir lieu AKatmandou du 24 au 26 fdvrier 1997. New York, 9 et 23 janvier 1997 .... 223 N0 33540. Fonds international de d~veloppement agricole et Philippines : Accord de pr& - Projet de gestion des ressourcesagricoles des terres hautes de Cordillera(avec annexes et Conditions g~n6rales applicables aux accords de pr&t et de garantie du Fonds en date du 19 septembre 1986). Sign6 ARome le 6 m ars 1996 ................................................................................................................. 225 N0 33541. Fonds international de diveloppement agricole et Philippines : Accord de pr& - Projet de financement de la micro-entreprise rurale (avec an- nexes et Conditions gdn~rales applicables aux accords de pret et de garantie du Fonds en date du 19 septembre 1986). Sign6 AManille le 8 mai 1996 .......... 227 N0 33542. Br~sil et Canada : Protocole d'entente concernant les consultations et la coopdration relativement A l'environnement et au d6veloppement durable. Sign6 ABrasilia le 26 novem- bre 1996 .......................................................................................................................229 N0 33543'. Guatemala et El Salvador: Accord de libre 6change et d'int6gration &conomique. Sign6 A Guatemala le 17 m ars 1992 ...............................................................................................................243 Protocole Al'Accord susmentionn6. Sign6 Guatemala le 17 mars 1992 ................. 243 N0 33544. Lituanie et Pologne: Accord de cooperation et d'assistance mutuelle en mati~re douani~re. Sign6 A V ilnius le 30janvier 1995 .......................................................................................... 257 N0 33545. Multilateral : Convention sur la sfret6 nucl6aire. Conclue A Vienne le 20 septembre 1994 ........... 293 ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adh6sions, accords ultirieurs, etc., concernant des trait6s et accords internationauxenregistrgs au Secretariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies N0 4739. Convention pour la reconnaissance et I'exicution des sentences arbi- trales ktrang~res. Faite &New-York, le 10 juin 1958 : A dh6sion de la M auritanie ............................................................................................... 418
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